Monday, December 2, 2019

Theo the Trump Employee Episode 38 Speechless Women Speaking Out

                Theo is heading to work as a staffer in the Trump White House.  Just last night there was a 60 minutes episode about YouTube where they admit they are trying to censor conservative thought.  When the owner of YouTube tried a vanilla answer that she’s trying to balance free speech with not allowing hate speech, the interviewer attacks her that it’s not a free speech issue because they are a private company.  60 minutes informs her that she can do whatever she wants and the YouTube owner agrees.  It is a not so subtle threat by the liberal mob that if they don’t suppress conservatives, then they will come after them.  Theo knows this will be the topic of discussion today and he wasn’t wrong. 

                At work, a female co-worker is complaining about this and Theo is echoing her sentiments.  She says, “I hate to admit it but the liberal pressure ad campaigns are working because Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube are suppressing political ads.”

                “Well, they know it’s their only hope left.  They can’t win in a vote because their policies are constantly voted down by the people.  They used to rely on judges to legislate from the bench but with the President reshaping the United States Judiciary with all his judge nominees, that option is gone.  Now, all they can do is intimidate businesses.  They’re desperate and it’s hard to get businesses to grow a spine.”

                “Yea, even Chic Fil-A gave in.  The online ban on political ads is attacking conservatives since they’re better at memes.”

                A male co-worker chimes in, “Come on guys.  It affects both parties.  The rule isn’t that Republicans can’t run political ads, it’s that nobody can.”

                Theo retorts, “Not really.  Google is having donor-funded ‘local news’ that would get around Google’s restrictions that persuade people to vote Democrat.  If conservatives or Republicans try that, they’ll call it a political ad but when Democrats do, it’ll qualify.”

                That pretty much ended the debate and they got back to what they’re actually paid to do.  After work, Theo went to a Vanderbilt bar to troll college students.  He was in a particularly bad mood because he was really looking forward to a trip he was supposed to take with his niece but she had just cancelled on him.  He gets a drink and sits down.  A redheaded girl raises her glass and announces, “To Lisa Page for refusing to be speechless.”

                Theo smiles and turns towards her, “Oh, so you saw the new Aladdin movie?” as Jasmine has a song that wasn’t in the cartoon about her not being speechless.

                “Hell yea.”

                “So, do you agree with Lisa Page on the Daily Beast that she did nothing wrong?”

                “I don’t really know the issue but, I mean, Trump repeatedly mocks her by making orgasm noises in a rally in Minnesota and calling her out for treason.”

                “She texted lead investigator Peter Strzok thousands of time attacking President Trump supporters and vowing to stop him from being president.  It’s actually against the law for FBI agents to be that biased.  They talk about meeting with the White House and CIA to coordinate the attack on President Trump.  There are also texts of them discussing what spy to send to the White House as they had a few during the transition period.  That can qualify as treason.  She was also dumb enough to do this on an FBI phone.”

                “I thought she defended herself pretty well.  The IG report is looking into why they started the investigation and she explained that he was talking to a Russian agent.”

                “Joseph Mifsud?”


                “There is no evidence that Mifsud is a Russian agent.  All his contacts are with Western intelligence.  Even Mueller wasn’t dumb enough to claim Mifsud was a Russian agent.  Don’t you find it odd that she’s going to the media a week before the IG report is about to be released?  Something tells me she knows how badly she is portrayed in it and this has nothing to do with President Trump’s speeches or tweets.”

                “I guess we’ll find out won’t we.”

                “Yes, we will but IG reports never use strong language so it’s probably not going to be too damning.  It was enough for her to come out though so that’ll be interesting.”

                The redhead walked away without saying anything.  She walked over to a group of guys and Theo noticed her indicating his direction with his head.  As much as new age women were feminists, they still solicit men to do their dirty work for them.  A student about 6’2” with a fit frame approached the six foot husky Theo confrontationally.  Theo smiled and uttered, “Hi”

                “Hi, so you’re a Trump supporter?”

                “Not only that but I work for him.”

                “I suppose you think the Whistleblower should be outed?”

                “You mean Eric Ciaramella or Adam Lovinger?”

                The guy took a step back in confusion.  “Ummm, well, both I guess.”

                “I’m sure you drank the Kool Aid that it’s illegal to expose the name of the whistleblower but it’s only illegal for the Intelligence Committee Inspector General and I am not him.  What’s interesting is you protect the Ukraine whistleblower who’s information was fourth hand but not the one that uncovered the discrepancy himself.”

                “I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about.”

                “How about this?  Which one is which?”

                “I don’t listen to people who break the…wait….well…I don’t know”

                “Eric Ciaramella is the one you like.  Adam Lovinger was a whistleblower for the Pentagon.”

                “I don’t care about this shit.  Bottom line is, the New York Times admitted that nobody spied on the Trump campaign.”

                “Did you read the article or just the headline?”

                “I read it?”

                “You probably just had someone tell you of its existence but didn’t see either.  In the article it says that they sent undercover agent to monitor and get close to Trump campaign officials.  Just because you don’t call it ‘spying’ doesn’t’ mean it’s not.  Especially since in May 2019, the same New York Times wrote an article saying the FBI sent spies to expose Russian corruption on the Trump campaign but that was before the deep state and liberals decided to make ‘spy’ a dirty work because Bill Barr said it.”

                “I believe Whistleblowers”

                “So, you believe Adam Lovinger too?”

                “Yes, anything to get Trump.”

                “Well, Adam Lovinger exposed a million dollars given from the Office of Net Assessment at the Pentagon to a known CIA spy named Stefan Halper, who was a professor at Cambridge in London and taught a course with a Russian intelligence officer that Steele listed as one of his sources for his dossier.’

                “How come I don’t know about this?  I’m a political science major.”

                “Because the mainstream media is a propaganda arm for the Democrat party and colleges and universities are taught by only far-left activists who shield their young impressionable students from the truth.”

                “Or, it’s just a conspiracy theory that nobody thinks is credible.”

                “It was credible enough for the Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley to send a letter to the Principle Attorney General Fine asking if the Office of Net Assessment contracts were used to support partisan politics or other wasteful activities.  He also wanted to know about progress reports about the whistleblower Adam Lovinger who was suspended without pay for exposing Halper’s corruption.  They paid him for information on four papers and he didn’t contribute to any of them.  He did however invite Sam Clovis, Mike Flynn, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and Steven Miller to London where there aren’t really surveillance laws.  All members of the Trump campaign and he was with Steele and a CIA spy for John Brennan.”

                “Wait, I thought it was illegal to be punished for blowing the whistle.”

                “It is but everyone that has exposed someone who is attacking President Trump goes scot free from prosecution.  Yea, they get fired but they are pretty much committing treason and are guilty of a soft coup.  Meanwhile, anyone that supports Trump gets arrested for process crimes that are widely discredited.”

                “So, Halper ripped us off.”

                “Not just with the four papers but it’s becoming possible that Halper never even talked to Trubnikov, Steele’s Russian source, about President Trump.  Since the office of net assessment uses tax payer money, either we paid for a spy to spy on the President or he got it from a notorious Russian disinformation propagandist who is very close to Putin.  Given that nothing has happened to him and he still lives in Russia and works close to Putin, we know that outing him talking to Halper didn’t harm him so if they did speak, Trubnikov lied to him and Halper fed the information to the US government.  Then again, it’s beginning to look like Halper just made the whole thing up.  That’s the other option.”

                “We’re getting off topic.  You harassed my friend for praising a woman speaking up.”

                “She picked the wrong woman.  Why doesn’t she praise Svelana Lokhova, who was a Russian immigrant to England?  She was Halper’s student and he spread a rumor that she seduced Mike Flynn in 2014.  At the time, Flynn was a noted opponent of Obama’s Iran deal so Obama targeted him and tried to ruin his marriage by saying he had an affair with Lokhova.  They called her a Russian agent even though she hadn’t lived there in over a decade.  Given that she was a student, that’s about half her life.  On June 5, 2018, she emerged to reveal that Halper’s aid Steven Strange invited Steven Miller, who you may remember was President Trump’s cabinet member that was in charge of immigration reform.  Funny, how all these people in Trump’s circle end up being invited to London with Halper where the UK has been complicit in spying on them and there’s a dossier from a former MI6 agent Christopher Steele, who is a close friend of Halper.”

                “Do you have any evidence that Halper just made the whole thing up?”

                The male student’s tone was now one of interest as he was realizing that he was intellectually overmatched.  Theo replied, “Yes, an IG report looked into the ONA (Office of Net Assessment) money and found that none of the 348 footnotes in deliverables attributed to source material to an interview conducted by Halper.  ONA personnel also couldn’t provide any information that the sources contributed to the India-China papers that it paid for.  The ones they contacted adamantly denied speaking with Halper. “

                “So, he’s accepted money for papers before from the same organization and just made up the information and who he spoke to?”

                “Yea, there’s a precedent.  Of course the ONA is claiming that they don’t require people to prove they travelled where they said they did and talked to who they said they did.”

                “Yea, but someone did look into it and found no evidence it happened.”

                ‘Yup, he used us to fly around the world as he pretended to work on the paper when he wasn’t.”

                The man retreated back to his group and Theo turned around beaming.  A blond approaches him stomping her feet as she walked with a purpose.  She sticks out her hands, “Hi, I’m AJ.”

                “Hi AJ, I’m Theo.”

                “You hate women.”

                “How did you get that?  Because I attacked Stefan Halper?”

                “No, because you attacked Lisa Page.”

                “I also defended Svetlana Lokhova for speaking up against power too but you probably don’t care about that one because she doesn’t agree with your ideology.”

                “I am a woman, I know”

                “No, you don’t.  You’re a hypocrite.”

                Her eyes got wide, “What did you call me?”

                “You’re a hypocrite.  What do you think of Condeleeza Rice, Ann Coulter, Candace Owens, Sarah Palin, Carly Fiorina, Laura Loomer, Danielle D’Souza….”

                “They’re all self-hating women!”

                “You’re proving my point.  Neither you nor your little posse has been able to beat me with straight facts and data so you’ve resorted to name calling.”

                “What about Elizabeth Warren?”

                “She’s evil and trying to destroy this county.  She also lies all the time.  She pretended to be Native American so she could exploit affirmative action, she lied that she sent her kids to public school when she sent them to private, she attacks millionaires when she is one; what’s there to like?”

                “She’s a millionaire, which is why she knows that nobody does it alone so they should give back.”

                “They do.  They give almost half their income to taxes.”

                “We paid for the roads leading to their businesses or that were used to ship their products.  We paid for the police to protect their businesses from being attacked.  We paid for the firemen that came to help them when they got hurt.  Good for them they got rich, now they got to give back for the infrastructure of the social contract that made it happen.”

                “You didn’t pay for shit.  You’re a college student so probably get money from the government in taxes not give it.  The middle class, upper middle class and rich paid for the infrastructure.”

                AJ scoffed, “I can’t believe you just said that.”

                “You want the numbers?  The top 20% of earners, the highest income bracket, pays 80% of the tax load.  What do you think would be fair?”

                “What Europe has”

                “Really?  That’s interesting because they have higher marginal tax rates on lower levels of income than we do.”

                “Germany’s doing well.”

                “Germany’s second highest marginal rate kicks in for 42% of households.  You hit that when you make $124,000 a year.  In America, that income bracket gets taxed 22%.  They would have to make over $612,000 more get to the highest tax rate in the United States and they’re still only paying 37%.”

                “Fine, what about England?  They have universal healthcare.”

                “And it’s collapsing.  4.3 million British citizens are waiting for hospitalization.  That’s the highest level in 10 years.”

                “How can that be?”

                “There’s only two ways to distribute scarce resources, like a Doctor’s time; price and rationing.  There’s no third option.  Since it’s ‘free,’ you can’t regulate it by price so it’s rationed.  What that causes is that doctors and nurses aren’t making any money in medicine so they quit and do something else.  People in school don’t study medicine if they want to work in England.  Foreign medical professionals don’t go there because they’re not going to make any money.  That’s why 43% of advertized medical positions went unfilled last year.  That’s what you get for the ‘free’ price of doubling all your taxes….like England did to pay for it.  This exodus of medical professionals makes the resource, doctor’s time, even scarcer, requiring even more rationing and it just keeps cycling.”

                “Whatever, you’re a misogynist.”

                Theo laughed, “When defeated, go to name calling.  That’s a good little liberal.”

                “Don’t patronize me.”

                “It’s hard not to.”

                “Don’t disrespect me either.”

                “Then earn respect.”

                AJ stormed off the same way she came.  Theo took this as his cue to close his tab and leave the bar.  He waits for the train and the lights flash indicating that it’s approaching.  It looks very futuristic and he prefers it to New York’s even though he doesn’t like that you pay more based on how far you’re going unlike New York.  He gets on the train and closes his eyes as it’s a long way to his home in Rockville, Maryland.  He hears an elderly man ask, “There seemed to be something going on at the Supreme Court today.  I wonder what it was.”

                Theo opened his eyes and responded, “They’re hearing Second Amendment arguments against the City of New York.”

                “Oh really?  What did they do?”

                “They passed a law that you’re not allowed to transport guns from your house to anywhere else except a gun range.  It’s being challenged by gun groups.  When the Supreme Court took an interest, they tried to change the law saying that they can go to other places in New York just not leave the state.  That didn’t appease either the Supreme Court or the gun groups that are attacking the travel ban in general.”

                “What did the previous courts say?”

                “Well, the 2nd circuit rejected Heller’s precedent applied to the travel ban.  New York argued that it was a public safety issue and the court agreed.”

                “That’s always their cop out.”

                “That’s why it was appealed.”

                “What was Heller?”

                “That’s the Supreme Court case in 2008 that ruled the 2nd amendment refers to individuals and not federal guards and militias.”

                “Oh, well yea, that’s obvious.  It says “People”

                “Yea, but people argue that in the same sentence, it mentions ‘militia’ so it really means people of the militia.”

                “That’s a stretch.”

                “I would agree.  I also think the public health issue is stretch too considering that the data suggests gun owners commit less crime than police officers.”

                “That’s kind of scary.”

                “Facts are facts.  Later, they’re going to hear a case of the government reneging on ObamaCare’s promise that if the private insurance companies insure people that had a prior conditions and were ‘risky,’ they would reimburse them to a certain extent.  They never did and many small insurance firms went out of business.”

                “Sounds like they’re going to be busy.  When should it be over?”

                “The second amendment case should be over around June.”

                “I guess we got some time.”

                “Yup.  It is the government, nothing is quick.”

                Theo got to his stop and exited the turnstile using his ticket.  After he returned home, he watched some TV to decompress.  He was still sad about his niece cancelling on him and he felt that he may have taken it out too much on the college students.  Then again, he did think they deserved it.  After all, two out of three of them approached him. 



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