Tuesday, November 23, 2010


        It seems that in the mass media and entertainment, the perception that men can never win a contest over woman is jammed down your throat.  Now, in a way, men are to blame for this because they do put on an air of incompetence to get out of doing boring tasks like cleaning and changing diapers so we can't be blamed if this sharade works.  The problem is when it gets to an extreme.
      Feminism has killed chivalry because new age women want so much to be men.  Just because they want to act like men, doesn't make them men.  Just as how New York men are still men even though they act like women (see my book).  I have been yelled at almost every time I've walked a girl home in New York.  They think that I am hitting on them.  The reality is, this is how I was raised, men should never let girls walk home alone at night.  The reason, which may surprise you, has nothing to do with my ability to fight versus the girl I'm walkig home.  The point is, the odds that I will have to prove that I can fight is much lower than the girl would have to prove that she can fight.  Take the Puerto Rican day parade a couple years back.  Three women were raped in broad daylight...one of which was a kickboxing instructor.  The point is, men are dumb enough to get themselves killed defending a woman.  Ask any cop what are the worst fights they see...it's men fighting over woman.  Humans are predators, and like all predators, they go after what they perceive as vulnerable and they perceive women by themselves as vulnerable and don't care about men by themselves.  It is taught that if you come face to face to a lion, the worst thing to do is run.  They can outrun you and everything it has killed ran first. If you stand your ground and make loud and aggressive noises, the lion may think you can defend yourself and you will be less likely to prove it (good thing, because you'll fail that test).  Humans act the same way, a man they look as another predator ready for the fight, a woman they view as running prey.
    The other reason is that they may want something from the female that they don't from the male...namely intercouse that they have no qualms of taking by force. It is a fact that women are less likely to be attacked when with a male than by themselves....It is not true that men by themselves are more likely to be attacked than men with women or men with other men.  So women, if a man walks you home, let him, it's safer that way because of the perception that predator men have.  Do not feel that you owe the man anything if they do though becuase people should never be rewarded for doing what they're supposed to do. 

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