Ron Paul recently attacked President Obama by saying that his drone strikes were unconstitutional. I have a problem with this.
The constitution says that the President, being the commander in chief, can authorize any act of war for up to 90 days without congress' consent (Articles of Confederation). Although up until President Clinton, no president had actually utilized this, it was in the constitution for emergencies. Clinton used it to bomb Baghdad, Kosova, and many other places whenever heat was on him about scandals. That was an abuse of this right. The drone attacks, however, I don't think are an abuse. President Obama has done a good job killing Al Queda members. He is responsible for taking out Osama Bin Laden and even American defectors. I don't know how Ron Paul can fault him for this.
Ron Paul wasn't doing well in the polls to begin with, but this made me jump off his band wagon (If you look at previous posts, I actually liked him). I still want a president that's going to be able to do what's needed to be done in the war on terror. Although, I wouldn't give President Obama the highest marks for this, these drone attacks were a very good strategy.
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