Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Nouno the Vigilante Episode 12 Reverse Racism

                Charles Basarab is hanging out in his hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  Public transportation isn’t extremely popular in Pittsburgh but people do use it.  For Charles, he works near the T station in downtown Pittsburgh.  Although most of Pittsburgh is extremely hilly, the downtown area does give people a respite from the hills that riddle the suburbs.  While walking down the street, he accidentally bumps into a black man.  Charles puts out his hands in a universal sign of apology but keeps walking as he is in a hurry.  The black man yells out, “Hey fuck you man.  We’ve been dealing with you white people’s microaggressions for too long.”

                Charles keeps walking as he knows that nothing good ever comes with confronting someone that’s accusing you of being a racist with absolutely no context or basis.  Ironically, the black guy is being racist by stereotyping Charles that just because he’s white, he’s a racist and goes around purposely cross checking black people on the street.  The man yells out again, “I’m going to kill you just because you’re white cracker”

                Charles doesn’t react and goes into the T-station to go home.  While waiting for the train, he’s about to find out that although he’s been harassed on the street before, this isn’t going to be like the other times.

                Willie Hayes is a 46-year-old black man living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  He has grown up in a Democrat run district with politicians constantly telling him that he’s a victim.  Although he always votes Democrat, the conditions in his neighborhood has not approved despite the people that promised him he’d take care of him did win the elections.  Rather than ever blame himself for his problems, he has convinced himself that everything is the White Man’s fault.  Due to this, he often finds it difficult to contain himself from verbally assaulting white people when he runs into them on the street.  While walking on a busy downtown street, a white man collides with him.  As he voices his displeasure, the white guy ignores him and keeps walking.  Willie Hayes doesn’t take this obvious sign of retreat to avoid a confrontation at face value.  Instead, he sees it as the white guy acting smug and thinking him too superior to speak with Willie.  He decides he’s going to make the White guy notice him. Willie follows the white guy into the T train station and has decided that the time for verbal diplomacy is over.  He walks up to the white guy and punches him from behind.  The white guy doesn’t go down but instead turns around in confusion only to be punched two more times.  The white guy, whose name is Charles, is disoriented but puts his arms up to defend himself.  Willie grabs Charles by the shoulders and tosses him onto the train tracks.  He calls out to him, “I told you I’d kill you for being white” and repeats ‘I told you’ several times. 


                Far away from Pittsburgh, Abby is with her husband Nouno in Arizona.  Right now the state has received national news as a cop was asked to leave a Starbucks because someone felt unsafe that he was there.  This predictably had the right condemning Starbucks and the left attacking the cops.  Given the obsessive national coverage with the border, the mainstream media is used to attacking ICE Agents so taking shots at police officers is a natural segue.  Abby is a liberal but Nouno is a far-right conservative.  They have debated police brutality often and Nouno constantly brings up that police officers kill twice as many white people as they do black people but nobody can name one white person but the black victims become household names.  Nouno has Fox news on and is watching the Laura Ingraham show.  There is a debate between a liberal named Johnathan and Don Bongino on this issue.  Johnathan repeats the statistic that Nouno always brings up and says that if the guy who complained was white, he can see why he would feel unsafe around a cop when cops kill about 1,000 people a year and most of them are white.  Abby opines, “Wow, finally the media brings up something you say they never report on.”

                Nouno doesn’t respond at first because Dan Bongino snaps and is condemning Johnathan for what he just said.  Nouno doesn’t think he does a very good job as he just says that cops hate having to use force because they are naturally repulsed by violence given what they see on a daily basis.  On the other hand, when force is necessary, it often means a threat to your livelihood and career.  It’s a responsibility that almost all cops take very seriously.  Although this is a legitimate point, it doesn’t address the issue of if all this is true than why do they kill 1,000 a year?  To Nouno, the answer is obvious.  He snaps back, “You do realize that cops deal with the most dangerous people in society and while everyone is running from an incident, they run towards it.”

                “I don’t know, 1,000 is a lot.”

                “it’s really not when you think how much violent crime there is.  Think about it, the most dangerous people hate you.  Those 1,000 cases probably taken in context, almost all of them were the criminal attacking or trying to kill them.  Guaranteed almost none of them is a policeman having a coffee at Starbucks and just decides to get up and attack someone unprovoked because he’s in a bad mood.  The odds of being killed by a cop in that scenario is practically zero”

                Abby loves that Nouno still responds and gets worked up when she is obviously being sarcastic.  She responds just as sarcastically. “I don’t know, this is like when you always talk about how people are afraid of sharks.”

                “It’s irrational! The deadliest summer was seven people dying from shark attacks.  Do you know how many millions of people swim in bodies of water that have sharks in them?  So yes, it is just as irrational of a fear”

                “1,000 is not seven”

                “Sharks aren’t tasked with making sure dangerous people are off the streets and don’t hurt people.”

                “They’d probably be pretty good at it”

                “Probably not since they can’t come onto land”

                “What do you mean?  Haven’t you seen Sharknado?”

                “Yea the girls were really hot in that.”

                Abby gives him a dirty look and Nouno smiles guiltily.  The TV talks about how Mitch McConnell’s ancestry data has revealed he’s related to two slave owners so that’s why he’s against reparations.  Abby exclaims, “Oh my God, the truth comes out.”

                This time Nouno doesn’t take the bait.  He retorts, “Oh yes, let’s do this.  Make people responsible for everyone in their family.  If you’re related to someone, you’re responsible for their actions.  This includes back several generations of people who died before you were born.  Let’s get this for every single member of the fake news media.  Wait, let’s do it for Democrats in general.  After all, they actually chose to be Democrats.  Now, they can embrace their KKK, Jim Crow, Slave Owning, segregation and racist Dixicrat history.”

                “You bring up that history all the time.”

                “Yea because that’s the history of their party.  They claim the big switch so they don’t even deny it.  It’s a lie of course; they have always been like that.  But, I don’t think all Democrats are racist because of their history.  I’m just saying that when people talk about the ugly history of America, it’s always the Democrat history.  I never judged someone for an ancestor that died before they were born.”

                Abby shakes her head and changes the topic.  The next day, Abby is on her phone and declares, “Honey, we got a case.”

                “Where are we going?”


                “Fuck Pittsburgh!”

                Both Nouno and Abby grew up in Cleveland, Ohio so are very big Cleveland Browns fans.  The rallying cry, ‘fuck Pittsburgh’ is referring to the big rivalry between the Cleveland Browns and the Pittsburgh Steelers.  Abby laughs and rejoins, “Yea, I think when we go through with this, we’ll just pretend he’s a Steelers fan.”

                “Pretend nothing, he probably is”

                “Yea but we don’t really know that.”

                “Fine, we’ll just assume, so what do we know about the guy?”

                “46-year-old black guy named Willie Hayes.  He randomly punched a dude and threw him on the train tracks at a subway station.  He then taunted him that he told him he would kill him for being white.”

                Nouno shook his head, “Could you imagine the backlash if the situation was reverse and a white guy punches a black guy and tosses him on the tracks screaming out that he did it because he was black? It would be like a Jussie dream.”

                Abby rolled her eyes and Nouno scolded her, “Don’t roll your pretty little grey eyes at me.”

                Abby walked up to Nouno and kissed him on the cheek and smiled widely.  Nouno’s shoulders and eyes dropped and pronounced, “You cheated”

                Nouno and Abby went to the airport and flew to Pittsburgh.  It was only a two hour drive to Cleveland and since they knew people who owned a crematorium in Cleveland, they would make the drive.  Abby researched all over the internet and social media about Willie Hayes.  She was a master at cyber stalking.  It doesn’t take long to figure out Willie’s habits.  Nouno, at 35, realizes that he’s in the middle in age between Abby and Willie.  It’s not a very important point but it’s something he notices.  They find him and Nouno waits until Willie is alone.  Abby waits in the hotel as she isn’t much use in the hunt.  Usually she’s used as a distraction but black males tend not to like blond skinny stereotypical cheerleader looks.  Although Abby does have curves, blacks normally like a meatier woman.  Nouno decides to go in for the blow.  They are walking towards each other and Nouno has a syringe with a sedative cupped in his hand.  His plan is when he passes Willie he’ll swing his arm back and inject the sedative in his butt entering his blood stream quickly.  To his surprise, Willie punches him in the face causing him to drop the syringe.  Willie calls out, “Come on man, I know how you bald white boys are.”

                Willie grabs Nouno and tosses him against the wall and punches him again.  Nouno drives his palm into Willie’s sternum knocking the wind out of him.  When Willie backs up, Nouno uses the time to get out of the corner and regain his composure.  Willie charges at Nouno and drives his shoulder into his stomach and tackles him to the ground.  Nouno brings his arms on the inside of Willie’s to not give him a direct shot to his face.  Nouno brings his left leg up to Willie’s shoulder and then puts his right foot on Willie’s pelvis and pushes himself to the right.  He uses both arms to chop Willie’s left arm across his body and Nouno tucks it into his left arm pit.  Nouno brings his right leg to his left and interlocks his ankles and flexes his feet and shins.  Willie struggles for air as he’s being choked with his own arm with Nouno’s legs wrapped around his neck.  Nouno’s hands push down on the back of Willie’s neck and he leans back.  Unfortunately, it’s summer time and Nouno is wearing shorts.  Willie starts pinching his legs but Nouno knows this is desperation and he’s just going to have to deal with the nagging pain and wait it out.  Not long after, Willie’s eyes glaze over in unconsciousness.  Nouno eases the grip but not the position to make sure Willie isn’t faking it.  Once he’s satisfied, he shoves Willie’s dead weight off him.  He walks over to the syringe and picks it up.  He walks over to Willie and drives the syringe into his neck.  Nouno and Willie are about the same size so it’s difficult for Nouno to get his dead weight up and hoist him over his shoulder.  He walks to his car and opens the trunk and tosses Willie in it.  He drives to the motel, which Abby has already set up for the kill.  They tie him down with plastic on plastic. Abby says, “Honey, you’re face!”

                “Yea I know he got in a couple shots”

                “How?  Didn’t you have the sedative?”

                Willie chimed in, “His head looks like a fucking toilet bowl!  Bald white guys are white supremacists, all black people know that.  Let me go, and I’ll kick your ass again”

                “Dude, I choked your ass out”

                “Yea, like a bitch using your legs.  Having me mount you like a faggot.  Real men exchange blows.”

                Nouno laughed “Well, this is going to be easy”

                “Why the fuck am I here?”

                “I’ve decided that with your proclivity to attack white people for being white, you need to be removed from society”

                “You can’t imprison me”

                “I’m not you dumb mother fucker, I’m going to kill you.”

                “Bullshit, you don’t got the balls.  You probably want to rape me like that other cracker Epstein”

                Abby never knew why Nouno liked debating them and not just killing them after telling them why.  Nouno did counter, “Epstein fucked little teeny bopper teenage girls.  He’s a piece of shit but he wasn’t gay.”

                “He’s Trump’s friend”

                “No he’s not.  Trump met him once but Epstein was a heavy donor to Bill and Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer and other Democrats.”

                “Trump’s cabinet member let him off easy.”

                “Only after the Democratic prosecutor refused to take the case and referred it to the southern district court of Florida.  Since Epstein was taking these girls across state lines.  Hell, he took them to different countries sometimes.  It was a federal jurisdiction but Acosta wanted to prosecute him so took the case.  You have a Democrat prosecutor refusing to try a Democrat billionaire.  Meanwhile, the same Democrat prosecutor hounded Rush Limbaugh for prescription drugs.”

                “Clinton said that he didn’t know anything about sex with minors.  He just flew on his plane a couple times for his foundation in 2002 -2003.”

                “Travel logs say he was on the plane at least 26 times, not the 11 that Clinton claimed.  Also, the girls that came forward to rat him out mentioned Bill Clinton by name as being present.  None of them mentioned Trump.”

                “You know Trump got in on that.”

                “No, I don’t.  Trump kicked Epstein out of his club in Mar A Lago for hitting on an underage girl. The girl was a daughter of a member of the club.”

                “Well, his surging economy is about the collapse.”

                “Oh you think we’re overdue because we’re on the longest growth in American history?”

                “Yea, why do you think Trump is different from history?”

                “There’s a thing called the internet.  Now, instead of having massive inventory at the guess that something will be popular, you get real time data on the demand so you know exactly how much to make.  I mean you have pre-orders.  Before, we had a world of snail mail and time delays.  All that is gone so there’s no more guesswork and working time, energy and materials on making too much shit.”

                “I don’t know about all that shit.”

                “I’m actually surprised you knew we were surging”

                “Fuck you cracker, I ain’t retarded”

                Nouno contemplated pointing out that ‘ain’t’ doesn’t make you seem intelligence but held his tongue.  Instead he baited him, “Yea, you’re probably more focused on raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour.”

                “Fuck yea, why not?  Economy is doing well enough to support it.”

                “Well the CBO says if that happens nationwide, 1.3 million jobs will be eliminated”

                “That’s just Republican propaganda”

                “The CBO or Congressional budget office is part of Congress.  Congress is dominated by Democrats right now.  So, Democrats came up with this.”


                “Restaurants, movie theaters, and other places that traditionally employ teenagers can’t afford to pay them all that much.  It’s harder for unskilled, younger people to get summer jobs if that’s the case.  The estimate is that for every one dollar increase in the minimum there’s a 14% more likelihood a restaurant under 3.5 stars will close.”

                “No, it’s Trump’s economy hurting unskilled workers.  That pay increase from the tax cuts was for the rich.”

                “According to Indeed, one of the largest human resources firms, lower wage growth increased 4.5%, middle income increased 3% and high income was 2.5% so it’s the exact opposite of what you just said.”

                “Man, fuck you cracker.”

                “No, I’m going to kill you.”

                “You don’t got the guts bitch.”

                Nouno took a knife and drove it into Willie’s chest killing him instantly.  He grinned and stated, “You got got”

                Abby opined, “Really?!”

                Abby and Nouno cleaned the room and wrapped Willie in the plastic and placed them in the trunk of the car.  They drove the two hours to Cleveland and let themselves into the crematorium, which their friend had sent them the key for.  When the body was destroyed, they removed the bones consistent with procedure and then stayed with family in Cleveland.  The next day they drove back to Pittsburgh.  During the drive, Abby commented, “Man, I feel so bad about these kids at the border.”

                “Yea, the adults that brought them there are assholes”

                “They’re getting sick.  There’s measles, chicken pox, flu etc. etc. I mean the conditions are making them sick.”

                “What the fuck do you think is happening?  The border patrol is unleashing pathogens into the cells to give them deadly diseases?  You think they’re using chemical warfare against them?”

                “No, I’m saying the shitty conditions lead to these diseases”

                “No it doesn’t. Remember they’re only there for 20 days.  That’s not enough time to develop all those things from dirty conditions.  If that were true, like every bachelor would be severely ill.”

                “So what? Fake news is lying about these kids having these diseases?” Abby asked angrily.

                “No, the diseases are pre-existing.  The border patrol then quarantines them and when they release them, they clean the cells before putting more people in it.”

                “Well, if that’s what’s happening then it doesn’t seem that bad.”

                “That is what’s happening”

                “They could at least let the kids take a shower”

                “Have you ever tried to give a kid a shower?  They fight you tooth and nail and that’s even if they know you and feel comfortable around you.  These are strangers.  What do you want them to do?  Grab them and force them into the shower kicking and screaming?  Then they’d be in a cell with Epstein.  What they do is they give them access to a shower every two days.  It’s up to the kids if they want to shower.”

                “What about brushing their teeth”

                “A lot of them never have.  They actually brought people in to teach these kids how to brush their teeth.  So yea, they get the opportunity but ultimately it’s up to the kid.  The border patrol doesn’t force them.”

                “They’re kids! Of course they’re not going to choose to shower or brush their teeth.  You got to be the adult”

                “Only if you are the parent or guardian. Not if you’re detaining them while the adult they came with awaits an asylum hearing.”

                “Why not have the adult force them.”

                “Most of them aren’t related to the kid they brought.  Giving a child back to a child trafficker is unethical but even if it is a real parent, you think you should be able to take your kids to jail with you?  You think that just because you have a kid, you should be exempt for going to jail if you break a law?  That’s asinine.”

                “You just love to argue.”

                “You just like baiting me into an argument.”

                “No, I just forgot that you spent time at the border with the minute men”

                “Yea and when I did it, they weren’t nearly as overrun as they are now.”

                “Maybe there’s a reason for that?”

                “There is, more publicity.  If you were gunning them down, then the media shit storm would be huge!”

                “Yea, that wouldn’t last very long.”

                “So, I stay low key and hang out with you.”

                “Yea, you’re a wife guy”

                “Fuck yea I am.  My wife is fucking hot and she’s really fucking cool.  Smart, gorgeous, fun, outgoing, I got the greatest set up ever.”

                Abby smiled and looked at him condescendingly.  She cries out, “Now who’s cheating?”

                Abby and Nouno arrived at the hotel and went to sleep.  The next day they flew back to Arizona.  On the plane, Abby sighs and suggests, “We should have went to New York for the parade”

                “What parade?”

                “The Women’s World Cup parade”

                “Yea, no thanks.  I don’t support anti-Americans.  Especially when they choose to represent the United States in an international competition.”

                “I agree Rapinoe and the other one is ridiculous but you need to admit that it’s not fair that they win all these world cups and the men’s team didn’t even make the last world cup.  Why would the men be paid more for mediocrity when the women are winning championships?”

                “You can’t take pure numbers.  Large companies give their employees more money not because they’re nice or because it’s fair but because they have the means to do so.”

                “I know that but what does that have to do with soccer?”

                “Despite not making the world cup, the US men brought in $ 6 Billion whereas the US Women only brought in like $ 140 Million or something.”

                “Holy shit”

                “Not really, 2 Billion people watch Men’s World Cup.  It’s the most watched sporting event.  Therefore, you get more money.”

                “More people in the US watched the women’s final than the men’s”

                “Why are you only talking about the US?  If money comes from foreign viewership why wouldn’t that count?”

                “So what do you think is fair?”

                “How much do the Champion US Women’s team make as a proportion of revenue as opposed to the men.”

                “I suppose you know that number”

                “I do”

                “Let me guess, it’s the same”

                “Not even close”

                Abby becomes interested, “Really?  What is it?”

                “US female soccer players make 20% of the revenue generated.”

                “And the men?”

                “7%, because they suck”

                “So, the women make three times more when you measure as a proportion of total revenue”

                “Yea, women’s players only make money every four years whereas the men play in other leagues and clubs bringing in year round revenue.  Maybe they should make it even.  Let’s pay the women the same amount as a proportion to revenue; seven percent”

                Abby rolled her eyes, “No I don’t think they want a 2/3 pay cut”

                “But that would only be fair” Nouno said sarcastically.  He continued, “Or, pay the men 20% to get the equal pay as women”

                “No, they suck”

                “The under 15 team beat the women.  I’m sure that the men’s team could beat the women’s team”

                “That’s not the point”

                “Why not?  Supply and demand, there are fewer people as good at soccer as the US Men’s soccer team as there is who are as good as the Women’s soccer team.”

                “Just shut up, it’s fair now”

                “I would agree but you women are all about equality.”

                “You’re done”


                They landed in Arizona and went home.  They went back to their routine awaiting their next mission. 

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