Saturday, November 9, 2019

Real Characters Episode 31 The Lying Views

                The Republican primaries are a foot and Donald Trump is leading the polls to become the Republican nominee to challenge Hillary Clinton for the Presidency of the United States of America.  Although Trump never served in the military, he has a deep profound respect for them that was garnered when he was sent to military school as a child.  As of now, it is time for the Iowa Caucus, which is said to be one of the more important caucuses during the primary season.  It is here that Donald Trump decides to hold a fund raiser for veterans.  The event raises $2.8 Million dollars and the Trump foundation paid all the administrative fees out of pocket to ensure that the full amount went to the Veteran charities. 

                Part of the costs burdened by the Trump foundation went to people also on his campaign staff to help manage the fund to transport the money to the various charities.  Although they did work for the campaign, none of the money raised went toward the Trump campaign or aided financially in his vying to become the next president of the United States.  Only liberals could take this innocuous, objectively good deed, and spin it to punish him three years down the road. 

                It is now January 2017 and Donald Trump is now President Trump.  This unleashes a variety of backlash as liberals across the country mourn.  One such person is attorney Mark Zaid as he tweets out “The Coup has started” and “Impeachment will follow” as he rallies his followers to try to oust Donald Trump.  At first, it may be written off as just a heat of the moment reaction but six months later, in July 2017, he’s at it again tweeting, “I predict @CNN will play a key role” and “We will get rid of him,” which is eerily similar to FBI lead investigator into Crossfire Hurricane’s text to his lover, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, “We will stop him” (in response to Page’s fear that Trump would become president).  Although it would take almost two and half years before Mark Zaid actually carries through on this threat, carry out he does.

                Mark Zaid is not alone as Whoopie Goldberg on the view openly talks about impeachment.  She eases it by saying it’s only if Trump doesn’t do right by them.  It, however, is hard to minimize the statement when you say, “We can just kick his ass out; there is a thing called impeachment.”

                In November 2019, Donald Trump Jr. is promoting his book Triggered on the ultra-liberal show “The View.”  He’s with his girlfriend Kim Guilfoyle, who many remember as a frequent legal analyst on the O’Reilly factor during its reign as the # 1 cable news program for over a decade and half.  Predictably, the panel attacks Trump Jr. for his father’s rhetoric and he fires right back criticizing Joy Behar for wearing blackface when she was 29.  The picture was posted all over the view but Joy writes it off as “makeup darker than my natural skin tone.”

                Whoopie throws a hissy fit on air in defense of Joy saying that since she’s black, she’s an expert on black face and that wasn’t black face.  This isn’t the first time a member of the view will cite their credentials to blatantly lie to their viewing audience.  Although Joy didn’t get her skin complexion as dark as Whoopie’s, the picture undoubtedly is black face.  She even admits that her intent was to be a beautiful African woman.  A better defense would be to say it was 1971; she was 29-years-old and back then people weren’t overly sensitive to blackface as they are now.  In general, judging past events by the current climate is highly suspect.  Should we throw out Aristotle, Plato and Socrates because back then it was standard practice for teachers to sodomize young boys in order to establish dominance so they will listen to them?  Some do argue this but this argument seems trite and ridiculous.  Current teachers, however, should not engage in this activity.

                Not to be outdone, Trump Jr. fires back at Whoopie as she find out first hand that ‘White Man Guilt” is diminishing and white people have no problem disagreeing with a black person nowadays.  Trump Jr. cast a stone at her for defending rapist Roman Polanski.  Again Whoopie lies to her viewers that she didn’t defend him when she did.  She says the gloves are coming off and they will.  The most egregious accusation, however, won’t come from Whoopie.

                The news dominating the conversation during the time of Trump Jr.’s appearance is a Whistleblower complaint saying that President Trump engaged in a quid pro quo with new Ukrainian president Zelensky to try to get Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden and his involvement in squelching a corruption investigation into Ukrainian energy company Burisma, who employed Joe’s son Hunter on the board despite no relevant experience. Mark Zaid finally got to do something to back up his texts right after the inauguration and is representing the Whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella.  When various media sources outed Ciaramella, Trump Jr. tweeted an article revealing the Whistleblower’s identity.  This will cause View member Sonny Hostin to chastise Kim for not advising her boyfriend that outing a Whistleblower’s name is a federal crime.

                Oddly, Trump Jr. is the one that responded in defense of his girlfriend pointing out that it isn’t a crime.  It would only be a crime for the inspector general, which Donald Trump Jr. is not, to do it.  Rand Paul and various other people have confirmed it but Hostin fires back, “My law degree says it is true.”

                Sonny is categorically wrong as the statue she references clearly states it’s only the Intelligence Community Inspector General that can’t release the name.  In fact, stopping private citizens and others from doing so would be a violation of their first amendment rights.  Her statement is just as true as her insinuation that a law degree is capable of speaking. 

Hostin would go on to directly contradict what the Whistleblower has clearly articulated.  The Whistleblower confirmed that the transcript released by Donald Trump is an accurate word for word transcript of their call pursuant to procedure.  Despite this, Sonny calls it a memo because she refuses to recognize it as a transcript.  They will go on to make a memo of the transcript by removing almost 500 words from the transcript in order to make it seem like President Trump said in the phone call that he wanted a favor from the Ukrainian president to look into Joe Biden.  Trump starts the conversation by saying that he would like him to look into the 2016 election and Ukraine’s involvement.  They then go on to talk about how the Ukrainian president’s staffer had spoken to Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and would very much like to meet him.  President Trump agrees and then President Zelensky continues to reassure President Trump that he has friends in Ukraine and Ukraine is eager to work with him.  Most of the 500 words is about Giuliani and then President Trump brings up Joe Biden.  Although it is common for liberals to take things out of context, this is one of their more egregious examples.

Eric Swalwell has seen the view and realizes how the View has been exposed for lying.  He decides he wants to throw them a bone and suggests passing a bill that would make it illegal for anyone to reveal the name of a Whistleblower, not just the Intelligence Committee Inspector General.  Swalwell doesn’t realize this but he just confirmed that Hostin did indeed lie that it was illegal from Trump Jr. to do it.  If Swalwell is successful in passing the bill then he and his fellow Democrats can initiate retroactive indictments against Trump Jr. for violating a law that wasn’t a law when he violated it.  This practice is not new as the fifth book in the Harry Potter series, Order of the Phoenix had a character named ‘professor Umbridge’ who works for the government, known as the ‘ministry of magic’ to control what kids are learning at Hogwarts.  Every time the headmaster of the school, Dumbledore, thwarts Umbridge in a measure she would like implementing because it violates rules, Umbridge calls the minister of magic and gets a bill passed allowing her to do it.  She arrogantly frames and hangs the bill in the halls of the school as a direct assault on Dumbledore. 

As for the liar Hostin, people are quick to point out her thinly veiled attempt to pass the transcript of the phone call as a memo by cutting it and editing it.  She in a sense made a memo of the transcript in order to make it a memo. 

As the deep state and Democrats are watching the View, they don’t believe it’s going too well.  They, however, have bigger problems.  Donald Trump’s Jr.’s book is obviously biased given who the author is.  Adam Schiff is overseeing a committee that currently has George Kent on testifying under oath about Ukraine matters.  George Kent is the former Charge D’Affair in Ukraine, which is the second in command to the ambassador at the United States embassy.  Kent is being called to either confirm or deny the current Charge D’affair, Bill Taylor’s, testimony about the goings on in Ukraine.  

Before going into the committee, Schiff is called by a highly influential Democrat.  The Democrat scolds Schiff for making them look bad and reminds him that they must defend Barack Obama’s legacy at all costs.  Schiff responds, “I’ve been doing that but things keep coming out.  I tried to make this secret but that didn’t work out so well so now we got to do it publicly and hope the behind the scenes threats and pressure will make anyone hesitant to defend Trump in public.”

“Who’s coming today?”

“George Kent.”

“He’s not our friend”

“I’m aware, I’ll do all I can to discredit him.”

“I know you won’t let us down again.”

Schiff presumably fails in this endeavor as Kent shatters narratives that the Democrats have been promoting for months.  Kent talks about how Obama tried to partner with Burisma on a mission named USAID.  Kent speaks about how he successfully convinced the Obama administration not to do this because of corruption concerns that were being investigated at the time.  Ultimately, Obama’s administration agreed it was a bad idea but this revelation exposes them that they were well aware of Burisma and their corruption problems.  Hunter Biden, also, was not alone in his dealings with Burisma since the US government followed him to Burisma. 

                It didn’t end there as Kent spoke about the “Do Not prosecute” list given to new Ukrainian Prosecutor General Lutsenko, who followed the general that Biden got fired after he threatened not to allow a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine if he wasn’t.  Lutsenko could easily get the message that America is powerful enough to get him fired because they successfully got his predecessor fired.  This was a not-so-subtle indication to Lutsenko to do what they say.  In order to aid him from stepping on the toes of America like Shokin, the previous Prosecutor General, did, they were nice enough to give him a list of people not to go after.  The thumb of America is strong on the Ukrainian justice department.  As Lutsenko looks at this list, he notices AnTac, which is a non-profit anti-corruption task force headed by the US government in coordination with George Soros, a mega-liberal billionaire donor.  Kent is asked specifically about this and he remembers signing a letter saying to leave them and other non-profits alone. 

                The Kent testimony sent a ripple effect throughout the United States Government.  The same person that called Schiff before has called again to point out how he failed him again.  Schiff is not in the mood so blurts out, “There’s too many people we need to defend.  I understand Obama but why Hillary?  She’s an arrogant bully who has no power.  She was humiliated by Trump and should be delegated to the shadows where she belongs.”

                “Hillary’s scandals and corruption directly implicate President Obama.  I understand your frustration but we can’t have Obama’s name besmirched so anyone’s scandals that overlaps and makes President Obama look bad needs to be defended tooth and nail.”

                “The party is changing.  The establishments like Biden are being phased out for more woke and progressives. People like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are the future of this party not Joe Biden.  Let’s let the old man go to pasture.”

                “Again, since he was President Obama’s Vice President, we can’t do that.  Just remember that Barack Obama is the most liberal person ever to be elected president and serve for two terms.  If it wasn’t for him, it would be your Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren that would be delineated to the fringes.  He paved the way for you people so never forget that.”

                “I don’t forget that.  I appreciate all that he’s done but we can take it from here.”

                “You fail to understand that if President Obama goes down, he’s taking all of liberalism down with him.”

                “I get what you’re saying.  I’m just frustrated.  There’s just so many people that keep getting into trouble and defending them is exhausting.”

                “Did you think this would be easy?  Do you think we liked that Hillary Clinton was sending classified information on a private server.  You don’t think we would rather have her just go down and distance ourselves?  That’s why President Obama released the statement that he had no idea about her private e-mail server.”

                “Yea, only insiders know about the White List”

                “Despite how common sensical it is, not just anybody can e-mail the president, every e-mails is pre-approved by the White House Communication Department.  Someone had to put Hillary’s e-mail in the president’s blackberry.  He obviously knew about it but thought Hillary would win so didn’t bother stopping her.  Now that she lost, it’s damage control time.”

                “I hear you.  I do think we’re winning though as the public is still eating up our narratives.”          

                “Don’t make the same mistake Hillary did and rest on your laurels.  Keep going.”


                Elsewhere, Republican congressmen are reacting to Kent’s testimony by looking back at testimonies they’ve already heard.  They are focused on a transcript of former Ukrainian ambassador Yovanoitch when she testified under oath on Capitol Hill.  A staffer goes to their boss, “You know when Marie Yovanovitch said that she never responded to the Democrat staffer that e-mailed her about the whistleblower?”

                “She said she responded to the first text and referred them to the State Department.  It was the second text she didn’t reply to.”

                “It turns out that’s not true.”

                “What do you mean?”

                “Look here, she did respond.  She expresses that it was good hearing from them and left the door open to a meeting face to face.”

                “Show me the relevant part from the testimony.”

The staffer, shows the transcript and highlights when Republican congressmen Zeldin asked, Did you receive any subsequent requests to testify to the House Foreign Affairs Committee to come in to speak to someone following the initial e-mail?  Was there any follow up?

Yovanovitch’s: Well, as I said, there was the second e-mail where she said, ‘oh okay, you know who I should be talking to?” I didn’t reply to the e-mail because I had already transferred everything to the State Department and I figured that they would be in touch and they were”. 

                The congressperson inquires, “Who was the Democrat staffer?”

                “Laura Carey, she’s on the Foreign Affairs Committee.”

                “Although it’s not much of a response, it doesn’t change the fact that you just caught the former ambassador in perjury.  Now, I need to figure out how to maximize the effect of this.  They’ll fight an indictment tooth and nail.  I’m not quite sure how to handle this information but regardless good work.”

                “Thank You”

                “There’s something else.”

                “Oh yea?”

                “Eric Ciaramella, the Whistleblower, was Biden’s guest at the state department banquet when he was Vice President.”

                “Why does this concern you?”

                “He’s a GS-13 employee.  It is highly unlikely that GS-13 employees are managers or supervisors.  They’re rarely connected to someone as high as the Vice President.”

                “He’s a little more connected than he should be you’re saying?”

                “Yes, the government uses the GS-rating.  It goes up to GS-15.  Above them is the SCS, which are the real big wigs.  The government pays and ranks you based on your GS rating.”

                “I’m aware how it works.  I am in the government you know.”

                “Forgive me; I’m not trying to insinuate anything.  It’s just that when there are 16 levels if you include the SCS, then 13 sounds kind of high but it really isn’t.”

                “I guess the question is why is a GS-13 employee so well connected and attending these banquets as the guest of the second highest ranking American government employee.”



                With all the media talking about Trump’s phone call with Ukraine and the View, the world has kind of forgotten there is a Democrat primary going on to challenge Donald Trump is next year’s election.  The 2020 Presidential election is officially less than a year away and Bernie Sanders is trying to revitalize his campaign by tweeting out his main talking point that if they confiscate all of Bill Gates’ 100 Billion dollars, they can pay for clean water for everyone and a variety of other things that cost more than Bill Gates is worth.  An economic adviser calls Sanders campaign and declares, “You do realize that Gates is only rich because he did stuff with money when he got it by bettering and expanding the company.  He gave higher wages to his employees and allowed his entry level investors to become millionaires.”

                “It is Senator Sander’s position that nobody needs that much money.”

                “it’s not about need.  They amassed it by helping people and creating products that people want.  The money is just a way to keep score on how well your idea worked.  Microsoft worked really really well.  If you punish him for it then why would someone make a product to help people if the government is just going to steal all their money when they do?”

                “This is an archaic argument.  Government forcing the redistribution of wealth raises the incomes of those less fortunate. The rich still get to be rich.”

                “Not according to the Census Bureau.  In eight years, the median income of the middle class rose $1,200. That’s after it hit a low because of the great recession.  There was only one way to go after the housing bubble burst and financial institutions went out of business.  That was up, yet we didn’t see a rapid growth from the bottom.  We’re still trying to get back to 2007 numbers.”

                “All I heard is the median incomes rose under Obama.”

                “But they rose by $ 5,300 in Trump’s first three years.  That’s four times more than Obama in half the amount of time and it was after Obama got off the mat so it should have been harder.”

                “Obama’s economy was just that good and gasoline ignited it. Unfortunately, the ignition happened after Trump became president.”

                “Trump reversed almost all of Obama’s economic policies.  If Obama was on a trend, Trump would have thwarted it.  Instead it unleashed the economy to grow at four times the rate.”

                “Stop watching Fox News.”

                “This is the Census Bureau, the gold standard in economic data; this isn’t Fox News”

                “We cannot allow greedy CEO’s from making too much money. They can’t be trusted.”

                “Are you saying the government is incapable of being greedy?”

                “Yes, because we don’t need the money.  We already steal It from every citizen and we have the right to confiscate it if they don’t abide by our taxes.”

                “That just means you don’t have to create things that people want to make money.  A CEO can’t.  It’s easier to be greedy when you can confiscate wealth than it is when you have to convince people to voluntarily give it.”

                “That’s why we don’t need salesman”

                “No, your salesman convince people that it’s good that you steal from them.”

                “I have heard your concern and we’ll take it under advisement.”

                “I seriously doubt that but you’re proving my point.  Government is unwilling to work with people.  Bill Gates has been a major donor to the Democrat party and you want to single him out to take all his money.  Be careful how strong your rhetoric is as you may alienate these people.”
                “If they go to the other side, we’ll harass them and end them as greedy pigs.  They have no choice but to do as we say because we got the media on our side and the media controls the mob and mob rule always brings down corporations.”

                The economist ends the phone calls terrified at what he just heard.  The Democrat party is being filled with unreasonable people and he feared what would happen if they got in power.  He was about to get an indication.

                The Democrats in charge of New York, such as governor Cuomo and Senator Schumer are contemplating what to do about Donald Trump.  They contacted the Southern District Court to try to force President Trump to release his tax returns but Trump avoided this by renouncing his New York residency and registering in Florida.  Donald Trump, the lifelong New Yorkers, was now a Floridian.  They call a judge and discuss what they can do in response.  The judge announces, “Well, in 2016, he held a fund raiser for Veterans.”

                “Okay, where did the money go?” Schumer asked

                “It went to a variety of Veteran charities”

                “So how does that help us?” Cuomo inquires

                “Well, members of his campaign worked on the fund in administrative roles.  We can argue that the good publicity from the fund-raising helped his campaign.”

                “Ah, so it’s a campaign contribution” Schumer exclaimed

                Cuomo added, “Even though no money actually went to the campaign.”

                “It doesn’t matter.  Anything that helps him can be construed as a campaign contribution and good publicity from a charity event and fund raising campaign that gives Veterans $2.8 Million dollars does make a candidate look good.  I’d have to agree to it.” The judge responds

                Cuomo and Schumer get people to file formally and the judge keeps his word and fines President Trump two million dollars for helping Veteran charities. 

                As President Trump is informed of this, he is irate.  He yells, “Talk about no good deed goes unpunished.”

                One of his aids frowns, “Sir, are you sure it’s a good idea to keep calling media people in here and trying to negotiate with them”

                “I can make deals with anyone no matter how unscrupulous”

                “I think I have two million reasons why that is not true.”

                President Trump seethes.  Just when he thought the liberals and Democrats couldn’t get any worse or more depraved, they pull something like this.  It appears there really is no floor to their decadence. 


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