Sunday, July 7, 2019

Real Characters episode 14 Democratic Strategy Meetings

                Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have called a meeting with the Democratic National Committee (DNC).  Hillary Clinton has already bought and paid for the committee, which is why they stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders for the 2016 election.  Barack Obama is the face of the DNC and since he is the last Democrat to win the presidency, he’s an advisor for the Democratic party to use Saul Alinsky tactics in America.  Lately the media campaigns and the red herrings to hide Obama’s role in the illegal mob-like intimidation tactics has worked. He isn’t mentioned even on Fox News as slightly less evil, maniacal, and corrupt as Hillary Clinton in his using the intelligence community both in the United States and Britain to systematically target conservative organizations and individuals that disagree with him.  Since Hillary has actually worked for Saul Alinsky, she still is seen as the head of the Democratic mob that has infiltrated the legislative branch and intelligence community in America.  Barack Obama respects her connections because he is from Chicago so is very familiar with how effective the Al Capone mob was in garnering power there.  Al Capone’s right hand man was Saul Alinsky. 

                Clinton calls the meeting and says, “As you all know, our new narrative is that the Betsy Ross thirteen colonies’ flag is a symbol of racism.  Nike has bought into the narrative by banning their shoes that had the flag on it because Colin Kaepernick told them to.  As you all know, this isn’t how it went down.  Nike realized that they made money from the controversy when they had him as their main spokesman so they are recycling the strategy.  We need to ride this momentum.  Are there any thoughts?

                Obama responds, “Well, don’t you think it’s a little off since the Betsy Ross flag was at my inauguration?  I mean there were two hanging from the Capitol Building”

                “Barack, How many times do I have to remind you that we control the language in this country?  We change the rules so that we can pretend things that were never offensive are highly offensive now.  We own media, Hollywood and tech so there is not many ways objecting opinions can be heard.   Against Romney, we made the word “binder” a chauvinistic term.  If we can do that, then we can make the Betsy Ross flag the new Confederate flag.  This is how we always beat the right.  We change the rules and do things that their moral compass won’t allow them to do.”

                Donna Brazile, who still believes she needs to make amends for being a rat on Don Clinton for doing Bernie Sanders dirty, sheepishly offers, “Well, why don’t we do what we normally do, and get a Harvard professor to say it?”

                Clinton contemplates this with a hand on her chin and then declares, “Harvard is a well we use too often.  July 4th is coming up so we need to center our focus on D.C. so we can protest Trump’s Independence Day celebration.   It needs to be someone that holds a lot of status amongst people in D.C. but the rest of the country will respect too.  I don’t think Harvard works for this one.”

                Undeterred Brazile fires back, “Well, the most reputable college in Washington D.C. is Georgetown so why don’t we get a professor from there?”

                Obama opines, “I know the perfect guy.  His name is Michael Erick Dyson.  I can have people reach out to him.”

                Hilary asks, “What color is he?”

                “He’s black”

                “Excellent.  Please reach out to him”

                They discuss other issues and the meeting adjourns.   Barack immediately sends a message to his people to get a hold of Professor Dyson to back up Kaepernick.  The same people call MSNBC and arrange an interview as this is how gas lighting works.  After all, as both Adolf Hitler and Saul Alinsky said, ‘If a lie is told as often enough and as accurate enough people will believe anything.’ This is especially true when it comes from multiple people and if Barack and Hillary know anything, it’s how to intimidate people to do what they want or else they will destroy their careers and imprison them. 

                Within hours, Barack is sitting on his couch watching MSNC and watches one of he and Hillary’s many puppets, Georgetown professor Michael Erick Dyson says that the Betsy Ross flag is equivalent to pictures of the Swastika and cross burning.  Dyson double downs and calls it glaring and apparent racism that should not be tolerated in America.  Hillary is watching the same interview and nods her approval.  She has inculcated in all her acolytes to always associate everything to NAZI’s and KKK in order to cover up that the KKK was made up predominantly of Democrats and that the NAZI’s used Alinsky-style tactics to take over Germany and much of Europe. 

                Although MSNBC has horrendous ratings as all fake news media outlets do since they are so thoroughly disproven and change their stories by the week, Hillary and Barack aren’t the only people watching.  Beto O’Rourke is also watching and he has an idea.  He didn’t do very well in last week’s debates so he has to virtue signal to get his momentum back.  He takes out his phone and tweets his support for Nike for pulling the flag and then double downs on it in public appearances. 

                With this success out of the way, Hillary calls another meeting.  She congratulates everyone on a successful backing of Nike.  One staffer opines, “Should we be worried about other companies putting out the Betsy Ross flag in protest and making money off it?”

                “No, that’ll blow over.  Right now, we need to move on to attacking the Independence Day parade.”

                An FDR-style Stalinist articulates, “Well he’s planning tanks so why don’t we associate it with martial law?”

                “Excellent, good thinking.”

                The staffer replies, “Well conservatives did point out President Obama’s inauguration.  The pictures of the Betsy Ross flags on the Capitol during the inauguration popped up all over social media despite our suppression of many conservatives on Facebook and Twitter.  I’m afraid that people will post pictures of Kennedy, Eisenhower, and FDR’s inauguration that had tanks going down Pennsylvania Avenue.”

                Obama answered, “Eisenhower was a Republican so if they bring that up, we can just add that to the long history of police state tyranny of the right.”

                “But, the other two are Democrats”

                Hillary scolded, “Doesn’t matter.  Most Americans don’t know history.  They are stupid so they won’t know that.  That is why we win.  We keep them ignorant by having sub-standard schools and constantly lowering the educational standards so they are less motivated to learn things.  By keeping them ignorant, we can control them.  Look how successful we’ve been.  No more historical problems.  People have no memories.  I know what I’m doing.  It always works.”

                “Respectfully Ma’ame, you lost the election”

                “You can go now.”

                “I thought we were able to voice our opinions and were brainstorming on strategy.  Didn’t you say not to be afraid to speak up and be wrong?  You said you wanted input.’

                “Bringing up that the results of the 2016 election isn’t productive speech.   It is blatant disrespect to me.  If you don’t leave, I will have you killed.”

                The staffer hurries out as he knew the Clinton’s history in Arkansas where people were found decapitated for speaking against Hillary and Bill turning the state into a drug trafficking hub.  He scolds himself for daring to make a personal attack on Don Clinton.  With the staffer gone, Hillary smiles and announces, “Well, now that the distractions are out of the way.  Let me know what we’re going to do after Independence Day?”

                The FBI representative says, “I think it’s time to talk to Deripaska again.  Get him on the records about Manafort.”

                Hillary rejoins, “Right, you interviewed him in 2016.  He hates Manafort because a business deal went south with him.  Release that interview again.  Remind people that people in the Trump campaign were linked to people close to Putin and Russian organized crime.”

                Obama added, “And people will be even more repulsed since he’s a billionaire.”

                The FBI representative contemplates reminding them that the content of the interview wasn’t exactly helpful to them but after the threat to the staffer, decides not to bring it up.  He piles on with, “Since Mueller is testifying in about two weeks, this would be an opportune time to bring it up.”

                Hillary nods and utters, “I’ll call Chait to tweet out that I couldn’t possibly have tried to sabotage Trump with the Russian collusion thing because it happened after the election.”

                Obama retorts, “Every time we do that, conservative media shows the November 1 NY magazine article about October surprises investigating alleged Trump’s Russian ties.”

                “By the time that rebuttal goes out, the whole world would have seen it.  If our people listened to conservatives, they would no longer be our people so hardly any of the people that listen to Chait will see the conservative rebuttal.”

                The meeting ends and they execute their plan.  Hillary is pleased that Chait tweeted out the false narrative that the Russian collusion suspicions happened after the election.  She then turns to the leak of the FBI interview with Deripaska.  As she’s listening, her joy dissipates.  She is satisfied with the question of ‘is there evidence that you know about the Russians are meeting with Manafort to collude in the American election?’ When Deripaska answers, “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.  Manafort is Ukraine.  Russians don’t trust Ukrainians with something this important.  He’s nothing.  He’s small potatoes and if he was involved in collusion, you better believe I would have known about it.  Manafort is a snake.’  Hillary sighs and scolds herself.  She didn’t realize that just because Deripaska hated Manafort, that didn’t mind he’d help them.  She didn’t realize that Manafort being seen as influential or powerful would be offensive to Deripaska and he would never participate in such a narrative.  Russians liked their enemies crushed and Deripaska was one of the most ruthless Russians.  That is why the United States had sanctions against him that President Trump increased when he got in office. 

                This time Obama calls a meeting without Hillary.  He has invited an economists and a financial advisors for this one among a couple presidential candidates.  He says, “I know that most of you are afraid to speak when Hillary is around.  Let me be perfectly clear, you should never be afraid to come to me.  I called this meeting for a more informal strategy session.  The number one thing that Donald Trump will do is run on the economy.  Let’s start with our talking points.  Obviously the most important narrative is that I handed him a thriving economy.”

                The economist spoke up, “Last time we did that, the White House released graphs that clearly showed across every metric the growth accelerated after Trump took office.  Now we can spin the increased acceleration graphs.  The graphs where things were plummeting under you, however, and then reversed to growth after January 2017 is tough to convince anyone that he continued what you did.”

                A financial analyst added, “That, and Trump constantly reminds people that he reversed everything that you did so the logic that reversing all policies would continue the same trajectory is a little hard even for the general public to grasp.”

                “Well, aren’t we supposed to be having a recession by now?” Obama exclaimed

                Economist replied, “Yes, this is the longest we’ve gone in history without one so we are definitely overdue.”

                “So, in anticipation of the recession by natural cyclical processes, we need to get ahead of this to say that it was really a reversal of all my policies to show that Trump failed.”

                “We just need to hope the recession happens before the election.”

                “Well, the election is over a year away so the market has time to work.  What about the old narrative we used that bad policies don’t manifest themselves for seven years?  That’s how we blamed my bad economy on Bush.”

                “That talking point didn’t poll well.  It didn’t catch on with the public.”

                “What about driving the point home that it only helped the rich?”

                “We have been promoting that theory.”

                “Let’s go into poor states hurt most by it and get them on the record for how bad they’re doing.”

                “Well almost nobody is hurting from it.  The few people that are in New York and California and they already attack Trump every chance they get.”

                “What are you trying to say?”

                “I’m trying to say sir, that every state has higher income growth from when Trump took office compared to now.”

                “What about the fly over states?  The rural farming states?”

                “Iowa has traditionally been very good for us but their incomes have actually more than doubled in Trump’s economy.  It’s just getting harder and harder to convince people they don’t have more money.  Even the tax returns were higher so the gamble to convince them tax returns were lower ended up not being true as more and more came in.”

                “How can that be when they gave less to the government?”

                “Their incomes went up. That’s what we’re trying to say.  They made more money so even at the less percentage, they still ended up giving more to the government thus still got a bigger return.”

                “That’s White Collar people, what about hourly employees?”

                “Also every state has higher hourly wages than when you left office.  The mining industry had the biggest effect as it was over four times higher than miners under you.”

                “That’s only because I had to pretend to care about the environment so I couldn’t drill in America.  Trump made us an energy exporter with all the drilling he did.  That’s cheating.”

                “It’s not cheating. He just doesn’t care about our base protesting him.”

                Obama lets out a guttural scream in frustration.  Cory Booker, who is also in the meeting, throws out a lifeline and declares, “I know unemployment is low across the board.  But I can say that discrepancy between White and Black unemployment is higher.”

                The economist once again countered, “That’s not true either.  When Obama left office, the discrepancy was 4%, now it’s 2.4%”

                “How did black people grow faster than whites?  That never happens. What happened to keeping them dumb and living in barrios so they keep voting for us?  That’s how we lost the South, they got more educated and wealthier so turned Republican.  If blacks get off welfare and get better educated, we can’t exploit them.  If they move out of the ghettoes and barrios, then they can see the real world isn’t as racist as we keep telling them it is.  If they keep rising, then we will lose a lot of them.”

                The economist shook his head.  Although this is frequently discusses among African-Americans in power, he never could get used to it.  He never understood why the black people in power were so hell bent on keeping black people down.  I guess that their power stems from ignorant and brain washed black people but it just seemed unethical.  Obama thought he had to calm the easily excitable Booker so inquired, “Just how bad is it among blacks and Hispanics?”

                “One million more blacks and two million more Hispanics are employed now than weren’t in January 2017.”

                Kamala Harris asked, “Well, AOC got some traction when she justified the unemployment rate as too many people have to work more than one job to make ends meet.  Let’s reuse that talking point to downplay the unemployment rate.”

                “We could do that but AOC didn’t get traction from that as it didn’t seep into the mainstream talking point.  Probably because the amount of jobs people have has nothing to do with the unemployment rate.  If anything, people working more than one job would increase unemployment rather than decrease because for every additional job you have, you take away someone else’s opportunity to have that job.  Remember, I’m just playing Devil’s Advocate, the real thing is that the number of jobs people have has nothing to do with unemployment.  The narrative itself makes no sense either since only 5% of Americans hold more than one job and since 2010, there are 1.2 million less Americans working part time for economic reasons.”

                “I feel like you don’t use percentages in order to make the number appear bigger than it is.”

                “I actually gave you percentages and an actual number but fine there was a seven percent drop in the amount of people working part time jobs for economic reasons.”

                “Yea, see seven percent doesn’t sound as much as 1.2 million”

                The economist shrugged his shoulders knowing that nobody in the room would report any of these numbers.  Obama threw out, “What about manufacturing?  I had good wage growth with manufacturing, it was 1.9%.”

                The financial analyst, not enjoying that the economist was doing most of the talking, burst out, “It’s 2.8% since Trump took over.”

                Obama cried out, “Alright, I’ve had enough of this.  Find something we can use.  There’s got to be some area that hasn’t improved.  Don’t give me this shit about a rising tide raises all boats.  This is your job; find something!”

                The participants in the meeting left with stoic faces to as not to upset Obama anymore.  The economic and financial advisers couldn’t care less.  They were used to this and since Obama was no longer in office, they no longer had to try to spin a bad economy to make it seem better than it was.  Instead, they could line their pockets with more money taking advantage of the better economy.  The only reason they stayed with Obama when he was President is because they feared he would send the awesome power of the United States government against them like he had with so many others that got in his way.  When Democrats were in power, it was better to suck up to them and provide damage control but when they weren’t, you keep things cordial but you stop sugar coating and be truthful.  This is how to play the game to get rich in the least obstructive way.  You were cordial so that when Democrats were in charge again, you could stay off the chopping block and keep the money that you earned during Republican administrations.  Neither one of them was surprised when Corey Booker and Kamala Harris called a press conference and lied by bringing up the things that they told them were a lie in the meeting.  Again, this is what always happened.  They asked for the facts, didn’t like them, so just lied.  Kamala Harris and Corey Booker would lose power if the American public knew that blacks and Hispanics were doing better under Trump than they had in any time in American history. 

                Hillary Clinton is sitting in her office when her phone rings.  She’s a little surprised at the caller and answers it tentatively.  “Hello”

                “Hello Mrs. Clinton, it’s Justin Amash”

                “Oh hi, to what do I owe this pleasure?”

                “Well, as you know I am the only one in my party to call for Trump’s impeachment.”

                “Yes, I do know that”

                “So, I wanted to know if I would be rewarded by being accepted into the Democratic Party?  I would like to be in your strategy meetings to help fight against Trump.”

                “I understand your position, but I’m afraid you aren’t going to last long.  Once Trump is out of office, I can’t rely on you to not go back to your libertarian ways.”

                “But, I really stuck my neck out for you.”

                “To what end?  When they impeached Bill, it hurt the Republicans.  If you impeach Trump, it may have the same effect.  Impeaching the president is the socialist agenda.  Go call Bernie Sanders and join him.  We have no use for you.  You’re a squirrelly little man that has no spine.  We want ruthless killers not bitches.”

                “I’m sorry you feel that way.  I hope you reconsider” Amash replied sheepishly as he lowered his head and hung up the phone. 

                The next day, Justin Amash announced that he was becoming an independent since the Democrats turned his back on him and he was ostracized by the Republicans and the libertarians for being a traitor.  As he announced, he hoped his phone would ring with someone trying to talk him back to the party and apologize.  The call never came.  He went on twitter to see the reaction and what he found was Republicans and libertarians rejoicing.  He kept seeing one prevalent message, “Now that Justin Amash has left the Republican party to be an independent, the average IQ of the Republicans has gone up as well as the average IQ of Independents.”

                Amash sighed.  It looked like nobody had missed him.  He turned on CNN because he could use some anti-Trump bashing.  Instead, what he found was Fareed Zakaria throwing in the towel and admitting that Trump is right about the asylum crisis.  He admitted that the asylum cases were skyrocketing and the lax and lazy laws were bad and needed to be changed. 

                Hillary Clinton saw the Zakaria statement and called the higher ups at CNN and scolded them.  They in turn called Zakaria and asked, “What were you thinking?”

                “I did nothing wrong.  I still talked about the crisis at the border.”

                “You said the words ‘Trump was right’ we never do that.  We blame him for the crisis!”

                “Look, if undocumented workers come in 100,000 per month, then blacks are going to lose out on jobs.  They hurt the black community and as a black man, I can’t stand for that.  You’re trading blacks for undocumented people.  I need to side with the blacks on this.”

                “If you don’t toe the line, then the unskilled black workers won’t be the only ones who lose their jobs over this.”

                “I dare you to fire me.  Then I can tell the world what goes on here.  Look at how damaging the project veritas reports were to Google and YouTube.”

                “Not very, they’re doing fine.”

                “And how are our ratings?  Remember the best lies have an element of truth to them.  Let’s admit something that everyone knows.  Help the black community and give us a little bit of credibility and then we can go back to lying to the American public.”

                “That’s not your decision.”

                “You’re right because you don’t have the balls to stand up to Hillary Clinton.”

                “Just watch it.”

                “I’ve been instrumental to gas lighting the Democratic narratives for years.  I know what I’m doing.”

                Kamala Harris left the meeting with Obama a little worried.  After she went after Biden for being a racist, her popularity had surged.  In doing that, she no longer knew if she could trust the DNC to help her.  She tried to go to meetings to not be ostracized by them but she needed a plan B.  She thought hard about it and realized that she would be like Hillary Clinton instead of listening to her advice.  She decided to make a phone call.

                Mark Elias is a lawyer for Perkins Coie.  In 2016, he helped his friend Hillary Clinton paint a foreign collusion story against President Trump by hiring Fusion GPS to dig up oppositional research.  It was a huge success as three years later; people were still talking about the Russian collusion hoax.  Hillary, understandably, hadn’t talked to him in a while so as to put distance between them.  He believed he had done his job so focused on other clients and stayed out of politics.  This is why he didn’t know that Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton weren’t getting along.  His phone rang and he didn’t recognize the number.  He answered it and a female voice declared, “Hi Mr. Elias, this is Kamala Harris.”

                “Senator Harris, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

                “I was wondering if you were taking on new clients”

                “That would depend on the client.  If it is yourself then absolutely.”

                Kamala chuckled and said, “It is me.”

                “Then, yes I accept.  What do you need?”

                “Well, all the momentum is on my side so I’m going to need your help to destroy any candidate that is beating me.  Then, after that, I want you to go after Trump the same way you did in 2016.  I mean your work lives on to this day so I’d like to pile on that if I become the nominee.”

                “Well first you need to become the nominee.  I think I can help you.”

                “Thank you, your reputation precedes you.  I know you’ll do whatever it takes to take down my opponents and I need a fighter like that on my side.”

                “I appreciate your confidence in me ma’ame”

                “Do you have anything in mind now?  Are we going to go with Russia again?  I need to know so that I can help prepare the narrative during my campaign.”

                “No, we can’t reuse old tricks.  I think this time the foreign collusion is going to be with the Middle East.”

                “Won’t that hurt Barack since the Iran deal was his baby?”

                “You did a lot of damage to Biden but he still is your biggest competitor right now.  Former President Obama is exactly that; a former president.  Trump already reversed his Iran deal. It’s finished. Former President Obama is fair collateral damage in your surge to the top don’t you think?”

                “Yes, I think I do agree.  Thank you”

                “You’re welcome. I’ll start working right away to see what I can dig up and who I can get to leak it to the media.  I’ll keep you posted on our strategy.”

                Elias and Harris discussed payment and then got off the phone.  Harris put down the phone and was a little unnerved at how quickly Elias was to throw Obama under the bus.  She decided that it was his ruthlessness that led her to hire him in the first place but she knew that once he came through, he would turn on her on a dime if it was advantageous to the next client.  At this point in time, however, she didn’t see a problem if he turned on her after she was President.  At least she would have gotten her time and that was more than her former client Hillary Clinton could say. 


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