Sunday, November 24, 2019

Real Characters Episode 33, the real Anti-Semites

                It is April 2007, and Glenn Simpson and Mary Jacoby are writing an article for the Wall Street Journal, where they work, entitled “How Lobbyist Help Ex-Soviets Woo Washington.”  It will be printed on April 19, 2007.  Neither the authors or anyone who read this article could have any idea of what will become of it almost a decade later.  It is an article about how Russians use American lobbyists to influence American politics in Russia’s favor.  One of the meddlers is a Ukrainian billionaire, Dmitry Firtash.  At this time, half of Ukraine is basically Russia.  If you live in its capital Kiev or east of Kiev, you probably grew up speaking Russian and consider yourself Russian.  It is only Western Ukraine that speaks Ukrainian.  That is why the headline of the article isn’t exactly lying when they include Firtash because Firtash does consider himself Russian even though he lives in Ukraine.  As for the specifics of the article, between 2003-2005, Firtash had multiple billion dollar deals with Gazprom, which is a prevalent energy company in Ukraine.  At face value, this doesn’t seem like a problem but Simpson and Jacoby are a little suspicious given their lack of transparency about the deals.  Since Gazprom and Firtash don’t reveal everything the media wants to know and seem secretive, the two Wall Street Journal writers assume that means Firtash has something to hide so presume him to be corrupt. 

                The calendar reads 2014 and there is chaos in Ukraine.  They have just ousted their Russian-friendly president in exchange for a pro-Ukraine president named Petro Porochenko.  Even though a country being sovereign is normally a good thing, the vacuum caused by the status quo of a country being drastically altered allows for some people to exploit the confusion for their own personal gain.  George Soros, a Hungarian immigrant to America, has been exploiting chaotic situations in foreign countries since he was 12-years-old.  Although he is Jewish, when he was a young boy around the age of 12 in NAZI-occupied Hungary, he donned a crucifix around his neck to signal to the NAZIs that he was not a Jew so he would remain off their radar to be sent to a work or death camp.  This was actually his uncle’s idea.  If this is where the story ended, you couldn’t fault the young George.  George and his uncle, however, saw an entrepreneurial opportunity. Since George was a Jew, he had grown up in the Yeshivas and was very familiar with the Jewish community.  This meant that he knew where they were hiding as they trusted him since he was one of theirs.  The NAZI’s understood that kids were very beneficial to a political movement so it wasn’t too surprising that they didn’t dismiss this young boy that had an offer for them.  George told them that if they paid him, he would tell them where Jews were hiding.  The NAZI officers accepted and George made a lot of money helping the NAZIs send his fellow Jews to their work and death camps.  Soros is now an old man and when he speaks about this time in his life, it is of reference to his Uncle and himself for their business savvy to make money in a horrendous political climate.

                As it is 2014, Soros’ unscrupulous business tactics have garnered himself billions of dollars to his name. He is currently in Ukraine and has established a non-profit company he called AntAC, which is said to be an anti-corruption organization.  Like any good businessman, which Soros is, he knows that having one endeavor is not going to add to his 10 or more figure bottom line.  In Ukraine, the most lucrative business to be in is energy so Soros enters that market.  He, however, is not the only billionaire trying to make money in Ukraine.  Another Ukrainian billionaire named Dmitry Firtash is still in Ukrainian energy from his 2003 involvement.  Soros contemplates how to deal with this rival as he has never been about fair competition.  He needs to tip the scales in his favor.  Now, the leading energy company in Ukraine is Burisma.  Burisma has just hired Hunter Biden, the Vice President’s son, to their board even though he has no experience in energy matters.  This makes Soros happy since Barack Obama’s second term is soon coming to an end and Soros has given millions to Obama so they owe him a favor.  Better still for Soros, he’s given even more to Hilary Clinton who looks to be a slam dunk to be his successor. As things progress, Soros’ window gets even larger when the prosecutor general of Ukraine, Viktor Shokin opens an investigation against Burisma and their money laundering effort.  Upon hearing this, the point man in Ukraine, Vice President Biden, travels to Ukraine to announce that the United States is going to be given a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine.  For the last two weeks, Biden has been urging Ukraine to fire their prosecutor general because they believe him to be corrupt.  Ukraine has given verbal agreement to this but Joe Biden is frustrated that it hasn’t happened yet.  He tells President Porochenko that he won’t be getting the money unless they fire Shokin.  Porochenko fires back that the President told him they are and Biden can’t disobey the president.  Biden dares him to call President Obama and confirm for himself.  It is not known if Biden was bluffing but we do know that Porochenko didn’t call his bluff as he fired Viktor Shokin; much to the delight of George Soros.

                Viktor Shokin was replaced by Yuriy Lutsenko.  Lutsenko isn’t stupid; he knows what happened to his predecessor.  Apparently just because a Ukraine-friendly president is in charge, it doesn’t mean that all corruption magically disappears.  Lutsenko isn’t going to need to guess anymore as he receives a memo from the United States Embassy in Ukraine and a phone call from the United States Ambassador Marie Yovanovich.  The memo is signed by the Charge D’Affair, George Kent.  That means the two highest ranking Americans in Ukraine are giving him the same message both verbally and in writing.  He reads the letter and sees a list of people not to look into or investigate.  On the list is George Soros’ group AntAC, Burisma and Hunter Biden.    Lutsenko smiles just to stop himself from groaning.  His tenure is going to be under the thumb of the Americans.

                The memo isn’t enough for George Soros.  He calls various high-ranking Democrats and tells them that they didn’t do enough.  The word is out that one of their, if not their largest, donor George Soros is unhappy.  This prompts Ambassador Yovanovich to call Lutsenko.  She reveals, “I just wanted to let you know that you’re going to be contacted by AntAC.  It is one of our groups to help weed out corruption in Ukraine so please listen to what they have to say.”

                “I understand.  We need all the help we can get for a corruption-free Ukraine.  Let them know that I am willing to listen and thank you for your continued help.”

                “Thank you for your cooperation.”

                With that, AntAC drafts a memo to Lutsenko giving him a list of people that he wants him to investigate; two people on the list are Dmitry Firtash and Paul Manafort.  As Lutsenko looks at the memo he shakes his head.  First they tell him who he can’t prosecute and now they’re telling him who to prosecute.   He exclaims to himself, “It’s almost like I have no power.  I’m basically the American’s puppet.”  When he calms down, he realizes that Paul Manafort isn’t someone he’s opposed to investigating because former president Yanukovych worked very closely with Paul Manafort.  Yanukovych was the Russian-friendly president that they just ousted so it makes sense to go after his supporters.  As for Firtash, Lutsenko can see the pattern.  The largest energy company, Burisma is on the do not prosecute list, one of their main rivals in energy, Firtash is on the prosecute list.  Clearly, the Americans wants Burisma’s reign to be unchecked.

                George Soros calls Hillary Clinton.  Hillary answers, “Hi George, how are you?”

                “I’m not happy”

                “What do you mean? I don’t understand, I thought Lutsenko got the message and they’re going after Firtash.”

                “They are but it’s not enough.  Lutsenko doesn’t have any teeth.  I need a bigger dog in this fight.”

                “What do you want me to do?  I’m about to campaign to be president of the United States.  I got to beat Bernie Sanders and then go against whoever the Republicans nominate.  I’m going to be swamped.”

                “Obama still has two years left.  You’re not going to be in the thick of things until next year when you announce.  Then it’s really going to pick up in 2016, right now, (in 2014), you can help me.”

                “I’ll do what I can.  You’ve been very good to us and we don’t forget favors but you need to voice to me what you want.”

                “I need someone in the United States government.”

                “Okay, here’s a number for someone in the FBI.  Her name is Karen Greenaway and she’s a supervisor.  I’m sure she can help you.  I’ll call her as well so that they know it’s coming from me.”

                “Thank you Hillary”

                “No problem George but I do think you may want to reward Ukraine for this to incentivize them to actually do something.”

                It didn’t take long for the wheels of influence in America to turn and the DOJ opened an investigation into Dimtry Firtash.  George Soros then sends a billion dollars to the Ukrainian government as a thank you. 

                As the 2016 presidential campaign is kicking off, Hillary Clinton knows her Republican opponent is going to be Donald Trump.  Trump has just hired Paul Manafort to be his campaign manager and Clinton recognizes his name from her contact In Ukraine. Hillary calls Karen Greenaway.  “Hey Karen, I need a favor”

                “Sure, next-president Clinton, what can I do for you?”

                “Well, as you know, I’m running against Donald Trump.  I need you to find out everything you can about Paul Manafort.  One of our DNC operatives, Alexandra Chalupa is already at the Ukraine embassy and they’re going to get her a meeting with Ukrainian President Porochenko so you’re not alone, I just want to make sure this is a multi-faceted attack.”

                “Yea, that’s fine.  With the Firtash investigation, I’ve become very familiar with Ukraine.  George (Soros) and AntAC have also targeted Manafort so it’s consistent with what I’m already doing.”

                “Great, thank you very much.”

                “No problem”

                Over the years, Greenaway hasn’t just been a casual acquaintance of George Soros.  Soros has thanked her for her help but allowing her access and inviting her to various events with him so she can network with extremely powerful people.  In one of these events, George asks her, “Karen, why don’t you come work for me.  You’ve been very helpful and I could use your undivided attention on AntAC matters that may or may not be consistent with the DOJ.”

                “Well, it would free me up of a lot of things.  I mean, your influence and contacts goes a long way at the DOJ and Hillary Clinton is going to be the next president.  Obviously, you and her are close as she introduced us so I’m pretty sure if I ever wanted to go back there would be a spot waiting for me.  I really see no risk so yes, sure, I’ll do it.”

                With that, Greenaway quits the FBI, moves to Ukraine and joins AntAC. 

                Helping George Soros isn’t Hillary Clinton’s only concern; it’s not even her primary concern.  Her primary concern is ensuring she becomes the next president of the United States.  She calls her friend Glenn Simpson, who is no longer at the Wall Street Journal but started his own firm called Fusion GPS.  She starts the conversation, “Hey Glenn.”

                “Hey Hillary, it’s good to hear from you.  What can I do for you?”

                “Well, I need you to dig up dirt on Donald Trump.”

                “Yea, I thought that’s what you’d be calling about.”

                “You understand that I can’t just send you the money because that can be traced.  You’re going to get a check from a law firm called Perkins Coie.  Just know that money is actually from me.”

                “Yes, of course.  This isn’t even going to be a hard thing to do since Trump hired Paul Manafort.  That is already a link to Ukraine and Russia so I’ll just add to that angle.”

                “Great, keep me apprised.”

                “I already have it written, I just need someone that the FBI trusts to go directly to the higher ups in the DOJ.”

                “I have someone.  He’s a former MI6 agent named Christopher Steele.  The CIA has been using England to spy on American citizens that is illegal in this country.  Britain is an ally in this so I’ll put you in touch with Steele.  He’ll add to what you come up with, claim it for himself, and then send it directly to the higher ups in the FBI.”

                “He has that much pull?”

                “Well, he’s got powerful friends like me and the President but even if he didn’t, he was instrumental in exposing the FIFA corruption and bringing them to justice.  He’s already a confidential informant for the FBI and CIA and they trust him because he’s already done good work for them on FIFA.  He really is the perfect person for this.”               

                “Alright, this is going to be the easiest money I’ve ever made.”

                After he re-drafts the article he wrote in 2007 changing ‘Bob Dole’s’ name to ‘Donald Trump,’ he sends it to Hillary through a couple people to hide the paper trail.  Clinton gets back to him, “Wait, this article mentions Dmitry FIrtash”

                “Yes, it does”

                “Oh, this is getting better and better.  One of my largest donors, George Soros hates Firtash and has businesses in Ukraine to take him out.  I’m going to give you his number.  With this Manafort angle, Ukraine seems to be instrumental in taking down Donald Trump.  We’ll get Russia to help us through Steele and Ukraine to help us through Soros and Chalupa; the more people on our side the better.  Call Soros and let him know what you’re doing.  He may have something to add to the dossier.  I’ll call him too to make sure he knows you’re with me.”

                “Alright, sounds good.”

                Simpson does what Hillary asks and soon there is a dossier that’s a hybrid of Simpson’s article from 2007 for the Wall Street Jounral with some Russian facts sprinkled in by Christopher Steele.  They put Steele’s name on it which infuriates Jacoby so much that she posts on Facebook when Hillary is dominating in the polls that it was actually Glenn that wrote the dossier so he should be credited with taking down Donald Trump, not Steele.  The post is deleted but the internet is forever and various conservatives do get their hands on it.  CIA director John Brennan calls Steele thinking that he wrote the dossier and says, “Chris, I can’t use this to get a FISA on Carter Page.”

                “What do you mean?  I link him to operating on behalf of Russian agents.”

                “Besides the fact that we asked him to do that as a sting operation, it is only FISA warrant worthy if he acts on behalf of a foreign agent AND it’s in violation of US law.”

                “I thought you were going to leave out that it was on the US’ behalf?”

                “I am leaving that part out but again, he has to be representing Russia in violation of US law.  If that wasn’t the case then every diplomat, foreign ambassador and international lobbyist; hell any lobbyist that talks for foreign government could be spied upon or arrested.”

                “Alright, I’ll come up with something.”

                “Thank you Chris.  Good work so far, you’re almost there.  Just bring me something against a US law.”

                Steele hangs up the phone.  He shakes his head as this is turning out to be a lot of work.  He has to send the same information to the media violating his agreement with the FBI as a confidential informant then give it to Simpson so their employee Nellie Ohr can give it to her husband Bruce who’s the fourth highest ranking member in the DOJ.  After that, he has to give it to David Kramer who is an advisor for John McCain because it’s more credible coming from a Republican.  This is odd because when McCain ran against Obama in 2008, the DOJ did the same thing to McCain and accused him of being a Russian agent.  Unfortunately, George Bush was president at the time and he not only told the DOJ not to pursue it but he warned McCain to get rid of the Russian agents linked to his campaign.  Since nothing really came of it, McCain had no hurt feelings about this and had since moved on and since he hates Donald Trump; was willing to help them.  Due to all this on his plate, Steele decides to steal a page out of Simpson’s book.  Rather than find something linking Carter Page to someone who broke US law, he’ll just recycle old information.  He re-opens his FIFA file and accuses Carter Page of being bribed by the exact same gas company and players that were used to bribe FIFA so Russia could get the world cup.  As he reads it over, he shrugs his shoulders and reasons that Hillary is going to become president so she’ll just cover up any problems this may cause.  He sends it to John Brennan who approves it.  Steele then sends it to FBI director Jim Comey who uses it to open a FISA warrant, the most invasive way to spy on an American that the United States has to offer, against Carter Page. 

                As it turns out, for whatever reason, whether it be the corners cut by Glenn Simpson and Steele, or Hillary’s own cockiness because she stopped campaigning in July 2016 when the election was in November or a host of other reasons, all these efforts failed and Donald Trump, not Hillary Clinton, because President of the United States.  Hillary and her minions weren’t going to give up that easily.  They knew that the average American isn’t going to remember that Donald Trump already brought up that Russia was interfering in the election and that if he lost it would be because of Russia.  Barack Obama gave a speech in the Rose Garden of the White House on how ridiculous that is because a US election is actually 50 state elections so someone influencing all 50 state elections is impossible.  Obama also said that the economic growth numbers that Trump is claiming he could reach was akin to magic.  Obama actually said you would need a magic wand.  All this, would cause Barack Obama to start backtracking as when Donald Trump wins, they decide to accuse him of exactly what Hillary Clinton is guilty of and then he takes credit for Trump getting close to his economic numbers despite saying that Trump would need a magic want to get there.  For the most part though, Barack Obama is gone.  He went along with their plan and Donald Trump exposed them for being the projectionists that they are.  You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can never fool all the people all the time.  The internet is forever.  His speeches were recorded.  Many people know what he said in the Rose Garden that day so when he tried to backtrack later it came off as disingenuous.  He washes his hands of it and lets those still in government take care of it.  He’s done.

                The Deep State was successful in getting a special counsel to investigate Russian collusion with Donald Trump and they got former FBI director Bob Mueller to run the special counsel.  He was the perfect choice because he respected Christopher Steele because Mueller was the FBI director during the FIFA case so Steele helped him a lot.  Mueller is also a registered Republican so it doesn’t seem partisan.  On top of all this, Mueller has ill feelings toward President Trump because he asked Trump if he could be the FBI director when he fired Comey and Trump said ‘no.”  This conversation happened at the same time that Rod Rosenstein and Andy McCabe were putting together their special counsel as revenge on Trump for firing their friend Comey, which is completely in the president’s right to do.  Every other member of the counsel is a Democrat and his chief investigator is Andy Weissman.  Weissman is aware that the collusion isn’t only Russia but Ukraine as well.  He decides to look into Ukraine but is unaware of what’s been going on since 2014. All he knows is that the DOJ has been going after a Ukrainian billionaire named Dimtry Firtash, so he decides to call him.  He introduces himself, “Hey Mr. Firtash, my name is Andy Weissman.  I’m on the special counsel investigating Trump’s collusion with Russia and I wanted to ask for your help.”

                “You’re on the United States special counsel for the DOJ?”

                “Not really.  The special counsel is technically separate from the DOJ so that it’s not someone hired by the president investigating the president.  That’s how it works but for all intents and purposes, yes, that is who I am.”

                “You have a lot of nerve calling me.”

                “I understand your frustration.  For the past years, the United States DOJ has been investigating you.”

                “Yes, they are trying to handcuff me so that Hungarian asshole Soros can take my place in the Energy field in Ukraine.  You’ll forgive me if I am not willing to help the country that has been trying to destroy me for the last three or four years.”

                “I’m not saying that I’m asking for you to help me for free.  What if I took off the hand cuffs?  If you find dirt on Donald Trump that we can use, then all these investigations go away and you’re free to compete with Soros without the albatross of the United States government on your back.”

                “You seem very naïve.  Soros has bought and paid for the very people that hired your little counsel.  You’re not even the head of the counsel.  You’re a nobody.  I’m not helping you.”

                “I assure you I can make this happen.”

                “I’ve amassed billions of dollars without the United States help.  I have survived for years despite the United States targeting me.  I’m okay with the ‘albatross’ as you call it.  After all, it’s just a bird and a bird isn’t going to slow me down.”

                “I’m not here to talk about your hurt feelings with Americans that are not me.  I’m offering you an opportunity to have an ally in the United States government to help you.  Soros has allies in our government; why not level the playing field?”

                “You Americans are so arrogant.  You create a problem by relentlessly attacking me then you say that you’ll stop if I bow down and surrender to you.  ‘Fuck you’ is the phrase that comes to mind.”

                “There’s an American saying, ‘if you can’t beat them join them, I’m offering you that opportunity but I can’t guarantee it’ll always be there.”

                “I like the other American expression; ‘fuck you.’  Or how about one made famous by one of your celebrity WWE wrestlers, ‘just bring it’ I think the expression is.”

                Weissman frowns and realizes that Firtash is not going to be the way they’re going to get Trump and he would need other options.  Despite three years of trying, Weissman and Mueller fail and they are forced to release their report concluding no collusion.  Later, they expanded the scope to obstruction but that was even more ridiculous than collusion because Andy McCabe, one of the people that asked Mueller to start the counsel, admitted that it wasn’t obstruction to fire Comey.  Mueller didn’t even bother commenting on that ridiculousness so deferred his decision to the new Attorney General Barr who quickly concluded the obvious; no obstruction completely exonerating President Trump.  Naturally, this isn’t the way others viewed it.

                It is now 2019.  The final nail in the Mueller report’s coffin was when they forced Mueller to testify about this 430 page report to congress.  Mueller had said repeatedly that he refused to but the Deep State and the Democrats kept harassing him.  Since the most powerful man in the world, the president, was having difficulty fighting them off, Mueller stood no chance. He reluctantly agreed and it was a disaster as it seemed Mueller didn’t know what was in the report, contradicted himself, and just kept repeating that none of their questions were within his purview.  Luckily for the Democrats, the day after Mueller’s testimony, President Trump called the new President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky to congratulate him.  Now the deep state pressured people to claim that this phone call was threatening Ukraine with a quid pro quo to investigate Joe Biden who is now running for president.  Unfortunately, President Trump proved that he wasn’t lying when he called himself the most transparent president because when House Intelligence chair Adam Schiff asked him to release the transcript, he did exposing Schiff and all the Democrats for the liars they were.  Again, the Democrats counted on the laziness and ignorance of the American people to not realize they could read the transcript themselves and decide.  Instead, they just kept bringing up the Whistleblower who had no first-hand knowledge but they should try to impeach the President anyway.  This would mark the third time since the House was taken over by Democrats in 2018 that they tried to impeach President Trump.  At first, highest ranking house member, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was against it because she knew it was bullshit but as her fellow House Democrats, Adam Schiff especially, threw a hissy fit, she caved under the pressure and allowed for an impeachment hearing.  First they did a trial run in secret banning Republicans from being present and then they had a public one with the Republicans.

                One of the main reasons Pelosi agreed was because as she saw the Democrat field, she wasn’t too confident that any of them could beat Donald Trump.  The only way to stop Trump’s re-election was to impeach him but since the Republicans controlled the Senate, it was unlikely they would remove him from office.  Still, Democrats have intimidated Republicans into submission time and time again so it could work again.  Another reason she agreed to it, was that inspector general Horowitz was about to release his report about the origins of the 2016 investigation into Donald Trump which could potentially expose all the malfeasance by the Democrats.  They needed something to distract the country.

                As the hearings go on, Pelosi is appalled at how incompetent Adam Schiff is.  He clearly has no control over these proceeding and each witness is as hapless as the next.  None of them confirm the quid pro quo so Schiff tries to change the story that the deal was for a White House meeting.  Even that doesn’t have much traction as changing your story a mere week or two after you asserted something isn’t lost on most people.  The media did what they could to spin it but these hearings were very widely watched and it was hard to convince people they didn’t see or hear something that they actually did.  Just like John Brennan three years earlier, Pelosi was realizing that nothing they were accusing the President of is impeachable.  Impeachment is a high crime or misdemeanor, treason or bribery not asking a foreign government for a favor to investigate someone.  Even that was a lie because Trump mentioned the favor then almost 500 words later he talked about investigating Biden.  During those almost 500 words, it could not be reasonably assumed that they were connected beyond a reasonable doubt as they talked about other things.  Anyone that was interested could figure this out because the transcript was public information.  Pelosi had had enough of this debacle.  Unlike Brennan, this was all out in the open so she couldn’t just tell Schiff to revise it now.  She had to make a public statement to signal to the Democrats and witnesses what they need to say.  She borrows from Christopher Steele and invokes the word ‘bribery’ so that now there is a law being broken and making it an impeachable offense.  Just like when Steele tried this, it doesn’t really work.  Just as how Carter Page is never charged with a crime, the witnesses are confused on if they should listen to Schiff or Pelosi.  Perhaps they realize that they already gave sworn testimony in secret so going against it would make them even more guilty of perjury than they already are when they denied knowing who the Whistleblower is but then claimed the Republicans can’t ask them questions about who they told because that would expose the Whistleblower.

                It turns out that the Democrat strategy played right into Republican hands.  They weren’t going to be intimidated by Adam Schiff or Nancy Pelosi.  This is especially true for Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, John Radcliffe and Mike Turner.  They bring up the sworn testimony that has been released to the Republicans and point out that in 35,000 pages of testimony, the word ‘bribery’ appears only once and it’s to describe Joe Biden’s actions not President Trump’s.  The witnesses aren’t willing to violate their previous testimony so when asked straight up by Republicans if they call what President Trump did ‘bribery’ they all say ‘no.’   Despite the Republicans being banned from calling witnesses, the Democrats own hand selected witnesses confirm that no impeachable crime was committed and they have nothing except hearsay or speculation, which would never be allowed in any other court room in America.  Even Inspector Horowitz doesn’t oblige them as he seemed to have waited till after the hearing to release his report.  His new date is December 9.  Since the impeachment hearings were concluded on November 22, this is enough time for America to forget it happened. 

                The media is also relieved the impeachment hearings are over as it was very hard to spin it against the Republicans and President Trump.  During the hearings, impeachment support dropped 20 points among independents and now those that approved impeachment were 15 points lower than those against.  Every other poll had similar results and even if you follow the money, the Republicans raised a record amount of money during the impeachment hearings and were debt-free whereas the Democrats were still massively in debt as people were losing faith that they were going to be the dominant party.  Still though, the 2020 election was just a shade under a year away and a lot could happen.  The media switches gears and goes back to what they were doing before the impeachment hearings; getting out in front of the iG report so they could frame the narrative and brainwash the American public that they’re not reading what they actually are.  Luckily most Americans won’t even read the report and rely solely on what the media tells them it says; which means the media will do what they always do and simply lie.

                A top CNN and Washington Post executive is on the phone with a high ranking Democrat official who we will call ‘Jeff’ for simplicity purposes.  Jeff declares, “I wanted to let you guys know how we’re going to frame the IG report.”

                The CNN executive who we will call ‘Benedict’ responds, “I’m listening”

                “I want you to report that an FBI agent altered an e-mail so that it would incriminate Carter Page”

                “Wait, what?  That’s damning.  It makes the FBI look bad.”

                “It’s getting increasingly difficult to deny that the FBI was completely innocent of any wrongdoing.  We need to attack them a little bit.  We’re using the failures of Schiff and Steele and projecting them on the Republicans.”

                “I’m not sure I see where you’re going with this.”

                “The Carter Page FISA and the impeachment inquiry both had the same flaw.  It exposed something that may be inappropriate and suspicious but not illegal and not what we accused them of.  Likewise, we’re going to say the FBI didn’t do everything correctly but it’s not what they’re being accused of.  The accusation against them is that they spied on Trump and his campaign without predication.  Yes, they altered documents but that doesn’t mean that there was predication.”

                Benedict responds, “Oh, I get it.  Alright, I’ll keep the focus on how bad the e-mail tampering is and Pinocchio (Washington Post executive for this purpose) will steady the narrative that it is bad but doesn’t mean there was no predication to spy on Trump.”

                Pinocchio rejoins, “Sounds good to me.”

                Jeff pronounces, “Alright, good we have our plan.  Let’s just hope this works.”

                CNN reports the FBI altering the e-mail and calls upon Preet Bharara who was the former US Attorney in the Southern District of NY, which covers New York City, that it’s a terrible thing to alter the e-mail to fit your narrative.”

                CNN and Washington Post minimize the damage this will cause by releasing it on a Thursday night when America is distracted by impeachment hearings or the Democrat debate that’s going on.  The Washington Post piles on saying that the FBI shouldn’t have done what they did but the predication is still valid.  Now, the bets are hedged and the world is put on notice that the IG report is going to be damaging to the FBI but that doesn’t mean the entire three years was a complete hoax fabricated by the Democrats; which of course is what it was.  The media knows this isn’t going to be enough because the Carter Page FISA is the only one that the public knows about.  They don’t know all the other FISAs on Trump members like George Papadopoulos, Mike Flynn and others.  This is unfortunate because Carter Page is the only one that had never actually been charged with a crime.  They bet on the wrong horse because at least Papadopoulos pled guilty to lying to the FBI and got two weeks in jail and Flynn was still going through legal cases and charges of violating the Logan Act among other things.  He pled guilty because the DOJ threatened his family but now Sidney Powell was challenging the guilty plea and exposing even more malfeasance. 

                The day after CNN and Washington Post release their narrative, there is still one final day of testimony in the impeachment hearing.  Democrat Congressman Krishamoorthi knows that the hearings are a lost cause so he wants to minimize the damage as much as possible.  They resort to an old Democrat tactic of accusing their opponents as being racist if they do something.  He asks a former US representative in Ukraine that worked for the National Security Council, Fiona Hill, “This is an Anti-Semitic theory against George Soros.  Would you agree to that?”

                Fiona responds, “Yes, it is equivalent to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion written around 1900.”

                The Protocols is one of the biggest hoax documents ever written and was used by Adolf Hitler as one of his justifications for the holocaust.  It was a strategic plan the Jews had to take over the world.  Just like Trump colluding with Russia, the Ukraine phone call quid pro quo and the Steele Dossier, Protocols (what it’s called for short) does not have any truth to it whatsoever.  Yet, it had been used to influence government policy in ways detrimental to the country. 

                The Democrats and Fiona Hill call George Soros non-partisan, which makes everyone that knows who George Soros is laugh out loud.  George Soros has been giving around a billion dollars a year to liberal causes for a very long time.  He was even the financial backing to the migrant crisis that Trump faced on the border last year to make him seem weak and ineffective because he couldn’t do the main thing he ran on and secure the border.  The Democrats were very vocal in opposing any aid to the border to help ICE and called the migrant detention centers concentration camps in order to handcuff Trump yet somehow he still got it done and stemmed the flow of illegal immigrants into the country.  The Democrats spun this to claim that Obama deported more people than Trump, which is disingenuous because Obama counts the people that were turned away at the border but they only count those that were already in the United States and deported for President Trump.

                Another Democrat witness, Holmes laughably claims that he heard a conversation because US ambassador to the EU Sondland was talking to President Trump and even though the phone wasn’t on speaker, the volume was loud enough for him to hear.  Holmes claims he has perfect recollection of the phone call but when Republicans ask him about what Sondland testified about what Trump had said that helps President Trump.  An example of this is when Trump said he wanted nothing.  He didn’t want a quid pro quo, he just wanted Zelensky to do the right thing and do what he ran on.  Holmes answers, “Well, at first Sondland had the phone away from his ear but at that part, he had it back on his ear so I couldn’t hear it.  Maybe he turned the volume down on the phone or President Trump stopped talking so loudly but I couldn’t hear any of the exonerating parts only the incriminating parts.” 

                Donald Trump Jr. and other conservatives that have been targeted by the deep state scoff.  Trump Jr. blurts out, “If I tried something like that, I would be arrested for perjury but this guy can say it with no repercussions.”

                Now that the impeachment hearings are over, Pelosi breathes a sigh of relief.  She knew that impeaching him on the information was a long shot but at least now the Republicans and any right wing person got the message.  They are not to expose the Whistleblower as Eric Ciaramella and if they mention George Soros’ name they are automatically an Anti-Semite and will be branded as such.  Furthermore, Hunter Biden is to remain untouched. After all, look what they did to the President when he mentioned the Bidens to the Ukrainian president.  As she picks up conservative outlets that are getting more and more popular as people are realizing that mainstream media has no credibility anymore, she finds reports that Hunter Biden routed government bailout money to companies he owned based in the Cayman Islands.  Hunter Biden didn’t do much to hide his connections as his investment company is named ‘Rosemont Capital and the Cayman Island companies are named, ‘Rosemont Seneca’ and ‘Rosemont TALF.’  TALF is the name for Obama’s federal bailout money of the financial crisis after the 2017 collapse that led to the dissolving of Bear Stearns and Leyman Brothers among others.  This confirmed long held conservative opposition to the bailouts that the money would only go to connected people.  The son of the Vice President of the United States that filed his company in the Cayman Islands to avoid United States taxes seemed like the textbook example of exactly what the conservatives believed.  Still though, many Americans believe that if the bailouts didn’t happen, America would have gone into another Great Depression.  Since you can’t prove a counter-factual, the world will never know for sure.  What this report confirmed, however, is that 32 million of the bailout money definitely went to a company that was not ‘too big to fail’ nor was even technically American.  It was just ran by the Vice President’s kid.  It seems naïve to think this was the only example.

                Pelosi realizes she has a decision to make so instead of making a definitive statement, she hedges by saying that she wants to hear the truth but hasn’t made a decision on impeachment.  Then, to get the focus off her, she attacks the Republicans for making a mockery of the obvious hoax and waste of tax payer time and money that was the impeachment hearings.  It appears the Democrats didn’t need much help from the Republicans making them look foolish as the Democrat witnesses did that for them.

                As the Democrat party is imploding, Hillary Clinton keeps texting that she may run again.  She already paid off the DNC debt once so that she would control the party.  That was why the DNC hindered Sanders campaign in 2016 so that Hillary would be the nominee.  Donna Brazille, then head of the DNC, confirmed this but retracted it when Clinton and the Deep State put her in her place.  She now worked at Fox News as a mole to attack conservatives from the inside just like her mentor Saul Alinsky, who was an advisor to Al Capone in the Chicago mob, trained her all those years ago.  Hillary achieved what Alinsky could only dream of and that was turning the greatest mob in the word; the United States Department of Justice, into her own mob to do her bidding.  Her mob was attacking the President of the United States relentlessly and her claws were all over it.  Trump hired Rudy Giuliani who took down the New York mob when he was mayor of New York to combat the Hillary Clinton mob also known as the Department of Justice.  It was only a matter of time who would win.  As for the Clinton mob’s other target, Dimitry Firtash, it appears that he was correct when he told Weissman he didn’t need his help to beat the investigations against him.  As the Democrats have no creativity whatsoever, they accused FIrtash of the exact same thing they accused Carter Page and what Nancy Pelosi accused Trump of; bribery.  Just like those cases, the bribery case against Firtash was falling apart as the only time it was mentioned to him was when he was asked a hypothetical question in a slide.  It was hard to prove in a court of law that a hypothetical was the same thing as an actual crime.  With Firtash’s case falling apart and the new President irritated at how the Democrats lied about what he thought, it seems that Soros may not have the powerful friends he once had in Ukraine.  If the field of battle between the two billionaires, Firtash and Soros were level; who would win?  It’s looking more and more likely that we’re about to find out. 



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