Obama the Stone Cold Killer
Like many of my rants, I'm going to give both the positive and negatives about
President Obama. Barak Obama has spent a lot of time talking about change. Some
liberal news outlets will point out that Guantanamo Bay is still open but not nearly
as loudly as they did when Bush was President. President Obama gets a pass when it
comes to killing terrorists. It is true that he has outlawed torture and other
"enhanced interrogation" methods. No, our President prefers to just kill them. I
for one, commend him on that. The liberal media refuses to highlight this the way
they did to Bush, the warmonger president. Let's recap Bush's eight years and
Obama's five. Fine, we'll say Bush had seven since 9/11 and since 9/11 happened
toward the latter half, we'll just round to six. Either way; here is the scorecard.
Drone Strikes
Obama: 292
Bush: 52
Senior Al Queda members killed
Obama: 22
Bush: 12
Now, this is a little unfair to Bush because we don't give him any credit for Saddam
Hussein , his sons and those in Iraq. This is a bias on my part, although I was for
the Iraq war, 9/11 was about Al Qaeda and the Taliban protected Osama Bin Laden.
President Obama did get THE target; Osama Bin Laden. Yea, Republicans scream, "They
never would have gotten him if it wasn't for torture." Maybe, but since I'm
skeptical of everyone, I resort to logic and common sense. Bush left office in
January 2009 (you're a lame duck from the November election to January). Osama Bin
Laden was killed in 2011. That's over two years later. I find it hard to believe
that information received two years ago was still relevant now. Maybe he stayed in
that safe house that Zero Dark Thirty described for three years. I don't know
though, it seems far-fetched.
Republicans who haven't ignored Obama's success at killing terrorist complain "We
can't interrogate and get information about the few Al Queda leaders we have left."
That sounds legitimate but we got Osama Bin Laden by killing everyone, so why can't
we get this ophthalmologist? The liberals don't bring this up because they have a
school-girl crush on Obama. That's fine, he's immune to kill all the terrorists he
wants, and some are even US citizens. Yes, right-wingers think this is a dangerous
precedent and it is. According to the constitution, the president can engage in
acts of war for 30 days without congressional approval. Clinton enacted this power
more than every other president before him combined! Now we have Obama who's
abusing his right to kill people. But then again, as far as I can tell, he hasn't
killed anyone that didn't deserve to be killed. I made up a ridiculous conspiracy
that as Vince Flynn and Tom Clancy died shortly after each other, it was Obama that
did it because they had the courage to call Muslims terrorists. That would be odd
though, these people wrote fictitiously about what Obama does for real. Maybe they
exposed some of his tactics, maybe Mitch Rapp is real (Vince Flynn reference).
Maybe there are multiple Mitch Rapp's all over the world. I certainly hope so!
So, kill away Mr. President. I do believe that there are some things you do that we
the American people shouldn't know about. But so long as you keep killing people
that have tried to hurt us, then kill away Sir.
Also, Cheney and those of Bush's administration are complaining that after
criticizing them for being war mongers, he has taken their work further. I say
"good." So the inexperienced Obama didn't realize the violence was necessary. Now
that he has experience, he realizes that violence is necessary; so I'm okay with
The thing that baffles me about this stone cold killer of a president we have is
Benghazi. Our US representatives, including the ambassador, are murdered and
President Obama does nothing? There was a little investigation but not much. There
was no manhunt; nothing. This should have cost him the election, but Sandy saved it
for him. Where was this man that has killed so many Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?
I really have only one explanation. President Obama likes working in the shadows.
There was too much press on Benghazi, so he appeared weak. Behind the scenes
though, he's looking for and going to kill those responsible. At least, I hope so.
In all, when President Obama gives a speech he comes off as a terrorist sympathizer.
He doesn't like using words like "terrorist" or "evil" and likes blaming youtube
for Muslims killing. Right-wingers have a problem with that. I, however, would
prefer someone talk weak and walk tough than one who talks strong and acts weak.
His strategy has seemingly lured the enemy into a false sense of security before
Obama can kill them. Obama can call terrorists the "backbone of our society" for
all I care just so long as he keeps killing them. Every single law enforcement
officer would probably tell you that you need to let the little guys go and monitor
them so they lead you to the big guys. Obama kills them but his strategy doesn't
appear to be failing. To give an article that summarizes what's been discussed here
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