Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Real Characters Episode 17 Running Around the Capitol Building

                At the Capitol Building in Washington D.C., various representatives are roaming the halls going to meetings and working with other representatives on bills.  It has been a very eventful time in the second tallest building in Washington D.C. as Mueller had just given his much anticipated public testimony in front of congress that, to put it mildly, didn’t live up to the hype.   Ilhan Omar is in a room when she receives a phone call.  She answers and one of her aids says, “Mrs. Omar, it appears that a video of you from 2018 is about to be released.”

                “Which one?” She calmly asks.

                “You claim that everyone should fear white people and it is the White’s that should be profiled and monitored.”

                “Well yes, I agree with that.  It’s time for them to get a taste of what cops do to us.  See how they like it.”

                “I think you should be prepared for the rebuttals.”

                “Oh, I know all the rebuttals.  The racist whites will call me a racist and they’re tell people to change “White’ with ‘black’ and see what they think of the comment.  That is literally changing what I said.  You can’t just replace words. It changes the meaning of the sentence.  It’s not racist to say that White people should be racially profiled.  It is racist if any other race is.”

                “They may also point out that 53.1% of all homicides are committed by blacks.”

                “Well, white people are no longer a majority in this country.”

                “That is true.  White people only make up 44% of the population according to the FBI.  Black people, however, only make up 13% of the population.  You have 13% of people representing 53.1% of the homicides.”

                “If someone comes out with that statistic, we will point it out for the racist comment that it is.”

                “So stating statistical facts is racist but saying that a group of people should be monitored and racially profiled is not?”

                “Correct, when we get racially profiled it’s racist.  If White people did it would be logical.”

                “Behavior gets profiled not race.  If people do suspicious things, the cops ask them about it.  The people who do those suspicious things tend more to be minorities but if white people did them, they would be monitored too.”

                “I don’t believe that.”

                “Alright, so that’s our strategy.  Double down on the point and then call anyone that disagrees with us ‘racist’”

                “It’s gotten me this far.”

                The staffer nods and Omar realizes there’s a vote to be taken to suspend the debt ceiling.  She gets up and walks toward the elevator to get to the room that will house the vote.  While walking to the elevator, journalists follow her asking her if she wants to set the record straight on the tax and immigration fraud she allegedly committed by marrying her brother.”

                Omar doesn’t say a word and keeps walking.  As she waits for the elevator, there’s an awkward silence and the journalist keeps asking but Omar is thinking only that the elevator is taking way too long to come.  Finally, it arrives and she gets on as the elevator doors close with the journalist never getting a response to his question.  Omar didn’t bother to defend herself on the accusations.  The elevator opens and she arrives at the vote.  The bill passes in the house and now the house has approved the suspension of the debt ceiling to allow over 300 Billion dollars more in spending when there is already an out of control national debt.  According to the new economic theory called ‘Modern Monetary Policy’ that Omar and AOC believe in, there is no such thing as too much debt.  All debt is good because you have to spend money to make money.  The bill will now go to the Senate to see if it passes there.  Many conservatives are hoping that the Senate strikes it down but prevailing opinion is that it won’t.

                Elsewhere in the Capitol, Representative Sean Duffy is interviewing the CEO of Suntrust.  Suntrust is seeking congressional approval to merge with another bank.  Recently, the same CEO had refused to give money to any company that would aid in improving the border detention center.  Duffy asks him if it would be fair for him to deny the merger despite that Suntrust had followed all the laws regarding it because a small group of people don’t like big banks so they protested against the merger because they believe that banks should be small and local.  The CEO Responds, “I do believe that would be unfair.”

                Duffy responds, “I agree that it would be unfair.  But if it’s unfair then why did you deny services to people who don’t break the law just because some people differ with them ideologically?”

                The CEO dodged the question but the point had been made.  The corporate censoring of anyone that aligns themselves with Trump is bordering on fascism. 

With the goings on in the Capitol today, the most prevalent topic is not the budget bill or financial institutions trying to give conservatives no place to put their capital. It is centered around one person; Bob Mueller.  The Democrats are upset because it was a total embarrassment as Mueller didn’t agree with them with almost all their accusations against the president and instead bumbled and looked confused making his credibility seem lacking at best.  There are a group of Democrats in a high ranking Republican’s office trying to make their case for impeachment despite the travesty that was the Mueller testimony.  The Republican says, “What do you want to impeach on?”


“There was no predicate crime to obstruct.  How do you obstruct an investigation into a crime that never happened?”

“You impede the investigation into the crime so that the crime doesn’t get recognized or proved.”

“Of all the ridiculous accusations you made, which one are you talking about now.  You think we all have amnesia and forget how thoroughly debunked every point you have is but come on let’s hear it.  I guess you can test me.”

“Collusion with Russia to influence our election”

“One of the very few questions Mueller answered was saying no to that question.  But, I’ll amuse you for a minute.  The investigation into collusion was a counter-intelligence investigation right?”


“There is no precedent to charging obstruction in a counter-intelligence investigation.”

“That’s why Mueller turned it into a criminal investigation.”

                “Against Michael Cohen for expired taxi medallions or something that had nothing to do with Russia, Trump or collusion of any kind.”

                “Cohen was Trump’s lawyer, he was politically biased.”

                “He turned against Trump and fully cooperated with Mueller.  If you want to talk about political bias, how about that every single appointee my Mueller on the special counsel was a Democrat?  Many of which were not only Clinton supporters but were on her legal team and donated heavily to the Clinton foundation.  Despite all these Clinton-allies, they still found nothing.”

                “Trump got upset that we investigated him for two years.  Getting angry at us makes it hard to do our investigation.”

                “Aside from how silly that statement is in and of itself, it’s difficult for an innocent person to not be resistant to an investigation into his culpability.  Generally people are upset when they are falsely accused.”

                “Mueller has cited various sources.  They can’t all be wrong.”

                “Most of the allegations are based on uncorroborated witness statements and news articles.  That’s hardly impeccable sources.  That’s just reading the papers.”

                “Trump and Comey’s stories don’t match up therefore Trump must be lying.”

                “Why do you automatically assume Comey is telling the truth?  Comey is the only documented liar of the two.  He told the President that he wasn’t under investigation when he was.  He signed off on a dossier after he called it salacious and unverified.  He even stamped that it was verified knowing full well that nobody vetted it and it hadn’t gone through the five eyes verification process.  There is only one admitted liar in this case and it is not the President, it is Comey.”

                “Trump lies all the time”

                “Like what?”

                “Oh my God, there’s so many.”

                “Name one”

                “He said that more people attended his inauguration than any inauguration before.  That’s not true, Obama had more.”

                “You think that really hurt America?”

                “You said to name one; I did”

                “Fine, I’ll give you that but I don’t put as much Importance on exaggerating your inauguration attendance vs. lying to a FISC that you verified something that you hadn’t.  That something is now going to be used to invasively spy on someone in the most aggressive way under our laws.  The fact that you equate the two is a little disturbing to me.”

                “You’re going to believe Trump over the intelligence community?”

                “I don’t have to.  None of the allegations actually impeded or obstructed the special counsel’s investigation.  This was confirmed by statements by Mueller, McCabe and Comey when they all answered ‘no’ to the question if the president’s actions impeded their investigation.  Given that, I believe everyone involved that the President didn’t obstruct.”

                The Democrat scoffed and stomped out of the office like a petulant child.  He decided he would try his luck with a female Republican as they are more amicable.  The Democrat gave a similar speech and the female Republican responded, “Well, can you clear some things up that Mueller refused to in his testimony?   I mean you read the report, so you’re an expert right?”

                There was a hint of sarcasm in her voice that the Democrat didn’t pick up on.  He said, “Yea, go ahead.”

                “Why was Mifsud not charged with lying to the congress when everyone such as Flynn and Papadopoulos were?”

                “Mifsud is not an American. It is difficult to charge foreigners.”

                “Mueller indicted several Russians and they’re not even allies.  Malta is an ally and given how often Mifsud is in England, the British could have turned him over.”

                “Look, I’m not sure.  Let’s just stick to the issue.”

                “Oh we are.  Why couldn’t we ask any questions about the dossier?  That was the inception of the entire investigation.”

                “I can’t speak to Mueller’s psyche.”

                “Why wouldn’t he answer if ‘exonerated’ is a DOJ standard?”

                “Because it’s not!” he snapped

                The Republican smiled and said charmingly, “Thank you for clearing that up.  How can Mueller claim that he did a good job making sure nothing in his report leaks when we had a binder of at least 25 things that did leak?”

                “There wasn’t time to read all 25 things and comment on them.”

                “He should be able to give a general answer rather than deny their existence.”

                “Well, you can take that up with him”

                “We tried for six hours.  Talking to him is pointless.  You’re defending him, I’m asking you.  Why didn’t he answer any questions about Veselnitskaya?”

                “Can we just talk about impeachment?”

                “Before we do that, we need to talk about the evidence.  Right now the accusations are vague and unsubstantiated.  The substance, we were hoping for, was to come from Mueller but it didn’t so now I’m asking you to provide the substance.”

                “Veselnitskaya is Russian and she met with Trump Jr.  That’s all we need to know”

                “She also was a translator for the Clintons and she worked for Fusion GPS who wrote the dossier.”

                “Mueller didn’t confirm that.”

                “Which makes me question what exactly did Mueller do for two years.”

                “I’m not going to get anywhere with you.  I would think that as a woman you’d support me because the President is a misogynist.”

                “Luckily for me, he sucks at being one because female unemployment is at a 50 year low.”

                The Democrat shook his head and groaned in frustration as he left the room and then the Capitol to go home.  He had had a very bad day and felt humiliated.  When he gets home, he calls his friend Bernie Sanders.  Sanders picks up, “Yes?”

                “Hey Bernie, it’s me.  I was just wondering if you had some time to talk.  I tried all day to get through to the Republicans about impeachment and I haven’t made any headway.  Do you have any advice?”

                “I’m sorry but this is a bad time for me.  I have just been hit with a federal complaint in Indiana.”

                “Why?  What happened?”

                “I had to cut hours because I didn’t want to pay the lower income workers.  They wanted $15/hr but they didn’t work enough hours to get to that minimum.”

                “Don’t you set their hours?  Were they working the necessary amount of hours before?”

                “They were but not anymore because I cut them.  Once I cut them, they are no longer entitled to the money.”

                “What are they claiming”

                “Well, I had to show them who is in control.  It is the ‘Bernie Sanders’ campaign.  Nobody else’s name is at stake.  They are calling my forceful position with them as being an illegal employee interrogation against my staffers.  They don’t realize that I’m doing this for their own good.”

                “They just want to be paid what you have been advocating for nationally”

                “I know what they’re saying.  They are children.  Children need to obey their parents.  I am like their parents now.  I will force them to do things against their will because I know what’s best for them better than they do.  We will aggressively attack anyone that complains against us and they will be thoroughly interrogated until they see it our way.”

                “Isn’t that unethical or torturous?”

                “Not when you’re on the right side.  There is no tolerance for the intolerant.  The ends justifies the means.  You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.  There’s a reason why we have many expressions saying the same thing.”

                “Yes, the Democratic socialist agenda has caught on a lot.  I see Elizabeth Warren is following your lead.”

                “She is not. She lies to the people.  She says she won’t raise taxes on the middle class.  We are going to do that.  The middle class will love to pay more because they get free healthcare by charging them at least 33% more in taxes on top of what they already are paying.  They will love paying them.  If they don’t, then we will force them like I talked about earlier.  This is how socialism is done.  We are following the model except this time we won’t officially own the means of production.  That way we have no accountability if the CEO isn’t business savvy enough to succeed with all the regulations that we need to put on them for their benefits.  That way when the company fails, we have no accountability.”

                “Do you think the public will buy it?”

                “Of course they will.  They did for the housing crisis.  The government set up Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac to subsidize banks and force private banks to give housing loans to people they knew couldn’t pay them back.  When the bubble burst, we weren’t blamed; financial institutions like Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers were.”

                “I see what you mean.  You’re right, this has worked before.”

                “Stick with me kid, you’ll learn a lot.”

                “I will.  Thank you sir.”

                The Democrat hung up the phone and exhaled deeply.  He muttered to himself, “I know history. If I’m not with Bernie on this, I may end up executed if he takes over.”

The democrat couldn’t understand why conservatives considered Bernie Sanders a fraud.  Sanders was very honest about bankrupting the country, harshly interrogating his opponents and making business impossible for the private sector so that he could make millions off of other people’s labors.  His being a millionaire didn’t change this.  All the great communist leaders such as Stalin, Chavez, Maduro and Mao were multi-millionaires if not billionaires.  The socialist leader is always very wealthy at the expense of death, destruction and destitution by the citizens of the country.  Bernie Sanders just wanted to be the next millionaire socialist leader.  Everything he said and did was very consistent with that including his current campaign to interrogate and intimidate anyone on his campaign that was complaining that they didn’t get 15 dollars an hour. 

                It was an eventful day on Capitol Hill.  They are set to recess soon.  We shall see what happens before they do. 


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Larry the Billionaire Episode 21 Late Bloomers

                Vanessa grew up in Westlake, Ohio which a western suburb of Cleveland.  She went to the public schools there so had a community pride in her city.  The Cleveland that she grew up in was not the Cleveland that it was now.  After the success of the Cleveland Cavaliers under Lebron James, developers had come in and revitalized Cleveland.  Lake front property that was previously used for section 8 and project housing had been converted to high rises that wealthier people were happy to pay given their water views.  This brought in more money to create a vibrant downtown area that brought people from the suburbs to the city.  In order to keep up, the suburbs improved themselves and what was once a city known as ‘the mistake on the lake’ was becoming a popular place for people all over the country to come raise a family.  Hollywood also realized that the downtown area closely resembled New York so movies with already high special effects budgets like the Avengers and Fast and the Furious would film New York scenes in Cleveland to save money.  Unfortunately with these massive development, the state that used to rank last in real estate was now getting pricey to own a home.  Vanessa had worked since she was in high school starting out at a movie theater and understanding what it meant to grind.  Still though, with student loan debt, a mediocre paying job, she didn’t foresee buying a house in her future.  Growing up, Vanessa had a weight problem so didn’t really get much attention with guys.  Her younger sisters were taller and thinner so got much more attention even from older guys, which infuriated her.  Now that she is 31, she has slimmed down considerably and her large breasts and butt have remained.  For years, she always felt the need to be proportioned to avoid back problems when she got older.  She even considered breast reductions but those fears were gone now.  Right now she finds herself at a bar talking about her problems with her friend.

                The friend says, “Nothing is really stopping you from buying a house.”

                “You need a 20% down payment.  It’ll take my years to save that up.”

                “No you don’t”

                “You do to avoid paying the PMI tax”

                “So pay the PMI tax”

                “I don’t want to have to pay more than I’d have to.  Being penalized because I don’t have a lot of reserve money seems unjust to me.  I don’t know what to do.”

                She was about to get an opportunity to get what she wanted. 


                Larry was a billionaire who grew up in Lakewood, Ohio.  It was a western suburb of Cleveland.  He had never had much success with girls and now that he was wealthy, he just assumed all girls were money grubbing tricksters trying to trap men into marrying them only so they could divorce them and get a huge payout.  Trust was never something that Larry had.  It helped him not be swindled on his way to the top but it also caused him to live alone.  He would have it no other way.  He didn’t have a sex drive as pronounced as most men but every now and then when he got the urge, he would find a girl that was vocal about a financial need.  He’d satisfy the one financial need in exchange for her to satisfy his one need.  To him, it was a simple business transaction.  He loathed prostitutes because anyone could have them.  He liked the corrupting nature of having a ‘normal’ woman be swayed into sex based on an outrageous price tag he put on it.  Right now, he was at one of his friend’s house.  His friend was a conservative like Larry.  Bob Mueller had just testified to congress. His friend missed it because he was travelling but he was trying to find highlights of it.  He commented, “I can’t find much on it.”

                “That’s because it was an epic disaster” replied Larry

                “Well, you’re like really far right so you’re a little biased.”

                “That is true but let’s just say the Republicans stopped asking questions at the end.”

                His friend laughed, “That’s the biggest underlying tone ever.  It’s basically saying ‘thank you.’”

                Larry grinned and simply said, “Yea”

                His friend tried to avoid mainstream media since they get things wrong so often but he had to resort to it now.  He checked MSNBC and found Jeremy Bash saying ‘Rather than breathe life into the report, he sucked the life out of it.’  He cut to Chuck Todd and he wasn’t much better.    Finally his friend opined, “Man, it must have been a shit show if even the mainstream media isn’t even trying to spin it that it was good.”

                “Yea, the Republicans filet him and when the Democrats tried to give him softball questions to make the President look bad he just refused to answer them.”

                “Okay so before the Republicans just stopped because they were too far ahead, what did they say?”

                “Florida representative Matt Gaetz didn’t even both asking.  He told Mueller, ‘either Steele lied about getting information from the Russians or the Russians lied to Steele and fed him disinformation to influence our election.”

                “What did Mueller say?”

                “Nothing.  Just sat there looking dumbfounded”

                “Anyone else?”

                “Texas Representative Gohmert talked about the texts showing obvious personal animus for Trump.  He asked why he didn’t investigate the deleted texts and e-mails from Hillary, Strzok and Page.”

                “Let me guess.  Mueller just kind of said that wasn’t his job.”

                “Don’t even bother asking Mueller’s response.  He didn’t really answer questions.  It was just ‘not my purview,’ ‘I wouldn’t say that.’ ‘refer to the report, ‘I’m not sure.’”

                “What did Nunes say?  He was like the main event.”

                “He asked about Veselnitskaya.  He wanted to know why Mueller found it unnecessary to mention that she met more times with Glenn Simpson than she did with Trump Jr.  If the Trump Tower meeting was so bad and collusion because she was there, why wasn’t it collusion when Hillary’s paid oppositional guy met with her too?  Mueller was basically like, ‘who’s Glenn Simpson.’”

                His friend chuckled and then proposed, “Let’s go to a bar.  I could use a drink. I’ve been flying for eight hours.”

                “Sounds good to me.”

                They go to a bar and grab a drink.  While there he hears one of his trigger phrases.  A woman says she doesn’t see how it’s possible to save up enough money to put a down payment on a house to avoid the PMI tax.  Larry smiles.  Although his friend knows about his indecent proposals, Larry isn’t about to do it so soon while he’s hanging out with him.  After a couple drinks and small talk, Larry’s friend says, “Alright, well it was good to see you.  I’m glad you didn’t go for your prey while you were with me.  I’ll let you go on your hunt.”

                Larry narrowed his eyes and gave him a quizzical look, “How did you know?” he asked

                “My job is to investigate insurance fraud claims.  I’m paid to be observant.”

                “Well, you’re correct”

                “She’s pretty hot.  Enjoy”

                They shook hands and Larry went over to the table.  He heard the girl’s friend say, “Look, obviously he didn’t want to be there but the Democrats brought up some good point about Trump colluding and obstructing.”

                “Like what?” Larry asked. 

                “Well, like how that guy met with the Greek dude to tell him about dirt on Hillary.”

                “’the guy,’ as you call him, is Joseph Mifsud.  He is a Maltese professor.”

                “They say he’s a Russian agent.”

                “I know what they say.  They are lying.  Mifsud works for a university in Rome called the Link campus.”

                “But he told the Greek….”


                “Yea him.  He told him that he had dirt on Hillary.”

                “And it has since been found out that Mifsud was asked specifically by the Link campus to meet with Papadopoulos”

                “You say that name so well.  Are you Greek?”

                “I am”

                She smiles and says, “So is my friend her” indicating Vanessa.

                “Nice to meet you” Larry says shaking hands with Vanessa and sizing her up.


                Her friend asks, “Why would a school want Mifsud to meet with Papa?”

                “Many CIA and FBI agent frequent the link campus.  The FBI actually has a training facility there.  Diplomats come in all the time.  They used their influence because they hated Trump and Obama weaponized his intelligence community against Trump and his campaign.  Since Papadopoulos is only 30-years-old, they figured he was an easy target because he was relatively young and impressionable.  They thought they could seduce him with the information to tell the Trump campaign thus building a collusion narrative.  Problem is, Papadopoulos never told anyone on the Trump campaign about the meeting.  They underestimated the genius Greek brain that’s fed by olive oil and feta cheese”

                Both girls laughed.  Vanessa interjected, “Alright but that’s kind of loose.  Do we know if Mifsud himself had ties to any of these western intelligence assets?”

                “Mifsud’s lawyer has released pictures of Mifsud with many western intelligence assets and diplomats.  I’m beginning to think he was one himself.”

                The friend declares, “Maybe he’s a Russian spy infiltrating us.”

                “If that were true, the government would do a damage assessment when they figured it out since he’s meeting with all these officials.  They never did though.  He knows people who live in Russia but that’s not the same thing as being a Russian agent.  Hell, I know people who lived in Russia.”

                “So do we”

                Vanessa inquired, “This is kind of interesting.  What else did the link campus say?”

                “They told him to meet with this hot chick that they told him was Putin’s niece.  Now, Mifsud knows it’s not Putin’s niece because she is his student.  She had been living in Britain for over a decade but he introduced him as that to Papadopoulos.” 

                “Alright, so this is getting a little sketchy.  But, I mean Mueller’s report is over 400 pages long.  It has to say something.   He was thoroughly investigating for two years.”

                “Right, and since he was the head of the FBI and he had a budget of 40 million dollars, you’d think he could find some juicy leads and sources right?”


                Larry shows her a portion of the Mueller report with footnotes to New York Times and various media articles.  “So then why does he have to resort to just taking public information that anyone can see?”

                Vanessa and her friend exchange glances.  She finally pronounces, “Okay, you’re making some interesting points.”

                “Look at this one.” Vanessa takes the phone and sees a footnote about George Nadar and a suspicious meeting in the Seychelles between Eric Prince and Russian officials. It states as evidence that on November 10, 2016, Nadar said he talked to someone that knew a guy that said that Trump talked to Russians at the World Chess Championship in New York.”

                “Wait, he talked to someone who talked to someone?  What are they playing telephone?”

                “Not just that, look at the date”

                “What about it?”

                “It was three days after he won the election.  Trump was at his victory party.  You’re trying to tell me that Donald Trump.  A man that had just won the Presidency of the United States snuck out from the party and went to downtown Manhattan and hung out at a chess tournament and nobody noticed?”

                “Yea, kind of unlikely.  I also think chess is a little too boring for Trump who hangs around supermodels and stuff.”

                Vanessa’s friend noticed that this guy was very interested in Vanessa so she excused herself wanting Vanessa to find someone.  Larry doesn’t mince words and comments, “I must confess, I heard you talking earlier about needing a down payment for a house to avoid the PMI tax.  If you pick the house, I’ll make the 10% down payment if you fuck me.”

                There was a long silence and Vanessa’s initial reaction was to be angry.  She tried to scold him but in the back of her mind she was contemplating it.  She countered, “One night?”


                “that’s a lot of money for just one night of sex.  You could probably have a prostitute for like a month.”

                “I don’t want someone that anyone with a thousand dollars in disposable income could get.  I understand for someone more innocent, I need to pay more.  The idea of it being a lot of money depends on the person.  To you, it’s a lot of money.  To me, it’s not.”


                “No, we both needed to get tested for STD’s.  If we’re both clean then we will proceed.  You will have to sign a contract so that you can’t accuse me of rape later.”

                “That makes sense.”

                “Great, I’ll make an appointment tomorrow then we can do it whenever you want.”

                “Sounds good”

                “What’s your number?”

                Vanessa gave it to him.  Larry called her so she would have his and they parted ways.  The next day they got the check up and both came out clean.  Vanessa signed the contract and then started house hunting.  When she found the house she wanted, she called him to arrange the rendezvous.  Larry got the contact of the buyers and put the down payment in escrow to be realized on closing.  It was standard procedure but little did they know that he was closing on another deal.  Vanessa walked into a hotel room and saw Larry.  She was a little nervous so uttered, “There’s something else I wanted to ask you about this whole Mueller report thing?”


                “When they talk about the Moscow Trump tower; they accused Trump of obstruction of justice because Cohen might expose other conspiracies that may exist.”

                “Cohen completely turned on Trump.  If he knew any other conspiracies it would have come out.”

                “Yea but he told Cohen not to tell them anything.”

                “According to Cohen, who has lied multiple times by now and changed his story a lot.  He was actually convicted of lying under oath.”

                “Because Trump told him to.”

                “So he says.  But again, he’s a convicted liar.”

                “I don’t know, it makes sense to me.”

                “That Trump told him maybe but the real question of if it’s obstruction is ridiculous.  You’re not obstructing because someone might know something.  You obstruct by physically not allowing that person to testify.  Cohen did testify.  You can’t say that Mueller couldn’t interview Cohen because he did several times and Cohen completely turned against Trump and still had nothing.  Cohen was charged for things that had nothing to do with Trump.  So, you’re saying that Trump obstructed by stopping a guy who didn’t know anything from talking to them.  The guy ended up talking about it and now there is no doubt that he didn’t know anything because he didn’t tell them anything when he fully cooperated.”

                “Yea, man it seemed so convincing when the Democrats were talking but if you think about it for a second it makes no sense.”

                “That is true for all liberal positions.”

                “Alright, that’s just ridiculous but whatever I came here to fulfill my end of the bargain and I will.”

Vanessa stripped herself of her clothes.  She immediately kissed Larry and he kissed back starting a make out session as Larry removed his clothes.  Vanessa placed a condom on Larry’s penis and jumped up wrapping her legs around him and forcing him inside her.  She leaned back and Larry ran his hands along her large breasts and Vanessa pulled herself up and smothered Larry’s face in between them.  Larry sucked on each breast and Vanessa lowered her body as Larry kissed her neck and lips.  After a while, Vanessa hopped down for she realized that she was more making love than having sex.  She walked to the bed and lied face down lifting her legs in the air as they hung off the bed.  Larry positioned himself in between her legs and Vanessa pushed onto the ground for leverage and raised her legs to Larry’s shoulders.  Larry guided her legs around his neck and pushed himself forward arching Vanessa’s back towards her head with her legs.  He shoved her legs forward so as to allow himself to penetrate Vanessa from behind a little cautious if he was pushing beyond the elasticity of Vanessa’s back. As if Vanessa could sense his trepidation, she reached her hands back and grabbed Larry’s calves pulling on them driving herself back into his groin and her legs further toward the headboard.  This seemed to do the trick as Larry thrust his pelvis repeatedly.  His mouth kissed Vanessa’s feet and his hands caressed her legs and grabbed her butt.  As the intensity picked up, Vanessa let out a guttural st=cream as she achieved orgasm as Larry’s penis continued to plow its way through her vagina.  Larry dropped Vanessa’s legs and she rolled over looking at Larry seductively.  She reached her hand back and grabbed the headboard.  She smiled at Larry and said, “Take me.”

            “Larry crawled over her and undercut her arms with his and humped her.  Vanessa wrapped her legs around his legs and rested her feet on his hamstrings.  Larry sucked on her breasts and kissed her legs as he caressed them.  He moved his mouth to her neck and mouth continuing his normal motions with his hands and groin.  After a while, Vanessa let go of the headboard and Larry turned her to her stomach.  He slapped his palms against her butt and slid them down her legs.  He straddled her right leg and licked her right butt cheek.  He dabbed salt over the moistened area and then removed the salt with his tongue.  He poured a shot of tequila and stuck it in her butt only to remove it again with his mouth and bend his head back emptying the contents.  He jumped over to her left leg and put his lips on her left butt cheek licking in a circular motion as he raised his mouth from the bottom of the cheek to the top.  He poured salt over the affected area and sucked the salt down his esophagus before pouring another shot of tequila and dropped it in her butt so he could remove it with his mouth.  He grabbed her shins and pulled her legs off the bed bending her over it.  He grabbed the Vaseline from the table and generously applied it to her butt crack.  He then gripped her waist and pulled her back as his penis entered her butt.  He continued to hump his way into her rectum as Vanessa moaned in pleasure.  He knelt up onto the bed and Vanessa rose to all fours as Larry reached around massaging her breasts and kissing her neck.  Vanessa said, “Pick me up.”

            Larry stepped down from the bed and hoisted Vanessa up and used only one hand to play with her breasts while the other hand went south and explored her clitoris, labia majora and minora.  He slid his fingers behind her vaginal walls and worked the G-spot.  Vanessa began moaning and after a while, she climaxed.  Larry switched hands and continued till he heard Vanessa bellow out yet again.  Vanessa dropped her legs and Larry let go of her.  She turned towards him and dropped to her knees.  She reached around and squeezed his butt as she pulled off the condom with her mouth.  She put his penis deep in her mouth and bobbed her head back and forth as Larry reached around and squeezed her hair pulling and pushing it as she sucked on his penis.  Vanessa raised her body and rubbed Larry’s penis in between her breasts while she cupped his scrotum in her right hand moving his testicles around.  She oscillated her mouth from sucking on his dick to licking his scrotum and putting it in her mouth.  Larry said, “Lie face down on the bed, I want to own your ass again.”

            Vanessa shyly got up and lied face down on the bed just as she was ordered to do.  Larry hovered over her and pummeled her butt repeatedly putting his full weight behind each thrust.  Soon he collapsed onto Vanessa as semen filled her rectal cavity.  When he was done, he rolled off.

            Vanessa turned onto her back and panted as well.  She was the first to speak  “Did you hear about those guys that threw buckets at the cops in New York?”

            “Yea, fucking De Blasio.  He never has the cops’ back so wouldn’t let them retailiate.”

            “They got arrested”

            “Oh, well that’s good.  I think it’s because it made national news but whatever, I’ll give credit where credit is due.  De Blasio didn’t stop the cops from prosecuting them.  People were like, ‘it’s only water.’”

            “Well, it was”

            “it’s disrespecting people trying to protect you.  They were responding to a call.  If the cops know every time they go to that neighborhood that will happen to them, they’re not going to want to respond anymore.  What do you think will happen to that neighborhood then?”

            “I guess I never thought about that.  They’re cops though, they should go regardless”

            “Cops are people too.”

            Vanessa shrugged her shoulders, “Yea I guess so.”

            “What do you think about this new budget deal the House passed?”

            “It’s fucking horrendous.  I can’t believe Trump approved it.”

            “That’s the first time I’ve heard you say anything against a Republican”

            “You haven’t known me that long.”

            “True but I mean we’re already in debt, raising spending caps seems stupid”

            “It is stupid.  It’s not even like a little bit higher, it’s $320 Billion dollars more.  I don’t care that the government is hitting record revenues, that’s not sustainable.  Trump should just let the cap extension expire so we have a 15% reduction across the board.  Besides, he said last year that he signed the omnibus spending bill to take care of the military.  The military is taken care of.  He said he’d never do it again so he needs to keep his word.”

                “Yea, I agree.  I think he’ll sign it though.”

                “Unfortunately I do too.  For the exact same reason.  He’s going to say he needs to help the military but the base isn’t going for that anymore.  I mean a businessman does know you need to spend money to make money but there’s a limit to that.  Maybe these bankruptcies weren’t strategic after all.”

                “I hope you’re wrong.”

                “Me too, but Trump hasn’t done anything to prove me wrong.”

                “Yea, so what happens now with our deal?”

                “The money gets moved from Escrow to the sellers of the house and you have a mortgage payment.”

                “I’m just a little shocked that it was this easy.”

                “I don’t know, I fucked you pretty hard.  Not sure how easy it was.”

                Vanessa moved her eyes side to side but said nothing on that topic.  Instead, she changed it to what she really wanted to know, “Can I spend the night here?  I really feel cheap if I go home.  I know that that’s what we agreed to but...”

                “We agreed to one night.  It’s still night”              

                Vanessa smiled.  She draped her arm and leg over Larry and lied on his shoulder.  Larry cradled her for a little then rolled toward her so that he was on his side.  Vanessa followed suit and Larry placed his left hand on her stomach while the right acted as an extension of the pillow and Vanessa had her back to him.  She slid her legs back in between his and exhaled as her entire body relaxed.  They both fell asleep quickly.  In the morning, they got breakfast together and then went their separate ways.  Larry flew back to New York where he lived and Vanessa started her new life as a home owner.