I think Donald Sterling's attacks on Magic Johnson are fueled by jealousy because his girlfriend
admired Johnson more than him. With that said, Magic did nothing to
disprove what Sterling
said. Johnson just said, "I wish he knew the facts" Well,
Sterling said you haven't done much for
minorities whereas Sterling
has given millions of dollars to helping minority programs. So much so,
the NAACP was going to give him an award, then this whole scandal happened.
Has the NAACP ever offered Johnson an award for his efforts with
minorities? Sterling 's
comment, Jews make money and then help other Jews but minorities who make money
don't do that is completely accurate from a broad perspective. As a
Greek, I wish Greeks helped Greeks the way Jews help Jews and I'm not even a
minority. What has Magic done? Nobody answered that question.
Then again, maybe Johnson felt that he had no reason to respond or to
explain; the record speaks for itself. A simple google search may solve
this problem but to be honest, I don't really care what Magic has done for minorities.
I have no idea why Sterling
keeps dragging Magic into this. Even on the tape, Sterling said, "You should admire
Johnson." I'd now ask Sterling
the question, "If you say he isn't a role model, why did you say he should
be admired on the tape?" Sterling
is contradicting himself. Nowhere on Sportscenter or the guy who
interviewed Sterling ,
did they defend Magic by saying what he has done. The only thing the
interviewer took issue with is when Sterling
said, "Magic got AIDS" the interviewer responded, "No, it was
just HIV, it wasn't full blown AIDS." He felt the need to clarify
that point but not one thing Magic has done to refute Sterling ? This is odd. It is,
however, irrelevant. This is not a Magic Johnson issue, Sterling should keep his attacks focused on
the real villain, the monopolistic, anti-American, tyrannical nature of the NBA
trying to grab his property from him. Rest assured that behind closed
doors, the owners are thinking that if they do it to Sterling, could they do it
to me if say, I chastise an NBA referee or if I eat meat? Remember this
secular-progressive movement is taken over just like the French Revolution.
Robespierre started the French Revolution and later was killed by the
revolutionaries for saying they were taking it too far. First it's racist
comments, what's next? Eating at McDonalds? Smoking cigarettes in
public? With the way the public is today, nothing would surprise me. Given that nobody has come forth with an actual example of how Johnson has helped the minority communities, it begs the question; Was Sterling right?
Autographed copies of my book The World Hasn't Progressed in 5,000 Years" can be bought at the bottom of this page.