Given the recent violence in Egypt and Libya, I really thought it would be obvious to all that this is a tragic event and the only proper respose is to condemn the Muslim extremists that perpetrated the acts. Alas, all I hear is sympathetic comments and catering by Americans. It doesn't surprise me that New York liberals are ecstatic since they hate this country and would love to see it burn and, technically, US embasies abroad are US territory. But I expect a little better from elected officials.
Briefly my opinion, the Muslim brotherhood needs to be addressed and codemned by the Egyptian government. They could easily go after them, the political stability in Libya isn't as cut and dry, so we should go into Libya, hunt out and kill the killers of American citizens. I've been called a racist by my peers because I value American life over Muslims. They have the audacity to quote the hundreds of thousands of Muslims killed in Iraq and Afghanistan compared with the few thousand Americans killed. We are/were (depending which country you're talking about) at war with them....our objective is to kill as many as the enemy as we can. So Go America is my response to those dead. The people at the Libyan embasy were not soldiers, one was the ambassador, there to try to promote peace. They killed him. They barely killed messengers in Ancient Greece and they loved war. I do weigh American civilian casualities higher than Muslim soldiers fighting American soldiers., In fact, i think even objectively soldiers lives are worth less than civilians. That may be against the American notion that all men are created equal but I'm okay with that. Soldiers go to war with the knowledge they may die. The greatest soldiers of all time hope to die. So, why should I be upset that they died? The ambassador didn't go to Libya to die, he went to Libya to prevent wars and the killing of more soldiers both American and Muslim. Bill O'Reilly issued a statement "In respose to the events in Egypt, no American should go to Egypt for the rest of the year" He said this because Egypt is heavily reliant on tourism for their economic stability. The fact that there was outrage over this makes me ashamed of Americans. Egypt is on my bucket list, but I can forego going for 4 months. In fact, I was invited to go to Egypt this year but me and my friend decided it was too dangerous with what has been going on the last two years between government changes and other turmoil. The biggest Muslim apologist I know who is obsessed with visiting the Middle East and has on several occassions told me, 'Don't go to Egypt this year" so how is it such a horrible thing to ask to forego going for the next 4 months? Now for our leaders.
Barak Obma...started out bad, but then he sent battleships to the Mediterraean coasts of Egypt and Libya. I would like the threat of violence be matched with actually violence if they don't comply. He also apparantly gave a stern talking to the Egyptian government who sent the army to help our embassy (Finally). He did say that he is sympathetic at how offended they got by the video....which makes him lose a lot of points with me. Muslims are the only people who kill and violently protest because someone called them violent. I really don't care about the video or what it said. By this logic, Catholics should go around killing people because of the movies Dogma, Religilous, Jesus camp, saved, The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo, Davinci Code, etc etc." Jews should also start killing people due to "Passion of the Christ" Yet, you don't see this. So why Liberal is it okay for Muslims to kill becase of movies but not other relgions?
Governor Romney: I applaud that he condemned the violence and went after Barak Obama after he made his sympathetic comments but before he sent battle ships and strongly urged the Egyptian leader. But I fault him for going back and "easing" his comments. Stick to your guns, you can applaud him for taking some action but urge him to continue the threat if demands aren't met. Also, you can urge the President to say if there are still VIOLENT protests at the embassy say by next week, you will withold aid. But don't back down. As an objectivist who is against President Obama, I want someone to take a stand the way Obama won't and stop apologizing for America. These soft means don't work. And For God's sake, you're running to be President, Stop fumbling over your words. Speak sternly and confidently. This may be slightly hypocritical of me since I don't speak clearly but I'm not running for office.
Vice President hopeful Ryan: Again stop stumbling over your words, but your message, when you finally got it out, was good. You codemned the violence, gave them no apology for the video that the US government had nothing to do with, and, as far as I know, didn't back down.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: Get ready for a shocker. She was the best of anyone I named. Many people on the right fault her for referencing the video so much but when she referenced it she said, and I'm paraphrasing "The video was bad, but that is no excuse for what you did Muslims" I applaud that message. She strongly condemned their action, said they had no excuse for what they did and there would be consequences. Clinton was a conservative in her youth, and for the first time I saw it come out. She didn't apologize or sympathesize with attacks against Americans. And she did it in a clear, stern, confident voice. she even used the phrase "War on Terror" The right and myself were screaming for the left to do exactly what Clinton did. She did, and they still attacked her. This is what Liberals do to conservatives, they demand apologies, conservative apologizes, they scream "not good enough." I will not stoop down to liberal levels, I called for a left winger to do what Clinton did, she did it, Thank you Hillary Clinton.
Final thoughts, I hear a lot that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighters, and Muslims are no worse than Israelies, references to Crusades and Middle Ages crap etc. etc. So here is my rebuttal besides the previously mentioned, "Muslims are the only ones who violently protest and kill because somoene called them violent" which to me is proving the point. Muslims are the first people in 5000 years to violate the Olympic peace agreement. Even the war-hungary Greeks (especially the Spartans who were born and raised only to be soldiers), who when they weren't fighting other nations fought each other, put aside their differences for 2 weeks every 4 years for an athletic competition before going back to warring. In 1972, the Muslims were the first to violate this agreement.
Signed Copies of my book can be bought at the bottom of this page
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