Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Nouno the Vigilante Episode 33 Fractured America

                Carlos Con Guzman is a 16-year-old student at Mount Raineier High School in Des Moines, Washington, which is near Seattle.  Like many in high school, Carlos played sports and hung out with his friends as he tried to get an education.  Des Moines has a large Hispanic population most likely due to their status as a sanctuary city.  Carlos wanted to seem cool so got involved with members of MS 13, which is a Salvadorian gang that is arguably the most deadly in America.  The FBI has an entire wing devoted solely to MS-13. 

                In gang life, murder is very common and there isn’t much hesitation.  One day Carlos upset two MS-13 members named Rudy Oscaldo Garcia-Hernandez and Carlos Orlando Iraheta-Vega.  Rudy was 28-years-old but Carlos Orlando was closer to Carlos Guzman’s age as he was 20.  The two adults led the child to the river where they started beating him with a baseball bat.  They purposely didn’t go for the head as they wanted to torture and play with him before finishing the job.  The blows came without remorse or scruples but pure unadulterated joy.  When they tired, they took out machetes and hacked Guzman body up dismembering it before tossing it in the river. 

                Carlos Orlando addresses Rudy by his alias, “Yo, Inferno, I don’t think the current is going to carry the body.”

                “Doresn’t matter; nobody will touch us anyway.”

                “How do you figure that?”

                “It’s a Sanctuary City so they’re not going to turn me over to ICE.  They can’t keep me in jail here because then ICE knows where I am and they’ll harass him.”

                “You got a record?”

                “Son, I have a very long record with ICE.  I had a record the second I came into this country illegally.”
                “True True”

                Little did they know that their little endeavor would make its way to Arizona, where many ICE agents lived but the two people that would hear from it didn’t care about Sanctuary City laws. 

                Abby and Nouno are in their apartment listening to mainstream media talk about a recent Washington Post article about how Inspector General Horowitz and Bill Barr are arguing about the report Horowitz is set to release.  Abby remarks, “Wait, so Horowitz is going to say that the FBI had good reason to open the case?”

                “We don’t know that until we see the report.”

                “This is huge!  The inspector General is separate from Barr so Barr has no control over what Horowitz reveals.”

                “I said IG reports are normally not very big deals.”

                “Yea, but Barr whining that he can’t say that is hilarious.”

                “We still got the Durham (US Attorney General of Connecticut) criminal case.”

                “Always holding out for another report.  You should just accept that you’re never going to get what you want.”

                “Politically speaking, I’ve accepted that but I have you so that’s all I ever really wanted.”

                Abby gives him a dirty look and he just smiles in return.  “What’s Barr’s problem anyway?”

                “Horowitz is going to say that they got intelligence from the CIA.  The CIA information was enough to open the investigation.  Barr is going to argue that the CIA information was garbage and they got it from unreliable sources so he can’t say that.”

                “Ah, so the CIA is going to pressure Horowitz to say it was done correctly and Barr will attack the CIA.”

                “Yea, so they could both be right.”

                “I guess. Anyway, I found us another case.”

                “Alright, who and where?”

                “Seattle and two MS-13 members cut up a 16-year-old boy’s body with a machete.”

                “Ah back to MS-13 members.  Two Salvadorians I take it?”

                “It doesn’t say but it is a Salvadorian gang so probably.”

                “It doesn’t matter.  They’re killers.  Worse than that, they’re tortuous gang member killers.”

                “There are two of them and it is MS-13.”

                “You think we need backup.”

                “Yea I do”

                “I agree.”

                They make some phone calls and get a group of people together to hunt the two gang members.  On the plane, Abby asks, “So, if the CIA lied to the FBI to get the investigation open, then does that mean they are innocent of any wrong doing?”

                “No, because even after they interviewed Steele and knew he wasn’t credible, they still renewed the FISA three more times to continue spying on President Trump.  They may have been able to claim that in the beginning but not in January 2017 when the FISA was up for renewal.”

                “DIdn’t Brennan say in May 2017 that the dossier wasn’t part of the corpus of intelligence he had for investigating Trump and Russia ties because he didn’t see the dossier until December 2016?”

                “He did say that but what is in the corpus if not the dossier?  It’s been three years since he admitted seeing the Dossier and still we have no idea what this other information is.  You don’t find that odd?”

                “That’s not proof that he did though.”

                “Mary Jacoby, Fusion GPS owner Glenn Simpson’s wife and co-author of the original dossier ‘How Ex-Soviets Use Lobbyists to Woo Washington told everyone that by August 2016, the CIA verified key components in the dossier and was given to President Obama in top secret meetings.  That means they not only saw it before but they verified it before December.”

                “Maybe she lied.”

                “Who has more reason to lie; Brennan or Jacoby?”

                “That doesn’t mean that she didn’t but I do agree Brennan has more incentive to lie.”

                “Here’s another interesting tidbit about Jacoby.  On June 23, 2017, the Washington Post had a bombshell document that was given to the White House of Putin’s direct involvement in a cyber campaign to get Donald Trump elected.”

                “How does that have anything to do with Jacoby?”

                “The next day Jacoby posted on Facebook that it was all her husband’s work that linked Trump to Russia.  She boasted that Steele worked for Glenn, was hired by him and everything was Glenn so he should get the lion share of the credit.”

                “Why would she say that?”

                “Like most people at this time, she fell for the ‘Trump is finished, we got him now’ narrative.”

                “Yea, there’s been like 243 of those.”

                “That may be low.”

                “This is just going to be Bush WMD’s all over again.  They’re just going to claim they had bad information.”

                “Yea, except this time, people’s names will be attached.  (FBI director) Comey will blame (CIA Director) Brennan and Brennan will blame Comey.”

                “What can Brennan accuse Comey of?”

                “The FBI is supposed to vet and verify the information.  It’s not his fault that unverified information was used because it wasn’t his job to verify it.”

                “If that was standard operating procedure at the CIA, we’d have a big problem.”

                “Tell me about it!  Bottom line is that given all the Russian disinformation specialist that Steele had as sources; either Russia tricked the intelligence community or CIA spy Stefan Halper did.”

                “Neither is very good.”

                They land in Seattle and head out to Des Moines where they have an Air BNB set up.  The group sound proofs the room while Abby hacks into their social media accounts.  There are good sides and bad sides in going after gang members.  The good side is that they tend not to go to the police and when one of them goes missing or dies, they believe a rival gang member did it.  The bad side in going after gang members is that they’re ruthless killers and they got back up.  Targets needed to be swift and you had to isolate them.  Abby figured out their routines and decided to nab them separately as Carlos Orlando and Rudy actually didn’t normally hang out together.  Nouno and Abby’s backup was merely to help incapacitate them.  They didn’t stick around for the killing but they were aware that it transpired.  What they didn’t know was how often Abby and Nouno did it.  They split up and Nouno brought his Kukri to counteract the machete.  In the other hand, he carried a baseball bat feeling like a modern day samurai who were notorious for carrying two Samurai swords to battle because they viewed defensive weapons, such as shields, as a sign of weakness.  Nouno came upon Rudy who was attending a soccer match.  It turned out the weapons were not needed as Nouno knew what Rudy’s car looked like and hid in the backseat.  Rudy got into the front seat and a girl entered the passenger seat.  Nouno didn’t mind the company; he jumped out and jammed the syringe into Rudy’s neck releasing a sedative knocking him out.  The girl screamed and Nouno barked in Spanish, “You should leave.”

                She got out and ran while Nouno dragged Rudy into the back seat and drove the car towards the Air BNB.

                The other group was approaching Carlos Orlando.  He was at a keg party drinking and dancing.  Abby hopped into the party and started dancing herself.  Her being one of the only white people there made her stand out but she had the desired effect as Carlos came from behind her and grabbed her from behind.  Abby swung her hips against Carlos’s crotch and bent over grinding herself into him.  Carlos reached down and grabbed her butt as he moved his hips with hers squeezing hard.  With Carlos distracted, the people she came with crept behind him and subtly drove a syringe into his butt.  He put his hand around Carlos and when he slowed he helped him off the floor as if he was drunk.  Two other men kept watching thinking there had to be other MS-13 people there.  Abby feigned disappointment and then left the dance floor the opposite way rendezvousing with her group at the car.  They successfully got Carlos there and threw him in the car.  After situating him they drove them to the Air BNB.  When Carlos and Rudy were dropped off, the backup said their good bye to Nouno and Abby and headed off. 

                Rudy was the first to wake up.  He started screaming obscenities in Spanish and Nouno yelled at him to calm down.  Rudy did and inquired, “Why am I here?”

                “We don’t like illegal immigrants that constantly break the law and bring gang violence to our cities.”

                “You can’t do this to me.  I’m protected.  Des Moines is a sanctuary city.”

                “Not from me.”

                “What are you?  A Trump supporter?”


                “So you hate immigrants.”

                “Only the ones that dismember, torture and kill kids.”

                “He wasn’t a kid.”

                “In this country, 16 is considered a kid.”

                “So you don’t think I assimilated.”

                “No, we’re speaking Spanish right now.”

                “I know about politics.”

                “Who’s Lisa Page?”

                “She’s that slut former FBI lawyer that fucked the lead investigator Peter Strzok and her boss Andy McCabe.”

                “Do you know about the IG report coming out?”

                “Yea, the FBI is going to blame the CIA for giving them bad information, which is why they opened the investigation.”

                “Page hinted that when she testified that if the CIA had another source of the information, she wasn’t aware nor did the CIA tell her that.  She admits it would be weird for them not to tell her.”

                “Maybe she shouldn’t only have fucked FBI people.  Maybe if she screwed John Brennan she would have known they were all using the same source.”

                “Well, if you want to advance your career, you got to fuck the people above you in the organization you work for.”

                Rudy laughed.  “You must be pissed that the IG report is going to say that the FBI investigation was properly opened.”

                “Not really.  That doesn’t mean the FBI is off the hook because it was based on information from the intelligence community.  The intelligence committee could have lied to the FBI.  When the FBI found out they were lied to, they ignored it and proceeded with the investigation despite knowing it was based on a lie.  Horowitz doesn’t know if the intelligence community lied to the FBI because that was Durham’s job to look into.”

                “True true, but it’s not good for your case.”

                “Still not sure about that considering they originally said that they opened the investigation because Downer (Australian diplomat) was told by George Papadopoulos (Trump campaign member) that he met with a Russian agent that said the Russians had dirt on Hillary.”

                “That could be the information they got from the CIA.”

                “No, the dossier came from the CIA.”

                “Could be both.”

                By this time, Carlos Orlando woke up.  He yelled over, “MIfsud already told the main Italian newspaper La Repubblica that he didn’t work for Russia, he never got any money from Russians and that his conscience is clear.  He told them straight up he wasn’t a Russian agent.”

                Nouno blurted out, “Mifsud had more ties with western intelligence assets.  That’s why he was talking to La Republiicca. He’s Maltese, Malta is right by Italy.  He taught in Rome.  The guy is a westerner.”

                Rudy responded, “Only conspiracy theorists say that.”

                “And Mifsud’s lawyer.”

                Carlos was a little more scared than Rudy and he uttered in English, “Look Trump’s rhetoric has forced us to be violent to stay alive.  That’s why we rush to the safety of sanctuary cities and have to leave our country.  We’re afraid for our lives with Trump as president.”

                Nouno replied, “Actually the border dilemma rhetoric was just as harsh under Obama just nobody cared because he was a Democrat.”

                Abby declared, “Not like any of you will know because you’re both going to die today.”

                Rudy retorted, “Whoa whoa whoa, we’re having a nice conversation.  Nobody is going to die today.”

                Nouno raised his pocket knife and answered in the same Spanish that Rudy used, “She doesn’t speak Spanish but she does speak the truth.”

                Abby raised Nouno’s Kukri and they counted to three to do it simultaneously.  Nouno drove the knife into Rudy’s sternum.  Abby chopped off Carlos’ right hand and yelled, “That’s for grabbing my ass.”

                Carlos screamed and Abby hopped over to the other side.  She chopped his other hand off to more screams.  She calmly announced, “That’s for humping me without asking me.”

                Carlos howled in pain again and apologized.  That was when she finally drove the knife into his neck killing him.  They wrapped the bodies and took them to a crematorium they had scoped out earlier.  They broke in and ran two machines; one for each body and then left the premises.  As they watched, Abby pronounced, “Kind of appropriate we are burning a man whose nickname is ‘inferno.’ You know, seeing how dirty this city is makes me think that communist cities are very clean.”

                “Like where?”

                “Singapore I hear is clean.”

                “Definitely not communist.”

                “Well China is so all those places are basically China.”

                “No, they’re not.  Mainland China is the real communism and they wear gas masks pollution is so bad.”

                “Well, now they’re developing so it’s getting better.”

                “What are you talking about?  The Chinese are expanding their emission loads.  We, on the other hand, the people you call dirty, have moved away from coal.  This reduced CO2 emissions, which peaked in 2007.  Now that it’s 2017, emissions dropped 28% according to the EPA.  So, when Glenn Simpson and Mary Jacoby wrote the precursor to the Trump collusion narrative when they wrote the article in April 2007, our emissions were at an all time high.  As Bob Dole’s name was changed to McCain’s and then to Trump’s the emissions plummeted because of Shale drilling.”

                “You mean fracking?  That’s worse.”

                “It has not been proven to contaminate water.  Then again, most environmental claims have not only not been proved but some have been disproven.  They just make shit up.”

                “When you reach an all time high, the only way to go is down.”

                “We are 5% lower than we were in 1990 and we have more people.  China, on the other hand, leads the world in emissions. “

                “Well, the income inequality sucks here.”

                “They actually did a study about that and they found the biggest factor in the income inequality is that the people on the higher end were well educated people working longer hours than those at the other end.  This has skyrocketed since people can work remotely now so they take lab tops home to get more work done.”

                “I can’t talk about this anymore.”

                They head back to the crematorium and clean up the bones and ashes.  After that, they go back to their Air BNB and sleep.  When they wake up, they dispose of the plastic used to cover the beds and head to the airport to fly back to Arizona.

                Not surprisingly, there was no news coverage of the death of the two MS-13 members.  Nouno hoped it would cause a war between MS-13 and another gang.  The more they killed each other, the less time they have to kill innocent civilians and the less there are on the street.  Now, all they could do was lie in wait for their next mission. 

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