Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Nouno the Vigilante Episode 51 Follow the timeline



Idris Abdus Salaam is a 33-year-old truck driver from Durham, North Carolina. 
His route has taken him on Interstate 40 that stretches all the way to San Diego, CA.  Idris is nowhere near the west coast as he’s only crossed one state line when he pulls into a rest area and stops at the Pilot Travel Center 11 miles east of Knoxville, TN.  Being in Knox county near a city make this stop a high trafficked area even though most people couldn’t tell you where Strawberry Plains, TN was. 
      As a truck driver, Idris is used to driving long hours so the six hour drive shouldn’t have been too taxing on him.  For whatever the reason though, Idris was about to snap.  He takes out a knife that he always carried and kills three employees at the Pilot Travel Center named Joyce Whaley, Patricia Denise Nobbe and Netter Spencer.  They are all older than Idris as they are 57, 51 and 41 respectively.  As he was on his killing spree, a customer was near the counter and Idris didn’t discriminate as he attacked her as well.  Although the customer was wounded, she would make a full recovery, which meant she was able to give the description to the police officers.  Idris was unremorseful as he got into his truck and drove off.


South of I-40 on the west coast is where Nouno and Abby reside.  The married couple had been pretty busy over the last year pivoting from minute men defending the border to being vigilantes for criminals that law enforcement and courts are too politically correct to prosecute.  Abby looks at the news and begins hearing about how people are dying because they are putting bleach on their foods and over-disinfecting things or committing suicide due to job loss or gaining a substance abuse problem.  For the last two months, her and her husband have been debating the merits of shutting down the country over a virus.  At first, Abby thought that the shut down was a good idea but with each passing day, she is beginning to see her husband’s point of view that they’re doing more harm than good.  She sighs and looks over, “Well, the numbers keep going down, hospitals are mostly empty, I think it’s safe to say that you may have had a point.”

“Ah, so you’re beginning to come to the dark side.  You’re realizing that the extended lockdown is the greatest public policy calamity in human history?”

“I wouldn’t go that far.”

“What was worse?”

“I don’t know but that just seems hyperbolic.”

“Give it a couple more weeks. You’ll come around just like have from a month ago.”

Abby gave Nouno a dirty look, “This is why it’s exhausting to debate with you.  You’re a very sore winner.”

Nouno smiled, “I keep trying to tell you that I’m always right but you never believe me.”

“That’s because you’re not!”

“If you say so.  Besides, states are beginning to open up so the problems will be alleviated so in a couple weeks I won’t have a different opinion because we’ll be closer to normal”

“The states are opening up in stages.  That means they still think it’s safer to be closed they just don’t want to continue to trample freedoms.”

“The problem is people’s depression caused by losing their jobs or being couped up in the house.  The more they can get out, the better it’ll be.”

“Oh no that’s not the only problem.”

“What else is there?”

“According to Tyson Food, since they’ve had to close factories, the food supply is being disrupted and soon there’s not going to be any meat in the grocery store.”

“How is a food factory not an essential business?”

“It could be from fear of the virus or a general economy problem.”

“Where are they from?”


“They have 136 deaths.  That’s nothing.  They should open fully so we can all have food.”

“Well, I’m glad that you agree that nobody should go outside unless they produce something you want then let them die to provide.”

“Aren’t you the one that has always said this isn’t as lethal as people think it is?”

“Yes, I’m going by what you think.”

“I told you that I’m coming around to see your point so you can’t go by what I used to think.”

“Fair enough but I’m asking you since my overall premise is that the reaction to the virus is worse than the virus itself. Do you think that people may die if they don’t have food?”


“So, when people say ‘shut it down or die,’ it really seems to be vice versa.”

“Is this the bullshit about how liberals are all projectionists and everything they accuse conservatives of they are guilty of themselves” Abby’s tone was mocking

“Yes, and I continually get proven right.”

“Look at New York though.  Think how bad they would have been if they didn’t shut down.”

“You can’t prove a counter-factual but there’s an interesting article about an ER doctor in the Bronx.  It’s a poorer community so they didn’t social distance as much.  The doctor admits that there was two weeks when they were swamped but then it died down considerably.  The doctor’s worry is that people are now afraid to go to the hospital because they don’t want to catch the Wuhan Virus so people that have other serious diseases are staying home and dying because they’re too scared to go to the hospital.”

“I suppose that makes sense.”

“The Bronx ER went from an average of 240 patients a day to 100 now.  As of March 30, there were 6,537 ambulance calls a day and now it’s down to 3,000.  You see, even New York isn’t as bad as Cuomo makes it out to be.  He just wants a federal bailout for the decades of fiscal irresponsibility in his state.”

“Well, before the nation opens up and gas prices start going up again, we should take advantage of the cheap flights.”

“Are you saying we have a case?”

“Yes I am.”


“Durham, North Carolina.”


Abby books the flight and when the time comes, they are on a flight to North Carolina.  While on the plane, Nouno iterates, “Wow, the Tara Reid allegations are really heating up.”

“Now, now, now, you can’t support and believe Tara Reid when you were so dismissive of Blasey Ford.”

“Like hell I can’t.  When I say it’s heating up, I mean that people are corroborating her story.  Her mother was interviewed in 1995 by Larry King and announced the allegation.  One of her neighbors, who’s a Biden supporter by the way, told investigators that they remembered Tara Reid telling them about the assault.”

“It just seems like a double standard.”

“You just want there to be a double standard.  I am very consistent.  I don’t believe people or a group of people, I believe evidence and the fact is Tara Reid has more evidence than Christine Blasey-Ford.”

“Didn’t she say that she told her friend?”

“Yes, she did say that.  They then asked the friend and the friend said that she doesn’t know what Christine is talking about and has no recollection of this.  Furthermore, she said that various Senate Democrats pressured her into corroborating the story.  If you want to talk about who had the courage in that situation, it was Christine’s friend who stood up against the vitriolic pressure she was getting and told the truth despite the pressure.”

“If there was any truth to it, I don’t think Kamala Harris would want to be his Vice President.”

“Interesting that during the debates Harris was all about this case and attacked Biden on the issue.  Now, she wants to be his running mate?  She all of a sudden believes Joe Biden and doesn’t want to comment on whether he should drop out because of the allegations.  What caused the about face?”

“People change their minds.”

“Indeed they do but they always have a reason as to why.  For instance, you were in favor of the lockdowns and then you heard the negative psychological affects it was having on people and you realized the fatality rate isn’t as bad as we thought so you changed your mind.  See, you can give a reason as to why.  Harris didn’t do that.”

“I just think men need to stand up because too many women are sexually assaulted and it needs to be stopped.”

Nouno was 36-years-old and Abby was 27.  Although they technically are considered millennials, Nouno always felt he was a different generation than her.  He shot back, “That’s the problem with your generation, you think everything is sexual assault.  If someone says you look cute today, you claim you were molested.  Words like ‘sexual assault,’ ‘rape’ and ‘molest’ used to mean something.”

“Look, I know this is a sensitive topic for you because you’ve been falsely accused of sexual assault three times but you need to fucking get over that.  None of them went to the cops.  All of them admitted they were lying and there were no ramifications.  Stop wearing it like a fucking badge of honor.”

“It’s fucked up.”

“Yes, it is but at least they didn’t make it worse by going to the authorities on it.  It’s almost like they knew they were full of shit.”

“That reminds me.  Hawaii Senator Maize Hirono gave a similar anti-men speech saying they needed to stand up and believe women but we’ve heard crickets from her about the Biden case.”

Abby rolled her eyes, “And we’re back.”

“What?  You told me to move on so I am.”

“The problem is you haven’t.  Anyway, Chris Hahn on Fox had an interesting point.  Kavanaugh was a lifetime appointment so it mattered more than Biden.”

“Let me get this straight: evidence doesn’t matter if it’s a lifetime appointment but you need evidence only if it’s an election?  Will you say that when a Democrat is president and they appoint a judge?  Can any random woman just accuse him or her of rape without a shred of proof because it’s a lifetime appointment?”

Abby’s shoulders slouched and she closed her eyes in frustration.  “I suppose not.” she responded with sass in her voice.  Then added, “Bottom line is, Biden would be a better president than Trump.”

“How do you figure?  What is his vision of the country?”

“He thinks we should have given people more money.  So far, the GOP senate is blocking the four trillion dollar infrastructure bill.”

“Again, so we’re clear.  We have Trump’s plan that is to lower taxes and cut regulations so people can keep more of their money in the first place and be allowed to grow unencumbered.  Biden’s plan is to spend Trillions of dollars and give people a bigger stimulus check but he is going to raise taxes and do his best to take it all back from you.  I guess it wouldn’t really be a stimulus because in order to stimulate, you have to spend the money.  Then, he’s going to ask for it back and you’re not going to have it.  How does that make sense again?”

“I’m not going to argue for higher taxes but this America first thing is xenophobic.”

“Haven’t you ever heard of you can’t help anyone if you don’t help yourself.  Remember before this plane took off, they had that safety demonstration.  What did they say?  Oh yea, put your mask on first before helping someone else with theirs.  Why is that?  Do you not care about your child or the person needing help?  Also, did you actually hear what Biden said when he was talking about that?”

“How the world collapsing because we don’t help them means that America first means America is alone and it hurts economic intercourse.” Abby replied with a smile

“Can the guy get through one interview without losing his train of thought, stumbling over his words or stuttering?”

“Just remember you supported Bush.”

“Bush never lost his train of thought or forgot what city he was in.  I don’t remember if he had a sister but if he did, he would be able to recognize her over his wife.  He may mess up sayings every now and then but, like I said, it was every now and then.  At this point, it’s shocking when Biden doesn’t mess up.  In fact, I’m not sure I’ve seen him not mess up any speech since he became a nominee.”

“He may be replaced.”

“I think you might be right about that.  I’m curious how that will go.  Bernie supporters will be pissed because they already think that the DNC stole the nomination from Bernie again.  Biden supporters will be upset because it’s like their pick didn’t matter.  I know the Democrats shouldn’t be able to keep a straight face with any of their hypocrisy but how do you tell your constituents that all the primaries don’t matter, we pick this guy and to hell with who you picked?”

“When you’re opponent is Trump, Democrats are more forgiving.”

“I guess we’ll find out.”

The plane lands in Durham and they check into their hotel.  As Nouno prepares the room for what is about to transpire, Abby furiously checks social media to find Idris’ habits.  Abby smiles, “Wow, this guy’s a moron.”

“Don’t judge truckers.  They’re the ones that kept society running during this pandemic.”

“I agree but every group has some bad apples and he is one of them.”

“Why is he a moron?”

“He’s all over social media bragging about Civil disobedience.  He gets food and eats it in his truck.”

“I think that’s actually legal”


“Wait, he drives a semi?”


“So, he’s eating in the cargo area or the driving area?”


“This might be our easiest case”

“Especially since truck drivers are pretty horny.”

“He killed two women mind you so I don’t think he discriminates.”

“Well then, I guess you’ll just have to intervene if my feminine charm doesn’t work.”

“Wait, it’s possible for it not to?”

“In theory but I just can’t recall it ever happening.”

Abby was an extremely attractive woman with curves and short blond hair with thick lips that spread into an infectious smile.  The plan was quite straight forward and they headed out.  When they got to Idris’ truck, Abby banged on the truck door and announced, “I know you’re in there.  I brought beer.  I’ve been dying to have a drink with someone but everyone’s too much of a pussy to have me over or come over to my place.  I miss going to a bar and getting drunk and having some guy take me home and fuck the shit out of me.”

The door flung open and Idris had a ravenous look on him.  Abby was smiling and that’s all Idris was focused on so he didn’t realize the needle in her hand that shot to his neck collapsing him just as Abby’s smile retreated.  Nouno grabbed the keys from Idris’ pocket and closed the door to the cargo area and got into the driver’s side.  Abby followed in their rental car and they drove till there were no street lights and then Nouno pulled the car over.  They loaded Idris into the trunk of their rental car and headed back to their hotel.  When Idris woke up, he saw pictures of two women and a man but he didn’t know who they were.  Nouno saw the confusion on his face and said, “Do you recognize them?”

“What happened?  Where am I?”

“You are on your death bed.  You are here because you killed the people in the pictures.”

“What are you FBI?  After the dossier debacle, why do you think he has any credibility?”

“Do you think that the FBI straps you down and threatens to kill you?  They normally arrest you.”

“They also normally don’t lie about something as simple as when they received a document.  You feds are still claiming you didn’t see the dossier until September 2016.”

“Not FBI but I do agree with you except it’s a play on words.  It’s possible they didn’t see the actual document until September but since they were talking to the authors the whole time, namely Christopher Steele, they didn’t need to read the dossier for the information because they were getting it from Steele himself.”

“It’s what they used to open Crossfire Hurricane.  It had nothing to do with Papadopoulos”

“Well, the dossier kind of proves that.”

“How so?”

“The dossier is a series of memos.  Memo #94 is dating July 19.  Oddly, memo #95 is not dated.  In fact, it is the only undated memo in the entire dossier.  It seems a little suspicious.  Now, we know that Memo # 97 is dated July 30 so that means 95 was written between July 19 and July 30.”

“What about memo #96?”

“I don’t know that one.  It might be classified.  The article I read skipped it but didn’t say why.”

“What does 95 say?”

That was the one that talks about Carter Page being a key figure in Spygate and meeting with Russians and accepting bribes.”

“None of which turned out to be true.”
                “Obviously; he was meeting with Russians as a CIA informant and doing it at their request and that bribe to help lift sanctions was worth over a billion dollars so that doesn’t make any sense either.”

“Interesting this happened three days before they opened Crossfire Hurricane.”

“A lot of things happened that week.  July 28 is a pretty big day in the Spygate drama”

“I’m not too good at dates.”

“Luckily for you, I am.  Steele’s FBI handler was an agent named Gaeta.  On July 28, Gaeta sent two memos to the assistant in charge in the New York field office and told them to shield it from headquarters.  Stephen Somma, who the dossier calls source # 1, worked at the FBI New York field office.”

“You know you people didn’t shield anything from Headquarters!”

“Again, I’m not an FBI agent.  There is, however, evidence that the New York field office did tell headquarters because FBI lawyer Lisa Page that worked on Spygate said in sworn testimony that Gaeta became Steele’s handler on July 16.”

“Well that doesn’t mean she knew.  She just knew that he was his handler.  Who was that Somma guy?”

“He was the FBI handler for Stefan Halper”

“You’re kidding me?  He also worked at the FBI field house in New York; the only FBI office that the FBI is admitting had the dossier early?  How convenient that Steele and Halper’s handlers work at the same office.”

Abby chimed in, “I’m sorry, I thought we were here to kill a murderer.  Just out of curiosity though, why is it significant that these two agents worked in the same office?”

Idris rejoined, “Halper was a CIA spy and he taught an intelligence seminar at Cambridge in London with Richard Dearlove who was Steele’s boss and vouched for him.  Halper lured George Papadopoulos, Sam Clovis, Carter Page and Paul Manafort to London so it would be easier to spy on them.  They were targeted because they worked on the Trump campaign.”

“If he lured Papadopoulos there then Crossfire Hurricane could still have been opened because of what he told the Australian diplomat.”

Nouno countered, “The Papadopoulos tip was in May.  What makes more sense: the investigation was open two months after getting a tip or right around when all these FBI agents are meeting with Christopher Steele?”

“I’m just saying it’s possible.”

“If it was about Papadopoulos, then why was the FISA on Carter Page?”

Abby hesitated a moment then shrieked raising her hands in the air, “Who the fuck cares?  Just kill the murderer already!”

The trucker stated, “You know, you mentioned the Page testimony.  I remember when Gawdy was questioning her on why they opened the investigation on a Sunday.  Page told them that they got it Thursday or Friday.”

“And the good Senator from South Carolina can do math and asked about Thursday as it was the 28th.”

“Page’s response was, “Right, thank you.”

“Tell me again how the FBI New York office shielded the dossier from headquarters?”

“No, you’re on to something.  Page was an FBI lawyer on Crossfire Hurricane and she admitted under oath that they got the dossier on July 28.”

“It gets even more fun when you realize that Hillary Clinton knew about it.”

“Of course she knew about it! She paid Fusion GPS who hired Steele.”

“Yes, but we actually have evidence she knew about this specific correspondence with the FBI.  Remember, she’s the mob boss for her mob AKA the United States DOJ, which includes the CIA and FBI.”

“What are you getting at?”

“On July 28, there’s that date again, Clinton’s staffer Robby Mook went on the air on one of the fake news networks and talked about the DNC hack and how the Russians stole e-mails and were releasing them the day before the convention to help Donald Trump.  The problem is that information only exists in the dossier so he had to have seen it if he knew that.”

“If you know this and I know this, then what the fuck is Durham and Barr doing?”

“Democrats are above the law.”

“No shit.  We should take care of this.”

“Well, you can’t do anything about it because you’ll be dead.”

“Oh come on!  We’ve been having a nice conversation.  You can’t kill me now.”

Nouno took Idris’ knife and drilled it into Idris’ chest killing him instantly as he declared, “Actually, I can.”

They wrap the body and head to a crematorium they had staked out earlier.  They break in and activate the machine loading Idris in it and leaving.  They leave the premises knowing that the machine takes a couple hours to work.  As they pull the car over on a side street, Nouno utters, “Did you hear the Pentagon confirmed that there was a UFO sighting by military pilots?”

“You believe in aliens now?”

“I didn’t say aliens, I said UFO.  That’s just an unidentified flying object.  It doesn’t necessarily mean aliens, we just haven’t identified it.”

“You know that’s bullshit right?”

“The Pentagon said the video was authentic.  This little black object is flying against 120 knot winds and going faster than the plane is.  It then starts rotating and the pilots are amazed.  If anyone knows what’s usual to see in the sky, it’s an airline pilot.”

“When you say this shit, it makes me question your deep state and political commentary.”

“I think I’ve been pretty convincing on that.”

“I agree but now I know you’re prone to conspiracy theories.”

“What’s your argument?”

“The military doesn’t want lay people to know the devices they have.  The weapons that we know about are like 20 years old.  It’s better not to let your enemies know what your capabilities are and keep them guessing.  Once people report on these things, the Pentagon can think it’s a compliment that lay people believe that it’s impossible to do what the object is doing.  Then, whoever designed it, in this case the US military, can pat themselves on the back that they created something that people deem impossible and too advanced for mankind.”

Nouno’s jaw opened and then closed.  His eyes darted back and forth as he contemplated a counter.  Finally, he conceded, “Well, it was pretty cool.”

“Duly noted” Abby replied with a grin

They talked for a little while longer and then went back to the crematorium to dispose of the remains.  After they finished, they returned to the hotel and flew out the next day.  On the plane, Nouno shook his head, “Damn, the media is so fucking predictable.”

“What now?”

“The Washington Post wrote when Kavanaugh was being confirmed that they had explosive new evidence that demanded an investigation now because it’s so serious.  Compare that to now when they write that Trump allies highlight new claims regarding allegations against Biden.  There’s no call to action.  No demand for an investigation.  Just that Republicans are pouncing on poor old Biden who has dementia.”

“That is true.”

“Yes, but that’s not the story.  It’s merely a story.  Why didn’t they say Democrats highlights new claims regarding Kavanaugh?  Instead, they had to jump on the outrage wagon.  Where’s the outrage now?”

“It’s their choice what to get outraged about.”

“Right, sexual assault is only outrageous when you’re accusing a Republican but if you’re accusing a Democrat than we need to pause and reflect and see if the woman led him on or what she was wearing.”

Abby glared at Nouno who grinned back.  “That’s not funny” she opined

“I know exposing liberal hypocrisy is sensitive to you Democrats.  I got another one for you.  How about Olivia Nuzzi asking the president that if a president loses more Americans in a couple weeks than in the Vietnam War, should he be re-elected?”

“I’ll admit it’s an attacking question but it’s not hypocritical.”

                “It is when you add that these same people yelled at anyone that compared the Wuhan virus to the flu.  Do you believe that comparisons to the flu are not fair because they’re two different diseases but the Vietnam War is a fair comparison?”

                “I admitted it was a stupid question.” Abby snapped

                “No you didn’t, you said it was an attacking question.”

                “Fine, it’s a stupid question.  There now are you happy?”

                “Actually yes”

                There was a brief silence and then they landed back in Arizona.  They head back to their house and decompress and go back to the stay at home orders hoping that the nation will open soon. 


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