Saturday, July 27, 2019

Real Characters; Episode 16 Investigating Ilhan

                President Donald Trump has been manipulating the media to cover his twitter battle with a group of congresswomen calling themselves “the squad.”   He decides that it’s time to troll them again and he writes a tweet telling them that if they hate America so much they should go back to their countries and fix them and show America how it’s done.  After sending the tweet, President Trump goes about his business running the country not giving a second thought to the ramifications as it’s so easy to bait these four rookie politicians. 

                Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stares in horror at a tweet from the President of the United States.  She is in the habit of making sure to be outraged and offended by everything the president says and, subsequently, letting her followers on social media hear about it.  As she reads a tweet insinuating for her to go back to Puerto Rico, she immediately tweets a response that it was a call to violence by the President.”

                Upon reading the tweet, one of her staffers comes in and says, “Alex, don’t you think that it’s a little premature to be sending this text only about a week after someone firebombed an ICE facility and pulled a rifle on ICE agents quoting you in his manifesto.”

                Cortez snaps back, “No, that man was a patriot and died from police brutality.  He was defending the helpless inmates in the concentration camp in Tacoma, Washington.”

                “Well, you need to be careful saying that because you did condemn the attack to the Daily Caller.  You know how the conservatives love pouncing every time you say anything that is hypocritical or counter-factual.”

                “Whose side are you on?  I was pressured into that condemnation, I don’t condemn him.  I’m proud of him.  Even after I condemned him, the right attacked me since according to my rules, apologies don’t matter.  Who I should be condemning is Bernie Sanders”

                “Why’s that?  He has supported you.  Also, isn’t it true that according to you, it doesn’t matter if people on the right condemn the violence?”

                “It’s different when I make the condemnation.  I am a sympathetic person fighting for justice and I’m on the right side.  It doesn’t matter what I do because the ends justifies the means.  It’s wrong for them to do it because they’re on the wrong side.  I condemn Sanders because his campaign cut hours to avoid paying their employees $15 dollars an hour.”

                “Doesn’t that go to your point that people on our side don’t have to follow the rules of everyone else because we’re on the right side?  His support of the national minimum wage of $15/hr helped get that bill passed in the house.  He may not do it himself but he helped us win.”

                “I just hope the Republican Senate doesn’t strike it down.  Some of those Republicans vote with us so you never know.  Even if it does lose in the Senate, we can prove that the Republicans hate the little guy.”

                “Quite right” the staffer said.  Getting into an economic discussion about how fewer low skilled workers or teenagers can work with a 15 dollar minimum wage was pointless.  He had to toe the line and just talk strategy with Cortez.  Actually talking issues was a waste of time.  It’s like sometimes she understand that the name of the game was political tactics and strategy so hypocrisy was okay but other times she didn’t.”

                AOC was not the only one responding to the feud between the Squad and the President.  David Steinberg of PJ Media was getting damn sick and tired of all the anti-Semitic rhetoric by Ilhan Omar.  He had heard rumors how she married her brother so that he could become a citizen and committed immigration and marriage fraud.  Since the mainstream media was ignoring this, he decided he was going to investigate it himself.  He was an editor for a small New York publication known as PJ Media and he had a team that could help him.  He proposed his ideas and they supported him.  When your approval rating is 9%, as Omar’s was, it wasn’t difficult to find people to help you take her down.  He decides to start at a very good source: social media.  One of his co-workers agrees to comb the internet for things about Omar. 

                David starts, “Okay, so the question is who she’s related to.  Let’s start easy with things that are not refuted at all.”

                The co-worker replies, “That’s a good idea.  What do we know for sure?”

                “She has admitted that she has one sister named Sahra Noor.  Sahra has also admitted to being Ilhan’s sister.”

                “Alright, so where do we go from there?”

                “Well, let’s start making a tree.  You look into Sahra’s social media pages and I’ll look at Ilhan’s and see what we find.”

                “Fine, I’ll start right away and we’ll meet back her tomorrow to share our findings.”

                “Perfect, thank you”

`               David and the staffer didn’t get much sleep as they read countless posts and checked the massive friends list of Ilhan and Sahra taking copious notes and highlighting things that may aid in their investigation.  When they met back the next day, David starts, “Okay, so there seems to be more siblings”

                “It seems like they have five kids and that their real last name is ‘Nur Said Elmi’” the co-worker responded.

                David pumps his fist and declares, “Nice!, that’s what I got too.  Do you have the other siblings as Leila, Mohammed and Ahmed”

                “Yup, three girls two boys”

                “Okay, so that’s our suspicions.  Now we have to build a case that we can convince the American people.”

                “It’ll be difficult because Leila Elmi changed her name to Leyla Cilmi”

                “Yea but the URL still says ‘Elmi’ she didn’t think to change that.  It’s not so simple as just changing it on Facebook.”

                “I didn’t realize that, good pickup.”

                “Thanks, but how do we link them?”

                “Again, start with basics.  If you have kids, the best way to prove they’re siblings is to ask who their parents are.”

                “Right, that makes sense.”

                “Both Sahra Novarro and Ilhan Omar have acknowledged their dad is Nur Said Elmi:

                “Yes, but they already admitted to being sisters.”

                “But Leila Elmi and Nur Said are Facebook friends”

                “Hardly proof they’re father and daughter.”

                “No, but it does suggest they know each other.”

                “Pretty loose.”

                “Well what else do we know?”

                “They’re Somali”

                “And they moved from Somalia to Kenya to Britain and then the United States.  Let’s check the records from all those countries and see if those sources can help us out.”

                David laughed, “Of course, we’re investigating immigration fraud. Let’s track how the emigrated here in the first place.  Damn, that was pretty fucking obvious.”

                “Alright, same time same place tomorrow?”

                “Yup, I’ll look at Somalia and Kenya, you look at the United States and England.”

                “Roger, you got Africa, I got the west.”

                The following day, David came in excited and was even more ecstatic to see a look of knowing on his co-worker’s face.  David exclaimed, “Somali sources have confirmed that Omar is not Ilhan’s last name!  Ilhan Omar is actually one Ilhan Nur Said Elmi”

                “And I got a better link than just Facebook friends between Leila and Nur Said.  In a British marriage document, Leilla Elmi names he father as...” the co-worker starts mock drumming a drumroll, “Nur Said Elmi.”

                David smiles, “Oh, now we’re getting somewhere.  We established that Leila, Ilhan and Sahra all have the same fathers.  Now we just need the brothers.”

                “I also confirmed your Somali sources because immigration records have Ilhan coming in with the Omar family and she lied about her being a member of their family.”

                “Alright, did you find anything on the boys?”

                “Well, I didn’t really pay attention to Mohammed because it’s Ahmed she allegedly married.”

                “Yea, I know, that’s fine.  Did you find anything?”

                “Leila Elmi posted an instagram photo of her daughters.  Ahmed commented on the photos calling the two little girls his nieces.”

                “That is good.  People will believe it.  But, I mean in other cultures, people call their friend’s kids their nieces and nephews all the time.  Anyone that knows other cultures won’t believe that.  With all the shit that Omar says, I’m okay submitting that though.  Put the onus on someone else to disprove it.  Let’s just go by the English language.  In English, your niece is your sibling’s kid, period end of discussion.”

                “Hmmm, I thought it was pretty conclusive but there’s no harm in getting other sources to verify it.”

                “Well Ilhan Omar and Ahmed Elmi are photographed together.  Elmi admits that it’s him in the picture and that his name matches the person that Ilhan lists as her husband.  Elmi gave some BS story that Ilhan’s husband’s birthday was 4/4/85 and that’s not his birthday.”

                “Wait, he posted pictures from when he went to the hospital”

                “So what?”

                “The bracelet they give you at the hospital says your birthday on it.”

                The co-worker searches through the feed and finds the picture.  Written on the bracelet from Ahmed’s confirmed account is ‘Birthdate: 4/4/85;’  The co-worker smiles and pronounces, “Someone’s lying!”

                “Dude, Omar has sworn affidavits and government documents under oath swearing to this information.  We are looking at eight counts of perjury, and eight years of tax fraud if we’re right.”

                “Not to mention two years of federal student loan fraud.”

                “This is the largest extensive spree of illegal misconduct by a house member in American history.”

                “Let’s keep digging then”

                They both smiled and this time they didn’t even bother separating.  They typed furiously on their computers trying to find more information.  David looked up, “I mean just the fact that they felt the need to change their names so much and hide is a little suspicious.”

                “I know, instead of allowing any of her alleged family be interviewed, Omar calls everyone racist and refuses access to them.”

                “Meanwhile Trump allowed everyone to be interviewed by the Mueller probe and is probably the most transparent president in history.”

                The co-worker frowns and opines, “I’m not here to defend Donald Trump but I will say Omar’s sketchy.  Even if it was an innocent thing of calling your friend’s kids ‘nieces’ or it’s like a 1st cousin’s kid, then they’d come out and say it.  If you pressure people who say that, they do explain it.”

                “I got something”  David announced”

                “What is it?”

                “It looks like her constantly crying racism is going to bite her in the ass.  In 2016, she filed charges against a cab driver in DC.  She claims the cab driver told her to remove her hijab and called her an ISIS terrorist.”

                “Yea, because cab drivers are known for being patriotic Americans and want to keep America white.” The co-worker said sarcastically.

                “Right, we know Omar is a liar.  According to police filings, she mentions that she has a witness.  She calls the witness her sister and her name is Leila Elmi.”

                “Oh that is good”

                “Yea, the police report redacts the name but the Socialite picked it up and says that it says she’s her sister.”

                I think we have a pretty convincing case.”

                “I agree.  We have the three sisters admitting they are sisters.  We have Ahmed calling Leila’s kids her nieces.  We know that Ilhan and Leila name the same man as their father and we know that Ilhan lists the name of her husband as Ahmed Nur Said Elmi and Ahmed confirmed he’s the one in the picture.  She said in her divorce papers that she was divorcing Ahmed because she hadn’t seen him since 2011 but the picture is from 2013, so she lied considering the man in the picture has the same name and same birthday as her husband”

                “And England confirmed there is only one person in England named Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.”

                David Steinberg uses all his information and writes his piece and publishes it in PJ Media.  Before doing so, he contacts Ilhan Omar’s office for comment and doesn’t get a response.  The story is a hit and leads all the way to one of the largest conservative podcasts in the country; Dan Bongino.  With Omar’s constant avoidance to talk about this question even when asked point blank, he issues an open challenge on his show that if anyone has any actual evidence, not Omar’s word, that these allegations are false, he will posit it all over so the conservatives can see how wrong they are.  Nobody takes Bongino up on that offer. 

                David’s co-worker is pleased with their work.  He is speaking with David and says, “You know, these constant accusation of racism has really watered the word down.”

                “No kidding.  Even what it means to be a racist has changed”

                “What do you mean?”

                “It used to be that you were racists based on your actions.  That was better because then there was a path to redemption.  Now, being racist isn’t about your thoughts or actions it’s about what others believe your thoughts to be.  It’s also just an innate part of who you are.  When that’s the case, there’s no path to redemption.  It’s like if you’re white, you are guilty of racism and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

                “Strange world we live in.”

                Someone overheard their conversation and chimed in.  He was known as being the furthest right at PJ Media.  Coming from a New York publication, that wasn’t saying much.  He stated, “And the things that are considered racist and chauvinist are getting ridiculous.  I mean Berkeley just banned all gender pronouns from the city council.  Even words like ‘manhole’ is no ‘maintenance hole’ and ‘man made’ is ‘artificially made.’”

                “They really are destroying our language” David responded “When Bush called ‘french fries’ ‘freedom fries’ everyone mocked him.  Why can’t people mock Berkely and the like for the same reason?”

                Right-winger rejoined, “Not just that but they make it bad for foreigners since most languages have feminine and masculine articles and words.”

                “Why are they doing this?” David asked.

                The right-winger said, “Liberals attack all sense of objectivism because they deny its existence.  When there’s no objectivism then liberals make the rules on what you should want.  Language is just the next victim of the battle against objectivism.”

                “I’m not sure how I feel about this”

                “I do, I absolutely refuse to ever call a single person ‘they’”

                “Well yea, that’s just bad English and we are writers.”

                “Then you got Harris telling the same lies again about if you like your doctor, you can keep it under single-payer health care.”

                “Look, I understand that you are right of center, but you don’t have a winning platform.  People hate God and conservative values.  You’re fringe.  Yes, I hate Ilhan Omar because I’m Jewish and she’s the biggest Anti-Semite in America probably but I stop there.”

                “What do you mean we’re losing?  When the liberals bitched about the Godsden Flag that Chris Pratt was wearing, 9-line apparel sold a shitload of them overnight.  Rush Limbaugh came out with Betsy Ross flag shoes because Nike and Kaepernik refused to sell theirs because it was racist all of a sudden.  Limbaugh raised over a million dollars as over a hundred thousand shoes were bought.”

                “As if Limbaugh needs the money.”

                “He donated all of it to a charity helping the families of fallen military, cops and firemen.”

                “Oh, well good for him.  Okay maybe with calling a flag with a snake saying ‘don’t tread on me’ and the Betsy Ross flag being symbols of racism is a little much for people to swallow but their obsession with being anti-abortion doesn’t stick well.”
                “Netflix has had a historic drop in subscribers after they banned filming in Georgia because Georgia passed a pro-life bill.  Netflix anticipated 352,000 more subscribers and instead they lost 126,000.”

                “Kind of got blindsided on that one. That’s even with Stranger things coming out with a new season.  It could just be the popularity of Hulu, Youtube and other channels.  I don’t know, other things can explain it but that is a very big number to be off by.”

                “Ya think?”

                “Well, one thing we can agree on.  We’ll both be very happy if Ilhan Nur Said Elmi AKA ilhan Omar is forced to resign and then charged with fraud.”

                “That I can agree to.”

                Although David wrote a damning piece, he wasn’t done digging.  He wanted to nail the lid shut on this story and make it rock solid.  All he hoped for is Ilhan Omar would rue the day when she went after the Jewish people. 



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