Monday, November 25, 2019

Theo the Trump Employee Episode 37 Dissecting the New York Times

                Theo is on his way to work from Rockville, Maryland to the White House where he is a staffer.  He’s in a good mood because he has learned to read between the lines of the mainstream media reports.  The New York Times had tried to frame the Inspector General report before it’s released in three weeks.  In addition to this, by every measureable standard, the non-far left was infuriated by the impeachment hearings that had just concluded.  Now, the Democrats were scrambling for damage control and their panic gave Theo joy.  As he gets in the office, he is given a report.  He looks up at his fellow staffer and asks, “Why do I care about the race in central New York?”

                “Just read it.”

                “I know a lot of people that went to Syracuse but I don’t know how you knew that.”

                “I didn’t know that but read it anyway.”

                Theo reads the report about Ithaca and Syracuse areas of New York. Both districts have Democrat representatives that are being bombarded by their constituents to not vote for impeachment.  This puts them in an awkward situation because they don’t want to disappoint their party as Democrats have a herd mentality but if they go with the herd, they may lose their seat in 2020.  Theo smiles, “Nice! Did you see Adam Schiff back track too?”

                “Yea, I did.  He was talking about how he doesn’t know right now about impeachment and they need to check with their constituents.”

                “Well, the constituents have spoken and they’re not happy.”

                “You know what else?”


                “Remember how the RNC is debt-free and during the hearings donation to Republicans hit a record high?”


                “Well, they’re not wasting any time because they’re bombarding slightly blue and red districts with house representatives with negative ads based on impeachment.”

                “Only two Democrats voted against having the hearing and the hearing was a disaster so that makes sense.”

                The rest of the day was just as upbeat and Theo went to a bar in the Georgetown area because he loved debating Ivy League students because they thought they were really smart and usually felt humbled when speaking to Theo.  It’s not that Theo is really smart; it’s just that he’s 35 and has more life experience.  Ivy League college students are also taught by brainwashing propagandists that are too afraid of the real world so they corrupt impressionable college students that are just getting used to being away from home without parental supervision.  As Theo goes to the bar, he calls out, “Are there any political science majors here?”

                A woman with auburn hair gives a sly smile, “Ummm, I’m a political science major.”

                “Do you read the New York Times?”

                “Of course I do.”

                “Yea, that’s why you’re brainwashed with fake news.”

                “Oh, you’re one of those.” She said condescendingly

                “Yes, I’m one of those.  Did you see the one about the IG report that’s coming out on December 9?”

                “I did, some low-level FBI lawyer doctored evidence.  It’s not a problem with the whole organization.  It rebuffed political bias as a whole.”

                “How can they make that conclusion when you have the lead investigator Strzok and his lover Page, McCabe, Comey etc. attack Trump supporters as being smelly, and how they need to stop him from being president?  There’s no question the FBI was biased.  They clearly hate Trump; you can read the texts yourself.”

                “Well, I think they just mean that despite their hatred, none of their actions were biased.”

                “That’s not what they said but fine, I don’t even need to convince you of that.  You need to ask why the NY Times is leaking it now.”

                “It’s news”

                “Why not just wait for the IG report to come out in three weeks?”

                “Well, it’ll be the holiday season so people will be distracted”

                “And nobody is distracted during Thanksgiving week?”

                “Alright fine, why do you think they did?”

                “So that when the IG report comes out, people will think it’s old news and ignore it.  They will feel they don’t have to actually read it because the New York Times already told them what was in it.”

                “And what’s wrong with that?”

                “It’s a lie.  The New York Times is lying about what’s in it.”

                “Who are you to say that?  You haven’t seen the IG report either.”

                “I know how the New York Times works.”



                “And I’m just supposed to take your word on that?”

                “Of course not.  I’m an economist so I’m used to making ridiculous assumptions to simplify the world so let’s say I give you that the New York Times is not doing that.”

                “You seem to argue something and then concede the argument to me.”

                “The New York Times admits that the IG report found that the FBI didn’t properly vet Christopher Steele.”

                “So what?”

                “They got four FISA warrants based on the information.  It was the entire bases for the Russian collusion after the investigation was opened.  How can you say so what?  The bulk of the information they got was from him; if he’s unreliable then the case is devastated.”

                “Well, he was credible because of his work on the FIFA case”

                “That doesn’t give him immunity because he did good work once.  If you write a good paper, should your professors not bother to read your other papers?”

                “it would be nice.”

                “Yea. But not very realistic.”

                “Look at the problem as a whole.”

                “Which is what?”

                “The IG found that requests by rank and file agents to get a polygraph because they didn’t think a source was credible was not documented or filed.  In fact, it was FBI policy to not record or document any derogatory information about a source’s credibility because they feared a defense lawyer would uncover it.”

                “Well, I mean, that would allow bad guys to go free.”

                “That means anyone can accuse anyone of anything and there will be no evidence that they aren’t credible.  That destroys our entire justice system if you cover up biases and problems with your source or witness.  It would explain what happened to all conservatives and Trump with all these accusations that get no traction because now people think if you attack a conservative, you have to be believed.”

                “I can see how it would be a slippery slope but conservatives aren’t victims.  I hate when they claim that.”

                “That’s not the issue.  The issue is that our justice system is based on innocent until proven guilty and witnesses faults and strengths need to be revealed so the juries can make an informed decision.”

                “Alright, I’ll give you that.  At 30,000 feet it is a problem but we’re specifically talking about the Russian collusion hoax.”

                “Which was only believed because the copious amounts of derogatory information about Steele’s credibility was covered up.”

                “How do we know that?”

                “Memos and letters written by the State department.  In particular, Kathleen Kavalec 10 days before the 1st FISA renewal.  It is a definitive fact that no later than January 2017, the DOJ knows Steele’s information is garbage.”

                “Alright, so they needed time to vet it.”

                “But then they renewed a FISA warrant three times knowing it was based on shitty information.”

                “Oh, that part.  Alright, maybe I don’t want to give you that anymore.”

                “What if the whole thing was wrong?”

                “What do you mean?”

                “What if IG Horowitz and US Attorney Durham come out with that Steele didn’t write a majority of the dossier?”

                “Is there any evidence of that?”

                “Plenty; It reads just like a Wall Street Journal article written in 2007 by Glenn Simpson called How Lobbyists Use Ex-Soviets to Woo Washington.  It was written on April 19, 2007.”

                “Why have I heard the name ‘Glenn Simpson?”

                “He now owns a firm called Fusion GPS that Hillary paid to dig up negative information on Donald Trump.”

                “Right, the conservative conspiracy theories.”

                “No, that’s a fact that Glenn Simpson owns Fusion GPS and Hillary paid them through Perkins Coie law firm.”

                “That’s true but what does that have to do with him writing the dossier; because the Russians tried this in 2007?”

                “No, Rudy Giuliani just went to Ukraine and he found out that much of the Steele dossier was produced in Kiev and Glenn Simpson spent a lot of time in Ukraine during that time.  Then Fusion GPS leaked to the press in May 2016 to damage Trump by attacking his campaign manager Paul Manafort, whose negative information came out of Manafort’s actions in Ukraine.”

                “Wait, okay, so Simpson might have written the dossier?”

                “Yes, and the best information a defense lawyer can have is that someone else committed the crime.”

                “Then it doesn’t mean anything that they didn’t vet Steele”

                “No, it means they can no longer make the excuse that they believed Steele because he had done good work on FIFA.  It wasn’t him.”

                “So Steele lied that it was him.”

                “Then they laundered the information.  That’s not right either.  Papadopoulos, Flynn, Cohen among others all jailed for lying to investigators.  Steele should be as well.”

                “Well, do we really believe Giuliani?”

                “Yes, I do”

                “I don’t”

                “Maybe you should read the IG report to see who’s right rather than just take the media’s word for it.”

                “You’re pretty confident the NY Times is lying.”

                “I guarantee they will not encourage you to read it.”

                “Well, in three weeks, I may do just that.”

                “Alright then, let me buy you a drink for debating with me.”

                The woman smiled and said, “Sure”

                Theo buys her a drink and she walks away, which Theo expected.  He knew what was going to happen.  Some guy was going to feel jealous that she would think Theo challenged her so would take him on.  Sure enough, a guy came up to him and he couldn’t help but smile.  The guy started, “You don’t think Steele wrote the dossier?”

                “I think he contributed but no, I don’t think he wrote the bulk of it.”

                “I bet you were rooting for them to expose the Whistleblower too.”

                “Yes, in America, you have the right to face your accusers and he has no right to privacy.  Only the Intelligence Committee Inspector General can’t reveal him.  For anyone else, they can say his name is Eric CIaramella.”

                “You’d be banned from social media if you said that.”

                “Yes, social media does suppress free speech but I don’t have enough followers for them to block me.  I know this because I have tweeted that several times.”

                “Well, I think it’s fucked up.”

                “Do you?  Do you also feel it’s fucked up that Adam Lovinger is exposed?”

                “I don’t know who that is.”

                “Oh, well John Durham is very interested with him.  He’s been interviewing personnel at the Pentagon in the office of Net Assessment where Lovinger worked.”

                “What for?”

                “Well, he blew the whistle that a million dollars was given to Stefan Halper for his contributions in four studies yet Halper never gave them anything for the studies.”

                “Who’s Stefan Halper?”

                “Professor at Cambridge in London, England who invited Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Mike Flynn and a lot of other targeted people on Trump’s campaign to London where there aren’t many surveillance laws.  He’s been linked to the CIA and is considered a spy.”

                “Well, at least you’re consistent since you announced his name.”

                “Like I said; nothing wrong with that.  The law is that you can’t punish a whistleblower for exposing a crime or corruption.  Eric CIaramella hasn’t been punished in any way.”

                “Fine, was Lovinger?”

                “Glad you asked!  He was suspended with no pay.”

                “Alright, that’s not the issue you were talking to my friend about.” As he kicked himself for falling for the set up. 

                “We were talking about the sources for the Russian collusion hoax so I would say it’s relevant.”

                “I mean the New York Times article.”

                “Alright, do you want to talk about the second finding or continue with what I was talking to her about?”

                “Let’s go to new shit.”

                “The Times claims that he was a low level FBI employee.”

                “Yea, he was a nobody.”

                “His name is Kevin Clinesmith.  He doctored an e-mail, which means he tampered with evidence in order to incriminate Carter Page.  That was the main FISA warrant that was renewed three times.”

                “Yea, so one guy messed up but like the Times said; wasn’t important.  It’s not a conspiracy at the highest levels of the FBI like they claimed.”

                “He worked on with James Baker.”

                “A lot of people do.”

                “He reported directly to him.”

                “He’s still below him.”

                “He was also on the National Security and Cyber Law Branch, he was in the Hillary e-mail scandal and the Mueller probe until he was kicked off for anti-Trump conversations including asserting to his colleague, ‘Viva the Resistance.’”

                “I’m sure there’s low level people on big cases all the time.”

                “They don’t report directly to the second highest ranking lawyer in the FBI.”

                “I don’t know that.”

                “The office of the inspector general, which is what the article was talking about, mentions that he was the primary FBI attorney in the early 2017 investigation into Russian election interference.  That’s a pretty big case to be the lead lawyer.  It’s especially big if you’re a low level guy.”

                “Fine, he’s decently high but he could’ve acted alone.”

                “With all the other texts and stuff we have; unlikely”

                The guy walked away shaking his head.  A blond overhearing the conversation posed, “If you buy me a drink, I’ll debate with you too.”

                “What are you having?”

                She tells him and Theo orders it.  The blond inquires, “Is there another take away from this New York Times piece?”

                “The holy grail.”

                “Wow, that important?” she said sarcastically

                “Oh yes, do you know how the whole thing started?”

                “It wasn’t the Dossier?”

                “Nope, it was that a Trump campaign member George Papadopoulos talked to Joseph Mifsud, who they allege is a Russian agent.  Apparently Mifsud told Papadopoulos that he had dirt on Hillary Clinton.  That’s why they opened the investigation.”

                “Right, and then Papadopoulos told the Australian dude.”

                “Alexander Downer”

                “Right, this is ringing a bell.”

                “The times did a victory dance that Mifsud isn’t an FBI informant.”

                “Well, that’s bad for the Republicans then.  Or, are you saying the New York Times is lying again?”

                “Not at all, I’m just saying nobody said he was.  This is what Fake News does.  They make an assertion, it gets proven wrong, and then they change their story to make it seem like they never alleged what they did.”

                “Well, I don’t really listen to conservative media but I don’t recall anyone saying Mifsud was an FBI informant so you may be right.”

                “Can we agree that just because Mifsud isn’t an FBI informant, it doesn’t automatically mean he’s a Russian agent?”

                “Well, yea, I’m not a FBI informant but I’m not a Russian asset.”

                “I think that’s true for everyone in this bar.”

                “Right, at least I hope.” She said with a laugh. 

                “So when Kyle Cheney of the Times claims victory because Mifsud isn’t a FBI informant that automatically means there’s no CIA or Dossier information used to open the investigation into Trump, does that follow?”

                “No, I don’t see how one has to do with the other.  The FISA’s were based on the dossier; the investigation was based solely on Mifsud being a Russian agent.”

                “Very good.  Don’t forget that.  The claim that conservatives make is that he’s connected to Western intelligence.”

                “Alright, I won’t forget” she said in a challenging tone.

                “The big question is who did Mifsud work for?  If he’s not a Russian agent there’s no case and everything about this case is irrelevant.  If he is western intelligence then it’s a set up. “

                “Or he acted alone.”

                “True, that is a possibility but that means that’s it’s still a hoax investigation but it would mean it wasn’t a set up.”

                “Right, or he is an FBI informant.”

                “Well, even Papadopoulos disputes that.”

                “Really?  How so?”

                “He says the FBI asked him to wear a wire when he talked to Mifsud”

                “What did he say?”


                “Isn’t that suspicious”

                “No, it’s not suspicious for someone not to want you to listen in on their conversations.  They gave no reason why they were investigating Mifsud.  Even after they met, Mifsud was in the Capitol being interviewed by the FBI and they let him go.  If they were really that suspicious, they wouldn’t have let him go.”

                “What does this have to do with anything?”

                “The FBI isn’t going to ask you to wear a wire against their own informant because then it outs them as an informant.  If they wanted to record their conversation and Mifsud was their informant, they would have asked Mifsud to wear the wire.”

                “Oh, yea …right, that makes sense.”

                “I’m not saying the IG report is going to be damning because IG reports are normally worded with vanilla language that isn’t very damning.  The last one accused Comey of malfeasance by saying, “We can’t rule out bias in James Comey’s decision to prioritize the Trump Russian collusion investigation over the Hillary E-mail investigation.”

                “Yea, I mean, if you think about it, they are saying that he was biased but that’s hard to get excited about.”

                “So, I’m not expecting much but I’m just saying read the report.  Don’t just go by what the New York Times or any media outlet tells you it says.  You go to Georgetown.  You’re smart; you can read for yourself.”


                Theo finishes his drink and then closes his tab.  He gets on the train and heads back home still in a good mood.  He goes to sleep and anticipates the future thinking that the tides may be turning but he’s trying not to get his hopes up. 





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