Tuesday, October 30, 2012

people hate good news.

My last post triggered something in me.  People seem to love to hate people.  Sure, the word "hate" is taboo, but when you watch the news, it's always bad stories.  Why is that?  Some blame the media and although I really despise the media I think they are not the ones at fault here.  I think the media works just like they claim and the way any industry trying to make a profit when there's competition works; they give their customers what they want.

I never get into celebrity break ups.  I'm notoriously horrible at knowing who is married to who.  Normally the way I find out is when they get divorced.  I didn't even know Tom Cruise was married to Katie Holmes until they got divorced.  People who watch TMZ and celebrity stalk may call me crazy, but here's the point; why is it that I always miss the weddings but rarely the divorces.  It's because more people want to hear about their divorce, so it's covered more.  It gets more limelight and thrown on the cover of every newspaper so that even someone like me who avoids these things can find out about it.  I may be on my way to work, pass by the subway and when someone tries to hand me an AM New York or a Metro NY, I happen to see it on the front page.  This is what the general society loves; bad things to happen to people.  Ha, see another couple getting divorced.  The reason that Tom and Katie was so big, I'm told, is that they were together for so long and seemed so happy.  People hate when other people are happy.  Why is that though?

Deep down, we all have our skeletons, but rather than feel guilt, we want to point to other people's skeletons and problems.  Sure, I got divorced but Tom and Katie Holmes did too and they had a perfect relationship so maybe good marriages don't exist.  I find this pathetic, that's why I couldn't care less about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.  We want to throw stones in order to cover our own problems.  Me, I'm very introspective, it doesn't matter that Ben Roethlisberger raped a college girl in a night club, it doesn't excuse anything I do.  Sure, I'm a better person than Ben, but who cares, my goal isn't to not be a rapist, it's to be a good man and always follow my morals and base my actions on my morality not vice versa. 

This is why you can't defend someone that the media has already deemed evil.  the Duke lacross players were villains so we jumped on the case.  See these boys who go to a great school and are really smart are nothing but a bunch of lowly rapists.  Oh wait, the woman lied, the DA is being disbarred for his handling of the case?  Oh, never mind.  After that the media didn't care about them.  Nobdody cares that they were innocent but they loved when they were guilty. 

I think of celebrities and I see this pattern everywhere.  The only ones I can think of that we hold on a high pedestal is Derek Jeter and Tim Tebow.  Jeter doesn't get negative press the way Tebow does.  At first I thought it was because Jeter is half black, but then I realized that it doesn't have to do with race after all.  Tim Tebow is the epitome of what people don't want to believe exist.  He is a devout religious man who is saving sex for marriage.  most people believe that no Christian is ever successful in this.  I know three that were, so unfortunatley for you people who hate Christians, they do exist.  But Tim Tebow is a football player, a quarterback.  He's been a star since he was a teenager, constantly prodded to get mad, to not turn the other cheek.  He never bites though.  The media would love a Tim Tebow downfall like a Tiger Woods.  Afterall, if Tebow does it, if he is exactly what he says he is, than what does that do to society's belief that people like him don't exist?   The left hates traditional values, and that's all Tebow stands for, so they're going after him.  I hope that Tebow does it, not because I'm religious.  I've had by battles with devout Catholics and a lot of them are hypocritical, elitist and the most unforgiving people I've ever met.  But, that doesn't mean I want Tebow to be.  I think it's a breath of fresh air to think Tebow's can exist.  Sure, he may be a better man than I because I would have snapped by now.  Some argue that getting angry is good sometimes and I agree but when they're trying to get you mad, maybe it's better not to bite. 

It doesn't bother me that better men than myself exist.  it doesn't make me feel better that worse people than me exist.  In all honesty, I couldn't care less about celebrities and who they marry.  But I do like traditional values and I don't like how society vehemently attacks you for not agreeing with them.  So I'm routing for Tim Tebow as an in-your-face to the general public.  You can't ignore him like college lacross,he is an NFL quarterback.  Isn't it funny that that's the first thing people want to take away from him.  they say they want him to be a linebacker....after all, how many linebackers can you name? 

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