I feel this is an appropriate day to write on this topic. I don't think I'm that old but I definately see a difference between girls when I was in high school and girls who are currently in high school with regard to the internet.
When I was in high school, girls were very cautious about having their boyfriends or guys take a risque picture of them because they feared it would end up on the internet. Now, girls do it to themselves. If you go on facebook, you can see this immediately, the girls my age very rarely, if ever, have pictures of them in bikinis or anything risque on Facebook. Then you go to a girl in high school and you see literally multiple photos of them in bikinis, close up of their cleavage, and other pictures that leave little to the imagination. Some even show nipple, which I didn't even know was allowed on facebook but apparantly it is. Now some girls my age or older will slip and have a picture of them in a bikini but like I said, they're very low in number. Almost every girl in high school up until the legal age to drink have facebook pages flooded with risque photos...I'm not sure how or when this switch was made.
Sure you can argue that attractive girls want to flaunt what they got. They worked hard to get their gorgeous physiques so why not show them off? Looks don't last forever so flaunt it while you got it. Especially on Halloween where even girls my age dress like sluts but have rabbit ears or something on so they don't actually say they're dressed as sluts. This is why Halloween is the most popular day to be raped. It is also the most popular day to try a drug for the first time. Go out to a bar and you can immediately see why the former statistic is quite obvious to discern. If you are worried you won't have enough will power to do something disrespectful, don't worrry, the younger ones will post all of it on facebook for your viewing pleasure.
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