Friday, April 3, 2020

Real Characters Episode 49 New Times Same Democrats

                It is March 12, 1998 and the world is panicked as astronomers have found a mile sized asteroid that is projected to strike Earth.  Many experts are calling this similar to the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs and, similarly, there could be massive extinctions when this asteroid collides with Earth.  Luckily for the citizens of Earth, they have plenty of time to prepare as it won’t be hitting Earth for 30 years (2028). 

                On March 13, 1998, new information became available and when the new data was put into the astronomers calculations, they discovered the asteroid would miss Earth by 600,000 miles.  Although it’s easy to accuse the astronomers of the previous day of lying or crying wolf, the fact was that they were relying on bad data.  It’s not that they misled, they were just wrong.  Who knew that this one day panic would be referenced when those born this year were celebrating their 22nd Birthday?  Although this is a tale of why you should withhold from drastic measures until the data is in, history has a way of repeating itself.  In a ScienceWorld magazine, which is geared toward children, it asserts that in the year 2,000, the world will be so polluted people will need gas masks to go outside even if it’s just to go to their car.  The time period ended up being closer to the asteroid colliding with Earth but in 2020 people will feel the need to wear masks to go outside but it has nothing to do with global warming or air pollution but a virus. 

The year is 2009, and a new virus is plaguing the world known as H1N1 or the Swine Flu.  As it enters into the United States, the mainstream media knows it can’t ignore the story.  Given that the president is a Democrat and the mainstream media is a propaganda arm for the Democratic Prty, any talking head or anchor speaking about Ebola is strictly advised to not use incendiary speech that may cause a panic.  The emphasis is to remain calm and avoid hysterics or hard sounding words as the key is to avoid a mass panic and hysteria.  During its height, the H1N1 virus would kill 12,469 people from April 2009 to April 2020. 

                The media did a good job with the swine flu as by 2015, most people had forgotten about it as it didn’t have too large an effect.  This, however, was not the last health emergency that President Obama would face as toward the end of his administration he also had to deal with Ebola.  Like the swine flu, the mainstream media did everything in their power to keep the public calm.  After all, a panicked nation will always look toward the head as the culprit. 

                In January 2020, unlike with the Swine Flu and Ebola, the President is not just a Republican but the most conservative president in decades.  President Trump has spent three years refusing to cower and be bullied by the libelous, scandalous, treacherous mainstream media, liberals, Democrats and the Deep State of government.  This has driven his detractors crazy and they no longer have a shred of intellectual activity nor practice any decorum whatsoever.  Since the media is still a propaganda arm of the Democrat party, their reaction to this new virus out of Wuhan China is to do the opposite they did with Obama, and do everything in their power to incite mass panic.  They want chaos and chaos is what they’ll get.  Not taking a lesson from 1998, the entire economy will be shut down based on hysteria that is relying on models that did not pan out. 

                Throughout history, there has been a common theme with Democrats.  First, you come out strongly against something and then when you get proven wrong and completely eviscerated, you exaggerate the opposing view in order to trick the public into believing that you were the ones with the idea the entire time and the people that were right at the time are the real liars and conspiracy theorists.  The most obvious case of this is slavery.  At the time of the Civil War, no Republican owned any slaves.  Since every slave owner was a Democrat, the debate over abolition of slavery was the number one topic among Democrats and Republicans.  Now that there is pretty much unanimous consent that slavery is wrong and those that would deny that are excused, rightfully so, from polite conversation, the Democrats seek to overcompensate for being on the wrong side of history by pushing for reparations for slavery.  The Republicans, the original abolitionists, stayed with their level-headedness throughout the 150 years since the Civil War and didn’t agree with reparations, which forces the Democrats to decry they are the real racists.  Republicans normally rest on their laurels that the facts and data are on their side but when the Democrats control the schools, the media and culture through movies, they convinced enough people to forget that it was them that had been pro-slavery.

                In more recent history, this can be seen with the segregation movement.  During the Jim Crow era, it was always the Democrats that advocated for segregation.  Almost every member of the KKK was a Democrat.  Much more Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 than Republicans.  It was  a Republican, Eisenhower, that desegregated school and the most conservative president, Reagan, that gave blacks and white White House staff equal pay.  The Democrat Woodrow Wilson was responsible for the rise in the KKK by showing their propaganda film Birth of a Nation as the first movie ever shown in the White House.  Now 50 years later, it is ridiculous to suggest that blacks are inferior to whites. The Democrats again overcompensate for being on the wrong side of history by shouting the need for affirmative action and quotas.  In order to make up for discriminating against them, they want them to have preferential treatment.  The Republicans, again, understand that they were right in the 1950s and 1960s and they’re right now; equal treatment for the races.  As the Republican Martin Luther King said, ‘Judge me not by the color of my skin but the content of my character.’  Never did King believe he should be favored for being black, he just wanted an equal playing field.

                In 2020, the internet would revolutionize information dissemination.  Now, instead of taking years to thoroughly and utterly humiliate Democrats on being on the wrong side of history, it takes months.  The same pattern is playing out with regard to the Coronavirus.  In January 2020, Fox news reports on news coming out of a market in Wuhan, China of a virus that was caused by a horseshoe bat. Initial reports are that someone contracted the virus by eating the bat and it then spread to other people rapidly.  Fox News shows a viral video of the contagion to warn the public.  President Trump, looking at the reports, bans travel to and from China and the media and Democrats attack him for being a racist and a xenophobe as they always do when he bans people from traveling to America from countries harmful to the United States.  Media Matters takes it a step further and calls Fox ‘fearmongers’ for their warning about the Wuhan Virus.  After all, the World Health Organization (WHO) had asked China about it and China said that it wasn’t a big deal.  Later, the World Health Organization would tell the world that the virus can’t be contracted from human to human.  After all, that’s what China told them and communists have never been known to lie.

                Just as how Republicans and Reagan didn’t believe reports out of Chernobyl in 1987, President Trump and Republicans are skeptical about the information coming out of China.  Just like with Chernobyl, the Democrats call them conspiracy theorists as the claim China has it completely under control.  Quickly, the other mainstream media outlets begin their gas lighting campaign to shame the public that if you panic from the virus, you are a racist.  After all, Democrats are just communists in disguise.  In fact, some don’t even disguise it anymore so China is their ideological ally.  This is why they trust every word coming out of China and China said that this virus isn’t very contagious and not a big deal for it can’t even be transmitted through the air.  There has to be human contact to transfer it. 

                It only took two months for the world to realize that China was full of shit and Fox News and the Republicans were right again.  As is their standard of practice, the Democrats exaggerated the Republican position in order to mask that it was them that downplayed it.  They scream that the economy needs to be shut down and people need to be forced to stay home.  Throughout America, there is a maximum panic instilled and anyone that speaks against it is considered a blood thirsty asshole who cares more about profits than human lives.  Now, Republicans are asking if it was really worth this reaction, thus the Democrats can now accuse them of downplaying it but really, just like always, the Republicans remain consistent and steady while the Democrats swing from one extreme to the other. 

                In the middle of the pandemic, Adam Schiff, fresh off impeaching President Trump over an innocuous phone call with the new Ukrainian President, releases to the media that he wants to investigate President Trump for his reaction to the pandemic.  Unlike with the impeachment where Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was against it before being cajoled into it by Schiff and Nadler, she is completely onboard with the scam.  Nancy Pelosi calls the head of a mainstream media conglomerate whom we will call ‘Ted.’  Pelosi starts, “Hey Ted, how are you?”

                “Well, my anxiety is really elevated because of this Coronavirus.”

                “That is what I want to talk to you about?”

                “Do you have some good news?”

                “Yes, but not in the way you think.  We found that this is an opportunity to finally take down Trump.”

                “Well, we’ve been trying that for three years and he always seems to get through it.”

                “Not this time.  People are dying and we’re going to highlight it.  What I want you to do is to tell your minions to put a perimeter around what people can and can’t talk about.”

                “What can they talk about and what can’t they?”

                “They can talk about how serious this virus is and how deadly it is.  They cannot talk about an overreaction or trying to open the economy.  Avoid all talk of the effective treatments that have already been discovered for it.  If it comes up, just say that it won’t be available till September at the earliest.”

                “Aren’t some of those drugs already FDA approved and deemed safe for humans?”

                “Yes, but we own the FDA and they will stop it from being massively administered until after the election.”

                “You’re going to let people die to take down Donald Trump?”

                “Yes, the ends justifies the means.  You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs; any cook will tell you that.”

                “How do I respond to people that don’t like being out of work?”

                “Tell them that life is about trade-offs.  Sometimes you have to do what you don’t like in order to advance yourself.  Some people work two jobs.  They don’t like it but they do it to feed their families.”

                “Couldn’t you say the same thing about opening the economy and allowing people to choose if risking contracting the virus is worth the trade-off of not working and providing for their family?”

                “Given how many people would take that risk, we had to force people not to have that choice.”

                “Alright, I understand.”

                “Thank you Ted.  Stay safe.”

                “You two Madame Speaker.”

                Ted writes a memo to the head of his networks to push what Pelosi told him to.  This prompted a phone call from one of them who we will call ‘Jeff.”

                Jeff comments, “Hey, I have a question.  You just talked to Pelosi; did she enlighten you on any insider information about this virus?”

                “No, she just told us how to frame the narrative.”

                “Okay, I mean we should be encouraged that the models aren’t working.  They’ve been completely off.  It seems that we are acting on conclusions and policies are being based on data that we find to be garbage a couple days later.”

                “We are operating on the data we have.  That’s the only thing we can do.”

                “Right, but maybe we should hold off on advocating drastic measure until all the data is in”

                “It’ll be too late by then.  Right now, we need to tell the public that Trump lied and people died.”

                “That’s not what happened at all though.”

                “There was a delay in getting the testing out.”

                “That’s because the CDC fucked up getting the tests out.  That is why Trump had to get rid of the Obama law that private companies couldn’t make disease testing.”

                “We were heavily unprepared for this pandemic.”

                “Because the WHO lied to us.”

                “This is what the experts and scientists are telling us to do so we will listen to them because this is their area of expertise, they know better than us.”

                “You do know these are the same dumbasses that messed up the test roll out and told us that it couldn’t be contracted from human to human?  Why would we listen to people that were so categorically wrong just a couple months ago?”

                “Don’t let Fox News corrupt you.”

                “I don’t even know what you’re referring to.  I don’t watch Fox.”

                “Tucker Carlson had a segment saying that the experts have more power than they’ve ever had before and they’re turning out to be wrong across the board.”

                “Yea, I would agree with that.”

                “It is your organization’s job to never agree with Fox News or Trump.”

                “Respectfully, we are beyond political squabbling right now.  Ten million jobs have been lost the last two weeks because of data that was wrong.”

                “And those 10 million people have made Trump’s precious unemployment rate skyrocket.  Now he can’t tell us ad nauseum how black, Asian, female and Hispanic unemployment is at all time lows.  We tried AB5 but he rebounded from that in a month.  We finally did it.  We tricked him into shutting down his precious economy and destroying the stock market that he built up so much in the last three years.”

                Jeff’s tone turned dire as he was incredulous with what he was hearing.  He spoke slowly as he uttered, “You love this?  You want chaos and panic because it damages Trump.  330 Million Americans be damned so long as Trump doesn’t get re-elected.”

                “Don’t get sanctimonious on me.  This virus is very contagious and we took the necessary precautions.”

                “It is very contagious but it’s not as serious as the models or people make it out to be.”

                “That kind of talk is precisely what you are banned from saying on any of my outlets.  I’ll make sure you never work again if I hear a whisper of that.  In fact, if people do say what you just said, they need to be vilified and attacked with great vengeance and furious anger.”

                “Is there no line Ted?”

                “No, there isn’t.  Not when it comes to taking down Trump.”

                The suppressed economic and entrepreneurial spirit of Americans is still rumbling as they struggle to find a way to stay afloat amidst the Draconian restrictions instilled on them by the government.  Most small business owners know that the recent stimulus bill will hold them over for a time period measured in weeks not months.  As they face the threat, they find that the pressure is opening up new more efficient pathways to conduct business as bookkeeping can be streamlined.  Technologies that they shied away from due to the novelty of them are now being embraced and they are becoming more financially literate.  As an example, small restaurants that did not have bars had noticed a trend lately that most of their business comes through delivery and take out and fewer people eat in the restaurant anymore.  Despite seeing this trend, they were always hesitant to close the restaurant and go delivery and take out only as that could prove to be a mistake.  It was better to hedge your bets and give the public an option for both.  Now that they were forced to close the dine in portion, they had to let go of their waitresses and busboys and only keep their deliverers and cooks.  As they looked at their financials during the crisis, they started to realize that the money saved on not having people eat in was covering the money lost by not having that option.  Suddenly, the idea to re-open if the threat is neutralized became a tough decision.  Perhaps, they didn’t need so much space and all they really needed was a kitchen.

                In the White House, President Trump is meeting repeatedly with the Wuhan Virus task force trying to get masks and ventilators to as many cities as possible.  This is his primary focus but, naturally, other issues do arise.  One of his aides is in the Oval Office and articulates, “Sir, don’t you think we need to start thinking of the economy?”

                “I’m not worried about that.  Before this started, the economy was motoring along.  It’s suppressed now but it’ll be ready to explode once we know what’s going on and solve the problem of the Wuhan Virus.”

                “There is no doubt that some industries will show that massive boom but others won’t come back at all.”

                “Businesses were hiring before this and giving raises.”

                “Respectfully Mr. President, history has shown that although there is a boom after a crisis, it never gets back to pre-crisis levels.”

                “Just look at the numbers.  They are beautiful numbers.  54% were hiring.  24% of businesses complained their number one problem was finding people to hire.  That’s because the unemployment rate was so low so there was too small a selection.  Any economist will tell you that a lower supply means higher price; that is why wages went up.  You don’t believe me; look at how 31% of businesses were giving raises.”

                “An economy is successful when it’s producing a lot of stuff.  You brought manufacturing back to America.  We were making stuff again but now we’ve stopped making stuff so the economy has collapsed.”

                “We will produce stuff again.”

                “I’m afraid the longer you draw this out, the harder it will be to get to that point again.”

                “I appreciate your input but I’ve met with some really smart people and unfortunately, this is the best course of action.”

                “May I speak frankly sir?”

                “Of course you can.  Why do you think I have you as my aid?  You should always be honest and forthcoming with me.”

                “With the spending package you just approved, you made it almost impossible to ever hit those numbers again.  They are already working on a fourth package.  Do yourself and every American a favor and veto it.  Your base is fed up with the same excuse that you had to do it to help so and so. First, it was the second omnibus bill because they played you with increasing military funding.  Since they did that, they got an increase across the board in all the waste they’ve been peddling for years.  We tried to help small business then you let Pelosi put in all that pork.  Sure, you eliminated some of it, but you should have eliminated all of it.  Now, Pelosi knows how to get one over on you because you’re not willing to do what it takes to protect the economy even amidst this pandemic.”

                “You weren’t kidding about being frank.”

                “I’m sorry sir but I just don’t understand.  You have always been good about seeing through their traps.  I don’t know how you missed this one.  Open the economy.  I’m begging you.”

                “Duly noted but there are other matters I need to attend to.”

                “Thank you for your time Mr. President.”

                “Thank you for your honesty and advice.”

                As he left, he knew that the President wasn’t going to listen but now he could rest assured that he at least tried. 

                The aid wasn’t the only one that smelled the blood in the water and weakness with the president.  A high ranking New York Times official whom we will call ‘Mary’ was in a staff meeting.  Her tone was somber as she announced, “Okay, as you all know, three years ago, we were calling people like Mark Levin and Dan Bongino ‘conspiracy theorists’ for suggesting that there was a FISA warrant out on the Trump campaign.  We have tried to deny it long enough but with these FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests, it is undeniable that they were right.  They even released the heavily redacted FISA on Carter Page.”

                Someone blurted out, “Yea, and the recent IG Horowitz report found 17 gross errors and omissions.”

                “Yes, but there is good news.”

                “For being wrong?”

                “Yes, an even more recent IG Horowitz report found that the FBI frequently doesn’t verify information using the Woods Procedure before getting a FISA.  They lie to FISC (FISA Court) all the time.”

                “How is that good news?”

                “Now, we can say that it is true that there was a FISA on Carter Page but this isn’t an anomaly or an exception; it’s just what the FBI does. There was no political bias here just the FBI being the liars that they are and abusing their power by illegally spying on people like they always do.”

                “You’re saying that if it’s a pervasive broad problem then it’s not a political hit against Trump?”

                “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

                A woman in the group replied, “I don’t think it’s common practice for an FBI lawyer to change an e-mail to make it seem like evidence for the FISA when really the e-mail said the exact opposite.  That happened with Carter Page.  They had an e-mail from the CIA saying that he was a confidential informant for them but they told the FISC that the CIA Claimed that he was NOT a confidential informant for them.  I don’t think that’s normal and if it is; it’s pretty scary.”

                “Don’t get lost in the details.  The general public doesn’t know this in detail.  This is what needs to be done so that we can still claim people like Bongino and Levin are still conspiracy theorists.”

                The guy parroted, “They got lucky to be sort of right about the facts but wrong about the analysis.”


                The woman retorted, “I think you’re forgetting that the FISA powers have expired and they’re going to vote soon if they’re going to renew them.  If we put this out there, then they may vote ‘no’ on letting the FBI have this power.”

                “That is why I want you to stress that it’s lower level officials that did this.”

                “That way we exonerate our contributor Jim Comey?”

                “Now you’re getting it.”

                “But the Carter Page FISA was handled at the very highest echelon of the FBI.  We have texts and documents proving that.”

                “Again, not something the general public knows.  Don’t make the mistake the people know as much as you do.”

                The New York Times unofficial sister paper, the Washington Post, is having a similar meeting on a similar topic.  This shouldn’t be too surprising as the two papers seem to parallel each other often, which has led some to believe they plan it.  An executive at the Washington Post tells her team, “It’s amazing how much has happened in two months.  With Russian collusion, it took three years for the conspiracy theorists to be proven right.  With the Coronavirus, it took two months.”

                A male in the group exclaimed, “What do you mean?”

                “We need to talk about how we called Tom Cotton and others ‘conspiracy theorists’ for suggesting that Covid19 came from a Chinese lab.”

                “We’ve already covered that.  I even remember the date.  There was a February 17 article calling him a racist and a xenophobe for that comment.”

                “Back then, our narrative was the Trump overreacted to the virus.  We and the Democrats were encouraging people to go out and go eat in Chinatown.  From coast to coast, from New York mayor De Blasio and Senator Schumer to Speaker of the House Pelosi to the mayor of New Orleans all telling people not to listen to the racist Trump and Fox News as the Coronavirus is not even worse than the flu.”

                “But they are racists and xenophobes.”

                “Not for the travel ban and closing the borders like we and Bernie Sanders said.  We have pivoted away from that now.  Yes, they are still racists and xenophobes but we no longer use this as an example.”

                The boy looked confused so a female co-worker chimed in, “So then what do we do moving forward.”

                “We are going to write an article about the origins of the virus.  We need to get ahead and tell the world that the origin story is shaky.”

                “Wouldn’t that corroborate Cotton?”

                “No, Cotton made it sound like it was deliberate.  We are going to highlight that it wasn’t deliberate wrongdoing by the Chinese.  Don’t use precise and definitive terms.  Instead of asserting that it may have come from a Wuhan lab, say that scientists haven’t ruled out an accident at a lab in Wuhan.”

                “They just accidentally released a deadly virus because of the bats they had in there.”

                “Again, you need to ease the blow.  Instead of just mentioning it’s a deadly bat virus, remind people that the bats were being collected for a scientific study.  People love science and they are quick to forgive accidents.”

                “That is what Cotton said though.  He said it was good science and bad safety.  That’s why Cotton called it worse than Chernobyl.  Chernobyl wasn’t deliberate either; it was an accident just like you’re saying this might have been.”

                “That is why we are going to say that Cotton is still a crazy conspiracy theorist.  Yes, it might have originated in a lab but this isn’t anything like Chernobyl.”

                “You just said it was an accident at a facility that led to worldwide health issues.  That is exactly what happened in Chernobyl except the nuclear fallout only affected Europe whereas this affected the whole world.  You might not call it worse than Chernobyl but your explanation insinuated that.”

                “Let the readers decide for themselves what we’re insinuating.”

                Back at the White House, President Trump is talking with his Wuhan Virus task force.  He takes an aside, “Can you believe this?  Axios is saying that we downplayed the threat.  I took action before anyone wanted to acknowledge this.  In fact, while the Democrats were impeaching me, I was calling a ban from China to slow the spread of this to America.”

                “Yes, Mr. President.  We all know that but this is what the media and Democrats do.  They have been so thoroughly humiliated and proven wrong that they have to go to the other extreme to overcompensate and make us, by comparison, seem like we were on the wrong side.  They have been doing it for almost two hundred years so I don’t anticipate it stopping any time soon. “

                During the task force, President Trump is multi-tasking.  He’s listening to the advice going forward in combating the pandemic but he’s also overlooking briefings on other matters. He picks which course of action of the many proposed they are going to take and then leaves the room.  As he gets back into the Oval Office, he tells his secretary to get Larry on the phone.  Larry is the aid he had spoken to a couple days ago who was very blunt in saying that the Democrats were trying to trick him again.  At the time, President Trump didn’t want to hear it but after what he just read, he wasn’t so sure.  The secretary had no problem finding Larry and patched him through to the president.  Larry started, “Yes Mr. President.”

                “California Governor Newsom just said at a press conference that he absolutely sees this as an opportunity to change the way we do things and put forth progressive policies and increase spending.”

                “He had the wherewithal to pretend that it was bipartisan but I’m glad you saw through that lie.”

                “It’s not just California but South Carolina Congressmen Clyburn also admitted that it was a tremendous opportunity to achieve Democrat spending goals.”

                “That’s the one I’d be more worried about Mr. President.”

                “Why’s that?”   

                “Newsom has been attacking you from the get go.  Yes, he was nice long enough for you to give him a navy hospital ship even though, despite having the highest population, California did not have the second highest cases or deaths.  The other ship going to New York makes sense since they lead the pure numbers in both categories but California didn’t deserve the ship.  You also gave them a lot of supplies.  Now that they are so well equipped, he can go back to attacking you.  Clyburn, on the other hand, threatened you.”

                “If I don’t give them what they want, they’re going to investigate and prosecute me.”

                “Make no mistake about it, they will impeach you again over this.”

                “The first one made them look horrendous and distracted the country from stopping this virus.  I don’t know if they’re dumb enough to try that again but then again just when I think they can’t get any dumber, they oblige.”

                “This time there are victims.  With Ukraine, the Ukrainians didn’t feel like victims so it was a tough sell.  Now, you’re going to have tens of millions unemployed over this.  People will be hurting.  There are clear cut victims and they’re all going to look for someone to blame and for the next seven months, it’s all going to be you.  Then, the economy will be destroyed because you pushed us off the fiscal cliff with the two trillion dollar spending package.  If you sign phase 4, then we’re even in bigger trouble than we were and the recovery will take decades.  They’re not going to look as bad.  The only way to stop them is to stop listening to them and falling for their trap.  You’re going to be impeached anyway so just open the economy so that people can go back to work and the markets can return to near record highs.”

                “That may increase the number of cases and deaths.”

                “Respectfully sir, those numbers will go up regardless as has been proved by the last two weeks.  Everything is a trade off.  Either there are a lot of cases and people die from Wuhan Virus and the unemployment rate is like 20% or people die from Wuhan Virus and there are a lot of cases and unemployment is at like 5%.”

                “Those aren’t very good options.”

                “No, but they are the only two you have Mr. President.  You’ve been fooled by the so called experts.  I’m not sure how you listened to the UN organization models.  They have consistently been so wrong about climate change and you’ve expertly seen through the bullshit.  Then, when the same dumbasses use the same models created by the same discredited people, you all of a sudden believe them.  Shutting down the economy for the Wuhan Virus is the same thing that Global Warming Activists have been saying for decades; we need to do this just in case the models are right.  The ‘this’ is always catastrophic dismembering our way of life and our economy over a hunch. It’s time you use the same skepticism you have for global warming or climate change or whatever people are calling it now as you do for the Wuhan Virus reaction.”

                “You really think I got fooled?  I don’t think I’m believing something that isn’t true.  This virus is serious.”

                “Yes, it is seriously contagious and fairly lethal but the reaction is worse because mass hysteria, panic and unemployment are also detrimental to people’s health.  There are two ways to be fooled; First, believe what is not true and second, refuse to believe what is true.  You believe the models that are not true and you refuse to believe that the Democrats and liberals finally got one over on you.  Quite frankly, sir, you’re guilty of both.”

                “I’ve never been a fan of Kierkegaard.”

                “Existentialism was never my cup of tea either but, in this case, it fits.”

                “I’ve used some good quotes from questionable characters too.  If something is sage then it doesn’t matter who said it.”

                “I would agree.”

                “You are definitely in a minority on this one Larry but that doesn’t mean you’re wrong.  I have a lot to think about.”

                “I’m glad you seem to  be contemplating it more.  You’re a brilliant man sir; I trust you’ll find the right course of action.”

                “Ha, guilt tricks.”

                “See, you’re already seeing through people’s ploys.”

                “Touche.  Have a good night.”

                “Good night Mr. President.”

                As Larry hung up the phone he shook his head.  Given that phase 3 passed, it may be too late to stop the real travesty to come.  He fully expected to see an economy of negative interest rates like they have in Europe and shuttered at the thought.  He meant what he said about President Trump being a brilliant man but even he may not be able to get out of the mess that he created by listening to ‘experts’ who relied on false data and made highly impactful decisions based on them. 

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