Homophobic Gays
I love paradoxes. How can someone be a homophobic gay? Well it's actually more common than what the media would like to contend. I could search through lexis nexis and other sites to come up with these articles from "Blade" (a homosexual magazine) of people feeling guilty because they engaged in sexual activity with the opposite sex when they consider themselves gay but quite frankly, I'm just too lazy. I know they exist because when I wasn't so lazy, I have read them. But on to the issue.
Gays are unlike most minorities in that it's extremely hard to stereotype them nor can you definitively identify them all on the street. There isn't a set pattern that describes them except that they engage in activities sexual in nature with the same sex as they are. This definition doesn't even work too well as some women make out or do things sexual in nature with women to attract other males because they are heterosexual. This type of person is the point of this essay; there is nothing wrong with calling that person "straight."
I have met a gay man that openly say anti-gay comments like "I hate flamers." It was odd when I heard this but he explained to me that flamboyant gays give gays like him (bulky muscles, facial hair and other "manly" features)a bad name. I likened this to the same as Chris Rock when he gave his speech 'blacks vs. n-words' in a stand up routine in the late 90's. I met this man in 2002, a lot has changed for gays in that time. Nowadays, gays have a new target, and it's anyone that admits anything that may provide evidence against a gay gene.
I am very open about my asexuality. Every one of my friends/acquaintances/family has accused me of lying with the exception of one of my gay friends. The one friend, however, took exception when I said, "I became asexual when I was 21" I know that it is a taboo now because the notion that you "became" a sexual preference is absolutely "beyond offensive." But why?
This same friend recently posted a video that was captioned "After watching this, nobody will ever doubt being born gay." I had to watch this video to see what this "overwhelming" evidence was. I talk in my book how the "gay Gene" theory isn't given much validity and even gays aren't willing to take it to the next level by merely taking a blood test to see if they're really gay; much like I took a blood test to find out if I am O-. The "nature vs. Nurture" debate, which is exactly what a born-gay assertion is(siding with nature), has been going on since Descartes debated Locke. And since then, there has not been one issue that is definitively proven either way. Locke, who believed we were born a blank slate (Tabla Rassa), believed everything was nurture. He has yet to be proven wrong definitively. At my college, a group of people argued gender was a social construct and not genetic. Their proof, hermaphrodites have a "Y" gene(XXY) and they aren't considered male. The logical answer would be "XY = male; XX= female" and there is a 3rd gender, "XXY = Hemaphrodite" Done. But they didn't accept that thus leading to another chapter. So, you're telling me, that sexual preference is the only thing in the history of the world that is exclusively nature? I find that extremely hard to believe. Like all nature/nurture arguments it's probably a combination of both, but this isn't an article about the "born-gay" notion.
The video is people approaching straight people and asking, "When did you realize you were straight" to point out how ridiculous it is to ask that question. I found out that gays are supposed to be extremely offended by answering this question. This confused me because one of my gay friends volunteered it when she came out to me. She said, "I became gay when I was 12." This is a normal age when people find out their sexuality. I wish people would ask me that question about my asexuality instead of the normal, "You're lying." Oddly, this same friend that is absolutely appalled by the question "When did you know you were gay?" has no problem when people tell me I'm lying. What if someone accused him of lying about being gay? If "When did you become gay" is "beyond offensive," then that I think goes into a whole new stratosphere.
As I've talked to more and more gays, I find that either I just happen to run into the outliers or there is a real problem with the gay community. They only accept you if you (a) Never admit to having done anything sexual in nature with a member of the other sex and (B) are liberal. This means that the "club" normally designated LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender) is false because bisexuals now are being ostracized by the gays and lesbians because they go back and forth from one sex to the other. This goes directly against the "born gay" notion. Any kind of group that ostracizes it's members if they don't think exactly like they do is dangerous. Most liberal groups in general are dangerous; see occupy wall street and the multiple rapes, murders, and millions of dollars in property damage.
Fact is, most gays have tried to do things sexual in nature with the opposite sex. Maybe after experiencing this and not enjoying it, it made them discover they were gay. Hence that would be the moment you realized you were gay and thus the answer to the "absolutely appalling" question of when you became gay.
Now, is it offensive to ask a straight person that? Of course not! That would be hypocritical of me. I also don't think it's a ridiculous question for straights and the people on the video shouldn't have been that shocked. It probably happened right around the time you got over your "girls/guys have cootie" stage. Me, I had my first crush at 3-years-old but the bitch moved to Spain thus ending our relationship. I never went through the cootie phase but I've been asexual for the last eight years. Have I kissed or done things sexual in nature with people since then, sure, but I haven't enjoyed any of them, thus confirming my belief that I am asexual. You don't lose your "gay card" just because you experimented with the opposite sex.
If gays were tolerant of gays who do that, and let them be open about this experience instead of forcing them to repress it and not tell anyone as if they did something wrong, then I would have no problem with gays. Gays have become intolerant of people for not being as gay as them. It used to be LGBT all stood together in solidarity to be accepted and not part of the DSM-IV (List of psychological disorders) like they were in the '70's. Now the LG's hate the B's and have kicked them out of their club because they don't fit their mold. Gays scream about how they want to be equal and society should tolerate them but they are intolerant of gays that after coming out, try activities with the opposite sex once in a while and shun bisexuals and asexuals.
I met a flamboyantly gay man last weekend who asked me if I was gay. I told him no and we talked about how I'm asexual and both gays and straights ridicule me for that. He responded, "Gays hate me too because I hate Obama." This is the other tisk-tisk. If you're gay, apparently you're not allowed to be a Republican. There's a group called the "Log Cabin Republicans" which are gay Republicans and the gay community hates them. Why? What does preferring to be in a relationship with the same sex have anything to do with your views on the economy, big vs. small government, abortion etc. etc.? Yes Republicans tend to be against gay marriage but maybe the Gay Republicans link that view to "big government" which is a Democratic ideal. Maybe they think, "the government has no right to tell me who to be with" and they extend that to, "The government has no right taking my hard earned money." The latter being a right-wing view. Are you really less gay because you don't believe you should kill a fetus? Are you less gay if you look at all the government waste and realize that they suck at investing money so maybe we shouldn't give them as much? Are you less gay if you don't want to rely on the government to defend your home and you'd rather have a gun? I would say no to all these things. I don't get much static from other right-wingers because I'm pro-abortion. Why does the gay community give Republican gays (not all of them are officially in the log cabin Republican camp) so much static? Why are they viewed as traitors? Where is the tolerance they so loudly cheer for? I guess the Gay community is like any other liberal organization; French Revolution, mob mentality. Remember, Robespierre, one of the founders and starters of the French Revolution, would eventually get guillotined by French Revolutionaries for not being radical enough. Seems that's where this is headed to.
Autographed copies of my book The World Hasn't Progressed in 5,000 years can be bought at the bottom of this page.
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