Monday, November 4, 2019

Theo the Trump Employee Episode 34 Real men vs. Cowards

                Theo shows up for work at an address that changes all the rules; 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C.  Although this may be the most famous address in America, it is still better known as the ‘White House.’  As he sits at work, the mood is somber.  It’s hard to believe that it’s only been a week since the mood was joyous and elation filled the air since Al-Baghdatti was killed.  Unfortunately, the media had taken the side of a rapist murdering tyrant as opposed to give President Trump any credit whatsoever.  To be fair, President Trump didn’t praise Barack Obama when he took out Osama Bin Laden but he didn’t attack Obama for a week like the media is.  He merely said that the decision to take him out should have been an easy one and he didn’t understand why it took Obama so long.  Trump remarked, “What’s he going to say? No?”  Oddly, that’s exactly what Biden advised at the time.  He wanted to do two more things to ensure Bin Laden was there.  Luckily for the world as a whole, Obama didn’t listen to Biden.

                The media attacks, however, is not why the mood is somber.  If you’re not used to negative press, then you really have no business working for a Trump White House.  The reason the mood is somber is that recent information has come out that suggests there were spies in their midst.  It is a sense of betrayal that someone they worked for was only there to stab them in the back.  To those working in the White House, it’s nothing short of treason.  It all started on August 2, 2019.  During that time, President Trump nominated John Radcliffe for Director of National Security.  Among massive criticism, President Trump withdrew the nomination.  Theo was against the decision and debated with one of his co-workers.  The one good thing about the president is he understood freedom of speech.  As long as your criticisms were fair and true, it didn’t bother the President.  Theo’s point was to force the Senate to vote.  His co-worker pointed out that various RINO (Republican in Name Only) Senators were against the nomination since he had no experience but Theo knew they all worked for a president that was revered by his supporters because he wasn’t corrupted by political experience.  It was a civil debate but unsurprisingly, neither changed their mind.  Although he didn’t have any experience, Radcliffe was intimately familiar with the entrapment and attempt to take down the President of the United States by lying that he colluded with Russia.  Having the DNI as someone they knew wasn’t part of the conspiracy would be good.

                Unfortunately, Spygate, which is what Theo called the Russian collusion hoax, affected many career politicians on both sides of the aisle.  That made a good DNI nominee difficult to confirm. At the time, Theo didn’t think anything of two National Security Council representatives that worked in the White House resigning.  A lot of people couldn’t handle the pressure of being vilified by the outside world and caved to the pressure.  Their names were Abigail Grace and Sean Misko.  After they resigned, they joined House Intelligence committee chairmen Adam Schiff’s staff.  It didn’t take long before a Whistleblower from the NSC that worked with Abigail and Sean during the Obama presidency pretended that there was illicit and illegality in a conversation between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky.  When President Trump shockingly decided to release the transcript that should have been the end of it but it was another set up.  Abigail and Shawn were spies and the second they knew that Radcliffe wasn’t going to be their boss, they put in motion the lie for the third attempt to take down a duly elected president. 

                The same co-worker that he debated with came over.  Theo called out, “You still think withdrawing the nomination of Radcliffe was a bad idea.”

                “Yes, he wouldn’t have gotten confirmed and Abigail and Sean still would have done what they did.”
                “Yea but all the RINO Senators would have been on the record.  With 95% Republican support for the president, we could primary their asses.”

                “Or risk it turning into an actual Democrat”

                “We have a five Senator buffer.  After this week’s election maybe more.”

                “It’s a tough gamble.  Look how the last year with Democrat control of the house has gotten us.”

                “I hear you but I think it’s because we got RINO’s out of the House.  This sets up next election cycle where we turn them red again.”

                “But you got to do it one branch of congress at a time.”

                “We could aid that by nominating Radcliffe and getting them on the record.  Then we could blame this debacle on them and let the people know what the RINO senators caused.”

                “It’s really irrelevant now.  We’re here.”

                “Yea, I’m just frustrated.”

                “Me too.  We knew them both and it sucks to have a traitor in your group.  It sucks even more when there are two traitors.”

                “I hear you.  It’s just odd that all this came out on the two year anniversary of Politico’s article “Ukrainian effort to sabotage Trump Backfire.”


                “Yea, the article came out on 10/11/17 and Schiff announced he hired the two aides on 10/11/19.”

                “That politico article was about Ukraine trying to make up for the fact that they meddled in our election and colluded with the Democrats so that Hillary Clinton would win right?”

                “Same one.”

                “I think that’s too coincidental.  I have a feeling that slimy Adam Schiff planned this.”

                “I wish I could say you were wrong but I don’t think you are.”

                After work, Theo heads over to a bar at George Mason University.  Usually he goes to college bars even though he’s a little too old to be there.  He likes laying down truth on unsuspecting liberal college students.  This trip will allow him to release his anger but not the usual way in debating liberals.  He takes the drink and takes a long sip.  A black girl with dyed red hair comes up to him.  “You look down.”

                “Yea, I work at the White House, we just found out that two people that used to work for us were actually spies and now are working for the NSC to put forth that fake whistleblower complaint.”

                “Well, I’m not a big Trump fan so I’m okay with it.”

                “Really?  You don’t think the White house Security Council is supposed to advise the president on National Security matters rather than spy on the President?”

                “I do but sometimes when your boss is that bad, you have to do the right thing rather than your job.”

                “Wouldn’t the right thing to do if you hate your boss be to resign?”

                “Well that wasn’t good enough for him.”

                “Well, it was pre-planned”

                “How do you know that?”

                “The president nominated someone named John Radcliffe to be the Director of National Security, which means he would have been their boss.  It was only after Radcliffe’s nomination was withdrawn because of heavy criticism by the media and congress that they left to attack him.”

                “When was this?”


                “So this is a while ago.”

                “It was when the Whistleblower from the same NSC wrote the memo”

                “You’re saying that they only put it into effect because Radcliffe wasn’t going to be their boss.”

                “That’s how they could put forth a fake Whistleblower complaint.”

                “How do we know it’s fake?”

                “You can read the transcript yourself.  What they say happened didn’t.  President Trump never issued a quid pro quo of any kind.  He also never mentioned the military aid or that it was being withheld.  In fact, Ukraine didn’t know it was withheld until a month after the phone call.”

                “Alright, that’s a pretty good reason why you call it fake.  How did it get as far as it did?”

                “They submitted it to a US Inspector General named Atkinson.”

                “Shouldn’t he be the one that put the kabash on it?”

                “Theoretically but you have to realize that pretty much everyone from the Obama era is against the president.”

                “You know, I don’t want to listen to another conspiracy.”

                “Funny, you seem to think I supported the last one well.”

                “Yea, but I really hate the president.”

                “That’s your right but it doesn’t justify people lying about him.  It doesn’t justify setting him up and entrapping him.  If he’s so bad, why not just wait for him to actually do something bad?”

                “He’s done plenty.”

                “Then why don’t they accuse him of it and try to impeach him for any of the ‘plenty’ you mention?”

                “Look, I don’t know much about this and you’re obviously biased because you work for him.”

                “You should look into it.  Don’t trust anybody, research it yourself.  First, read the transcript yourself and decide if it’s damning.  In the meantime, let me buy you a drink for listening to me vent.”

                The girl smiled and nodded.  Theo bought the drink and she walked away, which he expected.  A man who 5’10” with a baby face and short dirty blond hair walked over to him and declared, “I’m a little curious about this conspiracy you have about an inspector general.”

                “Well, Atkinson was the senior counsel to John Carlin.”

                “Who’s that?”

                “He was Mueller’s chief of staff when Mueller was the FBI director.”

                “So what? He was a lawyer for the chief of staff of an FBI agent.  Just because Mueller was wrong doesn’t mean everyone that knew him, even by two degrees of separation, is dirty.”

                “Carlin was also the head of security division under Obama.”

                “So what?”

                “You don’t think it odd that the same organization where the Whistleblower came out of is linked to the Mueller probe?  Why do the same people show up in all the attempts to take down the president?”

                “How many times has this happened?” he asked skeptically

                “At least three.”

                “I don’t recall”

                “Attempt one was the Russian collusion hoax.  That didn’t work so they tried attempt two which was the Mueller probe.  That was an epic failure so they tried attempt three with the Whistleblower hoax.”

                “I think the first two attempts are the same.”

                “They’re not.  One was accusing him of Russian collusion, the other was covering it up to make sure nobody turned the tables on them.”

                “Well Barr and Horowitz are doing that now.”

                “And I hope they Horowitz releases the IG report soon.  I’m sick of the anticipation.  My only point to you is that they all have motives.  Motives are important.  I get that connections on their own are noteworthy but flimsy but when you have connections with motives, then you may be on to something.”

                “What’s their motive?”

                “They all illegally spied on the President of the United States and they don’t want to go down for it.  The only way to ensure that is to remove the president.”

                “If that’s true, then yes, that would be a good motive.”

                As they were talking, a student walked through the door with a scowl on his face.  Theo barely noticed him but soon he would make himself known when smoke bombs are thrown onto the ground covering the bar in a fog.  Theo leaps up and grabs two screaming girls and barks at them to get down.  They hide behind a pool table as the boy opens fire.  The man that Theo was debating stands beside Theo as they form a human wall between the gunmen and the girls.  A couple more men join them and other girls crouch behind them.  Theo looks around and has second thoughts about everything he’s ever said about millennials.  Theo unclipped a three inch spring assisted blade that he always carried with him.  He had to get special permission from the President to allow him to bring it to the White House.  It was granted but it didn’t give him too much faith now.  He literally had a knife in a gun fight.  The boy with the gun had an extended magazine and there was blood.  Theo heard a series of clicks.  He was finally out of ammunition.  Theo jumped on the pool table and launched himself at the coward with the gun.  In air, he depressed the spring unleashing the blade.  There was a crash of glass behind him but Theo was not distracted as he focused on one spot.  He drove the knife into the student’s left carotid artery.  The kid screamed grabbing his neck.  Theo turned around to see what the sound was.  The man he was arguing with had thrown a bar stool through the window when he realized that the boy with the gun was out of bullets.  Him and the other men were escorting the girls through the window and shuffling them down the street.  Theo looked down and kicked the gun away and watched as the gunmen’s face went pale as blood sprayed out of his neck soaking his hand, which did little to hold back the blood.  Your brain uses 20% of the all the blood in your body and all that blood goes through two major arteries.  Steel just penetrated one of them.  Soon, the threat was over as the stain on human kind stopped coughing and squirming.  His eyes went from shock and hurt to just glazing over.  There was a stench as his bowels could no longer hold back the near 15 pounds that’s always in reserve. 

                Theo turned around and saw as the men that stood next to him shielding the women were hopping back through the window to find more people to help out.  Theo walked over to them and shook their hands, “Well done.”

                “Is he dead?”


                The man exhaled, “Holy shit, that was nuts.”

                “It was, but you acted like a man.  You put yourself between danger and women, that is the mark of a true man”

                “Well, I’m only 20 years old.”

                “You probably shouldn’t say that when you’ve been drinking at a bar.”

                “Honestly, if I get in trouble for underage drinking after this, then that’s just fucked up.”

                “I would agree with that.”

                The police showed up as did the press.  There were a lot of injuries but, in the end, the random firing didn’t kill anybody.  The men that helped the girls leave the bar were still there when they showed up but Theo left.  He goes to another bar and takes a shot of tequila to take the edge off what just happened.  He looks up and sees Chuck Todd’s face and he rolls his eyes.  Chuck Todd is doing a segment where he walks the streets asking people if the President should be impeached.  He contemplated telling the bar tender to change the channel as he can’t deal with this right now.  As if by some divine intervention, every person they asked didn’t think they should impeach the president. One girl in South Carolina even read the transcript so knew they were lying.  Theo was shocked that Todd would run with the segment given how partisan he is against the president.  Theo was getting surprised a lot tonight.

                As he sat there, he decided he should probably go home.  He had enough excitement for one night.  Before he did, a white girl with curly black hair was laughing, “Did you see how everyone booed President Trump in New York?”

                Usually Theo is lighthearted when he engages with liberals but not today.  He snapped back, “Actually everyone there says that there were cheers.  The boos were a minority but most talked about the large ovation of him showing up.”

                “Look man, New York is very liberal.  I know you like the president but he’s a villain in New York.”

                “That’s why I was surprised that they cheered but they did.”

                “Well, I don’t know.”

                “I do.  Dana White even had a press conference praising Donald Trump.”

                “Really?  Why?”

                “According to White, when he started UFC no venues would give him a chance.  They wouldn’t let him perform in any noteworthy place.  Donald Trump was the first one to reach out to him and give him a chance to perform at the Taj, which Trump owns.”

                “Yea, I know that.  He gave him a chance.”

                “That wasn’t the only time either.  He claims that when things were looking down, Donald Trump was the first person to reach out and support him.”

                “Well, if that’s the case then that’s good.”

                “Yea, I wish everyone that Trump helped wouldn’t turn their back on him just to curry favor with the fickle media.”

                “Well, he’s hard to defend.”

                “No, he’s not.  He’s very loyal.  If you’re loyal to him, he’ll have you back.  Dana White is an honorable man.”

                Theo finishes his drink and heads to the subway.  It was time to go home.  As he’s waiting for the train, a guy is staring at his phone perplexed.  He blurts out, “What are the Democrats doing?”

                Theo chuckles, “I don’t think anyone really knows that answer.”

                “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”

                “Well, given that the person in second place had a 52 Trillion dollar plan, It’s kind of hard not to react at the retardation.”

                “Yea, and she says that only billionaires will be charged.  How does that make any sense?”

                “It doesn’t.  There are 607 billionaires in the United States.  They all have a combined worth of a little over eight trillion dollars.  That doesn’t even cover two years of her 10 year plan.”

                “Yea, and that’s only if you take everything they own.  Not exactly plausible.”

                “Also, none of them can leave.”

                “Yea, it’s not like she didn’t give them all a warning.”

                “In reality, your taxes will at least double.”

                “Yea, let’s hope she’s not the nominee.  Though, Biden can’t remember what state he’s in half the time.”

                “And Buttigieg has the dumbest immigration plan of all time.”

                “I didn’t hear about that.”

                “He wants to compensate families that were separated at the border.”

                “Don’t undocumented workers get welfare anyway?”

                “No, their American born children do.”

                “Same concept.  We need to pay them more?”

                “Think about it abstractly.  You come to the country illegally.  In 1997, Bill Clinton passes a Florez Conset Decree that you can’t hold children for more than 20 days.  Asylum cases take longer than 20 days.  With all this complaining about family separation, we had to release the illegal aliens into America because we couldn’t hold them. The illegals knew this so they would rent kids.  It got so bad that one third of all adults were with kids that were not related to them.”

                “How did they determine that?”

                “Cheek swab because they all suspected it.”

                “That’s some loop hole.”

                “Which is why president Trump closed it.  But, with Buttigieg’s plan not only do we release them but we pay them for crossing our border illegally.”

                “Like I said, ‘what’s wrong the Democrats?’”

                The real question is what’s wrong with everyone that votes for them.”

                “Well they’ve never been like this.”

                “True, but they weren’t much better in the midterms.”

                “I think they are much worse now.  We’ll find out in 2020.  This year, there aren’t many seats up so I doubt this election will mean much.”

                “The Democrats control the media though.”

                “Are you on the fake news band wagon?”

                “Of course.  How else do you explain them attacking the president for everything he does, including killing the worst terrorist and leader of ISIS.”

                “Who said that was bad?”

                “CNN’s Brian Stelter on his show ironically called ‘reliable sources.’”

                “Why is that ironic?”

                “Because nothing he says is reliable.”

                “Did he attack Trump for killing Al-Baghdatti.”

                “Yes, he called him out for lying that Al-Baghdatti was not whimpering and crying before he died.”

                “How would Stelter know?”

                “Excellent point.  He wouldn’t.  He was on the special forces team that went in.  He wasn’t in the situation room.”

                “Pelosi and Schiff were pissed they weren’t even told.”

                “Exactly none of the Democrats that love leaking to Stelter saw it live.  There is no source Stelter could have to know what Baghdatti’s last moments were like.”

                “Yea, I’d go with Trump on this one since he was actually briefed and in the situation room.”

                “He also approved the mission.  I think the president has access to more classified information that Stelter.”

                “That too.”

                “It’s just amazing that they hate the president so much, they would side with a raping murderous dictator that used women and children as shields.  He made sure to take out some women and children as he blew himself up.  Now, all the media can talk about is how brave he was to blow himself up instead of being captured.  All they talk about is the president’s rhetoric when he announced it.  I know that’s what the media always does, disagree with anything the president says, but I thought they were above this.  Apparently I was wrong.  I get it more from Republicans; they like his policy but not the way he talks.  Who cares?!”

                “Well, what’s the harm in just saying we killed him?”

                “He was very good at recruiting impressionable kids.  They are drawn to his false bravado and fancy debate.  He preyed on weak minds that would fall for his propaganda that what they were doing was important.  If you destroy his bravery and that image, you destroy his propaganda.”

                “That makes sense.”

                Theo arrived at his stop and got off.  He went home and as he lied down on his bed after a tough day. He realized he left his credit card at the bar.  With all the chaos caused by the shooter, he forgot to get it.  He contemplated going tomorrow but it would have been a crime scene.  He figured that tomorrow he’d just go to work and see what they said.  It didn’t take long for a police officer to track the license and get his phone number.  Theo answered it and was notified how to get his card back.  As he did, there was media and officers waiting to interview him.  He answered all the questions and regretted not just canceling the card.  He was now famous but all he thought about was how men in their early 20s instinctually got up and risked themselves to save women.  There was hope for America after all.  The Me Too movement and the toxic masculinity push hadn’t jaded all men in the next generation.  That was the most hopeful Theo had been in a long time. 


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