Friday, April 24, 2020

Real Characters Episode 52 Democrat Destuction of Democracy, America and evidence

                It is the middle of 2016 and the presidential election is heating up.  Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are pulling no punches as they go after one another.  In the Hillary camp, there is no doubt that she is going to win but she doesn’t believe in a fair fight.  She has been colluding with President Barack Obama and the DOJ to make sure that President Trump never becomes president. 

                Since 2008, the DOJ has had one tactic in attacking their opponents; accuse them of Russian collusion.  It started with McCain but given that George Bush was president, he put a stop to it.  Now that a Democrat is in the White House, underhanded tactics are copacetic and to be used with reckless abandon.  2014 was when it really picked up when Obama’s National Security advisor Mike Flynn dared to disagree with President Obama about the Iran deal.  After that, he was lured to England at a dinner in Cambridge where they sat an English citizen who was born in Russia named Svetlana Lokhova to sit at his table.  Lokhova was CIA spy and Cambridge professor Stefan Halper’s student.  Given this pattern of behavior, it was not surprising that they would tag Donald Trump with the Russian collusion label too.  Just like with Lokhova, all they had to do was have a Russian talk to him.

                While the upper echelons of the FBI and CIA were figuring out a way to entrap members of the Trump campaign and spy on the Republican candidate, the rest of the intelligence community were doing what they were supposed to do; vet news and intelligence from around the world and, if credible, present it if it was cause for concern for America.  As CIA director, John Brennan would be privy to all this information.  As he sits at his desk, he looks through his reports from the five eyes or the intelligence communities of England, America, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.  What he finds is that Russian president Vladimir Putin is favoring Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election because they believe her to be more malleable and predictable than Donald Trump.  Brennan frowns and buries this information but doesn’t destroy it.  This proves to be a costly mistake when the National Security Council’s Chief of Staff Frederick Freitz will uncover it four years later.  As Freitz would later accurately recount, all high quality intelligence said that Putin favored Hillary. 

                As Brennan continues to go through, he finds report from non-official channels such as the State department that Putin is favoring Trump to win the presidency.  As a long-time intelligence official, John Brennan knows how to rectify these two pieces of information.  Russia is putting things out all over the place hoping to cause chaos in America.  The reason why their birdies they sent out about Trump never made it to Brennan’s desk is because they failed the vetting process miserably.  Brennan knows that if anything, the Russians favor Hillary but since he knows his bread is buttered by President Barack Obama and soon to be Hillary Clinton, he ignores the high quality attention and only runs with the low quality intelligence in briefings with the President and politicians on Capitol Hill. 

                Hillary Clinton has not been complacent in this process.  Through a law firm named Perkins Coie, she has hired Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Donald Trump.  Glenn Simpson, the owner of Fusion GPS, calls a former MI6 agent and FBI informant Christopher Steele for help since he had worked in Russia for a number of years many years ago.  As the campaign picks up, Steele can’t believe his luck.  He only has one source on the dirt on President Trump.  He is in constant communication with Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS via e-mail.  Although he tells Kathleen Kavalec of the state department 10 days before the FBI opens a FISA warrant against Trump campaign member Carter Page that he has two sources, in later investigations by the inspector general Michael Horowitz, he can only confirm one source.  The two sources he reveals to Kavalec are two known Russian disinformation artists named Surkov and Trubnikov.  Trubnikov coincidentally co-taught a course at Cambridge with CIA spy Stefan Halper.

                Finally the moment everyone has been waiting for;  Election Day 2016 where all the hard work by Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, Barack Obama, the DOJ, FBI and CIA will all payoff when Hillary Clinton is revealed as the next president of the United States.  At around two in the morning that night, these same players will stare incredulously at their TV sets.  Donald Trump has found a way to thwart all their efforts and defy all the polls in the nation and wins the election pretty handedly. 

                It takes about two months for the shock to wear off and the same players are panicking.  On January 5, 2017, Lame Duck Barack Obama calls a meeting in the Oval Office between he, FBI Director Jim Comey, National Security Advisor Susan Rice and Attorney General Sally Yates regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election.  Barack Obama has recovered from the blow and calmly tells Jim Comey, “Jim, we need to take care of this.”

                “Yes sir, I have a cleaning crew gathered right now.”

                “Send them out and have them give the same treatment as you did for Hillary Clinton.”

                “Yes, it will be a deep clean Mr. President.”

                Despite speaking in code, all members in the Oval Office know what they’re talking about.  Hillary Clinton bleach bit her e-mails on her blackberry so that investigators wouldn’t know what type of information she was sending on an unsecured server.  They know that she was talking to Barack Obama but the contents are lost.  As one intelligence official looking at the damage would opine, ‘Even God couldn’t retrieve those e-mails.’

                Obama turns to Susan Rice and states, “Susan, this is a very delicate matter so I want the investigation handled by the book.”

                This is a gross departure from what they have been doing for the past few months but Susan Rice is perfectly aware.  This is one instance where the movies get close to reality.  In A Few Good Men Jack Nicholson’s character calls a meeting with various marines and high ranking officials and tells them that a marine that is being dishonorably discharged named Sanchez will not be touched.  As soon as everyone leaves, he asks two marines to stay behind and orders them to give Sanchez a code red to punish him.  The first meeting was so that if it ever came out what they were doing, he could testify under oath that he told everyone that Sanchez was not to be touched and he wouldn’t be perjuring himself.  When Susan Rice leaves the oval office, she sends an e-mail to herself saying that the president told her to investigate Russian collusion with Donald Trump and do to do it by the book. 

                Susan Rice is not the only one that took action after the meeting.  Jim Comey calls his informant Christopher Steele, whom he has since fired for leaking his information to the media and elsewhere when his agreement was that his information was to be exclusively for the FBI.  Steele answers the phone, “Yes sir, Jim, what can I do for you.”

                “We’re going to have company.  I want to make sure the place is clean for their arrival.”


                Steele hangs up the phone and scrubs all communication with Fusion GPS.  Five days after this date, Buzzfeed will publish the information that he just destroyed.  Steele will also bleach and permanently destroy all documents and any relevant correspondence with his exclusive and lone source that his infamous dossier was based on. 

                A week later, Senator Chuck Grassley will be reviewing this chain of events and find the e-mails Susan Rice writes to herself that President Obama wants the investigation to be done exclusively by the intelligence community and done by the book.  He looks up from the screen with a confused look on his face.  He asks himself, “Why would anyone write an e-mail to themselves about that?”

                He had a pretty good idea he knows the answer but he runs it by his staff to ensure he’s not being biased.  They all come up with the same conclusion.  You only write an e-mail like that to cover yourself for not doing everything by the book and not letting the intelligence community handle everything.  In a way, the e-mail exposes what Susan Rice and everyone in that room was up to because it should go without saying and if it needs to be said, it probably means you weren’t doing it. 

                Four years later, Christopher Steele, who is supposed to be an expert on Russia, would get a lesson into just how serious the Russians were about creating chaos.  Bob Mueller was the first to figure this out when he indicted some Russian nationals for made up crimes.  Mueller thought that the Russians would never show up and Putin would protect them.  Instead, they showed up in court and, as is their right in the American justice system, asked for the evidence against them.  Mueller refused to show it citing sources and methods and confidential information and the judge castigated and berated him for bringing a case that he wasn’t willing to even try to defend.  The Russians weren’t done with the charade caused by the Anti-Trump people in America.  In Steele’s dossier, he wrote that a server in Trump Tower was pinging to a Russian bank named Alfa Bank in Russia.  It was alleged that through this back channel is how President Trump was colluding with Russia.  Upon further review, it turned out that the ping was actually spam.  Alfa Bank, however, wasn’t going to let this opportunity go to waste and they sued Christopher Steele for defamation.  That is when Senator Grassley heard the second part of the nefarious events that occurred on January 5, 2017.  When asked by the English court to produce his evidence that Alfa Bank colluded with President Trump, Steele told them that he didn’t happen because he destroyed it all on January 5, 2017. 

                As Grassley hears about this in Washington, he again wonders aloud, “Wouldn’t by the book mean not destroying all the evidence and to keep it on hand so you can back it up if asked to in court or otherwise?  Grassley continues to read the transcript of the court case of Alfa Bank V. Christopher Steele.  He reaffirms that he wiped his e-mails with the primary sub-source clean and that was the only person he spoke to.  Grassley concludes that means he lied to Kavalec when he told her that he had two sources.  The judge asks him for any documents backing up his allegations and Steele again tells him that he is telling him, under oath, that he destroyed them all and can’t back up his meetings or sources.   When he is done, he calls a meeting with his chief of staff, “You’re not going to believe this?”

                “Nothing really surprises me sir.”

                “Steele is in court in England because Alfa Bank is suing him over his allegations about them in the dossier.”

                “I’m aware sir.”

                “He destroyed all the evidence.  Then the judge tries asking him about communications about the dossier and Fusion GPS.”

                “What was the response?”

                “That he wiped them all clean in December 2016 and January 2017.  There were still open FISAs then that would be renewed.  Since the FISA’s relied solely on his dossier, you’d think he would keep them on hand.”

                “Unless he knew they were false.”

                “That’s exactly what I’m getting at.”.

                “Did the judge ask specifically about the memos about Alfa Bank?”

                “Yea, that’s report 112”

                “I’m guessing he destroyed those too.”

                “Sure did.”

                “Any reason why or how Steele would pick Alfa Bank as his scapegoat?”

                “Yes, there’s an old Wall Street Journal piece written on April 17, 2007 called How Lobbyists Help Ex-Soviets Woo Washington.  It was written by Glenn Simpson and Mary Jacoby.”

                “The same Glenn Simpson that owns Fusion GPS and is married to Mary Jacoby?”

                “Same ones.”

                “That may be why he destroyed all the communications between them.  It may not have been Steele telling Simpson but the other way around.”

                “That’s what I was thinking.  That would be a big problem since the FBI swore in court that Steele wrote the dossier.”

                “Given the powerful people involved, I could see why Steele wouldn’t want to come clean.”

                “Steele’s company Orbis is paying his source between $3,000 and $ 5,000 a month to this day.”

                “Hush money.”

                “Yea, I would think that Glenn Simpson is the source but he hasn’t been hushing at all.  He wrote a book and is writing articles in England accusing Boris Johnson of colluding with the Russians.”

                “I got to hand it to him.  That’s pretty ballsy.”

                “I would agree.  Either that or incredibly stupid.”

                “There’s not a very big line between those two.”

                “Don’t I know it.”

                The chief of staff leaves Grassley’s office.  His phone rings and it’s David Laufman, the chief of the National Security Divisions Counter-intelligence and Expert Control Section.  Grassley is in the mood for some comic relief and he answers, “David my friend with the longest title known to man.”

                Laufman laughs, “How are you doing Senator?”

                “I’ve been better to be honest but what can I do for you?”

                “I have some information that you may find interesting.”

                “I’m listening”

                “I interviewed Steele’s sub-source back in 2017 and I negotiated with his lawyer to facilitate an FBI’s interview to build a cooperative relationship because it could result in the FBI being in a position to assess the validity of the information in Steele’s reporting resulting from his activities.”

                “Are we in confession here David?”

                “Take it for what it is.”

                “You warned him to get a lawyer to protect him from saying anything that could cause him to end up in jail.”

                “Yes I did”

                “Did you extend the same courtesy to Mike Flynn and George Papadopoulos?”

                “No, I did not sir.  They were called in for a friendly chat.”

                “A friendly chat that ended up in their arrest even though there was a plethora of exculpatory evidence and the FBI agents that interviewed Flynn claimed they didn’t think he was being deceptive.”

                “Yes, that is how that ended up.”

                “Well, I appreciate you telling me but I’m sorry that it happened.”

                “Me too sir.  You have a good night.”

                “You as well.”

                Senator Grassley looks in the direction of the White House even though you can’t see it from Capitol Hill.  The White House is designed to be obscured from view in the air and by peripheral locations.  He hasn’t seen eye to eye with the chief resident in the White House but Grassley is a fair man and he knows that nobody deserves what was done to the president the last four years. 

                In the White House that Grassley is glancing over at, President Trump is being briefed by a staffer, “Mr. President, it appears that a Rick Bright of the FDA is mouthing off that he was terminated because he spoke against Hydroxychloroquine.”

                “Didn’t he tweet out in March that the FDA needed to allow emergency use for it?”

                “Yes, but now he’s saying that he warned you all along and that’s why he was terminated.”

                “There’s a lot of that going around now.”

                “Unfortunately, sir, that’s true.”

                “Why is he doing this?”

                “Well, we’ve been working to oust Bright for a year now because of questions of management and leadership.”

                “And incompetence.”

                “Yes sir.”

                “Are we able to defend ourselves?”

                “Yes sir, we have internal memos of him praising and promoting Hydroxychloroquine.”

                “Are they classified?”

                “No sir, they’re circulating on twitter as we speak.”

                “I would say we have nothing to worry about but you can always count on the media to run with everything no matter how thoroughly discredited it is as long as it attacks me.”

                “I’m hoping one of these days they prove that premise wrong.”

                “That day is not today though right?” he asks with a smile

                “No sir.”

                He nods his head and goes into the briefing room.  Even if these attacks rattled him when they first started, by now, he would have grown accustomed to it.  As he faces the room full of journalists that hate him and want nothing more than to trap him, he prepares for their questions and the verbal sparring.  One journalist asks him about Joe Biden.  President Trump responds, “He’s a sleepy guy who’s not moving much.  He won’t do any debates because of Covid and they’re keeping him sheltered in a basement.”

                All over America, people are laughing.  Many old-school Republicans hate when the president speaks this way because they deem it ‘unpresidential’ the liberals and democrats hate it because it works to endear him to their base.  They are so accustomed to Republicans backing down and taking the high road that they still don’t know what to do with the fighter that President Trump is.  That is why the rest of the population is cheering him and entertained by his little monikers for his political opponents.  Just like ‘lying Ted.’ ‘little Marco,’ ‘little Mike’ and ‘crooked Hillary, ‘sleepy Joe’ will stick. 

                The press conference goes the way they always go.  The president insinuating that the governors need to start opening the economy but do it safely and the media accusing him of murder for saying it.  As he exits, he is briefed on the latest about the pandemic.  Ideally, this would have happened before the conference but as it is no longer informative, this is the order or events now.  He sits with his task force and is given reports from New York.  “I see that New York has started antibody tests.”

                “Yes Sir”

                “13.9% of the 3,000 people they tested were positive for the virus.”


                “Just like everywhere else they tested, that would mean that it may be more contagious than we thought but not as lethal.”

                “That’s not how governor Cuomo is portraying it.”

                “Of course not.  How is the governor portraying it?”

                “That it wasn’t a random sample.  Since it was done at a supermarket, it’s people who are going outside.  The only people who go outside are the ones who feel healthy and not sheltering in place.”

                “Does he suggest that people go door to door and do the tests in their homes?”

                “Given the high prevalence of thieves ringing buzzers and knocking on doors in order to scam or steal from people, that may not be a good idea.”

                “Then what is Cuomo suggesting.”

                “That we should bail out New York.”

                “Ah, so just like the other blue states, he’s holding us hostage.  Either he continues to destroy the economy I built by instilling socialism in his state or I give him money that we don’t have.”

                “Yes, his contention is that New York gives more to the federal government than any other state.”

                “They also spend a lot more than any other state.”

                “He naturally left that part out.  Blue states are contending that they subsidize red states and they just want their money back.”

                “We’ve already distributed almost as much as all the states combined gave us in the last three months of 2019.”

                “With the recent bill that passed, it exceeds that number Mr. President.”

                “Then we already did give them back their money.”

                “I’m afraid they don’t see it that way.”

                “Of course they don’t see it that way.  If they looked at facts and knew how to read statistics, they’d be Republicans.”   

                “Sir, it is true that the percentage of state budgets that come from the federal government is higher for red states than blue states.”

                “That is a meaningless statistic because red states spend less than blue states.  If we give $10,000 to a state who’s budget is $80 Million, that’s a higher percentage than a state with $200 Million.  You really want to reward people for being fiscally irresponsible?”

                “How do we correct for that?”

                “Do it based on per capita”

                “I can do that.”

                Another staffer spoke up, “No need, I already have.”

                President Trump inquires, “And does that change anything?”

                “Yes sir, red states are given $ 1,879 dollars per person from the government whereas Blue states are given $2,125 from the government.”

                “Ah, it appears it inversed.”

                “Not exactly”

                “How do you mean?”

                “Well, when you do it as a percentage of the budget, purple states are in the middle and almost identical to the national average.  When you do it per capita, purple states actually have the lowest as they only get $1,771 per person.”

                “Seems like loyalty to one party is rewarded.”

                “Well yea, but much more rewarded by Democrats.”

                “Excellent, so if you do the numbers responsibly, Cuomo doesn’t have a leg to stand on.”

                “Yes sir.”

                The meeting adjourns and the president’s economic advisor comes into the Oval Office.  “What can I do for you?” asks the President.

                “With this new bill we just passed, I need to talk to you about all the money we’re spending on the pandemic; this is going to cause massive inflation.”

                “I’m aware of that.  Do we know the extent?”

                “Well, the supply of money has increased 7.7% and the economy is shut down so we’re not producing anything.  By my calculations, in 18-24 months, we’re going to have triple digit inflation.”

                “It looks like I need to talk to the Fed.”

                “Yea, after slashing interest rates before this crisis, they’re going to have to reverse that.”

                “I told them not to lower interest rates but they didn’t listen to me.”

                “Then we are in agreement.  It’s time for a Volker Shock?”

                “You want interest rates to go up 16-20%”

                “That is the only way we can stop hyperinflation.”

                “You seem relieved that we’re on the same page on this.  What did you think I would say?’

                “Well sir, some may advise that if the dollar is weak, than our national debt is much less.  It’s easier to pay it off with a weak dollar so long as we have foreign currency reserves.  If we raise interest rates, we help all the savers in the economy but we hurt the federal government because that’s just that much more debt we’re piling on and we’re almost off the fiscal cliff as it is.”

                “Ah, so the decision the Fed has is to screw the citizens to help the federal government or screw the federal government to help the citizens.”

                “Going off the fiscal cliff will hurt our citizens too sir.”

                “But we don’t know what number the tipping point is.”

                “That is true Mr. President but it’s better not to find out.”

                “You’re missing the point.  We don’t know where the tipping point is on the debt but we do know that all this printing of money will lead to triple digit inflation in 18-24 months.  Which is more concrete?”

                “The triple digit inflation.”

                “Of course there’s one thing that can solve both problems simultaneously”

                “Growing the economy.”

                “Correct.  18-24 months is a short amount of time so it may be a better bet to have the fed raise interest rates, we’ll take a hit on the debt while I grow the economy, which would allow the Fed to lower interest rates. The productivity will catch up to the money we printed and the GDP to debt ratio will decrease making our debt not look as bad.”

                “I admit that it was a little difficult to see that option from our current state.”

                “You’re saying I need a magic wand?”

                The advisor smiled getting the reference to when Obama told Trump that to do what he said he would with the economy, he would need a magic wand.  It turns out Trump was right about what he could do and Obama was already on record saying it was magical if he pulled it off.  Of course, Obama didn’t admit Trump was right.  Instead, he tried to take credit despite his previous comments.  The advisor kept the smile as he responded, “Mr. President.  If anyone can pull a Harry Potter, it’s you but you need to get re-elected first.”

                “I did it once and I’ll do it again.  You’re right though, that is only if I get re-elected but I’ve done that before too.  Things seem much more possible when you’ve already done them.”

                “Just make sure it doesn’t make you complacent.”

                “Have you experienced anything about me that leads you to believe I’m complacent?”

                “No Sir.  You run on like three hours of sleep and you’re a work horse.  To be honest sir, I’m not quite sure how you do it?”

                “Decades of practice my friend.”

                “I believe it.”

                The advisor leaves his office and President Trump starts tweeting his endorsement of various  allies running for office in spots across the nation.  Not only does he need to win re-election but it is crucial that the Republicans keep the Senate and take back the House so he can work without the albatross of hoax investigations.  Already the same cabal that brought you Russian Collusion, Ukrainian quid pro quo impeachment is now formally investigating him for his handling of the Wuhan Virus.  He would ask them to help but he has long realized the Democrats are looking to capitalize on this crisis to fund their liberal agendas and turn America into a socialist country.  President Trump is a little disappointed in himself that he fell for this trap.  Now, he hopes that the American people can rise up and force their hand but it doesn’t appear to be working as the Democrats just dig their heels in deeper.  President Trump does not advocate violence but he couldn’t blame citizens in Michigan and elsewhere from rising up violently against their tyrannical governors.  He prays that the governors come to their senses before it gets to that point.  A federal bailout wouldn’t work because people who have nothing are also likely to violently rebel and when their hard earned money becomes worthless because they paid the ransom by the blue states, it’s not the blue states they’re going to blame but him.

                As all this is transpiring, Democrat congressman Vernon Jones is sitting in his office.  It has taken four years, but the success and leadership of President Trump is undeniable to him.  As he looks at the Democrat nominee Joe Biden, he is not filled with any sense of confidence.  He sighs and breaks with his party and publicly endorses President Trump for re-election.  That is when Congressman Jones would find out who the real intolerant racists are in America as the left viciously and brutally assaults him.  The pressure gets so intense that he does something that several Republicans and right-leaning people have done in the past and give in to the mob.  He announces he will resign.  It is at this time, that Jones realized that the people that he has long been told as a black man were the racists; the Republicans are welcoming him with open arms.  Through all the vial, disgusting, gutter talk of the left, he sees the words of encouragement and support from his district and Republicans.  Candace Owens had started the blexit movement years ago and Vernon Jones is just the latest black person to have the blindfold taken off his eyes and realize that the Democrats and liberals are responsible for keeping black people down and they are the real racists while the Republicans couldn’t care less about the color of your skin as they only care about the content of your character.  Emboldened by the support springing from his previous hate, Vernon Jones sits in his office and announces that he is not going to let his constituents down.  He is going to finish his term and he is still endorsing Donald Trump for president. 

                He is applauded by thousands, if not millions, of fair minded independents, Republicans and conservatives alike.  The reaction to the Wuhan Virus is on course to wreak immense economic havoc on America.  The American people and the federal government need to figure out a way to get the blue states to open their economy.  There are 16 states that have come up with a plan.  This adds to the already six states that never shut down.  Although 22 is still less than half, the more states that provide a control or test group against the states still shut down, the more they can convince America that the shutdown was pointless and an overreaction.  This will give the blue states no leg to stand on and they may have no choice but to give in.  It’s the equivalent of a Mexican stand-off and the future security of America hangs in the balance.  The stakes couldn’t be higher but the commander and chief lays in wait for if the gets full opening, then he can show that the last four years was not a fluke.  He can pull his magic wand out of his cloak one more time and show what the Trump economy can do when it’s allowed to run wild. 


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