I do not understand why people hate Christians who wear their religion on their sleeves. I believe in God, but I'm not extremely religious nor do I wear it on my sleeve. And yet, when I see so much animosity toward people like Tim Tebow for loving God, I question why?
Whenever I say this, people bring up the crusades....okay, that was hundreds of years ago in a time where people basically killed each other all the time for little to no reason...especially if you were royalty. So, I don't buy this. Tebow has never told anyone that they're going to hell for not being religious. He has never preached his religion on anybody else. He simply thanks God for giving him his talents and for blessing him that he is able to do what he's always dreamed of doing since he was 6-years-old. What is wrong with that?
Why is it only for Christians who wear it on their sleeves. People don't hate devout Muslims are Hindus that don't eat meat or drink. The Hesidic Jews are about the closest thing to the vitriol but they seem to hate non-hesedes too, so I can understand that. Christians, however, do talk with people not as religious as they are, but still this vitriolic hatred. People literally get offended when someone saves sex for marriage....why? I think that's the best gift that you could give your spouse "You are the only one to have sex with me." That's awesome, not realistic, but I wouldn't villify someone for it. Why would you?
Look if someone wants to be religious, let them be so long as they don't preach! And if you do hate someone for being religious, hate all religious people, not just the Christians!
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