Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Fanis the bodyguard Episode 49 intertrail Revelations


                Fanis and her cousin Kera are in their London flat waiting out the global pandemic.  Of course, that’s not exactly true as Kera’s job as an international Chinese art dealer requires her to travel frequently.  Although countries have an official policy to not let non-essential travelers in, Kera and Fanis have been bypassing these protective measures.  Kera is tight-lipped on exactly how she’s doing this and Fanis has long wished to remain in the dark on what nefarious things his cousin is into.  His job is to be her bodyguard and she had spent a pretty penny to get him trained to be a lethal weapon.  It was not without merit either as it seemed everywhere they went someone was attacking one of them.  In a break from protocol, Fanis asked, “Hey Kera, why hasn’t anyone bribed me to turn on you lately?”

                One of the main reasons Kera wanted Fanis as a bodyguard and had him trained rather than hire an already trained person was that Fanis had something that couldn’t be bought; loyalty.  As a rich kid, he didn’t need money so couldn’t be bribed with money to do anything.  Aside from that, he was very devoted to his cousin.  Neither one of them trusted anyone and that included each other but Kera knew that Fanis was the closest she’d get to someone she knew wouldn’t jam a knife in her back.  Kera responded, “I’m sorry, would you contemplate it now?”

                “Well, no but it’s nice to be asked.”

                Kera giggled, “Maybe you should have thought of that before you took a wad of cash and jammed it down the throat of the last guy that tried.”

                “That was one time.”

                “People in my industry talk.”

                “I guess so.”

                Kera was looking at her phone reading news stories.  She shook her head, “Wow, you got to hand it to Pelosi; she just keeps to her lie no matter how much evidence is against her.”

                “That’s what they do.  They have the media back them up and parrot a story.  It gets discredited and debunked so they wait a week and do it all over again.  The mainstream media gets the story around the world before the truth gets its pants on.  A fraction of the people that read the original story read the retraction and the damage is done.  What lie is she repeating now?”

                “The one about how Trump told people to inject Lysol into their lungs.”

                “Oh yea.  I kind of wish he did say that.  It would get rid of some stupid people that shouldn’t be in the gene pool.  I guess that’s my social Darwinism talking.”

                “Just remember the people that would do that are Trump supporters.  Otherwise, they wouldn’t listen.”

                “True.  Maybe Pelosi bringing it up, the retards won’t realize she was mocking President Trump and think it’s something she’s proposing and try it.”

                “You’re saying that since the Democrats misinterpreted, purposely or accidentally, Trump’s comments that an effective treatment is being tried of injecting UV light into the lungs and then transitioning to talking about the need to disinfect things as advocating injecting disinfectants, maybe Pelosi supporters will do the same thing about her comments?”

                “I wouldn’t have put it that way but yes that is what I was thinking”

                “I just don’t get her motive.  Why bring this up anyway?”

                “She is really embarrassed about how she was showing off her $24,000 freezer and all the exotic ice cream she has.  Also, she’s on record trying to pass a bill called the ‘No Ban Act’ to stop President Trump’s travel ban from China.  Now she claims she meant Africa but since it’s now a worldwide travel ban pretty much, she looks pretty foolish so this is how she rebels and reacts when she gets figuratively punched in the mouth for being on the wrong side of history.”

                “But, it has only been a couple months.  Why not wait a year or so when people don’t remember what you said?”

                “Democrats believe that people believe what they want them to believe.”

                “Liberals not Democrats”

                “No, both.”

                Kera rolled her eyes and stated, “Pack your shit, we’re leaving.”


                “Now that we know that the virus doesn’t do well in heat and humidity, we’re going to the Dominican Republic.”

                “Cool, get ready to have your ass grabbed.”

                “We’re going to be in the resorts this time so no ass grabbing”

                “I guess we’ll find out.”

                They quickly pack their things and head to the air strip to fly to the Dominican Republic.  While on the plane, Fanis comments, “This is exciting.  We’re going to the place where the whole Mike Flynn debacle happened on the same week that his charges may be dropped.”

                “His charges aren’t being dropped this week.”

                “But, Maria Bartiromo…”

                “Maria Bartiromo is wrong.  Trust me.  I don’t remember though, what did Mike Flynn have to do with the Dominican?”

                “Flynn was on vacation in DR (Dominican Republic) when Obama decided to kick the Russian ambassadors out of America for allegedly meddling in the 2016 election.  The weird thing was he kicked out the ambassadors in coastal Maryland and not the ones near DC.  This was all a ruse to get the Russian Ambassaor Kislyak to call Flynn since he was the incoming National Security Advisor (NSA).  Since the communications in DR aren’t very secure, the FBI could record the phone call.”

                “Right, and then they interviewed him about the call months later to see if he could remember it verbatim and when he messed up they arrested him for lying.”

                “Yea, it was all a setup.  Comey even admitted it because he sent agents to the White House during the transition to interview Trump campaign members because he knew there would be some confusion regarding the transition.”

                “Why would he do that if they had the transcript and already set him up?”

                “You should always have a backup plan.  You can’t put all your eggs in one basket so they were going to use the Logan Act if Flynn realized not to say anything definitive or if he happened to remember the whole conversation verbatim and never messed up on his recollection.”

                “When did Comey admit this?”

                “On Nicole Wallace’s show.  The smug prick was talking about how he never would have gotten away with it in an organized administration like Obama’s and Bush’s because they knew the rules and they would never let the FBI just send agents to question someone without a lawyer.  His deputy called Flynn and asked to have a chat and Flynn said ‘yes.’”

                “Flynn was Obama’s NSA before being fired so it would appear that people in his campaign would have fallen for this too.”

                “Allegedly, Obama and Bush would have found out and stopped it.  I don’t believe it either.”

                “It’s weird that he praises Bush.”

                “No, it’s not.  They don’t want an outsider.  They want a predictable devil they know or an ally.”

                “I guess that makes sense.  Alright so they interview him.  He says that he or Kislyak said something or didn’t say something that they didn’t or did and voila he’s lying and they arrest him.”

                “Actually, that’s not clear.  Comey told Wallace that Flynn lied in December 2018 but the FBI 302, or summary of the interview, claims the agents that interviewed him didn’t think he was being deceptive.  Comey edited the 302 and decided he was even though he didn’t conduct the interview.”

                “I can’t believe I’m indulging you in this but it’s a long flight.  Didn’t Flynn plead guilty?  How is this still going on?”

                “He did at the request and advisement of his lawyers from Covington and Burlington.  Before he was sentenced, he fired those lawyers and got a new lawyer, Sidney Powell, who withdrew the guilty plea.”

                “On what grounds?”

                “Ineffectiveness of council.”

                “Covington and Burlington is a highly reputable law firm.  How the fuck did she argue that?”

                “Well, she petitioned the judge for Covington to hand over all documents related to the case alleging that they were withholding some.”

                “They were withholding documents from their own client?”

                “Yes.  The other argument was that the same lawyers advised Flynn on which Foreign Agent Registration Form (FARA) form to fill out and how to be in compliance.  That was the backup plan that he filled out the wrong form so was not compliant and that’s where the Logan Act came in.”

                “Alright who….wait….so if the case goes to trial then they’re trying to determine if the Covington lawyers gave Flynn bad advice and told him to fill out the wrong form?”

                Fanis smiled wide and nodded, “Now you see why they might have an ulterior motive to get him to plead guilty.  That would be really embarrassing for a…”Fanis switched to a mocking tone, “highly reputable law firm like you said.”

                “Powell should have stuck with that.  Claiming that they withheld documents from their own client is obviously just a stall tactic so the sentencing gets delayed.”

                “Your fellow Democrats all said the same thing.  She was attacked viciously.  Then a funny thing happened.  All of a sudden Covington, again the highly reputable firm you speak of, magically found 6,800 documents relevant to the case that they never told Flynn about and seemed to forget to mention when they handed over the case to Powell.  Don’t worry, they claim that the search criteria they used was the problem.”

                “I know cases have a lot of paperwork but 6,800?  That seems like a lot to just mark off as an oversight.”

                “It would be nice if Judge Sullivan would agree with that but he’s really held out until now.”

                “It gets worse?”

                “Oh yes”

                “Why would Covington hurt their reputation by trying this?  That’s what I don’t get.”

                “Eric Holder is a partner at Covington and Burlington.”

                “Where have I heard that name?”

                “He was the one that set up the meeting with Erik Prince with the Russian Kiril Dmitriov in order to make his sister, Betsey Devoss, who is in Trump’s cabinet look like she was colluding with Russians.  He was also the Attorney General for Barack Obama.”

                “You keep coming up with very coincidental evidence; almost as if it can’t be considered a coincidence.”

                “In Washington, there are no coincidences.”

                “I tend to believe in life there are no such thing as coincidences but sure.  If the 302 shows that Flynn wasn’t being deceptive then what case does the government have?”

                “Interesting, this conversation started with you thinking that Flynn had no case and now you’re saying that the government has no case.  The answer to your question, though, is that the 302 was edited.  Nobody seems to know where the original is.”

                “Probably destroyed.”

                “After what happened with Hillary’s e-mails and Steele’s dossier information, I’m beginning to think that too.  I mean why not?  It’s not like there are any ramification for deleting evidence for Democrats.”

                “What makes this week different?  I feel like you’ve been telling me this shit for years now.  We knew Covington and Burlington were the lawyers, obviously Holder was always a partner, fine, they withheld the 6,800 documents but is that all?  Why all the optimism now?”

                “You seemed pretty confident that Flynn would not be exonerated this week but you don’t know the answer to that question.  Are you testing me or something to see how much I know?”

                “No, he’s not going to be exonerated because if you’re right then he knows all Obama’s secrets because he was the NSA and on the inside.  Obama singled him out as the one guy for Trump not to hire.  That was pretty stupid because you basically gave him the best job recommendation ever but still he knows too much.  There is no way that Obama and Hillary with their tentacles in the DOJ and intelligence community would ever let Flynn be exonerated.  Even if he is, Hillary would probably kill him just like she did Epstein for having too much dirt on the Clintons.”

                “I don’t disagree with that assessment but to answer your question on what changed this week.  There is a redacted part in a document but one sentence is not redacted.  It reads, ‘Lawyer unofficial understanding that they are unlikely to charge Junior in light of the cooperation agreement.’”

                “Yea, you mentioned that he only pled guilty because they offered that if he did, they wouldn’t prosecute his son for an undisclosed crime.”

                “Yes, but they didn’t make the offer by the book.”


                “Covington hid their side deal with the government that they wouldn’t prosecute Mike Flynn Jr. if his father pled guilty.  They never told the court.”

                “Is that illegal?”

                “Yes, per this Giglio rule that mandates that you have to disclose the deal you made with people that are testifying against you.  That way the jury and decision makers know that the witness may have an ulterior motive to be testifying against you.  The government had Mike Flynn Jr. as a witness but never called him.  There was a side deal that made that happen that they never told anyone.  They claim that Giglio doesn’t apply because it wasn’t an official offer or deal.”

                “So what?”

                “It’s the first thing Powell has said that caught the judge’s attention.  He’s pretty pissed about it. It wasn’t just that they wouldn’t prosecute his son; they wanted Mike Flynn Sr. to testify against other Trump officials.  Again, you’re supposed to tell the people you’re prosecuting that you threatened Mike Flynn’s son and that’s why he’s testifying but they never did.  This not only fucks with Flynn’s case but all the cases that the government wanted to use Flynn as a witness for.”

                “They didn’t only withhold it from Flynn and the people they were charging but they kept it from the courts too.”


                “I think you should have been a lawyer.  If I was a jury member, I would have gone from pro-plaintiff to pro-defense.”

                “You didn’t hear the prosecution side.”


                They land in the Dominican Republic and pay the $10 that is required upon entry. Once Fanis tried to use the equivalent of $10 in Dominican Pesos to pay the fee and it was refused.  The problem was that the exchange counters are after the booth where you have to pay so he had no way to get the $10.  After he borrowed it, he was allowed entry into the country and took this as evidence that despite Euros and pounds always bragging how they’re stronger than the dollar, the world still very much wanted dollars and no other currency; even their own.  After getting through security, they hop into a cab to the resort.  On the way, Fanis negotiates in Spanish with the driver to stop to get some presidente, the most popular beer in DR, before going.  The cab driver obliges and he gets a six pack and hands one to Kera as there are no open container laws in DR.  The resort is a ghost town as not many people are travelling amid the pandemic.  This just makes the staff that much more attentive to the few people that are there.  Kera and Fanis change into short sleeves and sit by the pool talking and drinking. They then go up to their room and go to sleep. 

                The next day, Fanis and Kera have breakfast and Kera meets with her buyer or seller; Fanis didn’t ask nor cared to know which one.  The shipping was done from remote locations so it’s not like he could tell by what they packed.  Fanis approaches the security for the client and introduces himself.  The security guard gives him a dirty look and begrudgingly tells him his name.  He then adds, “You Americans always say that the rest of the world is lazy and doesn’t want to work.  Look at your congressman Steny Hoyer refusing to work because he thinks the Capitol is dangerous.”

                “Well, those are the Democrats.  They don’t want Americans working because they want to control them and when people make their own money, it’s harder to control them.  That’s why they love the shut down.  Hoyer is Pelosi’s deputy so he’s one of the worst.”

                “Pelosi is a lying whore.”

                “I would agree.  One of the bills they passed included tens of millions of dollars to make sure that they had a safe working environment.  Where did the money go if it’s still dangerous?  Everyone should just get off their ass and go to work.  I think there shouldn’t even be phases just open everything right now and let the American people save the economy.”

“I agree but you don’t seem to be social distancing.”

Fanis nodded his head.  It was rare that the opposing security guard didn’t want to talk to him but he took it in stride.  He stood in silence until Kera was done with her meeting.  When she re-emerged she declared, “Alright, let’s go to the beach.”

“Don’t you want to change into your bathing suit?”

                “I have it on under my clothes.  Kind of like how you have yours on.”

                “It’s not under my clothes.”

                “Same concept.  You didn’t plan to go back either.”

                “I just prepared.”

                “Well me too, let’s go.”

                They went to the beach and easily found a chair and an umbrella due to the dearth of people there.  They took off all their excess clothes and sprinted to the water.  They alternated between lying out and swimming to cool off till around 1:00 and then they went to grab lunch.  A couple came up to them and asked if they could join them.  Fanis looked around at the empty restaurant and got confused on why they would ask.  Kera spoke first and articulated, “Sure, sit down.”

                They did and Kera inquired, “Where are you guys from?”

                “Germany; I’m Hanz and this is Micha”

                “Hi, I’m Kera and this is Fanis.”

                Fanis nodded and pronounced, “Nice to meet you.” He took Kera not introducing him as her cousin to mean that she was interested to see if Hanz would hit on her.

                Hanz spoke first, “Do you mind if we discuss politics?”

                Fanis grinned, “Not at all.”

                “We get a little disappointed because many Americans don’t like talking politics.  I’m glad you’re okay with it.  We also find that Americans don’t know much about their own country.  It’s odd that I, a German, know more than most Americans.”

                “It is very sad indeed.  I wish I could debate that with you but I know it’s true.”

                “What is your opinion of John Roberts?”

                “I think he’s the worst GOP appointee in history.  He is an absolute disgrace and I’m ashamed that he’s the chief justice of the Supreme Court.”

                “He is more of a politician than a Supreme Court Justice.”

“I know it.  He makes up rights when he needs to and then denies the ones that are actually in the constitution.”

Kera rolled her eyes and expressed to Micha, “I apologize.  He’s very opinionated and doesn’t understand that people have alternative viewpoints and don’t take politics so seriously.”

“If you don’t take politics seriously, you find your rights trampled on.  Look at the current world lock down from a virus from China that isn’t even that lethal.”

“It’s very contagious.”

“Yes, but only kills the elderly and people who already have a serious illness; definitely not something to shut the whole world down for.  This is all about power.”

“You sat at the right table then because he’s all about that shit.”

“If you think it’s shit, I wonder why you’re here.  Clearly you aren’t listening to these travel warnings.”

“The virus doesn’t do well in high humidity places.  The Caribbean is a good place to find humidity.”

“I see.”

“Fine, I’ll bite.  Fanis, do you have an example of why Roberts is such a travesty to the Supreme Court?”

                “Several.  Even after Obama was on tape admitting that he never intended the individual mandate to be a tax, when it got to the Supreme Court, Roberts decided that Obama was wrong and that it is a tax so it was constitutional.  He told the defense, in this case Obama’s government, that if they argue it’s not a tax then it’s not constitutional so they should change their label.”

                “I’m pretty sure it’s not a judge’s job to tell either side that if they argued it differently they would have won and then declare them the winner.  That is really fucking shady.”

                “That’s my point.  Then you have the citizenship question on the census.  Roberts admits that it’s legal but he didn’t like the process that it was debated so he threw it out.”

                “Blatantly contradicting what he ruled with Obama.”


                “Did Obama appoint him?”

                “No Bush did.”

                “That doesn’t make sense.”

                Hanz interjected, “Yes, it makes perfect sense. He’s a gutless coward and he’s afraid of the liberals and the American media.”

                Fanis added, “Which is just a propaganda arm for the Democrat party.”

                “We are of one spirit my friend.”


                Kera sighed, “Not to play devil’s advocate but all this shit happened a while ago.  You have to be pissed about something he did recently to just randomly bring it up.”

                Hanz took a deep breath and explained, “He threw a case out against the state of New York for gun transfer from one of your properties to another.”

                “Oh, you like guns.”

                “You Americans have no idea how important your second amendment is!”

                “I do” Fanis snapped

                Kera retorted condescendingly, “I live in London which has banned guns and I don’t miss it.”

                Fanis gave her a wry look as she knew full well that Fanis always had a gun on him and ignored the English laws.  The only reason Kera didn’t have a gun is because she had him.  He uttered, “It’s not that he threw the case out, it’s why he did.  Senate Democrats threatened him and he caved.  Schumer was the first to threaten him.”

“How do you get away with threatening a Supreme Court Justice?”

“You’re a Democrat”

“Alright so why did Roberts say he threw out the case?”

Hanz took this one, “New York changed the law they were suing on so that you’re allowed to

take your gun to a range but you can’t stop anywhere along the way.  It’s still unconstitutional because why can’t you go to another place you own?”

“It would be ridiculous if you couldn’t bring your gun to a gun range.  I can see his point.”

Fanis articulated, “Senator Whitehouse from Rhode Island released a statement saying that the

Supreme Court was ill and if they didn’t rule the way he wanted, he would put in a motion to restructure the court.  Magically after he made this statement, Rogers caved.”

Hanz exclaimed, “Because he’s a spineless jellyfish!”

“Isn’t Whitehouse that guy that asked Kavanaugh about flatulence?”

“Yes, he was the fart joke guy” Fanis answered and then continued, “Speaking of which,

Kavanaugh let us down too.  I still think what happened to him was a travesty and vile, disgusting, bottom feeding and horrendous but he’s no constitutionalist.”

                They finished lunch and Fanis and Kera invited Micha and Hanz to come to the beach with them and they agreed.  They pushed two more lawn chairs near each other and lied out.  Micha complained, “The sun is really hot.  Does anyone want to come in the water with me?”

                Fanis preferred being in the water than laying out but felt weird going alone so he jumped at the chance.  They approached the sea and Fanis did what he always did and went on a full sprint and dove in to the first wave he saw.  The little dance that people do to adjust to the discrepancy between the temperature of the water and the air before mustering up the courage to dive under so your body is shocked into realizing the water isn’t nearly as cold as you think it is was pointless to Fanis.  It was better to just get it out of the way by sprinting and diving.  As he turned around, he watched Micha smiling at him as she was gingerly walking into the water as her muscles tensed up.  Fanis bent his knees so only his head and neck were above water and patiently waited for her to take the plunge.  Micha sprawled out but kept her body above water.  She took a couple strokes before taking a deep breath and lowering her head under water.  She came up and screamed as she was now adjusted. 

                Fanis and Micha fought waves and spoke and then Micha fell forward causing Fanis to instinctively catch her.  She turned to look at the beach to make sure that Kera was watching before wrapping her legs around Fanis and kissing him on the mouth.  To Micha’s surprise Fanis kissed back.  She pulled away and Fanis’ mouth spread apart as he opined, “Usually I’d expect that outward show of affection from Italians.  I had no idea Germans were the same way.  Although they do say there’s something about the Caribbean air that makes people want to fuck.”

                Micha gave him a shocked look.  She looked back at the beach and inquired, “Aren’t you with her?”

                “No, she’s my cousin.  I don’t blame you though.  I thought you were with Hanz too.”

                “No, well, not like that, I mean we’re not related.”

                Fanis’ body tensed, he looked over at Kera and could tell she was yelling at Hanz.  Micha wrapped her arms around him and tried to kiss him again but Fanis shoved her off.  He darted toward the shore but Micha grabbed his legs.  Now there was no denying that this was a set up.

                Back on the sand, Kera and Hanz made small talk.  Hanz’s expression then became stoic and he asserted, “I know who you are.”

                Kera giggled, “Oh yea, and who’s that?”

                “You’re a Chinese spy.  You disguise yourself as a Chinese art dealer but really you’re an asset for China as they try to bully the world.  You unleashed a virus onto the world and censored anyone that talked about it.  Now Europe is cowering to your censorship. Since you want to fuck us, maybe I should fuck you” Hanz threatened as he reached over and grabbed Kera’s breasts hard

                 Kera’s eyes widened and she scoffed in pain and anger.  “Don’t fucking touch me!” she shouted as she slapped his hand away and swung her legs to get up.  Hanz grabbed her arm and turned her around.  Again she swung her arm to break his grip and glared at him.  Hanz was also standing but he was laughing.  He revealed, “There’s nobody here.  The staff won’t help you and my girl has your man a little occupied” 

                Kera glanced at the water and saw Micha wrap her limbs around him.  She swung her arm to slap Hanz but Hanz grabbed it.  Hanz was much bigger than Kera and could easily manhandle her.  He pulled her towards him and reached around and grabbed her ass.  As Kera struggled, Hanz threw her onto her back and mounted her.  Kera screamed but there was nobody else on the beach and the waves were loud.  Hanz had Kera’s arms pinned behind her head and even though she squirmed she realized she wouldn’t be able to get away. 

                Fanis kicked Micha off him and continued trying to get to shore.  Micha reached into her bottom and pulled out a small razor blade.  She tried to slice Fanis’ hamstrings but he surged forward with a wave and Micha caught his calf instead.  Fanis felt the slight pinch and knew that ignoring Micha was a mistake.  He had a strict policy to not hit women and in prior encounters, he would restrain them and Kera would hit them.  That wasn’t an option now.  Micha swung her arm to try to slice Fanis’ neck but Fanis grabbed it and used her momentum to swing it down and around so she drove the razor blade into the back of her knee.  Micha cried out in pain and dropped the razor blade as both hands clasped her knee.  The water was shallow enough to stand so she wouldn’t drown but Fanis didn’t care.  He headed for the beach happy that the waves were big as they would shove him there quickly.  As Fanis sprinted toward Hanz who had Kera’s top off her now, he kicked himself for not being suspicious when they decided to sit at their table when others were available.  Hanz saw him coming and he hopped to his feet bringing Kera with him with an arm around her neck using her as a human shield.  He shouted, “Stop right there or I’ll break her neck.”

                Fanis knew that his grip on her was not the grip you use to break someone’s neck.  Unlike the movies, it is extremely difficult to break a person’s neck with your bare hands.  Part of the reason is that there is no way to practice the technique except if you actually want to kill someone.  For the same reason Hanz was amused with Kera resisting, Fanis didn’t slow his pace.  Hanz was about 10 inches taller than the 5’4” Kera.  This gave Fanis a big target and he wound up and even though Hanz shoved Kera into him, it didn’t slow the punch that struck Hanz in the face enough.  Hanz backed up as tears filled his eyes as a natural reaction to being hit in the nose.  Fanis threw another punch clocking him on the side of the face and Hanz dropped to one knee. 

Kera glanced at the water and saw the red streak of Fanis’ blood leading to them.  Hanz apparently saw it to because he reached and drove his thumb into the wound.  Fanis hissed and kicked his leg giving Hanz time to drive his shoulder into him and tackle him to the ground.  Fanis moved his left leg in between Hanz’s right arm and lifted his leg to his shoulder.  Hanz balanced himself on his knees and drove his left arm into Fanis’ face a couple times.  Blood emulated on Fanis’ face, which was enough to realize this was not the time for his triangle choke.  Instead he brought both legs to his front and kicked the bigger Hanz off him. 

                Fanis was 6’0 220 pounds but Hanz was 6’2” 250 and much more muscular.  The two men got to their feet both bleeding from the nose.  Fanis kicked at Hanz’ knees but it barely budged the German.  Hanz ran at him again and Fanis sidestepped him and kicked the back of his ankle tripping him so he landed face down.  Fanis then mounted Hanz who shot up rather quickly.  He grabbed Fanis’ arm and flipped him over his shoulder onto Fanis’ back.  Hanz then drove fists into Fanis’ midsection repeatedly.

                Usually Kera would rush to her room for safety but given that that nobody at the resort seemed to be paying them any attention, she had a feeling they were on their own.  Besides, she saw Micha emerge from the water and she knew Fanis’ policy about hitting women.  Kera was lying on her back clutching her leg and panting.  Kera walked around the men fighting and reached into Fanis’ bag and pulled out a knife.  She quickly contemplated attacking Hanz but Fanis always scolded her when she tried to help.  To him, he was fighting primarily to distract the assailant so she could get away.  The only reason she would be helping is if he was losing and if he actually lost then she would still be there and he got his ass kicked for nothing.  That is why Kera ignored the men and stormed toward the water where a wounded Micha lay screeching.  Micha looked up at Kera.  At 5’7” Micha was taller than Kera but Kera looked like a giant now with Micha laying on the sand and Kera standing above her.  She smiled and said, “This is for stabbing my cousin” as she snapped the knife down on Micha’s throat and slit it.  Now, she walked to the exit of the beach and went to her room still topless but clutching the knife hoping it would discourage anyone from approaching her.

                Back at the fight Fanis put his left arm to his chest and grabbed Hanz’ arm after it struck him.  He then reached with his right arm and grabbed Hanz by the neck.  Hanz felt Fanis’ fingers dig into the two arteries that carry 20% of the blood in the body as the brain is a blood whore so is the only organ that has two major arteries feeding it.  Fanis jerked Hanz to the side of him and then lifted his right knee and kneed Hanz in the side of the head. 

                Fanis got up and Hanz again charged towards him.  Again, Fanis fell with him and positioned his left leg on his shoulder in between his arm.  With his right leg he kicked Hanz in the stomach to unbalance him so he couldn’t be on his knees and would need his left hand to support him.  Fanis then used both his arms to slap Hanz’ left hand across his body and Fanis tucked it in his left armpit.  Fanis then raised his foot and put it on Hanz’s left hip and kicked against it forcing the upper half of Fanis’ body to the left.  As he did this, his left leg draped across the back of Hanz’ neck and Fanis interlocked his ankles as he lifted his right leg to meet his left.  He then flexed his feet and grabbed a  hold of the back of Hanz’ head and pulled down.  Fanis lied back and waited as now it was only a matter of waiting.  It is hard enough to lift something when you can’t breathe but given that Fanis wasn’t that much lighter than Hanz, he had no shot.  Hanz’s arms and legs were useless to defend himself but he tried to pinch Fanis’ leg with his right arm but Fanis knew to expect it.  It was a nagging pain but letting go would be stupid as Hanz was desperate.  Soon the pinching stopped and Fanis knew Hanz was fading.

                Fanis tried to think of something else to take his mind off the pinching.  His eyes raised as he started daydreaming but since he was looking up, he saw that Hanz hadn’t stopped pinching because he was about to be unconscious.  He was reaching for his bag under the chair.  Hanz finally got what he was trying to reach for and pulled a gun out.  Fanis immediately removed his hands from Hanz’s head and reached out and grabbed Hanz’s arm pointing the gun away from him.  Hanz tried wrestling him but it proved only to exacerbate the chokehold he was in and he soon dropped the gun and his body went limp.  Fanis didn’t want to take any chances so he picked the gun up and placed the barrel on the top of Hanz’ head.  He seethed out, “This is for trying to rape my cousin” and squeezed the trigger. 

                Blood exploded out of Hanz’ head with the short range shot to the small part of the body that contains a fifth of the blood.  He used his legs to bring Hanz’s carcass to the side and got up covered in blood.  Although some of it was his, most of it was Hanz’s.  Again, Fanis jogged to the water and dove in washing away the blood.  There are sharks in the Caribbean Sea that do get close to the shore but contrary to popular belief, blood doesn’t attract sharks; fish blood does.  Sharks have very sensitive smell sensors that can easily pick up the difference and they couldn’t care less about human blood.  After Fanis was satisfied he rubbed his calf under water letting the salt water work its medicinal properties.  It stung but he knew it was helpful.  He then came out of the water and went back to his stuff.  He packed the bags realizing how many weapons he had with him that was not at his disposal.  He wrapped Kera’s purse and his backpack on his back and carried Kera’s top in his hands.  As he got back in the room, he declared in a somber serious tone, “How many times do I have to tell you that when you fight” he then held up the top, “try to keep your clothes on.”

                Kera had already changed into a T-shirt and shorts and had a bra on so didn’t need it.  She giggled and cried out, “Awkward” as she took her bathing suit top.

                Fanis went into the shower and winced.  His midsection hurt more than anything.  He pressed against his ribs to see if they were broken and decided one probably was.  When he came out, Kera had a first aid kit and she bandaged his calf.  She posed, “What did you do with the bodies on the beach?”

                “Left them there.”

                Kera was done wrapping Fanis’ leg and was now wrapping his hands in ice as they were swollen from the punches.  This was their routine and each knew their part by now.  She queried, “Do you think that’s going to be a problem?”

                “Not sure.  The staff seemed non-existent and it’s not like they have many guests to keep an eye on.  Something tells me they don’t really care.”

                “I guess we’ll just see if we get a visit and then we’ll deal with it then.”

                “Fuck that, this is our last night here.”

After 15 minutes he took the ice off his hands and then went down to the casino to play poker forgetting that there weren’t many people at the resort.  He decided he would play craps while taking down rum and ‘agua de cocoa’ (cocoanut water) and a Dominican liqueur called ‘Mamajuana.’  He returned back to the room $1,000 richer and very drunk

The next day, Fanis and Kera take a cab to the air strip.  When they checked out, nobody said anything about what happened on the beach the night before.  The plane took off and Fanis closed his eyes.  Kera remarked, “Trump embarrassed a Yahoo reporter”

“What else is new?”

“This journalist named Hunter tried to attack him about how South Korea has five times more testing per capita than we do.”

“Testing is pointless.  It’s an airbone virus.  You can get tested and then on your way home contract the virus.  It’s not like AIDS where you just need to watch who you fuck.  This emphasis on testing is stupid.”

“We need to get a feel for how contagious and lethal the virus is.”

“We know that already.  How many random testing of a small city, town, cruise ship or what not do we have to do?”

“Science requires retesting.”

“Not when you’re shutting down economies.”

Kera burst out, “It doesn’t even matter!  Trump kept telling him that it wasn’t true and Hunter repeated several times that it was.  Then Dr. Birx calmly explained that the United States has 17 tests per 100,000 compared to South Korea’s 11.”

“There you go, he was full of shit.”

“Not really for the reason you said.”

“My point is still valid and I still stand by it.”         

“Well, obviously, Trump had to jump all over this and told him that’s why nobody knows about Yahoo news including him and asked him to apologize.”

“Did he?”

“Not in the oval office.  Birx was very nice when she told him to check again and apparently he did because he tweeted admitting that he was wrong.”

“I’ll give him credit for that.  I don’t think the Washington Compost or the Treason Times would do that.”

“Funny you should mention that because the Post reprinted a story about the president daily briefing warning Trump about the virus and he did nothing.”

“Except issue a travel ban on China, mention it in the State of the Union all while Pelosi was trying to pass a law that he can’t ban travel and ripping up the speech calling everything a lie…which would include the stuff about the Wuhan Virus.”

“This is going to sound weird coming from me because you know I have a temper but Pelosi really needs to learn to control hers.”

“Can’t teach an old bitch new tricks.”

“Pretty sure that’s not how the expression goes.”

“I may have replaced a word” he responded with a grin and then added, “Besides, the Director of National Intelligence himself, who puts together the President’s Daily Briefing, in a rare moment of speaking publicly, came out and called it untrue.  What else do they want?”

“It’s a pretty shitty article.  It doesn’t give any excerpts or examples.  It just says ‘US officials’…”

“Which probably don’t exist. They use anonymous sources when they are making something up but don’t want to admit it knowing that ‘sources and methods’ is more sacred than classified information.”

“Anyway, in paragraph 9, they do include the DNI’s denial of it being true but then the article attacks him for not elaborating.”

“What is there to elaborate on?  Everything you said was a lie.  There’s really not much more to be said.”

“Patience.  When you get to the end of the article, you know why they’re doing this when they know it’s false.”

“I already know why.  The Democrats love investigating the president and Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and the same impeachment cabal are getting ready to investigate president Trump’s handling of the pandemic.”

“The article just mentions Schiff but yea.  They want an independent commission analogous to the 9/11 commission.”

“Why can’t people learn?  How many times do they have to pull the same shit before people stop thinking it’s newsworthy or has a shred of credibility?”

“The 9/11 commission was legit.”

“No, it wasn’t”

“Bush was warned.  All but two of the terrorist went to flight school and skipped the class on landing.”

“That means they’re going to hijack a plane at 8:45AM on September 11, 2001?  The 9/11 commission was proven, just like this, to be a political ploy and a fraud.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“That’s the problem.  Enough time goes by and people only remember the lies and not the debunking.  I bet you don’t even remember the post claiming that past epidemics prove that travel bans don’t work and to get a ‘grippe’ the flu is worse than the Coronavirus.”

“Don’t you think that?”

“Doesn’t matter.  The media is changing their story and pretending they weren’t the ones that said it.”

“You think history will prove you right though.”

“Nobody will care about the lethality or contagion rate in a year or two.  Pfizer has already reported they’re going to have a vaccine by the fall for emergency use and then it will be available for widespread distribution by the end of the year.”

“I didn’t know that either.”

                “Now you do.”

                “I hope it’s true.”

                “Me too.”

                “Will you get it?”

                “No, but it’ll stop a lockdown from happening again.”

                “That’s true.  How are you feeling?”

                “I’m fine”

                “You’re not fine.  I can tell you’re walking slower and you grab your stomach every now and then.”

                “Chest, I think I broke a rib.”

                “I know it’s your job and all but thanks.”

                “No problem”

                “I wouldn’t feel the need to say that if that was true.”

                “Fine, you’re welcome.”

                “Anyway, I arranged a surprise for you when we get back considering how you like the law and order crap.”

                Fanis gave a perplexed look but shrugged his shoulders going with it.  When they landed, Fanis and Kera went through a decontamination protocol and then Fanis was brought to a nondescript building and put in a small room with a table.  A man came in with gloves and dropped a stack of papers on the desk and walked out.  Fanis pulled the paper towards him and saw that it was a transcript from the court hearing between Alfa Bank and Christopher Steele.  His eyes lit up and he began reading.  He took his phone out and recorded notes.  When he got home, the couple days in the Caribbean may have darkened his skin but the contents of that transcript made him paler again.  Fanis was already fair complexioned to begin with even for a Greek.  Kera beamed, “Find anything interesting?”

                “Oh yes, Steele actually testified under oath that Susan Rice, Victoria Nuland and Hillary Clinton knew about his research.”

                “Obvious Hillary knew because she paid for it.  Who are the other people?”

                “Susan Rice was Obama’s NSA and Victoria Nuland was the Assistant Secretary of State.”

                “So, you now have a direct link between Obama and Steele.”

                “It gets better.”

                “Why do I feel like a parent who is listening to their child tell them this excited story about something they don’t give a shit about but have to feign interest?”

                “I’m still three years older than you.”

                “Fine, what else did you find?”

                “Strobe Talbott, who worked in Bill Clinton’s state department, knew as well. In fact, Steele testified that Talbott’s brother-in-law Cody Shearer, who was Clinton’s hatchet man and worked closely with that snake Sid Blumenthal, wanted Talbott to do him a favor.”

                “I don’t follow.”

                “Shearer wrote a dossier as well.  His dossier is eerily similar to Steele’s.  Gee, I wonder why since they all had the same original source; Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS.  Anyway, Talbott’s chief of staff was Victoria Nuland.  Shearer arranged a meeting between Steele and Nuland so that Nuland could get the Steele dossier and the Shearer dossier and think it’s the same information from two different sources when really it was the same source and then bring that to the FBI.”

                It seems like the FBI really did hear this from a lot of people.  I don’t think they’re as culpable as you think.”

                “Every attempt to verify and vet the information in the dossier came up that the dossier was a piece of shit; salacious and unverified is my favorite.  Nothing in it was true and they concluded this again and again yet they still used it to open four FISA’s and slipped it into Obama’s Presidential Daily Briefing.  That may have been to expose Brennan but bottom line is they still wanted it to be used in official decisions and justifications so they are culpable.”

                “People did try to trick them though.”

                “It doesn’t matter.  They’re the FBI.  People try to trick them every day.  It’s their job not to let them!”

                “I guess you’re right.”

                Fanis got some rest and watched old movies because he was sick of hearing about the Wuhan Virus.  Kera watched with him and lied against his shoulder.  Although he handpicked him to get injured in defense of her, it still bothered her to see him in pain.  Kera was a cold-hearted person but there was a soft spot for people who gave up their life to devote themselves to keeping her safe.