Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Critique on President Obama

Since, I am going to defend him in a post in the near future, I decided I'm going to attack him finally.  Both in my book, and the rare times I mention him in this blog, I find myself defending him.  I make little asides saying that he's a socialist and whatever but it's always hidden amongst positive words. So, here it is, why I don't like President Obama.

Since he first started campaigning till now, his solution to everything is to have the government take over.  If the government is taking over banking, health care, and all other aspects of the economy, that is socialism.  This is why I don't think it's hyerbole to call him a socialist since all his ideas relate to having the government running everything, even though they fail at almost every endeavor.  The reason they fail at almost every endeavor is because the government, unlike the private sector, doesn't care about making a profit.  So, they spend recklessly and keep throwing money at failing ventures.

To go toward my point that government programs fail, President Obama's ideas have raised the national debt 4.2 trillion dollars since he took office.  Think about that for a second, that's 1.4 Trillion dollars a year!!!  His "economic advisors" will tell you that it would have been worse if he didn't do the bailouts to the car industry and the banks.  The bank bailout did give the government 20 billion dollars in revenue, so that's a fair point. I'm not sure about the cash for clunkers campaign.  The problem is, I can't go back in time and have him not bail out the banks and cash for clunkers and see what would happen.  So, it's all speculation, I think we would have had a couple months of real hardship and then rebounded if the invisible hand was allowed to do its thing without government interference but there is absolutely no way to prove that.  Also, keep in mind, the government lost over 500 million dollars in, the 20 billion profit isn't spent too wisely is it?  The government is not a hedge fund, it's not, "Oh well, we made an investment that didn't pay off sorry."  Let the private sector make the risky investments because they're the ones who actually want a profit!

Secondly, he's just too available  When he first took office, he was always on TV.  It was really the first time in my life, where I didn't think it was a big thing that the President was speaking.  In fact, after a while, some TV stations stopped showing it because they didn't get the viewership to justify reimbursing their sponsors who paid for a spot on the regularly scheduled programming.  He also gave his opinion on things that he admitted he knew nothing about, like the cop who responded to a distress call in Boston and then was accosted by the professor that lived there.

Thirdly, he raised capital gains tax and made it unprofitable to have a small business. He also punished the rich for being rich by raising taxes on them, the job creators, and raising how much they have to pay to give their employees healthcare.  This means that the employers have to spend more money per worker, which means they're less likely to hire, which means more unemployment....hence the problem we have.  Also, the capital gains tax punishes you for making good, why invest?  Looks like venture capitalist and the small businesses they help won't be doing so well.  The more I think about President Obama, the more I see Chavez.  Chavez oppressively took from the rich and gave to the poor.  He even went to poor neighborhoods throwing chickens on the street.  What happened was, the poor came out in droves to support him and the rich fled Venezuela and emigrated to other countries.  This means more supporters for Chavez, yes the country is in shambles but at least he's popular!  President Obama seems to be following this model. 

The underlying factor behind all of this is President Obama has socialistic ideas.  We knew this by his association with Bill Ayers and Reverand Wright.  He's also inexperienced, the presidency is not something you learn as you go on the job.  I used to commend people for running for office when they weren't corrupted by politics thinking it could help....based on Obama, I think this might be a false assumption, then again, I need a bigger sample size.  It does not work when people say, "I'll just hire people who do know around me." as people said to defend President Obama.  Maybe, Herman Cain will win the Republican nomination and beat President Obama and then once again, we'll have a man inexperienced in politics as president.  Then I'll see if an unexperienced Republican is just as bad as an unexperienced Democrat. 

Coming soon: I defend President Obama from Ron Paul 

Autographed copies of my book can be bought at the bottom of this page.

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