Saturday, May 4, 2019

Real Characters Episode 4 Pelosi Conspiracy

It is August 2016 and Nancy Pelosi and at least six other members either of congress or the FBI are being briefed by CIA director John Brennan. At the end of the meeting, Pelosi is a little confused about what she just heard. There is a dossier about dirt on presidential candidate Donald Trump. At first, that sounds good but then Brennan goes on to say how it isn't verified and hadn't been vetted so why bring it up in the first place? I guess transparancy with the CIA and congress is good but I mean why tease us when you admit you have nothing? Come back when you do. She put the meeting out of her head almost as quickly as it started not realizing that this was actually going to be a crucial moment in history. This meeting would be scrutinized in depth for years to come.

Others at the meeting took it a little more seriously as Nevada Senator Harry Reid sends a memo to the FBI to investigate the information found in the dossier. Attendee Lisa Page, a lawyer for the FBI, feels the presure to vet and verify the informaiton quickly and efficiently to give a report before the election three months away. This, however, isn't her job but others in the FBI. The buck has been passed and the FBI isn't going to be rushed by the CIA and will do their work as they deem fit.

Shortly after the meeting, FBI director Jim Comey, amongst pressure, re-opens an investigation into HIllary Clinton's e-mails. Although he pays lip servivce to it, his priority is to investigate her opponent Donald Trump. The optics, however, prove to be enough as Hillary is an essential mob boss and owns the department of justice and upper echelon of the FBI. Immediately, pressure dwarfing the pressure to re-open the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal mounts to investigate the FBI. The inspector general does exactly that and that's when everything goes to hell. Lisa Page and lead investigator Strzok are having an affair and are texting each other how much they hate Trump. Jim Comey is on the record calling the dossier 'salacious and unverified' but they continue the investigation anyway. One thing after another keeps coming up exposing the FBI to be the corrupt, Hillary bought and paid for organization that had been whispered about for the last eight years. Pelosi is briefed on all this. When the Department of Justice (DOJ) is told not to prosecute Hillary Clinton and Comey lays out a list of damning hard evidence against Clinton only to say "No reasonable prosecutor would prosecute this case" Pelosi knows that Clinton owns the DOJ too. She chuckles to herself and tells one of her staffers, "So let me get this straight, they have hard evidence on Hillary Clinton and won't prosecute but they have something they know is false on Donald Trump and they run with it?"

"It would appear that way Ma'ame"

"I'm glad I'm on Hillary's side."

"Are you going to say anything? I mean this isn't justice right?"

"No, but it is politics and if there's one guy that deserves it, it's Donald Trump."

It is now November 8, 2016 Donald Trump is elected President of the United States. While many Americans are shocked, stunned and enraged, Nancy Pelosi remains calm. She knows American history, over the last two decades, whatever party wins the presidency, loses the midterms. That means she's going to be Speaker of the House once again in two years. Then, she can just impeach Trump if he's as bad as he seems to be. The dossier is still very much alive as it was used to get the most invasive form of spying known to America approved on various members of the Trump campaign. It is known as a 'FISA warrant.' The public only knows about or focuses on the Carter Page one but there were others Pelosi knows about. She calls the deputy director of the FBI MeCabe and asks, "You got a FISA warrant on Carter Page?"

"Yes Ma'ame I did"

"Is there any information besides the Dossier I don't know about it?"

"Apparantly you didn't see my speech to the press"

"I'm sorry, I must have missed it."

"There woudn't be a FISA without the dossier."

"You told the press that?"

"Yes Ma'ame"

Pelosi was stunned and ended the conversation quickly. She couldn't believe he was dumb enough to say that to the press. The dossier is a hoax. In three months, despite all the pressure Brennan put in that meeting literally nothing had been verified. Now, he's admitting that they used it to get a FISA warrant. Does he not know that Donald Trump is president not Hillary Clinton so the cover up would be harder? She decides it's not her problem and just focuses on attacking President Trump publicly. She just counts down the time till she's speaker.

Finally, the time has come, the Democrats take back the house and Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House. The last two years has seen an explosion by far leftists, which just four years ago, Pelosi would've been in that category but now you had socialists and ignorant people screaming for the sake of screaming and can't put together a sentence let alone a thought. These freshman congressman are now saying that she shouldn't be speaker because she's not radical enough. Minor problem, she's been in politics a long time and knows how to fight underhandedly and dirtily. She keeps it quiet but soon all the people screaming for her not to be speaker are backtracking faster than a Michael Jackson moon walk. Even before the midterms, Democrats have been screaming to impeach Trump. Pelosi hates Trump and has fought him tooth and nail not to give him one cent for his border wall knowing that any compromise by Trump for a penny less than the 5.7 Billion he wants will lead to the Ann Coulter Conservatives to crucify him. It took a 35 days shutdown but that's exactly what happened. Pelosi knows how to be patient. Maybe something in the dossier can be true. One essential part about Trump's lawyer Cohen going to Prague has been discredited. Cohen has never even been to Prague. The calendear turns to May 2017 and Lisa Page is giving testimony. She listens to her say, "At this point the dossier could've been literally nothing". So much for the time sensitivity.

Pelosi turns the channel and John Brennan, who is no longer employed at the CIA, is talking to the press. He listens to him say that he had never seen the Dossier till December 2016"

Pelosi laughs and says to the TV, "That's funny, you told me about it and then cited information from it in August 2016."

Brennan did what the CIA does best, get in trouble and blame the FBI. This is stupid because she has already heard Lisa Page's testimony to the hill where she talks about Brennan briefing her about the dossier in August. He goes on an on about how the FBI was responsible to vet it and how he didn't take it into account because it was unverified. Pelosi was a career politician so has heard a lot of lies but this was just special. She wondered if Rachel Madow or any of the media would ask him his name just to see if he's so used to lying he forgets that he can tell the truth about that one. Pelosi, however, has made a decision. She releases to the press that impeaching President Trump isn't worth it. After all, didn't we get into this mess because people investigated the FBI to help Clinton? Did she really want a Senate Judicial Committee looking into all this FISA abuse and all the underhanded tactic by the DOJ, FBI, and Democratic Senators? Absolutely not. She had to admit that in this new age, conservatives were holding their own in the meme department. She saw one that had the word Senator, it then scrambled the words to spell 'treason.' Like all good jokes, there was a little bit of truth in that one when you think of Ilhan Omar and some others. It was a weird time, Trump made everyone stupid and they were exposing themselves to how corrupt they really were. Before getting caught up it was time to reflect.

Pelosi thought back to her high school days long ago. She remembered a kid named, Orest. He was very smart. The problem is he was more interested in devising clever ways to cheat than to actually do the work. Pelosi thought that if he spent as much time as he did studying as he did on how to cheat, he would probably get the same grade. Orest didn't stop there because he actually was intelligent. Boys would pay him to take the SAT for them. He guaranteed at least a 1500 and he delivered. The moderators never looked at the ID's closely so even though he looked nothing like the pictures, he walked right on in with nobody the wiser. Afterall, a college diploma was a signal of your ability. If the name of the school on the diploma was reputable, you got automatic credibility regardless of anything else. Giving someone that much power was something that people would pay for and Orest did well. This was on her mind because a news story came out about a conspiracy for Hollywood elites. Her reflecting was interrupted by a staffer. After briefing her on what she wanted to say, the staffer brought up this topic. Staffer said, "Can you believe this?"

"Yes, i can. it's been going on for a while. Just a little more sophisticated with photoshop on Athlete's bodies and stuff but same concept. People took the SAT's for other people in my day too."

"I guess it's the age of conspiracies between Trump and this"

"No, this is a real conspiracy"

"What do you mean?"

"What specifically did this guy do?"

"He was paid by rich people like Hollywood stars to take tests for their kids and make them look better in their pictures."

"See, conspiracy allegations are normally well articulated. Now what, specifically did Trump do to collude with the Russians?"

"He wanted to build a tower there"

"How does that have anything to do with rigging the elections?"

"He told Russians to hack the DNC server"

"By building a tower?"

"He didn't built the tower though."

"So, in talking about building a tower, he said 'by the way hack the DNC?"

"Umm, like, you know, I'm sorry ma'ame, I don't know but I'm not privy to classified information like you. Oh wait, I remember it was a mosaic of articulable facts"

"What are the articulable facts and name one tile in the mosaic besides an international real estate developer negotiating real estate internationally"

"I don't know"

"Exactly, nobody does because it's not a real conspiracy. Adam Schiff is a moron."

"Is that why you have stayed silent?"

"Yea, I'm not going to defend the president. I hate that man but I'm not going to humiliate myself and go on the record about something that I know is fake."

"Very smart Ma'ame"

"Thank You"

The staffer left her office and Pelosi decided to go home. On her way home, she was invited to dinner by a close friend of hers that had a 19-year-old son. She said yes as she hadn't seen them in a while and headed that direction. When she got there, the boy turned on the TV and was watching Alexandria Octavio-Cortez. Pelosi smiled, Cortez was definatley top two of the instigators in trying to implode the Democratic party. Thankfully, the Republicans were imploding too. Steven, the 19-year-old sat down and said, "I love her."

Pelosi rolled her eyes, "Come on Steven, your an engineer, you're smart enough to know how stupid she is."

"What do you mean?"

"Just watch"

Cortez was interviewing the CEO of Wells Fargo Sloane. Cortez asks him why he finances the caging of children."

Steven starts clapping, "That's right AOC, pull no punches"

Pelosi remains patient. Sloane answers back that he has no idea what she's talking about. Cortez talks about how he lent money to ICE for detention centers. Sloane basically responded, "So what?"

Cortez seems confused and moves on and then asks about if he feels guilt for the pipeline leak in South Dakota since his bank gave them the money to build the pipeline. Sloane just reponds, "No, because we don't manage the company"

Again Cortez looks confused. Steven is still smiling so Pelosi asks him, "Steven, what do banks do?"

"Hold on to your money."

"Is that all? Do they ever give it to people?"

"Well yea, for like housing or car loans and stuff. If you want to start a business and don't have rich relatives, the bank may give you a loan if you write a huge binder of business information"

"Yea, that's called a business plan"


"So, after the bank loans you the money, do they tell you how to run the business? Do they make recommendations on how you should furnish the house? Do they tell you what rims to get on your car?"

"No, that would be ridiculous. They just say 'fuck you pay me back with interest'"

"Yes, so tell me how those questions make any sense."

"Well....I mean.....I don't know, I just hate how that guy is so rich and other people work really hard and live paycheck to paycheck."

"That's fine but it doesn't mean Cortez asked a good question. He can still be evil but just learn how to question everyone, even people you like, You can't be a sheep"

Cortez is now on South by Southwest and asked about Capitalism. After stating several times that what she is about to say is her opinion, she gives her opinion on what capitalism is. She says, "It's an idealogy of capital, prioritize money above all regardless of the costs to human life or the environment."

Steven again cheers. Nancy looks at him and says, "Steven, do you know that capitalism has a definition?"

"You know I'm a Democratic socialist right Aunt Nancy?"

"Well, i don't agree but at least know what you hate. What is capitalism really?"

"There's no objective truth, it's like AOC says, nobody really has a definition."

"If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?"


"Wrong, four. Just because you call a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."

"Well, that's a little extreme."

"So you don't believe in Objective Truth"

"Of course not, everyone knows everything is relative."

"You do realize the statement 'everything is relative' contrdicts itself because that is not a relative statement?"

Steven looks up and ponders it for a second. "Well fine, the only objective truth is that there is no objective truth, how about that?" he said rather smugly

"Wouldn't the fact that that's the only one also be an objective truth. Wouldn't the original statement you made 'everything is relative' also be one so it's not the only one."

Steven grabs a chair and says, this chair is a chair, we all know that, it's not what I'm saying. I'm saying ideas and philosophies are relative."

"So there are objective truths and everything is not relative"

"I guess"

"What about science?"

"That's universal"

"it's not an abstract thing like philosophy?"

"Well....I know"

"Now I know why you like Cortez so much, that's pretty much all she says. Back to the original conversation, do you know what Capitalism really is?"

"No, why don't you tell me" he said sarcastically

"Capitalism is defined as a use of pricing rather than rationing to distribute scarce resources. It's about private property and the ownership and protection of said property. It's also a system of wage based employment. it is the economic freedom to engage in transactions of goods and property through pricing systems."

"Yea, and if you can't compete, you die"

"So the 100 million people and counting that socialism has killed isn't doing that? Do you think Venezuela who has been relegated to eating squirrels and drinking sewage water because they don't have access to anything better for food and water is not describing exactly what you and AOC accuse capitalism of?"

"that's not socialism, that's totalitarianism"

"Socialism is defined as the government and/or state controls of the means of production"

"To you"

"No, objectively. in this case, there is no such thing as 'to you'"

"Yea so if the person in charge isn't a dick like Maduro and Stalin it can work,"

"If you worked your ass off and some guy that smoked weed all day and spent the whole day sleeping made the same as you what would you do?"

"I'd understand that we're all equal"

"If I paid you what you make now to post things on social media and watch TV and play video games, what would you do?"

"You're going to pay me my salary to do what I have fun doing? I'd quit my job."

"Right, so does everyone else." So if you don't get paid more to work and everyone stops working what happens?"

"You stop making things"

"But the government has to make money. People have to work, how do you motivate them?"

"You, ummm, pay wait, can't do that. I don't know who am I to say?"

"You put a gun to their head and force them to."

"That's being a dick."

"Is there any other way?"

"People work voluntarily because it's the right thing to do."

"You believe that?"

Steven put his head down, "No not really. I just don't like how some people are billionaires and I'm not."

"That's why you just tax them to death. Like we Democrats do."

"But AOC has an econ degree"

"That just shows how far the American education system has fallen."

"So what do you think when you hear her speak?"

"Every time she answers a question, I'm reminded of Adam Sandler in Billy Madison which came out before you were born, "Nowhere in your mindless, incoherent rambling did you come anywhere close to anything that can be considered a rational thought. Everyone here is now dumber having listened to it. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul."

"Is that what you think when you hear me talk?"

"Nope, you're just one of the people that got dumber having listened to her and you listen to her a lot. Stop listening and you'll get smarter"

Pelosi thanked her friend and left the house. What the hell just happened? Good thing no right-wing outlets heard what she said. Hell, good think the mainstream media didn't hear it. They'd be attacking her and trying to make her step down as speaker again. She just couldn't have someone she watched grow up be that ignorant. She worried about the future. These new Democrats needed to be stopped and the old guard had to take the party back again. She went home and slept ready to start pretending to care about the little guy tomorrow. Really she was the man and one thing she loved more than money was power. She had it for now. Tomorrow she'd renew her fight against anything Trump said. She'd lie to the people about how the speaker is just as powerful as the President. On one hand she loved people for being dumb enough to believe her. On the other, they were also dumb enough to believe the Cortez and Omar's of the world. How would this revolution end?


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