Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Theo the Trump Employee Episode 40 the boys who cried wolf

                Theo is on his way to work at the White House.  As people read through the over 400 pages of the recently released Inspector Horowitz report, it’s becoming more and more apparent that Horowitz didn’t absolve anyone from guilt.  In fact, he said as much when he testified in front of congress.  That is all his colleagues have been talking about lately.  While at work, former FBI director Jim Comey is talking with Chris Wallace of Fox News.  Comey admits that the FBI lied to the FISA court calling the accusations fair but then he subtly suggests they were given false information by other agencies, which Theo knows means the CIA but then Comey brings it back to that they had a good reason to spy.  Theo blurts out, “What does he mean that he probably had evidence?  Either you have probable cause or you don’t.  There’s no degrees; it’s either or.”

                Someone responded, “Yea, he presented evidence that was probably true.  What a joke!”

                “He’s still saying that it was part of a mosaic but if the essential and central piece of evidence you have is a hoax, then the smaller stuff is null and void.”

                “It’s like saying that you were told someone killed a guy named Mike.  When the judge asks you what evidence you have, you tell him that someone claimed to be a witness, the guy he accused lives in the same city as the murder and has been seen eating in that area.  If the witness turns out to be full of crap, then the other evidence doesn’t hold up.”

                “Oh, that’s what you meant.  Yea I see what mean.  Without that, you indict the entire city.”


                They decide to turn off the news because they can’t listen to Comey repeatedly lie so fluidly and unapologetically.”

                After work, Theo goes to a bar near George Mason.  Although this is his routine, he knows that the interviews from the collusion hoaxers have probably convinced gullible people and there is nobody more gullible than college students.  He sits at a bar to see if these impressionable college students haven’t realized that the media has been lying to them for three years and feels he needs to reveal it to them.  He orders a drink and sits hoping he’ll be pleasantly surprised.  It doesn’t take long for a guy to announce, “I mean, Steele has been discredited but he had done good work before so you can’t blame the FBI.”

                Theo shakes his head and asks, “When did he do good work?”

                “Oh, he was on the FIFA case”

                “None of his information was used in the FIFA prosecution.  They used other sources to get their charges and indictments.  Steele’s information was deemed unusable.”


“Yea, read the IG report, it’s in there.  In fact, Steele’s information has never been used in a

criminal prosecution.”

 The woman the speaker was with replies, “I admit that the IG report is bad for the FBI but it did

say there was no political bias so that means that Trump and the Republicans weren’t right either.”

                “That is not what IG Horowitz said.”

                “I saw on the news…”

                “That’s why they call it fake news” Theo interrupted, “Did you see Wall Street Journal writer Kim Strossel on TV?  She explains it beautifully.”

                “Must have missed that one.”

                “What Horowitz said is that he didn’t find any documentary bias.”

                “Alright, that’s what I said.”

                “No, you said no bias.  No documentary bias means they didn’t find an official document on DOJ letterhead saying ‘we’re going to get Trump.’”

                “Oh well, yea, they’re not that fucking stupid.”

                “Precisely, so why people are grabbing on to that is misleading.  They know what it says but they know people are too lazy to read the whole 400 some odd pages.”

                “I guess you’re enough of a dork to read it” she offered with a smile and tapped his hand to try to ease the blow

                Theo wasn’t offended, “Oh I absolutely am.  Even if you didn’t read it, you could have just watched the testimony.”

                “I did”

                “Did you miss the part when he declared that the FBI’s motivation was one of two things and he’s unclear which one, gross incompetence or intentionality?”

                “Yea, so he didn’t say they were biased.”

                “He also didn’t rule it out.  He was unclear on which one.  Instead, Horowitz presents the evidence for lay people to decide for themselves.  Here are the facts, 17 errors and all of them hurt Carter Page or someone on Trump’s campaign.  You really don’t think that’s biased?”

                “The couple looks at each other unsure how to respond.”

                The guy smiles and turns to Theo.  Theo has a strange feeling that he’s about to try to impress the girl by debating Theo and Theo is ready to humiliate him in the process even though the girl is way too young for him.  The guy asserts, “Well, Comey took responsibility that the FBI told false information to the FISA and now Wray (Current FBI director) is going to figure out how it happened and get to the bottom of it.”

                “All of this happened under Comey’s watch.”

                “Yea, but the FBI is big.  He didn’t know what they were doing.”

                “Are you kidding?  He was given the Woods file.”

                “What’s that?”

                “It’s a spreadsheet of all the claims made in the dossier and their conclusion on the veracity.  What happens is that information is sent to the five eyes, which are America, England, New Zealand, Australia and Canada.  The five intelligence communities decide on the veracity of the information.  Every single point was deemed uncorroborated, open source material, unverified or proven to be false.”

                “How do we know Comey saw this?”

                “He signed it”

                “Oh, well at least he’s saying now that it’s fair to say the FBI lied to the FISA court so he’s admitting the mistake.”

                “After he got caught.  On 12/7/18, he claimed that the notion the FISA was abused was nonsense and that the FISA went through the proper procedures.”

                “Again, you’re only focused on the FBI.  Trump lied to us too.”


                “He said his campaign was spied on but it wasn’t”

                “That’s not what Comey said in sworn testimony.”          

                “He did when he was on with Wallace”

                “You believe what he proclaims on media hits but not what he swears under oath?”

                “Well no, but what was his testimony?”

                Theo shows him a screenshot of a transcript of his testimony on Capitol Hill saying that he was tasked to investigate and the investigation was ‘including the nature of individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and Russia.”

                “Carter Page was on the campaign but not when they got the FISA.”

                “You don’t get all the phone calls and e-mails from the FISA date on, you can go back years so they can look at his correspondence while he was on the campaign.”

                “I didn’t know that”

                “Comey did.”

                “Yea, I imagine he did.”

                “Then even after he admits the FBI messed up he gives that classic line, ‘how did this happen and is it systemic?”

                “Classic line?”

                “Nobody takes responsibility for their actions anymore.  They always blame society and the system because heaven forbid people are responsible for what they do.  I know your generation loves claiming ‘it’s not my fault’ but it is your fault.”

                “Wow, you’re pretty bitter and are an agist”

                “Yes I am”

                “it’s not Comey’s fault because he wasn’t involved in the investigation.  The director doesn’t get involved because that just puts pressure and messes things up.”

                “Make no mistake about it, when you’re dealing with threats to the president, the director is briefed daily.  Actually, it’s probably more like hourly.”

                “How do you know this?”

                “I worked in a federal court house and the White House so I know how thorough the intelligence community is supposed to be.  This case is as important as FBI investigations get.  The director is going to make sure it isn’t messed up.  That is, unless the director’s mission is to entrap and stop a candidate from being president and is intentionally committing malfeasance.”

                “I know his credentials, he ran the FBI.  You worked for a court house and the White House so you’re biased and never really worked in law enforcement so who’s more credible?”

                “Well, I majored in economics and economists always make ridiculous assumptions to simplify the world.  Let’s do that now.  Let’s pretend that Comey isn’t a liar; that would be worse.”

                “How so?”

                “That means he is so incompetent that the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign and the director had no idea what was going on.  Blame always goes toward the top right?  That’s what happens at all these colleges when long established coaches and athletic directors are fired by things their subordinates did.  Why wouldn’t the same policy apply to the FBI?”

                George Mason is a division one athletics school so this comparison seemed to hit an accord with them.  The guy stutters a bit and then utters, “I’ll at least give him credit for not hiding.  He’s on national TV facing the fire.”

                “Dealing with journalists is child play.  Look at how easily he can manipulate the public; hell you bought it.  If he had so much integrity to face the fire, then why is he refusing to have his security clearance reinstated so that he can be interviewed by Bill Barr and John Durham for the criminal investigation as to how this investigation started?”

                “I didn’t hear about this.  What is he doing?”

                “When being interviewed by Barr and Durham, Comey hides behind the ‘I don’t remember’ excuse.  Barr and Durham can then show him documents and things to refresh his memory or bolster their point.  The documents and such they need to show him however are classified so they want to reinstate his security clearance temporarily so he can answer the questions.”

                “He doesn’t have to cooperate.  Good for him.  He got fired by Trump; he doesn’t owe him shit.  Trump ordered that people stop cooperating.”
                “After he cooperated for three years with Mueller.”

                “So what?  He’s not anymore.  I say good for Comey for not playing ball.”

                “I’m guessing you’re one of the people that attack President Trump for not releasing his tax returns.”

                “Yea, if he has nothing to hide then he shouldn’t care.”

                “Why can’t you say that about Comey?”

                “You can, but it’s beating Trump at his own game.  He doesn’t have to answer his questions.  He’s still protected by the 5th amendment.”

                “Yet the president is denied due process and facing his accusers in the whistleblower.”

                “We’re not talking about that.”

                “It completely negates your argument that he’s manning up and facing the fire by hiding behind his lack of a security clearance.  You can’t call him brave.”

                “Fine, he’s not brave but I don’t have a problem with what he’s doing.”

                “That’s all I’m saying.  Barr was given the power to declassify by the president so theoretically he could just declassify all the pertinent documents.  Comey hasn’t been director for three years, so it’s all old information anyway.  I think that would be a way around it.”

                “There you go.  That’s how you play the game.”

                “I guess I’m okay with that.”

                “Well, we got to go; it was nice talking to you.”

                “Take a shot with me before you go.”

                The guy shrugs, “Alright, are you buying?”

                “Of course I am, you’re poor college students.”

                The couple smiled and Theo ordered three shots.  They clinked glasses and took it down.  The couple then left and Theo went back to the bar.  As Theo sits at the bar, he contemplates what his next course of action is.  He doesn’t know if he should go to a different bar but he seems to remember that usually after the first argument he initiates, a third party will come for a discussion.  Sure enough a blond haired girl comes up to him.  She voices, “Hi, I’m Diane.”

                “Hi Diane, I’m Theo”

                Diane opens her arms as Theo holds his hand out.  Theo takes the hint and gets up and hugs her.  “I was eavesdropping on your conversation.”

                “Alright, do you have anything you want to add?”

                “Well, I think the Comey topic is exhausted but now that they’re going to vote on impeachment, I wanted to ask you about Schiff.”

                “He’s another liar but the fact that he subpoenaed the phone records of his fellow committee member Devin Nunes and even journalists is crossing a line.  I think he’s the most corrupt politician in American history.  I’ve never seen someone so power hungry.  I know it’s redundant calling a politician ‘power hungry’ but he’s even bad for a politician.”

                “Strong words.”

                “I mean every one of them.”

                “Well, Schiff corroborated what Comey said to Chris Wallace.  There was no spying on the campaign but there were abuses of the FISA.  He has vowed to help correct them.”

                “Schiff and Comey merely told the same lie to cover up how they’ve been telling us for two years how the dossier was real and corroborated.  Schiff told us three years ago that he personally had evidence that President Trump colluded with the Russians.”

                “He admits that he didn’t know about the abuses then and he was wrong.  That’s different from lying.”

                “Devin Nunes knew two years ago, why didn’t Schiff?”

                “Nunes supports the president.”

                “Doesn’t matter who likes who, facts are facts.  Nunes wrote a memo about the dossier being a hoax document and completely false.  Schiff wrote a memo saying everything Nunes claimed was wrong.  One of them was right and it wasn’t Schiff.  Schiff’s memo has been proven to be categorically false.”

                “Like I said, he was wrong.  He didn’t lie.”

                “Schiff and Nunes are both their respective highest ranking officials on the same committee.  In the beginning, Nunes was the chair because Republicans controlled the house.  Now they switched and Schiff is the chair.  Bottom line is though they are on the same committee thus given the same information and have access to the same documents.  Schiff has been briefed and has seen everything Nunes did.  Yet, Nunes told us the truth that the IG report just confirmed and Schiff told us the opposite.  If they both had the same information then what do you call Schiff’s statement and memo now?”

                “He was on the news today saying he didn’t know.”

                “He’s lying!” Theo exclaimed, “How can you believe anything this guy tells you? The IG report has proven that almost everything he has told you for the last three years has been a lie.  That’s just FISA, the latest impeachment hearings were a joke too.  Almost all of his witnesses had no firsthand knowledge and the other ones confirmed that the Democrats pressured Ukraine more than Trump did.  You need to stop believing people when all they do is lie to you.”

                “What’s Nunes saying now?”

                “He wrote an official memo to Schiff highlighting all the lies Schiff told in his original memo.  Before this, in what may be my favorite thing I’ve ever read in an official government documents, ‘After publishing false conclusions of such enormity on a topic directly within the committee’s oversight capabilities.  It is clear you are in need of rehabilitation and I hope this letter will serve as the first step in that vital process.’ Then goes on to list all the ways he lied in the first memo.”

                Theo was unable to keep a straight face as he repeated verbatim from the memo and cackled at the end.  Diane laughed as well, “Wow, talk about gloating?  You don’t think that’s a little petty though?  They’re supposed to be professional.”

                “Schiff threw professionalism out the window when he opted to spy on Nunes for disagreeing with him.  For three years Schiff has attacked Nunes’ credibility and character and tried to ruin, defame and intimidate him into silence.  Nothing is unprofessional or too low at this point.”

                “You don’t like Schiff; got it?”

                “Why do you like when people lie to you?  This is what I don’t get about women.  That’s why you always fall for the wrong guys because it’s like you love the way they lie.  I never got that.”

                “I don’t like being lied to!” she fired back contemptuously. 

                “Then how can you defend Schiff?”

                “Look, it’s over.  The house is voting on impeachment this week and then we’ll see what happens.  I personally think there’s no way a Republican Senate removes him so it’ll all be over soon.”

                “No it won’t because media outlets will continue to book Schiff because people like you continue to believe him.”

                “There’s nothing to talk to him about after this week.”

                “False, he and Nadler are going to claim that President Trump’s going to collude with another country and start the whole process all over again.  You watch, it’ll probably be Turkey.”

                “What?  I haven’t heard this.”

                “I know how they operate.  President Trump was hesitant on giving Ukraine defense weapons to fight Russia for Crimea.  This is when the president was a candidate.  Due to this, they claimed he colluded with Russia because he wouldn’t help Ukraine against Russia.  Then he became president and does give the Ukrainians the weapons that Obama wouldn’t.  Obama was the one that let Russia take Crimea not Trump.  Since president Trump did something to help Ukraine, they changed the narrative to that he colluded with Ukraine.  Now, we know that Hillary colluded with Russians because both of Steele’s sources were Russians and she was involved in Skolkovo and Russians contributed hundreds of millions of dollars to her foundation and campaign.  She also paid Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on president Trump and Fusion GPS hired Steele.  The Democrats also colluded with Ukraine because DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa used the Ukrainian embassy to get a meeting with the Ukrainian president and the president gave her information about Paul Manafort leading to his removal as campaign manager.  Now, the document given to Chalupa, the black ledger, was a fake just like the dossier but Manafort does seem kind of shady.  Bottom line is, the Democrat and media push about president Trump’s collusion is all projection.  As far as I know, when they pivot to Turkey, it will be the first time it’s not projecting and merely just reacting when one of Trump’s foreign policies helps a country, then that’s the new country the Democrats are going to claim he colluded with.”

                “How was Turkey benefitted by Trump’s foreign policy?”

                “By pulling out of Syria, Turkey is the largest and strongest military in the region.”

                “Oh, well we’ve been in the middle east too long.”

                “That’s not the Democrat talking point now that the president is in favor of withdrawing.  Now, we’re abandoning them.  Of course, when Bush was president all the troops needed to come home.  You see how they change their principles based on who’s in office?”
                “Well, I think they should be withdrawn.”

                “Wait a couple months.  You’ll go to your indoctrination meeting and soon you’ll be in a bar saying that the fact President Trump pulled out of Syria proved he’s colluding with Turkey.  Just watch how you become a parrot of the Democrats.”

                “You can’t say that when you don’t know me.”

                “I just did.  I know based on this conversation.  You’re very predictable.”

                Diane scoffed and stormed off.

                It didn’t take long for a large redheaded man to approach him.  He sat down and scolded, “You know you could have been a little nicer about it.”

                “Maybe, but given how much she likes Schiff, I think she likes being abused by men.”

                “That’s a pretty fucked up thing to say.”

                “You’re naïve if you don’t think women like bad boys and don’t like when guys mistreat them.  It’s why I’m single.  When I respect a girl, they don’t like it and put me in the friend zone and won’t date me.  When I don’t, they want me but why would I want to be with a girl that’s okay with a guy that disrespects them?”

                He shrugs his shoulders, “You like making generic statements.”

                “There’s a reason for stereotypes and generalities.  It’s the way our mind processes information.  They’re called ‘schemas.”

                “Whatever, I didn’t come to talk about women.”

                “Then what do you want to talk about?”

                “I see you have contempt for the Democrats but you can’t buy into this whole ‘fake news’ crap do you?”

                “How could I not?  They lied to us for three years too.”

                “They were lied to by Comey, Brennan and Schiff.”

                Theo’s voice turned facetious, “Yea, and Comey was lied to by Brennan and Schiff didn’t know.  It’s fascinating how gullible you people are.”

                It was at this point that Theo was glad the person he was talking to was white.  He used the term ‘you people’ a lot always forgetting that people view it as a racist expression.  Theo literally used it for anyone that was not him, which included both genders and all races.  Theo had the mentality it was him vs. the world so it was with him or ‘you people.’  Though, ‘you people’ refers to different groups in different contexts.  The redhead picked up on this when he inquired, “Who’s you people?”

                “College students.”

                “Oh, how about this; I’m Charlie.”

                “I’m Theo”

                They shook hands and Charlie articulated, “You’re on the band wagon that the media is also to blame.”

                “Yes, they were complicit in this.  They have established themselves as the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.”
                “Like who?”

                “Alisyn Camerota was the worst one but Nicole Wallace tried valiantly and came in a close second.  Actually, I don’t even know.  You have Chris Cuomo, Brian Stelter, Don Lemon, there are a lot of people that have lied to us for the last three years according to the IG report.  They continue to lie even now about the IG report.”
                “Well, let’s go with the first ones that popped into your head.”

                “Camerota and Nicole Wallace told us the Steele dossier was corroborated for a year.  Then, when Mueller concluded that it wasn’t corroborated, they switched to ‘never disproven’ and had withstood the test of time.  Now, the IG report did disprove it so everything they said for the last three years was a lie.  Even Horowitz didn’t, the burden of proof is on the accuser.  There’s no such thing as having a disprove an accusation.  The accuser needs to prove what they’re alleging.  That’s how our system works.”

                “What makes them worse than everyone else?”

                “Every time a law maker or former law maker or law enforcement person tried to tell Wallace or Camerota they were wrong, they ridiculed them, feigned disgust, threw a hissy fit and wouldn’t let them speak.  It was a full on meltdown because someone told them the truth to a question they asked.  Like I said, women hate when men are honest with them and tell them the truth.  Camerota takes the gold because she constantly talked about how CNN reporting and their investigation confirmed everything.  That means she’s claiming that it was independently verified so she can’t claim now that she was lied to or given bad information because she claimed they conducted their own verification.  That’s what makes her a liar and discredits any attempt of deniability.”

                “Maybe some parts of the dossier were verified and corroborated.”

                “Name one.”

                “I don’t know, I’m just saying maybe.”

                “They didn’t say some information.  They said key claims.  There are only three key FISA claims.  The first one is that Michael Cohen met with Russians in Prague to collude in the 2016 election.  It turns out that Michael Cohen hasn’t even been to Prague.  The second was that Carter Page accepted a bribe worth like hundreds of millions of dollars or something ridiculous like that by owning a percentage of a huge Russian energy company called Rosneft.  Page was supposedly to have been bribed by the owner of the company Igor Sechin and Igor Divyekin.  It turns out that Page has never met either one of them let alone met and got bribed by them to help release sanctions.  Then the last claim that Carter Page was involved in a criminal conspiracy with Russia and the Trump campaign because he had Russian contacts but the Russian contacts were Russians he contacted on behalf of the CIA.  What part of that is verified?”

                “They got bad intelligence.”

                “Are you listening to what I’m telling you?  The lies they told don’t have a shred of truth.  If you insert my name with Michael Cohen’s, it is a truer statement because at least I’ve been to Prague!  The simplest parts of these claims aren’t even true.  It’s like investigating a murder and then finding out the guy isn’t dead nor did anyone even attack him.  If I claimed to you that Ryan was killed on the way to work and then you found out that Ryan woke up, got ready for work.  He then got on the train and got off his stop and went to work.  When work was over, he reversed course and went home and watched TV. What would you think about what I told you?  Would you consider me a reliable person?  If I told you something in the future, how would you take it?”

                Charlie’s eyes wandered around as what Theo was saying was sinking in.  He quickly realized he didn’t really see the magnitude of the IG report.  He responded, “All I’m saying is you should apologize to the nice lady.  You were exceptionally harsh to her.”

                “I think I was worse to you.”

                “I can handle it”

                “I’m sure she can too but I’ll buy you a drink for manning up and defending a woman.  I can respect that even if you are misguided and wrong.”

                Charlie laughed and accepted the drink.  A brunette replaced Charlie and Theo chuckled.  The brunette opined, “You’re really causing a stir in here; kind of taking on everyone.”

                “By gone, I’ll take you on, headstrong I’ll take on anyone.”


                Theo’s head snapped back, “I’m impressed.  I thought you’d be too young to know them.”

                “No, I listen to old music.  It’s not all Justin Bieber for me.”

                Theo grinned wide thinking it was comical she considered Trapt ‘old music.’  He conceded, “Fair enough.”

                “You know Trump is going to get impeached right?”

                “Yes, I do.  I think some Democrats will vote against it but they need like 18 or something like that and I don’t think that many will.  They probably won’t get more than 10 but I doubt they get any Republicans.  That means, we’ll have bipartisan support against impeachment but not for.  It’ll be a first in American history.”

                “It’ll be a stain on Trump’s presidency.”

                “I don’t know about that?”

                “How can it not?  The third president to ever get impeached!”

                “I was alive for the last one.  Probably right around the time you were born.  Tell me something, when you think of the Clinton presidency, does ‘impeachment’ pop into your head first?”

                “Well, like you said, I wasn’t around.”

                “So what?  You know recent American history don’t you.”

                “People think of Monica Lewinsky.”

                “Do they think about impeachment though or just that he banged a government clerk?”

                “Mostly that he banged a government clerk.”

                “Just like in 1998, there isn’t much support for impeachment among the people.”

                “There wasn’t in 1998?”

                “No, everyone was like how is he getting impeached for lying about cheating on his wife?  All cheaters do that.  I knew how horrible of a president he was so I was okay with it.  He actually committed a crime; perjury.  Unlike Trump, who didn’t, they just accused him of it but their arguments always fall apart under any scrutiny, let alone close scrutiny.”

                “People hate Trump”

                “Liberals do but they’re going to hate him regardless.  With every impeachment hearing, independent voters’ support for impeachment plummeted.  The more the Democrats unveiled their case, and remember the Republicans weren’t allowed to call rebuttal witnesses, the more people stopped believing them.  Even with the biased one-sided story, independent voters still saw it a sham.”

                “Not the ones I know.”

                “D.C. doesn’t matter.  The swing states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin had similar findings.  The more Schiff and Nadler talked, the less supportive they were of impeachment.”

                “Even if he didn’t do what they claim, he’s still a racist and we can’t have a racist president.”
                “He’s a really shitty racist when under his policies, black and Hispanic unemployment is at an all time low.  Well, 50 year low for blacks.  He also called out the mayor of Baltimore for abandoning his fellow black constituents.  Then you have the blexit campaign.  Black voter support is the highest it’s been for a Republican in decades so no, the blacks don’t agree with you at all.”

                “Why do you think Democrats will vote against impeachment?”

                “Two Democrats voted against having the inquiry or hearings.”

                “Yea, but one of them is switching to Republican.”

                “Still got the one but Jeff Van Drew is no Republican.  I do think it’s funny that his staffers couldn’t see through what he’s doing and resigned.  I love these little hissy fits liberals throw when they don’t get their way.  They’re like little kids.”

                “His staffers resigned?”
                “Yea, I think like five of them because he switched parties.”

                “And you still don’t support him?”

                “He knows his district voted for President Trump.  He’s only trying to get re-elected.  We should still primary his ass.  You don’t get credit for doing the right thing and voting against an obvious hoax.”

                “Well I’m from Jersey, so I’m disappointed because he’s from my state.”

                “Well, I’m from New York so I don’t really care about Jersey.”   

                She gave him a wry look and Theo smiled backed.  He then realizes that he should probably be going.  He buys the brunette a drink and excuses himself.  He waits for the flashing lights to signal the subway is arriving and then he gets on the train to head back.  While on the train, someone closer to Theo’s age is yelling, “I can’t believe McConnell (Senate majority leader) says he’s going to coordinate the defense in the impeachment hearing with the White House.  It’s fucking bullshit.”

                Theo posed, “Why?  It’s standard procedure.”

                “No, it’s not!  Tom Daschle even tweeted out that he never would have done that with Clinton because it would be irresponsible.”

                “You haven’t checked his twitter feed lately did you?”

                “What do you mean?”

                Theo took a screen shot so didn’t need the internet to show him the tweet where Daschle explains that although he didn’t coordinate with the Clinton White House on impeachment, his staff did.  He then tries to claim that he wasn’t being clear before and didn’t want anyone to misinterpret what he said.  The man has a perplexed look on his face, “It’s not a misunderstanding, he clearly said he didn’t and it would be wrong if he did. Now he’s saying that his staff did and it’s all fine?”

                “That’s the thing about Democrats, they aren’t consistent.  They’re all fucking hypocrites and constantly use the strategy to lie and send the lie around the world and then bury the retraction knowing that only a fraction of the people that read the lie will read the retraction.  Meanwhile, if someone calls them out on it, they can still say they retracted it so they’re covered.”

                “How do you figure?  The same followers read the same tweet.”

                “How did you know the lie but not the retraction?”

                The man ponders this and then shrugs his shoulders, “Touché.”

                “Impeachment is not a criminal trial; it’s a political process so the same rules don’t apply.  That’s why it’s okay for the Senate to coordinate with the White House, in this case the defense, but in a criminal trial, the jurors can’t coordinate with either the prosecution or the defense.  You can’t pretend that the set of rules for one process is the same for an entirely different process.  That’s like calling a hand ball in basketball because you’re applying soccer rules to basketball.”

                “Alright, so it’s an honest mistake.”

                “You didn’t have any cognitive dissonance that Schiff coordinated with the whistleblower for the impeachment and he’s a juror for whether to impeach?  How was it fine for Schiff but McConnell needs to step down over the same thing?”
                “I didn’t really think of that I guess.”

                “There’s a lot of bullshit out there.  A little skepticism will do you good.”

                “I’ll keep that in mind though I hope I don’t become as cynical as you.”

                “That’s unfortunate.  It would be nice if more people lived in the real world like me.”

                Both of them smiled at this but that was the end of their conversation.  The train arrived in Rockville, Maryland and Theo went home.  He didn’t know when but he knew that one day this week, his boss would be impeached.  He had no idea what the mood in the White House was going to be then.  Given the backlash from the voters during Clinton’s impeachment, he actually thought it was good for 2020.  He especially believed this because the Democrats have already stated that if the Senate doesn’t remove him from office, they’re just going to impeach him all over again.  If they keep up their childish antics, Democrats may never win again.  He had long given up trying to predict elections.  A lot can happen in 11 months.  They don’t even know who the president would be running against.  He thought it was obvious the house Democrats were drunk with power and proved they didn’t deserve it.  The problem was what he thought was obvious seemed to be lost on the general population.  That was what he constantly confirmed with all these visits to college bars.  He knew that even if he won the argument, they would just be reindoctrinated later.  Still though, America was worth fighting for and he was willing to be in the trenches. 


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