Friday, January 17, 2020

Real Characters Episode 40 Covering up Skolkovo

                It is 2009 and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is meeting with one of her largest donors Viktor Vekselberg.  Vekselberg starts, “I have a plan to set up a technology hub in Russia.  It would be similar to your Silicon Valley in California.”

                “Like a place where cutting edge highly technologically based companies are in the same area sharing intellectual property to aid them in growing and advancing?”


                “I think it’s a great idea.  I’ll make some phone calls to try to garner support for this and get other companies to sign on.”

                “Excellent, with America’s backing, this will go a long way to get Russia back on the map.”

                With that, Hillary Clinton met with various Russian leaders including President Medvedev.  In all, 27 companies would be opened in the Skolkova area and, coincidentally, 18 of them were big donors to the Clinton foundation.  While this was being organized, Russian officials reached out to Hillary Clinton’s husband, former-President Bill Clinton and asked him to give a speech.  This is nothing out of the ordinary for Bill as he has a reputation of being a great orator and is very adept at giving speeches.  Despite the usualness of the request, the amount they were going to pay him for the speech was quite unusual.  They offered Bill Clinton $500,000 to give the speech, which was an amount too large for Bill Clinton to turn down. 

                Later, Bill Clinton found himself very ingratiated with Russia but since he still had American secret service members following him around, he couldn’t move secretly so he sought permission from the State Department to meet with Vekselberg and a man named Arkady Dvorkovich who owned a Russian nuclear company named ‘Rosatom.’  The State department official asked, “Why do you want to meet with them?”

                “Arkady wants to buy a Canadian company and I just want to make sure that America isn’t going to make a scene about it.”

                “Which company?”

                “Uranium One.”

                “A Russian nuclear company wants to buy a company with one of the largest uranium reserves?  Isn’t Russia heavily involved in the Middle East?  Most specifically, Iran?”


                “I can see how people may have a problem with this.”

                “Well, my wife is Secretary of State and it is blessed by the president so this is more of a courtesy.”

                “I guess you answered your own question then.”

                Two years after Vekselberg proposed Skolkovo, the army would call it an overt clandestine espionage to steal military technology from the United States.  They claim it was along the lines of spying in that they already do except on a much larger scale and much more efficient.  A concrete result of it was now Russia has a hypersonic missile that could reach the United States bypassing the missile defense systems.  It turned out that not everyone in Russia was on board with Skolkovo either as law enforcement raided the offices to investigate embezzlement of state funds to Skolkovo.  This investigation would catch the ire of a longtime Russian official intensely loyal to Vladimir Putin named Surkov.

                Four years later, Kathleen Kavalec of the State department is meeting with Christopher Steele to hear his allegation that President Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.  Steele is talking about Trump’s campaign member Carter Page and his Russian contacts.  As she is handwriting notes during the conversation, she pens two Russian names that Christopher Steele informed her were her sources for the information.  Their names were Trubnikov and Surkov.  Kavalec inquires, “Are you aware that Surkov is extremely loyal to Vladimir Putin and has already scammed us with Skolkovo?”

                “That was a long time ago. He’s flipped now.”

                “I wouldn’t be so sure.  Hillary Clinton was heavily involved in Skolkovo and she paid your employer to dig up dirt on Donald Trump so it appears he has a motive to lie because Hillary no longer being in power hurts his Skolkovo goals; among others.”

                Kavelec will document multiple holes in Steele’s story, which presumably was ignored because 10 days later, they used the information to get a FISA warrant on Carter Page.  The information was so disregarded that some believe the notes weren’t to alert the FBI that Steele isn’t credible, but was given to Steele to help him get his story straight and not make such easily disproven assertions.  Either way, he didn’t get the message because he kept espousing the lies. 

                Three years later, in 2019, Hillary Clinton is frustrated.  She has had her tentacles in the FBI, CIA, DOJ and all aspects of government trying desperately to destroy Donald Trump but he keeps coming out the other side of scandal after scandal smelling better and better.  Even after the Democrats took control of the house in 2018, they couldn’t pressure him to destroy him as his favorability kept rising.  Finally, Hillary and the Democrats got desperate when the Mueller probe was an epic failure.  Their last stand was to call Mueller himself to testify and he came across as a bumbling idiot.  The very next day they made up a story in which Donald Trump talked to the President of Ukraine Zelensky and threatened to withhold military aid in exchange for an investigation into Joe Biden.  This is very similar to DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa meeting with, then Ukrainian President, Porochenko to find dirt on Donald Trump.  It is Chalupa that found out about Paul Manafort and his shady dealings in Ukraine politics.  Ukraine did produce a fake document called the ‘black ledger’ but the damage was done and Manafort was fired as Trump’s campaign manager and then charged and convicted for crimes that had nothing to do with Donald Trump.  Although no Republican voted to impeach Donald Trump and three Democrats voted against, Donald Trump was impeached.  This prompted Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to hold the articles as Hillary used her tentacles and influence to try to find more information knowing that the House hearings were a sham and support for impeachment plummeted despite Republicans being denied the right to call witnessed.  In a trial with only Democrat witnesses, support among independents for Impeachment dropped 20 points. 

                It took three weeks, but finally Nancy Pelosi got what she was looking for.  The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a statement that Trump broke the law withholding military aid to Ukraine.  They also indicted a man named Lev Parnas for campaign finance violations in order to coerce him to cooperate against Giuliani and President Trump.  Parnas agreed and Hillary Clinton called her media boot lickers to have him on so he could sing the story fed to him by Clinton and the Democrats. 

                Before that, Pelosi presents the GOA findings to the Republican Senate leaders as they are in charge of the Impeachment trial.  A GOP representative squints her eyes, “You do realize that the GAO has claimed that every president was guilty of illegality?  Nobody ever takes them seriously because it’s an unconstitutional organization.”

                “This time they’re right though”

                “Were they right in 2014 when they ruled that President Obama broke the law by swapping 5 detainees of Guantanamo Bay in exchange for Bowe Beghdahl?”

                “No, that was just partisan politics by the Republican congress against a Democrat president.”

                “You do realize that we can make the same claim about you now?”

                “Look, it’s my job to tell you the facts so I did.”

                “It’s extremely weak.”

                “Don’t lose the forest for the trees.  This ruling proves that we should impeach.”

                “How do you figure when the ruling was 1/16/20 so you impeached him before the ruling?”

                “Donald Trump withheld military aid.  Congress set aside that money specifically to give to Ukraine and he didn’t.  That’s a violation.”

                “Congress gave President Trump the deadline of 9/30/19 and he did end up giving them the aid.”

                “That’s irrelevant.”

                “It is very relevant.  Their deadline was on September 30 and we transferred the money on 9/12/19 so how did he violate the GOA ruling?”

                Pelosi shakes her head and storms out of the office.  It appears the GAO isn’t going to be the ace up their sleeve that they thought.  When she reports this to Hillary, Hillary shrugs it off, “That’s okay, Lev Parnas is really our star.”

                Parnas tells everyone that will listen that he personally relayed the message to the Ukrainians that if they don’t investigate Biden, they aren’t going to get the aid.  When asked who he spoke to, he gives a name but when they asked the Ukrainian if this was true, the Ukrainian denied ever talking about the aid with Parnas.  According to the Ukrainians, they only spoke about arranging a meeting with Giuliani.  

                Upon Hillary’s urging, Parnas has a meeting with the New York Times.  The times reporter poses, “I understand that you have information about the quid pro quo with President Trump and Ukraine.”

                “Yes, I personally delivered the threat.”

                “Did the President ask you to do this?”

                “No, I worked with Giuliani but I’m sure Trump knew.”

                “Have you ever spoken to President Trump directly?”

                “No, I have not.”

                As Parnas makes his media rounds, his life becomes a whirlwind.  He lands on CNN and they ask him the question that everyone else has.  They all want to know what he knows about Ukraine.  Parnas responds, “President Trump called me in for a secret meeting.  I was tasked with a James Bond like mission to Ukraine.”

                “A secret mission?”


                In order to pile on, CNN calls NY Times reporter Maggie Haberman on to the show to talk about Parnas and this bombshell moment.  Haberman is very familiar with Parnas’ contradiction with what he told her employer the Times and what he told CNN.  She already feels embarrassed because she went hard on the Russian collusion hoax only for the rug to be pulled under her.  She shakes her head and decides that she’s not going to toe the line.  They’ll find someone else to parrot the narrative but she knows someone who can’t keep their story straight when she sees one.  She tells the panel that after being burned by Avenatti and Cohen, perhaps they should be nervous about Parnas.  When asked about how the Republicans are worried if he becomes a witness, Haberman dismisses it saying that the Republicans want him because she doesn’t believe it will work out as well as he hopes it will.  This was a nice way to say that the Republicans would expose him for a liar and expose his contradictions.  As she is already started down the path, she lets out what she’s been holding on to for so long.  She warns the panel to stop giving instant credibility to anyone that is against President Trump.  If Hillary wants media personnel to gaslight, they’re going to have to pick someone besides Haberman.

                As Hillary watches Haberman’s performance on CNN, she is frustrated but concludes it’s not too devastating.  As Democrats are want to do, when America fails, go abroad for what you need.  Keeping it in the CNN family, they go to the foreign office with the always reliable and one of the few people at CNN with a shred of credibility, Christiane Amanpour.  She calls the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs on her show to ask about Parnas threatening to withhold military aid.  Hillary, believing Amanpour had a soft interview before going on air so is aware what the minister will say, breathes a sigh of relief as she finally thinks a Ukrainian is going to back up her story.  The Foreign Affairs minister rejoins that he had never spoke to Lev Parnas and if he was going to make that threat, he should’ve made it to him.  He goes on to talk about how he has a very close relationship with President Zelensky and the Ukrainian president never mentioned Parnas.  As if these statements weren’t clear enough, he flat out tells Amanpour not to trust a word that Parnas is saying.  He finally addresses the withholding of the aid by telling her that it is standard procedure to have the assistance reviewed twice a year to make sure that Ukraine is living up to their end of the bargain so it wasn’t a big deal if the aid was being held up.  He again asserts neither he nor President Zelensky were aware that the aid was being held up but adds that it doesn’t surprise him that there were questioning it since that was standard.  Hilary bows her head as she watches yet another narrative fall apart.

                Hillary takes out her phone and thinks to dial James Comey as he can at least stick to a story even if it is fabricated and an outright lie.  Before she clicks the green button to call, she remembers that Comey is under investigation for leaking classified information to the media.  She clicks off the phone realizing it’s a bad idea.  Finally, something happens to brighten her day.  Former congressman, Trey Gawdy is on the news and being asked about Comey.  Gawdy clarifies his statement that he doesn’t like Comey but admits that since Comey didn’t want to tell Senate Intelligence officials the classified information even though it was the committee’s job to be briefed on classified information, he found it hard to believe he leaked it to the media. 

                Hillary isn’t the only one watching as Jim Comey is also tuned in at his home.  A confidante of Comey taps him on the shoulder, “See, you’re getting defended by people who hate you.  This charge won’t stick.”

                “Yea, I’m just so pissed at how often I was lied to.”

                “With Brennan and the Steele information?”

                “Well that but no that’s not what I’m talking about now.  The thing that I leaked was Russian intelligence that they intercepted e-mails between Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Loretta Lynch.”

                “Saying what?”

                “That after Hillary wins the election, she’ll be exonerated.”

                “So what?”

                “It was a hoax.  There were no e-mails.  The Russians were lying to me.”

                “We all make mistakes.  The Russians are very good bullshit artists.”

                “Yea, but few of us make public statements trying to get ahead of the story.”

                “I don’t recall this.”

                “Remember on July 5, 2016, when I told everyone that Hillary was reckless with her e-mails and I laid out the case but then I told the world that no respectable prosecutor would prosecute this case?”

                “Yes, I do recall that”

                “That was because of this information.  I wanted to clear the deck for the future president and do a favor for Loretta Lynch.  As an FBI commissioner, I don’t prosecute, the DOJ does but I gave her a reason not to.  She took it too because Lynch released a statement later that she was taking my advice and not prosecuting Hillary Clinton.  That should have handed Hillary the election but it didn’t.  With Trump winning, I was exposed and now I’m in the center of this mess with conservative media constantly dragging my name through the mud.  Meanwhile, Loretta Lynch is hardly ever mentioned and given a pass.  Even Hillary and Obama who coordinated this whole thing are above scrutiny.  It’s all on me and Brennan.”

                “Shit rolls downhill I’m afraid”

                “I always thought I was enough uphill that it would flow passed me.”

                “You still kind of are.  They may investigate you but they’re not going to convict.  You’re too connected and too important.  You’ve survived everything else; you’re going to survive this. 

                “I hope you’re right.”

                “I am.  Look around, the only Democrat to be charged was Michael Avanatti and he went after Nike so he’s just an idiot.”

                “Yea, and his clients are porn stars.”

                “Right, so that’s really downhill and he’s the one that got shit on.  It’s over.  He’s the only Democrat going down.”

                “We shall see.  The spring will be very telling.”

                “Durham is going to be just like both Horowitz reports.  It’ll give the conservative media something to talk about and get them all in a hissy and then nothing will come of it and no charges will be made.”

                “Yea, you’re right.  I don’t know why I’m so upset.  Thanks.”

                “No problem”

                The Senate now has a decision if they’re going to allow witnesses.  2020 is going to be very ugly and very partisan.  The interesting thing is the focus is all on Trump that nobody really is paying attention to the Democrat field of candidates.  Three of them are going to have to sit in on impeachment hearings so won’t be able to campaign. 

Larry the Billionaire Episode 44 Deja Vu

                Larry was a billionaire that was in Chicago supporting his niece’s acting career.  She was the lead actress in a movie about the daughter of Dracula causing havoc on the world now that her father was killed.  The actress was in the movie in which Van Helsing succeeds in killing Dracula.  Her cameo is when a woman gives birth to the seed of Dracula whom impregnated her earlier; she was the infant.  Now, that infant is 25-years-old and the writer of the first movie wants to do a 25th anniversary sequel.  As it isn’t linked to mainstream Hollywood productions, the movie needed funding and Larry always had a soft spot for his niece so he agreed to finance the project.  Larry is at dinner with his niece who has invited a friend of hers named Stephanie to join them.  Larry asks, “What do you do?”
            “I’m a physical trainer.”

                “Oh that’s cool.  Do you do physical therapy after surgeries or just general health and keeping in shape?”

                “Mostly general health and keeping people in shape.”

                Larry took a look at the 5’5” spray tanned woman whose entire body was toned muscles and found it quite easy to believe she was a personal trainer.  Her short black hair and smooth face with thin lips on a wide mouth made her intoxicating to look at.  Larry’s niece stated, “My uncle here ran a marathon.”

               Larry nods, “It was seven years ago but yes I did.”

                Stephanie replied, “That’s not easy” but looking at his beer gut and wide frame, she very much doubted he was capable of running a 5K let alone a marathon.  The interesting thing is, Larry had the belly even with all the running. 

                Larry hated everything about marathon training and running it so he changed topics and uttered, “What do you think of this impeachment trial in the Senate?”

                “Please Uncle Larry, no politics.  This is supposed to be a nice casual dinner.”

                Stephanie turned to her and retorted, “No, I don’t mind.  I hate small talk too.  It’s nice to talk about something with substance.”

                Larry’s niece shot back, “He’s a Trump supporter.”

                Larry just smiled.  He loved how liberals said this about him as if it was a dirty word.  For her part, Stephanie didn’t really react but her tone seemed a little too eager when she asked, “How do you feel about Lev Parnas flipping on Giuliani?”

               “We’ve seen this script before.  It doesn’t work.  People see right through someone making accusations against someone after they are facing federal charges.  It’s quite obvious that the Southern District of New York made a deal with him.  They charged him with stuff unrelated to Giuliani or Donald Trump so that they can make it go away if he lies about him.  What they prosecute him for is inevitably going to be small that no serious person really prosecuted before.”

                “What do you mean you saw the script before?”

                “It’s the same thing they did to Michael Cohen.  Remember how it was devastating for Trump that his former lawyer was aiding Mueller?  They indicted him on taxi medallions and tax evasion or something.  None of it had anything to do with Donald Trump and the information on Trump was never corroborated and quickly refuted and debunked so it didn’t matter.”

                “I’ll give you that Cohen wasn’t the big deal that they pretended it was but Parnas admitted he warned a Ukraine top aid that the president was going to cut off funds.”

                “The top aid’s name is Shefir and they decided to ask him about this.  Shefir claims they talked about arranging a meeting with Giuliani and military aid wasn’t brought up at all.  Now, who are you going to believe; the guy not indicted for a crime and facing pressure from federal prosecutors or the guy who is?”

                “Well, Ukraine aids don’t want to upset the president.  We’re the most powerful country in the world and they need our help.”

                “Giuliani also says he didn’t know Parnas was relaying that message to Ukraine.”

                “He’s Trump’s lawyer”

                “Kind of like Cohen?”

                “Well…..alright fine but Parnas says Bill Barr knew.”

                “Barr vehemently denies that.”

                “Yea, but Trump hired him.”

                “Barr doesn’t need the job.  He basically volunteered.  He’s the attorney general and is pretty neutral to this.  He’s not part of President Trump’s cabinet.”

               “He was still hired by Trump”

                “In your everyday life, if someone claims they told someone something and you ask that person and they deny it, do you automatically dismiss what they said?”

                “I see your point but I don’t know I believe him.”
              “Because you hate the president.  The problem with this impeachment probe is that  eventually you have to get a Ukrainian to back up your story.  They were instrumental attacking Manafort when he was Trump’s campaign manager so why weren’t they afraid of Trump then?”

                Larry’s niece turned to Stephanie, “I warned you.  Anyway, I got to go.  I have filming.”

                Larry paid the check and Stephanie was looking expectantly at him.  Larry picked up on the look and posed, “Do you want to grab a drink?”

                Stephanie smiled, “I’d love to.”

                Larry’s niece leaves and Stephanie and Larry start walking toward the bar.  Stephanie inquires, “What about Marie Yovanovich?  Parnas claims that the only motivation they had to get rid of her was she was vocal about President Trump withholding aid”

                “That’s not what the indictment said.  The indictment claims that in 2018 there was pressure by Ukraine and the US government to get her out.  I guess you think legal documents are also scared of President Trump.”

                “No, I didn’t say that” she responded with frustration in her voice.

                They go to the bar and Larry orders a drink and orders one for Stephanie.  They sit at a table and Larry declares, “You are really hot.”

                “Thank you.” she replies but gives him an annoyed look that she hears it a lot. 

                “How’s the personal training business.”

                “I do okay.  I mean, I’m able to live here but I’ll be paying student loans till I’m like in my mid-40s.”

                “I don’t know about that.  If you get some high end clients you could pay it off quicker.”

                “Yea, well let me know if you know any.”

                “Or you could just use a combination of what God gave you plus the work you’ve put into your body to knock it off in one night.”

                Stephanie’s smile ran away from her face and she glared at him sternly, “What the fuck are you talking about?”

                “I don’t mean to upset you.  It’s a simple offer.  If you fuck me, I’ll pay your student loans.”

                “You do know that to be a personal trainer and do physical therapy, you have to go to graduate school?”

                “I do know that.”

                Stephanie chuckled to ease the tension but she was staring at a stoic serious looking Larry.  “You’re serious?” she then told him the number

                “It’s contingent on you getting tested for STD’s but so long as that’s clean, yes I’m dead serious.”

                “Can I get back to you?”

                “Of course, here’s my number” and handed her his business card

                Surprisingly, they were able to move past the indecent proposal and had a standard conversation and then when the night ended, Larry put Stephanie in a cab and then went back to his hotel.  Later that night, he got a text from his niece, “Did you fuck Stephanie yet?”

                He responded back, “No”

                “What?!! I basically gift wrapped her.  How did you fuck that up?”

                “It’s not over.”

                “You exchanged contact information?”

                “Yes, but I’m sure you wouldn’t be opposed to help her or me out if needed”

                “Damn right!”

                It only took a day before Stephanie agreed to the terms.  Larry acted quickly and arranged for her to see a doctor to get the requisite tests and he did the same.  They exchanged clean bills of health and arranged a day for Stephanie to come to his hotel room.  When the time came, Stephanie shows up and walks in to find Larry in his boxers.  She stops short and looks around the room.  By now, Larry knew what was coming.  Stephanie articulates, “Are we in a hurry?  Can we have a conversation?  This walking into a hotel and ripping my clothes off and fucking you makes me feel really fucking grimy.  I’m not a sloot.”

                Larry didn’t know when ‘slut’ became ‘sloot’ but he had noticed that those near a decade younger than he used that term.  “I got all night.”

                “So you don’t think there’s anything to the Trump and Ukraine story.”

                “I know there’s not.  It’s been documented.  All their witnesses are hearsay.  It’s even bad for hearsay because it’s like four degrees of separation.”

                “Why do you think the Democrats brought it up then?”

                “Democrats are projectionists more than anything else.  They are covering up for Obama and Hillary collusion with Ukraine.”

                “Can you back that up?”

                “Yes, the fourth richest guy in Ukraine is a man named Victor Pinchuk.  He donated 25 Million dollars to Hillary Clinton in 2012.”

                “Whoa, that’s a lot of money.”

                “He is the Clinton’s foundation’s largest donor.”

                “Okay but it’s not illegal for a Ukrainian to donate money to a candidate.”

                “Oh, if it was President Trump you would have a problem with that but, objectively, I do agree.  You just got to ask the question why Pinchuk would give that much.  What was he getting in return?”
            “Maybe he wanted to fuck her.”

                “Well, I’m not paying anywhere near that for a night with you.  Are you saying that you’re  not more desirable than Hillary Clinton?”

                Stephanie’s head dropped as her jaw opened.  It was such a ridiculous question to her but she understood his point.  “Alright, so why?”

                “It all stems from a NGO called the Atlantic Council.  Among other things, they support a Ukraine in Europe initiative for an independent Ukraine.”

                “What’s wrong with that?  Countries generally want to be independent.”

                “If everything was on the up and up, why did Clinton deny knowing Pinchuk?”

                “Didn’t you say that when Giuliani denied what Parnas said that you believed Giuliani?  Clinton was under no legal pressure.  She had no incentive to lie.”

                “Neither was Pinchuk”

                “Oh, right so it’s a little different but still.”

                “There is an invitation to Pinchuk for a party Clinton had at their house.  Pinchuk was 
invited to Bill Clinton’s 65th birthday in 2012 and the Clintons were invited to Pinchuk’s birthday.  Pinchuk is even on the guest list.  See, this is called real evidence.  That is why I think Hillary Clinton is lying.”

                “Yea, that’s a pretty damning case.”

                “Let’s talk about the Atlantic Council”

                “Lets” Stephanie begrudgingly responds

                “Also on the Atlantic Council is Dmitri Alperovitch.”

                “That means nothing to me.”

                “He’s the CEO of Crowdstrike.”

                Stephanie’s eyes narrowed, “Why does that name sound familiar?”

                “They were hired to check the DNC servers when the DNC claimed they were hacked.”

                “You don’t believe that either.”

                “If you think you’ve been hacked, why not let the FBI have access to them so they can prosecute?  Why do you hire a private firm with no law enforcement capabilities?”

                “Alex (Larry’s niece) warned me that talking to you is exhausting because you have a way of picking apart what people say and hone in on one inconsistency to discredit them.”

                “Yea, you can’t contradict yourself with me;  I will call you out.”

                “But this is interesting.”

                “I’m not done.  There’s a lot more interesting people that work for the Atlantic Council”

                “Then please continue” the skepticism gone from her voice

                “Evelyn Fakas is also on the Atlantic Council”

                “You’re beginning to make me feel stupid.  I have no idea who that is.”

                “She was a high ranking official in the Department of Defense under Obama.  She was interviewed and said on national television that there was a rush to get intelligence on the Trump team to try to tarnish his election.  When he won, they met to destroy information so it couldn’t be given to President Trump because if they found out what they knew and how they obtained that information, President Trump may destroy their sources and methods that were used to garner the information.”

                “How do you withhold information from the president?  He has the highest security clearance.”

                “Good question.  Perhaps when people tell you that the deep state is real and they entrapped and set up a hoax that the American people believed and kept the country hostage for the better part of three years, you may think they have a point.”

                “Not there yet.”

                “Also on the Atlantic Counsel…”

                “Oh God, it gets worse?”

                “Is Zlochevsky”

                “Sounds Russian.”

                “Ukrainian actually.  He’s the CEO of Burisma.  He technically isn’t on the council but he signed a cooperative agreement with them in January 2017.”
           “Isn’t that the company that hired Hunter Biden on their board?”

                “When Hunter had no prior energy experience and they are an energy company.”

                “Basically everyone that hates Trump and has been aiding the Democrats in these scandals work for this NGO”

                “Why though?”

                “Glad you asked.  One of Pinchuk’s companies named Interpipe sells pipelines and materials to Iran.  It’s a company out of Cyprus.”

                “I’m Greek”

                “Me too”

                “Yes, I know because you’re Alex’s uncle.”

                “Anyway, the problem with this is that there were US sanctions on Iran.  They’re not allowed to make a deal worth over a million dollars and Pinchuk’s deal was 1.8 Million.  He needed those sanctions to be lifted so he could have trade links with Iran.”

                There was a serious expression on Stephanie’s face, “This is Obama’s Iran deal?”

                “And who was Secretary of State during this time?”

                “Hillary Clinton?”


                “Well, you think I’m hot.  I just want you to know that I get really turned on when I’m talking to someone smarter than me.”          

                “Do I make you horny baby or are you just setting me up to say you think I’m a conspiracy theorist?”

                Stephanie smiled and answered the question even though she didn’t say anything.  Instead, she scurried toward Larry and made out with him intensely.  She backed herself onto the bed as she stripped her clothes off and Larry pulled down his boxers.   She lied down raising her feet into the air and Larry massaged her feet as he pinned her knees against her shoulders.  He put a condom on and deeply penetrated behind Stephanie’s vaginal walls.  He humped her for a little while until he let her go.  He said, “Turn around.”

                Stephanie obeyed and Larry slid his penis into Stephanie’s vagina from behind. Stephanie kicked her legs straight back on either side of Larry’s waist.  Larry’s knees got tired so he kicked them in front of him.  Stephanie grabbed a hold of his legs and rested her head on his ankles.  Larry stared down at Stephanie’s glistening round butt and smacked his hands on it squeezing hard as he humped her vigorously.

                Stephanie caught him slowing so knew her chance had come.  She pulled her legs out from around him and turned towards him.  Stephanie ran at Larry and tackled him onto the floor.  She straddled him and rode him hard dangling and smacking Larry’s face with her breasts.  Stephanie kissed Larry’s neck and mouth and avoided any indication from him to stop.  As semen charged out of Larry’s body challenging the latex’s ability to hold back the charge, he squirmed as he needed to stop.  Stephanie, however, didn’t stop riding him hard.  She kept going until she felt him go limp inside her and then got up standing over a panting Larry.  She looked down at him with a devilish smile, “You’re no marathon man now.”

                Larry laughed, “Yea, because sex and running are the exact same thing” he rejoined sarcastically. 

                “You told me you had all night.  Can I spend the night?”


                “You didn’t say anything about Pelosi.  I think she was kind of pressured into impeaching Trump so you can’t really blame her.”

                “Yes I can. I do agree she was pressured but she still did it.”

                “I’ll give you that.”

                “But as Pelosi was inking impeachment, President Trump was signing a trade deal with China.”

                “At least she took it more seriously than the squad.  It was a somber moment and she was sad when she concluded the vote.”

                “Did you see her when she handed the articles over?”


                “She was laughing and handed out pens as souvenirs.”

                “Well, I can’t condone that.”

                “At least you’re not a hypocrite.”

                Larry got up and lied on the bed with his arms to his side and above his head.  Stephanie took the hint and lied on her back with her head resting on his right bicep.  “No, I’m not but is the trade deal really that good?  Our trade deficit is ridiculously lopsided.”

                “Yea, I don’t know why people think that’s a bad thing.  If I have to choose between being the country that receives stuff from other countries because we can afford to buy them thus we don’t have to produce them ourselves and the country that has to produce things to give to the other country, I want to be the first one.”

                “You lost me.”

                “America is doing so well that we can focus on high tech, cutting edge technology like 3D printing and stuff and the small cheap stuff we can just buy from countries like China.”

                “Alright, fine, so free market doesn’t bother you.”

                “I love it.  It’s been very good to me.”

                “And me too now that your success in it has gotten my student loans paid.”

                Larry grinned because he heard the nervousness in her voice thinking that he may back out.  “Now you’re getting it”

                “Do you think they’re going to call witnesses?”

                “Not if Rand Paul can help it”


                “He threatened them that if they vote to hear witnesses, he’s calling Hunter Biden and Eric Ciaramella, more commonly known as the whistleblower.  Everyone that President Trump wants under oath to answer questions, Rand will propose a vote for and put them in a dangerous situation right before the Republican convention to show them aligning with the Democrats during impeachment.  He told them that they can avoid this rock and a hard place moment by just voting for no witnesses at all.”

                Stephanie frowned, “Don’t you think that shows he has something to hide?”

                “Not according to Nadler.  He called it an open and shut case.  If it’s open and shut, why do they need more witnesses?”

                Stephanie sighed, “I just can’t get one over on you.”

                “Isn’t that why you jumped me?”

                “Yes, it was and you seemed to enjoy it.”

                “I couldn’t credibly deny that.  My penis gave it away.”

                “Literally” she added as she nodded then got serious, “Do you think he’s going to win re-election?’’

                “I don’t know.  It’s too early.  We don’t even know who he’s running against.  I think Bloomberg running hurts him more than the Democrats.  The economy makes it seem like he’s going to do well but the black vote polls make it seem like he’s going to win by a lot.  On the other hand, Ann Coulter conservatives hate him now.  He didn’t finish the wall.  His second chance for non-violent criminals policy helped a lot with the black community but alienated the far-right conservatives that usually didn’t vote but did vote in 2016.  Did the voters he gained on his performance with the economy counteract the votes he lost from the unlikely voters?  I don’t know.  Not to mention, all the people that didn’t vote because they were sure Hillary would win are definitely voting now so he’s got a lot to counteract.” 

                “Sanders and Warren claim that the black jobs have nothing to do with Trump.”

                “You got to be an idiot to believe that’s a coincidence.  What’s the alternative argument?  Where else did it come from?”

                Stephanie tilts her head and contemplates this and admits, “They didn’t really give one.”

                “Because they don’t have one.”

                “I still think a majority of black people vote Democrat.”

                “I agree but the number isn’t 50%, it’s always been 20%.  It’s always been thought that if Republicans ever got 20% of the black vote, then Democrats would never win ever.  According to polls, Trump is polling around 30% of the black vote.”

                “Why?  Because of the non-violent criminals being released?”

                “Not just that but Republicans never entertained the soft bigotry of low expectations.”

                “You think they don’t like preferential treatment?”

                “That is consistent with what black conservatives say.  They are offended that people think they’re incapable of doing as well as white people.  They don’t like things being dumb downed for them and people discussing on what words to use to make it more appetizing for them.  They want to be treated equally.  If you’ve ever seen an affirmative action bake sale, minorities are generally not too happy with the message it sends even though they get to pay less for baked goods.”

                “Good for admission into school, not good for food.”

                “Now they don’t think it’s good for anything.  If you lower standards, you keep them down.  They are beginning to realize that Democrats are still running slave plantations except now the plantation are barrios and ghettoes.”

                “That’s why they want undocumented workers to vote.  They need a new base.”

                “That’s correct”

                Stephanie rolled towards Larry and drapes her hand over his chest, “That’s enough with politics.  I’m super tired, let’s just go to sleep.”

                Larry lowers his arm and cradles Stephanie’s body.  They both fall asleep quickly.  In the morning, Larry has Stephanie log onto her student loan account and he pays the bill in full and hands the phone back to her so she can see the confirmation.  Stephanie swallows hard in shock and looks up at him in disbelief.  She timidly mutters, “Thank you”

                “No problem”

                Stephanie thought that she believed that it really wasn’t.  She went on her tip toes and kissed him on the lips letting him slip his tongue into her mouth one last time.  She then walked out of the hotel room and beamed relieved that the weight of her student loans had been lifted off her shoulders.  Not too long after this, Alex texted Larry, “You know, she would have fucked you for free.”

                “Too much work.”

                “It really wouldn’t have been.”

                “I still got what I wanted and now I’m not just some one night stand but she’ll remember fucking me for life.”

                “I guess that’s one way to look at it.”

                The next day, Larry flew back to his home in Naples, Florida.  As soon as he landed, Chicago and Stephanie were forgotten.  He went to the beach and lied listening to waves crash against the shore.  There was no lactic acid in his muscles as he was completely relaxed.