A lot of guys love talking about Anal sex. I guess the most famous one is Howard Stern. Almost every time he had a girl in his studio, and had a sex conversation with her, he would always ask if they do anal. I never really got the point of it though. I mean, I can understand anal with a girl you don't care about but why would you do it with one you do? Most people when I pose this question to them, look at me like I'm crazy but they never give me an answer. The question is basically, As a heterosexual male, why would you want to perform an act that homosexuals commit, not because of desire, but as a necessity or lack of an alternative option? The best response I got to this question is, "Well, I think she has a nice ass, and the fact that I can fuck something that I find aesthetically pleasing, excites me."
This made sense at face value. When I was heterosexual, I never said, "Damn look at the vagina on that girl." When I see a naked female, I do not focus on the vagina, so this seemed to have merit. But, I think the real reason is a deep down understanding of what exactly anal sex is; the ultimate form of domination.
If you look at it historically, this immediately becomes self-evident. Inmates in prison, to break in a new inmate and "make them their bitch" will sodomize them. To those who say this is only done because they're horny and have no females around, I will point out that during Bill Clinton's Job Corp program, in which they took kids from the ghetto and put them in a school with the greatest facilities and material, yielded many cases of sodomy among the school kids, and it was a co-ed program. Anyone who has read the book the Kite Runner, knows that Ajab's ultimate revenge for taking a sling shot to the eye was to fuck the assailant in the ass. After establishing his dominance, he let him have the final kite that gave the main character the victory in the kite tournament. And the example that I'm most ashamed of, but alas it helps my point, in Ancient Greece, teachers, such as Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates would sodomize their students so they were not unruly and became receptive to their teachings. I believe fucking a girl in the ass is continuing this tradition in that when you do so, you are signaling that you are dominant over her...and that is never something you should do to a woman you care about. The final form is, there's a phrase "Bend over and take up the ass" meaning you got cheated or lost badly in a negotation. To the point that, you would do anything they told you do.
Now that the reasoning for why is out of the way, I'll get to why you would never do it to any woman you care about. If you've read my book, I am against homosexual lifestyles because it exponentionally increases your chances of an STD by up to 1,000% depending on which disease you're referring to. This is because the lines of the anus has very thin skin that is easily torn and highly infectious material is constantly coming out of there, which increases the risk of infection to the open wound. That and STD's are best transported through semen and blood, both of which, even with lubrication, is highly evident in anal sex. If you perform this on someone, you are increasing their risk of infection and/or an STD (now if you don't have one, the risk of the latter is obviously diminished, but the former applies).
So grab it, take a body shot off it, but do not fuck it. As for homosexuals, I fully understand that there really isn't an alternative to having sex. I guess the mouth is the closest thing, but it really isn't sufficient. So, I understand why you take the risk, but the statistics don't lie, it's a major health risk and if you do have an option, like you heterosexuals do, obstain for everyone is created equal and it's not healthy to believe you have someone completely dominated. The act, in and of itself, is extremely unhealthy as well. Some urges need to be repressed.