A lot of times people are criticized for merely spewing out something they read somewhere. One example of this is in Good Will Hunting when Matt Damon shows up a Harvard student by finishing his quotes and telling him which text book he got it from. The problem with this is that in real life, nobody respects original thought. It's so assumed that there is no credibility unless someone else has said it or done it before you. The first time I heard this was from Mark Twain who said something along the lines of it's a shame that everyone's personal mottos and expressions are quotes. I believe my book to be my original thoughts because it asks questions not everyone asks, the problem is, I find the same questions in other sources. This just furthers my point that the world hasn't progressed in 5,000 years.
First with science since most people love science. In the introduction of any scientific study, you must document who else has done this experiment. Yes, you get an opportunity to argue why yours is different but you are forced to find someone who has done what you are testing. Thus proving (use of this word is purposely used as a fuck you to everyone who attacks scientific work by banning this word) that it naturally assumed that it is impossible to have a scientific study that has never been done before because the qualification in order to recieve any recognition or credibility is to find someone who did it before you. This premise holds up in law too. When lawyers present their case to a judge, they have to include other cases that tried the same thing that is at issue here. This naturally assumes that it is impossible to have a court case that has never been tried before.
My last point directly affects me as I am not a lawyer or a scientist but I use logic to come to conclusions. This branches off to using literature to argue points. When you argue a point, immediately someone pulls out their phone and finds a web site that disagrees. The point is who says that website is right? Anything can be posted on the internet. I could say that the Earth is flat and there would be a website for it. Others prove my point. So who's right? People try to justify web-based articles because they're "Peer Reviewed" But since a majority of people are stupid, I'm not impressed. Take one peer review study done by the Woman's Health Organization. They say that Progesterone (natural hormone that everyone on Earth makes) causes cancer because they did an experiment in which they combined natural hormones with synthetic hormones from horse urin and called it "Progestin." The results of this study convinced the world that Progesterone causes cancer because Progestin was seen to cause cancer. Arguments are "well they sound the same and adding urin and synthetic material really should have no effect." This is an example of "Peer Reviewed medical research." And it's so blatantly and obviously bullshit. So, why would you believe anything? I don't. What happens to me is I come up with a theory and someone else backs it up because they read it somewhere. Most people take this as a good thing. Me, I'm pissed, because now it's not original even though I came up with it on my own. Even the name of my book"The World Hasn't Progressed in 5,000 Years" someone found an article entitled, "Have we really progressed in 5,000 years?" Not only is the spirit the same, they used the same number I did.
This lack of originality comes in mannerisms and sayings too. I find myself speaking and expressing myself like other people. Some examples are I used to say, "What?" if I didn't hear someone say something and wanted them to repeat it. Then I started hanging out with Dominicans and now I say, "What happened?" I used to make fun of my older brother because he has an obnoxious cackling laugh, now I laugh the same way. My sister will often use this high pitch sarcastic voice to say things especially the word "Okay." Now, I've adopted it. I often times will pull my lips over my teeth and bite on my knuckles. I thought this was original, then I saw a video of my best friend doing it....though I'm not quite sure if I got it from him or he got it from me.
Due to the entire system whether it be from science to law to debates will receive no credibility unless other sources are quoted and identical displays and arguments have been made, and this has yet to be a problem in any field, it appears originality is dead.
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