After watching the New York Jets beat the San Diego Chargers last week, I have decided that the days of "Bulletin Board material" no longer exist.
"Bulletin Board material" is when an athlete talks trash before a game, which causes the opposing team to get extra motivated to play and subsequently destroy the team that made the offending comment. Most athletes scoff at the idea of Bulletin Board material because "If you can't motivate yourself, than you really have no business being out there in the first place." A valid claim, but in this PC world, given the epidemic of pussification of men as outlined in my book, Bulletin Board material isn't indifferent, it works for the aggressive teams.
It's fascinating to me that I'm going to football for my examples as it has the reputation of having the toughest men. Bulletin Board material under the tyrant that is David Stern (NBA) would probably be heavily fined, which may inhibit players in the NBA from saying it. Really, I just think football is the only sport that actually has remnances of real men who would make Bulletin board comments. Basketball and baseball (I don't watch hockey so won't comment and in this country there clearly is three dominant sports) just don't have real men playing anymore. Now for my examples.
A couple years ago, the New England Patriots stormed through the regular season with a perfect 16-0 record...they went on to win the first two playoff games making them 1 win away from being the second team ever to finish a season undefeated. The only team in their way was the New York Giants. Michael Strahan got on TV and said, "We will beat the Patriots 21-17! They asked Tom Brady, the quarterback for the Patriots, about this comment knowing full well that the Patriots always give vague answers if at all and claim they never listen to the media. Tom Brady asked what the quote was as he never heard it, upon hearing it, he gasped, "We're only going to score 17 points?" then chuckled and continued, "okay." The media had a field day with this. Every sports analysts in the country kept talking about bulletin board material and how stupid Strahan was for saying it. Many said he should have just shut up and they were excited for when Tom Brady walked onto the superbowl stage and said, "Watch this!"
I was watching....the New England Patriots only scored 14 points in their loss in the superbowl to Strahan's New York Giants. Brady and the bully Patriots were punched in the mouth and like most bullies you punch in the mouth, they ran and hid!
Example 2: Last week, Rex Ryan said, "If I had been chosen as the coach instead of Norv Turner, I'd have two rings by now given how stacked those teams were." The Jets were on a three game losing streak at this point. Again, every analyst in the country said that because of these comments the Chargers (Norv Turner's team) would demolish the Jets. The Jets were victorious last week despite their losing ways this season.
Example 3-4: Last year, Rex Ryan before their playoff games with the Patriots and the Colts said, "This game is personal, I hate Tom Brady and I hate Bill Bellichek" and "The Colts eliminated us last year, so now it's personal, I really want to get them back." For both games, the experts said that the Jets would be demolished because of Ryan's comments....the Jets won both games!
In the 80s, if you made these comments, then you better watch out. Given the pussies that play professional sports now adays, you make these comments and those you offend will run and hide! The only example I can think of where bulletin board material actually worked in this millennium is when about 4 or 5 years ago, someone said, "Tiger Woods is overhyped" when he was matched up with him head to head. Tiger Woods went on to win the first 10 holes, with only 8 remaining. In golf this is referred to as "9-8"meaning you're up by 9 with 8 holes to go thus it's impossible to win. It's sad that since the millennium, golf has the only example of bulletin board material actually working!
Autographed copies of my book can be bought at the bottom of this page
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