President Barack Obama has won re-election. Many people have their theories why ranging from the black vote being too large to overcome to superstorm Sandy to the Republican Candidate being a woman hating, anti-student, out-of-touch rich man who can't relate to people. Given that Romney was up in all the important swing states (Ohio, Florida, and Virginia) before the storm and then even during the storm to invariably losing all of them on election day as people were still reeling, the storm I give credence too. I really can't believe the other ones, because the first insinuates that a White person will never beat a Black person for president. As for Romney's campaign, aside from his Monday Night Football comment "Nobody wants to watch woman's bobsledding" I didn't think his campaign was that bad. His comment wasn't bad, it's just that when everyone says you hate women and you make a comment about women may be playing into their hands. Then again, Monday Night Football is typically watched by men so I doubt it did much damage. Whatever the reason, and I'm sure millions of people will have their answers, let's just stick to the simplest point, in the clearest discrepancy between candidates since Carter vs. Raegan, the people chose Secular-progressive, far-left, entitlement Barack Obama.
This means that the silent majority is no longer right. It used to be that when you went outside you'd hear abortion on demand, gay marriage, get divorced, poor people are the most important members of our society, trees and small animals are more important than humans, Christians are hypocritical psychopathic murderers, only white people commit crimes, all black criminals were arrested because of racist cops etc. etc. etc. but then when it came down to a vote, these positions got crushed. That's because in the voting booth, with no liberals to yell at you, throw a pie at you or start a riot because they don't agree, people were free to vote how they felt, and they always chose the position on the right. Even as recently as 2008, the droves of black people that came out to vote voted against proposition 8 (legalize gay marriage) in astounding numbers since many blacks are religious and are against it. Not-so-long ago, the idea that you'd quit work and just live off the government was not very attractive and not many people wanted to do people are preferring it to working, just as they have in Europe.
The majority now is the screaming, obnoxious, French Revolution mob that is the liberal positions. That is what America wants. They love the message that nothing they do is their fault. If you watch Forrest Gump, one guy that hits Jenny (Forrest's girlfriend) justifies beating Jenny as, "It's this damn war, you know I would never hurt you." In 1995, when Forrest Gump came out, the audience generally reacted to this to condemn the man and find his excuse for what it was; absolutely retarded. Just because you're against the war the federal government has gotten us into, doesn't give you the right to beat your girlfriend. Nowadays, I'm not so sure if we condemn that man. The message of the liberals is that nothing is your fault. You get divorced, nobody's fault, just two adults doing the mature adult thing. You rape and murder 14 women, the question everyone wants to know is, "What were your parents like?" "how were you brought up?" as if the answer could justify the behavior. Obama doubled the national debt from when he took over, not his fault, it's Bush's. In 4 years Obama sped up the decline by easy to see numbers and people said, "Damnit Bush, it couldn't be Obama." Yes, Obama is not seen as a messiah anymore, but that's not the point. Nothing is his fault. "My boss took more out of my paycheck because Obamacare rose the prices too high for him to take the full brunt of the hit" blame my boss not Obama. You can't find a job, it's not your fault, it's the schools or Bush, or racism, anything but you. Here's some money that you didn't earn. Oh you need more, fine, we'll just steal from rich people, they can afford it. Sounds eerily similar to "Lehman Brothers and big Wall Street corporations are so big, they can handle giving out housing loans to people that couldn't possibly pay them back." What happened? Oh wait, they did collapse, they weren't too big to take that hit....Democrats forced them into it, but we blame Bush or wall street anyway. Here Wall Street, here's a bailout, oh you're still fucking it up, here's another one. It's a nice message. It's not my fault I can't work, so I'm going to sit on my couch and get obese on the government money after all it's not that I'm lazy, it's because (fill in the newest excuse liberals provide).
I've often said that I want to be dead by 50. This is in defense of everyone who tells me how to live my life. I got a job so my parents can stop telling me how to live my life. Bloomberg tells me I can't have a soda above 16oz, so after March (when the law goes into effect) I'll have to buy two 16 oz since 20oz is barely enough for my meals now...and sometimes I do have to go back up and buy another 20oz. Now I'll consume 32oz, but I work for my money so I can do this. People defend this law with "Well Obesity is a problem and the government has to take care of people who are obese and don't have healthcare" without seeing the contradiction of if these people without health care are so poor, than how the hell can they afford to eat so much to get so fat? it's not their fault, it's the synthetic food America uses to feed everyone. Laura Ingraham, conservative talk radio host, says that if the Republicans can't beat Obama, then they need to change their platform. The Republican platform is limited government, strong national defense, lower taxes, Traditional values. If that can't win in America anymore and needs to be redone, then I really do want to die in the next 22 years (I'll be 50 in 22 years). I know the invisible hand is blind to politics. I know there is no country like America that gives these ideals. Without a place where people are encouraged to do well forcing them to make products that help everyone so they can sell more of it. In a world where you don't have to take responsibility for your actions, what will people do? The occupy Wall Street protests saw many women get raped because they made a pact, "No matter what, don't tell the cops." The rapists don't blame themselves, society doesn't blame the rapists, they blame Wall Street. Who wants to grow old in a world like that? Now more than ever, I want to be dead by 50, so you can bitch and moan all you want about how much soda I drink, and my refusal to go to the doctor for every ache and pain, or my refusal to take medication or my refusal to drink water because what you're claiming will happen as a result, seems better and better the longer I live.
Now, someone told me yesterday, "If Obama wins, I'm moving out of the country." I told her "I'm not, because even with Obama, this is stll the greatest country in the world." This is the only country that is run on an idea of power to the people, and freedom to not let the government interfere in your life. That is what the founding fathers envisioned. They never said that nothing is your fault but blame other people. They saw the government as a necessary evil but still evil therefore they wanted it limited. Even the idea of a central bank was a hotly contested issue. That was the majority opinion for about 236 years,
But now, Americans were given a choice, traditional values, power to the people, limited government intervention or enormous government telling you what size soda to drink, whether or not you can get healthcare, massive unemployment, debt increasing by over a trillion dollars a year, wasteful spending, give more money to people who prove they can't handle money and take it from those who prove they can handle money. The results are in, the latter wins by a near landslide!!! Too bad there are no other countries run on an idea.
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