I don't really want to bring up a certain basketball player because everyone seems to jump on that and they never see the bigger issue. But, I realized by those that defend him that people value mediocrity and low integrity now a days. People love liars. People loved Bill Clinton because he lied unapologetically. In schools, people get rewarded for ratting out their classmates.
Now adays, if you work hard to make something of yourself by going down the long hard road, you're a fool. If you strive to always tell the truth and beat yourself up if you ever go against yourself, you are criticized. People do not value integrity, they value mediocrity. You are considered the greatest if you join people you can't beat. Tennis and boxing is the only thing I can think of where you are not praised for being mediocre, for refusing to beat the best. You don't see Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic play doubles tennis, because that would be stupid. A couple years ago you didin't see Rafael Nadal join Federer to play doubles. They were always against each other. The two best battling one on one.
I get criticized often because I hold people accountable to their word. If they say they are a certain way, I judge them on that standard. If they say they're going to do something I expect them to do it, and if they don't, I expect them to feel some remorse, some contrition or be sorry they didn't. I will be the first to admit, I don't always do what I say I'm going to do. I do not always tell the truth, but I do get mad at myself every time I go against my word. I'm ashamed every time I chicken out of something I said I was going to do. Nobody ever blames me when I show so much self-anger and criticism for not doing what I said I was going to do...I thought originally that it was because since I condemn myself, they don't want to pile on. Now, I'm beginning to think that people are too scared to hold themselves to their own standards. People praise dishonesty. People come to expect dishonesty. And that is truly sad.
People make mistakes and reconsider.....This is NOT dishonesty....It's Introspection. Being True to Themselves...... Coffee with the Subconscious.