I have often asked myself why those that easily excel at the ways most people judge intelligence, decide to withdraw from society. Why did the character in Into the Wild abandon his car and hitchhike to Alaska to live off the land in an abandoned school bus? Why did John Nash go crazy? Why did the guy Patch Adams meet in the psyche ward self-commit himself? I finally figured out the answer. Truth, reason, and doing what needs to be done will always be attacked, labeled as evil, and rejected by society. So why bother innovating? Fighting stupidity is exhausting. So just remove yourself from them. They are so frustrated because they know how to improve the world but people won't let them.
America was founded on an idea. It is the only country ever to be set up like this. The revolutionaries fought to maintain their rights as Englishmen because the English didn't give them the same rights that they gave Englishmen in England. Most people forget that the Revolutionaries and the colonists never referred to themselves as Americans but as Englishmen, even after they won their independence. That's why they referred to ancient English texts like the Magna Charta when drafting the constitution. They wrote the constitution because they saw that England having an oral tradition that allowed it to be living and breathing and change with the times was inefficient and didn't work. That's why they used a text written in 1215 to develop their constitution, get back to the way it was supposed to be. Thomas Jefferson was so appalled by the notion of a central government that he didn't even want a central bank. Imagine what he would think of today's society.
In Atlas Shrugged, Dr. Saddler explains, "Men are not open to truth or reason. They cannot be reached by a rational argument. the mind is powerless against them. Yet we have to deal with them. If we want to accomplish anything, we have to deceive them into letting us accomplish it. Or force them. They understand nothing else. we cannot expect their support for any endeavor of the intellect, for any goal of the spirit."
In a conversation he has with the main character, he says "No principles have ever had any effect on society."
"What, then, direct's men's actions?"
"The expediency of the moment."
That is why when you have school shootings people want to ban guns immediately. That is why when the CFO of NetFlix said, "I think the stock if overvalued now" without giving any reason why, the stock plummeted. Nobody thinks, they just react. Everyone feels, nobody thinks. Politicians know that the stupid outnumber the intelligent, so they cater their campaigns to the idiots. If you convince the stupid, you win the election. Hugo Chavez has done it throughout his career and crippled the Venezuelan economy in the process.
Anti-Trust laws are widely viewed as good for the economy. Horror stories about predatory pricing have been told by economists across college campuses everywhere. The reality is if you corner 40% of the market (definition of a monopoly) in a free market society, you are awesome. That means you know your industry better than anyone else. Since people can't compete, they complain. You are then forced to dissolve. So what's your motivation to succeed? Rockefeller and Carnegie both saw their companies collapse after anti-trust laws got in the way. Not because they were evil like society said but because they lost the will to work. Society would've progressed better with them being able to grow limited only by the free market. As for predatory pricing, it has never worked. A German company tried it with Dow (Considering the Dow Jones was named after him, I think you may see where this story is going) he turned it into a business opportunity and crippled the German companies business in Europe from America. The Japanese were said to have tried it in the 80s, they collapsed and experienced deflation. The invisible hand punishes those who try predatory pricing severely. The horror stories are lies. If $40 billion wasn't stolen from Bill Gates, I truly believe that Ipads and tablets would have been child's play compared to what could have been but now Microsoft knows not to use all of their ingenuity to make a supreme product.
Barry Goldwater ran a campaign that the truth has consequences. The truth will always win out. Rational thought wins. Here's what happened during the Goldwater administration.....Wait there was no Goldwater administration. What happened in the election? He lost in a landslide. You know why? Because he catered to smart people and there aren't many people in any society that can appreciate intelligence and rational thought.
The masses will never let truth and rationality win out. My definition of a stupid person is people who think, "the long term effects of (insert new idea/drug here) are unknown and could be proven to be catastrophic, fatal, crippling to the economy and destroy the framework of our society." is a legitimate point.
Recently Muddy Waters came out with an article about Net Global, a phone security company that does business in China. Muddy Waters called it a fraud and a scam and the stock plummeted from $25 to $9.50. People were telling me all about it and I asked them, "How is it a scam?" I even read the Muddy Waters article. It said, "the addresses were in residential areas" okay I know people that have run businesses out of their homes. The Silicon Valley Billionaires started out of their garages. This isn't alarming. And, "The accounts receivable doesn't match their billings. Some payments are up to 144 days late." So I searched Google and found out that when doing business in China they advise getting money up front because the Chinese are notorious for late payments and payments happen, on average, 187 days late. So, they're doing better than average then? That's what that article said. The people I spoke to had this point, "Muddy Waters has been right about companies being scams in the past." This is not a legitimate point. Trying to explain to them how it's not a legitimate point proved to be a futile effort. It's because people refuse to think for themselves, some magazine told them it's true so it must be.
America will fail because it's inhabitants insist on looking to inferior people on how to thrive. How many times have you heard, "Well in Europe..." or "Canada has free healthcare so we can too."? America has the best economy in the world. That means what we've been doing is working, borrowing from the inferior will make us worse. Instead, we have to innovate and better ourselves. But society believes being the best is evil. They will crucify/poison/undermine/devalue and destroy people for being the best. They make the most noise because the doers are too busy trying to innovate. They don't care that they're the best, they're not done improving. Napster didn't look to Virgin records on how to run business, no, they took them out because they revolutionized the industry.
You cannot fight this by having tests in order to vote because educated people are just as dumb as those in the ghetto. It's a laziness to not think for themselves. If everyone in the United States got a copy of this blog, a small fraction would read more than a line. You know why? Because it's long. It has nothing to do with the content, they see the length, exclaim,'Blogs shouldn't be long" and refuse to read a line. Smart people don't complain and are not politically active because they are simply too busy innovating and trying to improve their ideas.
Exponentially more than enough money to buy everyone in Africa a mosquito net has been raised to give mosquito nets to Africans. Why hasn't it worked? Why is malaria still a problem? Because Africans use their free mosquito nets as fishing nets or accessories for a wedding dress or other things other than to protect them from mosquitoes. People in America and everywhere else are the same way. When handed something that will better themselves, they reject it and use it for something else. That is what they do with the truth.
If you cured cancer tomorrow, you would not be praised, you would be deemed evil. A government authority would tell you to delay it until society is ready for it. Sure you may cure all those with cancer, but what about all the oncologists, the radiation machine makers, the drug companies, the pharmacists, the morticians, and all those that make money on the treatment of cancer? they would be out of a job. That's not fair to them that you destroyed their livelihood. I know most people don't feel bad for doctors and rich people so I would ask you to consider this. You would decimate the Jimmy V Foundation, The Susan Breast Cancer awareness and the countless non-profit and government organizations selflessly fighting the good fight to cure cancer. They would be forced to go under and do something else. All those people that organize a program to walk/run/bike for a cure would go under. That's not fair, that's not nice. What about all those that participate and feel good about themselves for making a difference? You have to hold back your cure for the betterment of society. Society isn't ready for it. After all the long term effects are not known, the cure could lead to something even more frightening than cancer. It could lead to a super virus just how penicillin led to more resistant bacteria. The cure could 20-30 years down the road cause some unimaginably evil horrible consequence. That is why i will not endorse your cure. Is there any wonder why we have never cured a virus when this is how most people think?
Autographed copies of my book The World Hasn't Progressed in 5,000 Years can be bought at the bottom of this page.
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