Nobody routs for Goliath. I mean he's just so big and it's just so unfair. Now, the biblical Goliath, presumably, was born that big. The real world Goliaths, however, usually got there with hard work. When people on the bottom are looking up; they do so with contempt, they thumb their noses at them. Talk about how they don't do shit because they always defer things down the totem pole. You hear things like, "I always tell him what to do, and he takes my advice" or "I can do his job, he just has a fancy degree" all this is complete and utter bullshit. I will give some primary examples and then I'll end this. I'm having deja vu, so I believe I've written about this before.
Nurses always believe they know more about medicine than doctors. I recently had an argument with a close friend of mine whose mother is a nurse. My dad is a doctor. We argued on this issue and her only evidence is, "I know a lot of nurses and they all say this." Well, consider the sources. People don't want to admit that they are expendable. I responded that I knew a lot of doctors. This is true but I couldn't say the second part because Goliaths, like doctors, don't assert the truth that the nurses are much more expendable than they are because that's just mean. That's like a fat person being able to make fun of skinny people all day long but if a skinny person makes fun of a fat person, it is seen as much meaner and harsher. Nurses advise doctors and doctors judge the validity of the advice. The best example of this is the TV show House.
People that don't appreciate Goliath (most of the population), could look at the hospital and say, "House doesn't do shit, he just makes fun of people, hits them with canes and has his staff figure out what is actually wrong." Yet, as the seasons progressed, crew members left or got fired, once he got rid of everyone and used a janitor. When that happened, the patients got treated well. But, when the staff decided to work independently of House or when House was in the hospital, the patient care suffered. It's very simple why. Those at the bottom of the totem pole strike all the time, especially in Europe, but nothing really bad happens in the company except bad PR. If there wasn't a threat of violence by the strikers, the employers could easily replace them with other workers. But, if the employer would go on strike, the company would probably collapse in not too big of time. Doctors and the Goliaths normally spent an obscene amount of time in school or building a company from the ground up. They took the most risk, they deserve more money, and they know it inside and out because they have to pick up the slack the staff does for them when they're not there.
I for one, will always respect Goliath, even as a David.
Autographed copies of my book The World Hasn't Progressed in 5,000 Years can be bought at the bottom of this page.
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