It’s amazing to me how easily people can mess up something for everyone. Just because one person decides to have a bomb in his shoe, everyone has to walk either bare foot or in their socks through a metal detector in an airport. The thing that’s even more fascinating is how willing Americans are to bend over and just take it. The example I’m going to give here is the recent soda ban in New York City that will take place in the next couple months.
For those of you who don’t know, New York City is banning soda to be sold in quantities above 16oz in any state-sanctioned business which is pretty much all places except grocery stores. The US government has no right to tell me that I cannot have a soda above 16oz. They are doing this because Americans are becoming so obese so they want to try to counteract that by being big brother and forcing them to consume less soda. This is especially true for poor people because when poor people get obese, they get sick, end up in the hospital and, since they have no health insurance, the state ends up picking up the tab. Given this, all Americans of all income brackets need to suffer. If this was really the problem, then the simple solution is to no longer allow soda to be purchased with EBT or food stamps. That way it only affects the poor. Of course, they did try this and it had no significant difference. Why not treat soda like alcohol? if I order a soda, I have to show that I have a health insurance card in order to get above 16oz. It seems ridiculous but at least I don’t have to suffer since if something happens to me, I do have insurance to alleviate the price to the state. But alas, that’s not what Bloomberg (mayor of New York ) is doing.
A woman I respect thought that Bloomberg’s logic was sound. To which case, I believe that anything and everything can be banned using the same logic. Flowers should be banned because flowers have thorns, thorns can cut people and since poor people live in unclean environments, their risk if infection is higher, so their cut from the thorns gets infected, they have to go to a hospital, and the tax payers fit the bill. Even if you ban thorns on flowers it wouldn’t help because flower pedals can fall, they are slippery, someone slips on the flower pedals they go to the hospital for their fall and the state has to pick up the tab. Therefore a bouquet of flowers should be banned to limit the amount of pedals that can fall and risk poor people slipping on them.
For those of you who think this is a New York problem, consider this: New York City banned smoking indoors in 2003. Shortly thereafter, many states followed the New York model and did the same in their state. Now, most states have an indoor smoking ban. America looks to New York , their biggest and most profitable city, as a model for them. The indoor smoking banned forced bars and industries across the country to close down from a lack of revenue.
I predict that by 2015, more than 25 states will impose the soda ban. The idea that soda is solely responsible for obesity is asinine. If you go to any fast food place in New York , poor people are lined up to eat there. Two brothers pizza, a New York pizza chain that sells 2 cheese slices and a can of a soda (phew, only 12oz) for $2.75 almost always has a line of people you would not want to see an alley one day. They also sell fried chicken for cheap. Given that two slices and a drink normally costs like $6.50 at other pizza places, they do have an excellent deal. Given all the poor people huddled at two brothers across the city, you think that maybe that contributes. Healthy food costs a lot of money, that’s why poor people don’t eat it. Rather than deny the population, hit the problem on the head, if you have an unpaid medical bill, you are not allowed treatment at the hospital. That simple.
I often wonder what is the tipping point. When will Americans stand up and say, “Enough.”? When will we stand up for our freedoms? Why must I suffer because of the few? But no, Americans are soft. They bend it over and take it up the ass. I will do my part and buy two 16oz sodas with my meals. Given that I normally get a 20oz, I will be consuming 24oz instead of 20, so the soda ban will actually hurt me as far as the calorie intake. But I suffer on. America is really embracing socialism and big brother. In the late 70s, high interest rates, kidnapped Americans in Iran and inflation under Carter made American says enough is enough I want the conservative Raegan, and the economy soared. Maybe Obama can ruin the economy to Carter standards before Americans wake up. But I’m losing hope. It’s hard to turn the tides. Americans want the nanny state as was evident by the Obama overwhelming victory. The last great superpower is folding because they looked to collapsed nations on how to run theirs. Retards run the asylum and this is what you get. Fuck mayor Bloomberg.
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