Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Nouno the Vigilante Episode 45 Entrapping a monster

                Shuhel Mahboob Ali was a British national living in London.  As a narcissist, he found that dating women was not for him because he didn’t believe any of them to be his equal.  Like most people in western civilization, when it came to finding something he wanted, he went to the internet.  While on the internet, he found a man who wanted to sell his 13-year-old daughter as a sex slave.  Shuhel became very interested and started corresponding with the man, who lived in Titusville, Florida.  What Shuhel didn’t know is that that man he was speaking to was an undercover sheriff.  The sheriff asked him, “What do you intend to do with her?”

                The sheriff felt the answer was quite obvious.  This man is looking for a sex slave and he is alleging to have a girl for sale so he’s going to have sex with the 13-year-old girl. The actual response the sheriff got would be something that stuck in the back of his mind.  In his line of work, he knew there were sick people that people didn’t want to admit lived amongst us but despite this callous formed over the years of dealing with said people, when Shuhel responded, “I want to impregnate her and then start the offspring that we produce off young.  If you have a kid at a young enough age, they can be convinced anything is normal. So I’m going to raise the kids to believe that incest is the only true form of breeding.  I will desensitize them to being sexually assaulted young so they won’t think anything of it as they age and become old enough to produce more babies,” the Sherriff was horrified. 

                After that, the sheriff had heard all he needed to. He convinced Shuhel to fly to Florida and when they met up to exchange the girl for the money, he was summarily arrested and sentenced to 10 years in prison.  That was in 2014 and in 2020, Shuhel was out on parole. 


                On the other side of the country, in Arizona, Nouno and his wife Abby were drinking by their pool.  Normally they both love watching sports but there were no sports now because of the Coronavirus so now they were just drinking by their pool as social gatherings were outlawed.  While Abby was more understanding of it, Nouno was not.  After hearing that New Jersey issued a mandatory curfew from 8PM – 5AM, he got a flashback of V for Vendetta.  Just like in the movie, a foreign virus killed many people causing the government to issue police state tactics and ban various things such as homosexuality, arts, books and non-Christian religions.  It all started by a mandatory curfew.  Abby tried telling him that it was only temporary and they were still a long way from V for Vendetta England but Nouno kept repeating, “When you sacrifice liberty for security, you have neither.”

                Realizing that he needed something to distract him, she researched a side project they both had.  They were vigilantes that went around killing people that the justice system failed.  Although the airline industry was hit hard, domestic flights were still flying so they could still fly around the country.  She called out, “Hey babe, we got a case?”

                “Good, I could really use a kill right now.”

                “Well, this one is mine.”

                They had an agreement that child rapists were killed by Abby and Nouno killed everyone else.  That’s how Nouno knew what type of case it was.  He shook his head, “Just my luck”

                “We’re going to Florida.”

                “That’s good; it’s warmer there so the Coronavirus should be less of a problem.”

                She gave a confused look, “I’m not quite sure if that’s true but whatever.  Flights are really cheap.”

                “I bet.”

                They booked the flight and headed to Florida.  Titusville is located north of Cocoa Beach on the Indian River by Orlando.  Usually at this time, people are going to Disneyworld but it’s closed due to the pandemic.  They get on the plane and find that almost nobody is on it.  Abby states, “This is really surreal to be on a plane to Orlando and have nobody on it.”

                “Yea, that’s the real problem with Coronavirus.  99.9% of the people affected aren’t affected health wise but economically.  It’s an attack on our freedom.”

                “Will you stop?  We need this right now.  Everything is temporary until we can get this under wraps.”

                “The government’s job is to warn people of danger but they are free to heed it or not.”

                “People weren’t listening so they needed to force it.”

                “That’s precisely what we are trying to avoid.”

                “If they start infecting people, then hospitals will be overrun.  It’s containment.”

                “If people want to risk it, they should be able to.  Forcing a restaurant to shut down is wrong.  That’s one industry that can’t be delayed the point of sale.”

                “What does that even mean?”

                “If someone was going to buy a car, they can wait a couple months before they actually purchase the car.  They’ll still need it in a couple months.  It doesn’t work that way at a restaurant.  When the crisis passes, people aren’t going to go to a restaurant and order 30 meals to make up for the 30 meals they missed.  The restaurant never recoups that loss.  Their employees rely on tips.  If a restaurant owner and its employees want to take the risk that is their right.  If patrons want to risk going to restaurants, that is their right as well.  I don’t like the government forcing private companies to shut down.  If they want to close bridges and stuff fine but if businesses want to remain open, then nobody should stop them.”

                “I see what you’re saying but that’s why the government is loaning money to affected businesses so they don’t have to lay off their workers and they can get money to get them through this.”

                “Like I said, a lot of these industries are reliant on tips.  What do they do?”

                “They get money too.  The government is loaning money to banks to distribute to people.”

                “They need to loan it to businesses that were solvent before the crisis that they forced to shut down.”

                “I think that is what they’re doing.”

                “There was a lot of corruption in the financial sector bailout so I’m skeptical of this.  Don’t you think it’s better if the company doesn’t need the government’s help?”

                “Normally yes, but these aren’t normal times.”

                “It’s in a crisis where liberty is most important.”

                “You like repeating clichés but I’m not so sure that’s true.  We pay a lot of money to the government.  This is precisely the reason we do.  In case shit happens, they will be there for us to help us when shit really hits the fan.  If they can’t handle this, then what’s the point?”

                “I don’t disagree with that point.”

                “You have to think that when public health is the core issue, drastic steps need to be taken.”

                “The health problems caused by unemployment of small businesses going under and people not working will be far worse than the health problems the Coronavirus caused.  The main issue is to stop companies from laying people off.  Get rid of payroll taxes and corporate tax rates.  Then, set up government backed lending facilities.  That way, companies can apply for it if they need it.  If they don’t, then they don’t get it.  This way, government doesn’t pick winners and losers and it has more of a possibility of getting their money back when things return to normal”

                “I don’t know if we ever will”

                “I think there will be an economic surge but right now we just need to give small businesses enough money to stop laying people off.”

                “I’m going to like the extra 1,000 dollars I get from the government.”

                “That’s a stupid idea.”

                “Why?  You always say people spend money better than government.  They’re giving the money to the people.”

                “Not every industry got destroyed.  Someone that runs a podcast from their home doesn’t need 1,000 dollars.  You and I can work from home so we’re not crippled by it.  Honestly, we don’t need the 1,000 either.  The airline employees, waiters and waitresses, bar tenders, they need the money.”

                “I wouldn’t complain about 1,000 dollars.”

                “There’s no such thing as free money.  We’ll have to pay for that later.  That’s why a focused attack on people who actually need it is preferred.  Look, this is why I was against it when Andrew Yang brought it up.  I’m not a hypocrite.”

                “Yang wanted to do it for no underlying reason.  This is a crisis.”

                “It’s the same concept.  I’m sure Yang thought the income inequality in America was the underlying reason and just as legitimate a reason as the Coronavirus.”

                They land in Orlando and head to their hotel.  While in the elevator, they see a couple with a case of beer.  Nouno and Abby look down and smile.  The male in the group declares, “Look, everything’s fucking closed.  We might as well get fucked up right?”

                Nouno light heartedly responds, “Why not right?  Makes sense to me.”

                “We got enough for two more if you want to join.”

                “Thanks man.  I’m game.  I’m Nouno by the way.”

                “I’m Roger, and this is my wife Jeanine”

                Nouno shakes both their hands as Abby glares at him.  He looks over at Abby and articulates, “This is my wife Abby”

                “I’m sorry but I’m not shaking hands right now but it’s very nice to meet you.”

                Jeanine shrugs her shoulders, “I get it but I’m not really concerned with this virus.  It only really kills people in their 70s.  You guys don’t look 70.”

                Abby was 26 and Nouno was 36 so this was hardly a complement.  Jeanine and Roger looked to be in between them in age.  Nouno responded, “I’ve been saying the same thing but every day I get fewer and fewer people that agree with me.”

                “I’m one of them” exclaims Abby

                The elevator arrives on Roger and Jeanine’s floor.  Roger utters, “Well, this is us.  We’re in room 345 if you want to come.”

                Abby reaches into her purse and they step off the elevator.  She gives a charming smile and pronounces in a persuasive voice, “I didn’t say we weren’t coming.  I just want you guys to let me take your temperature first.”

                Abby had a thermometer and when they agreed, she put it to their forehead.  She started with Roger and it read 98.4.  She then tried Jeanine and got 98.8.  After that she shrugged her shoulders and announced, “Alright, let’s go.”

                Nouno responded, “We should do it too honey.”

                Abby and Nouno did and got similar results.  Jeanine and Roger seemed uninterested in the results.  They sat down and Abby started talking with Jeanine and Nouno Roger.  Roger pleaded, “Please, whatever you do, don’t talk about Corona.”

                “I wouldn’t dream of it.  The DOJ dropped their case against the Russian troll farms.”

                “I don’t remember that.”

                “Mueller indicted a bunch of Russians for setting up ads to influence the 2020 election.  Since Mueller couldn’t find any Russians that President Trump colluded with, he decided to indict Russians and, since he was hired to investigate collusion, people would just assume that they colluded with Trump even though that wasn’t the charge.”

                “I guess it didn’t work because this isn’t ringing a bell at all.”

                “Mueller didn’t anticipate on something.”

                “What would that be?”

                “The Russians would show up for their due process.  Mueller panicked and offered them a deal but they turned it down saying they wanted to go to trial.”

                “Did they?”

                “No, Mueller told the judge that he couldn’t prosecute them because of sources and methods.”

                “Then why indict them if you can’t submit the evidence?”

                “Good question.  It just proves that Mueller was a hack.”

                “It also proves how slow our justice system works.  It was just officially dismissed?”

                “Without prejudice.  The judge gave him an opportunity to have time go by where he could declassify the evidence.  The problem is that Mueller never had any.”

                “He never expected them to show up so he thought he’d get away with it.”

                “That’s right.”

                “Why distract himself with people that had nothing to do with Trump?”

                “A couple months after he got hired, July 2017, Mueller knew that the whole Trump collusion story was a hoax because he spoke with the translator at the Trump Tower Meeting and he told him that they didn’t even discuss Hillary Clinton and that Donald Trump Jr.’s take on what happened was accurate.  He then added that he didn’t like Donald Trump Jr. so it’s not like he lied because he’s friendly with him.”

                “It’s a weird thing to volunteer.”

                “He was asked.  Mueller’s team was seeing if there was bias.  Anyway, Mueller also knew because that’s the same month that Strzok and Page’s text messages were released.  He read how they set the whole thing up because they hated President-elect Trump.  Despite knowing all this, he still kept it going for over two years.”

                “Well, I’m not sure about all that but if that’s true, then it’s pretty messed up.”

                “The funniest thing was when the lawyer for Concord Management was talking to the lead lawyer in the case.  Her name is Jeanie Rhea…”

                “Who’s ‘Concord Management?’”

                “The Russian troll farm that Mueller arrested.”

                “Oh, alright.  Why was it funny?”

                “Rhee tried to bluff by telling the lawyer that she had a terabyte of conversations and information about them and what they did.  The Concord lawyer called her bluff and asked her what language the information was in.  I guess she didn’t see the trap he was laying because she answered ‘Russian.’  Then the lawyer wondered if she had it translated; to which she again replied ‘no.’ That led to the obvious question of how she knew what was on it and, as Concord tells it, she didn’t want to talk about it anymore.”

                “Not too bright this Rhee”

                “No, but she was a Clinton acolyte so that’s why Mueller hired her.”

                They continued to drink and after a few beers, Nouno and Abby excuses themselves and went back to their room.  The next day, they scoped the area for crematoriums and then headed back to the hotel.  It is here that Abby worked her magic as she searched through social media and various online resources to find out everything about Shuhel.  Most importantly, she wanted to know his habits and where he’d be.  This was much harder with the Coronavirus stopping people from gathering places.  She starts shaking her head, “You’re not going to believe this.”


                “A few counties have closed schools so now kids are going to Cocoa Beach.  Take a guess where our buddy Shuhel goes?”

                “The mall” Nouno replies sarcastically

                “No, Cocoa Beach”

                “Damnit” he yells with the same sarcasm.

                “I guess we’re going to the beach.”

                They go to Cocoa Beach and lie out in the sun.  It didn’t take long for them to find Shuhel and sure enough, he was sitting up facing the water but Abby was looking at his eyes and in his periphery, he was checking out the kids.  Since Abby was an attractive woman, she had become quite good at telling when she was being checked out but the guy was trying to be subtle about it.  Nouno alternated between lying out and going swimming but Abby stayed in the sun.  When Shuhel got up to leave, Nouno followed him while Abby cleaned up the towels and things they brought to the beach.  Shuhel stopped at a shower near the parking lot to rinse the sand off his shoes.  Nouno followed him and jammed a syringe in the back of his neck and then grabbed him to stop him from falling.  “Whoa there man, you alright?  I think you had a little too much to drink.”

                Nouno wrapped Shuhel’s arm around his shoulder and pretended to help him to his car but really he threw him in the back seat of Nouno’s car.  Abby was quickly behind and got in the passenger seat and they drove off. 

                Shuhel woke up to found himself strapped down to a bed of plastic.  He squirmed and demanded, “What am I doing here?  I’m a free man.”

                “No, you’re on parole” Abby retorted standing above him.

                “Who are you?”

                “Someone that thinks 10 years is way too short for a piece of shit like you.  You need to be removed from the population.”

                “I served my time.”

                “No you didn’t.  You still have four years left.”

                “I never raped anybody.”

                “Only because you were actually talking to an undercover cop.  You wanted to rape a man’s daughter and then rape the kids you made.  What kind of sick twisted fuck does that?”

                “I thought you Americans were about tolerance.”

                “Not of that.  Americans are very against rape.”

                “Oh please.  You’re not prepared for anything.  That’s why you have the fewest hospital beds per capita compared to the rest of the world like Britain where I’m from.”

                “Being British, you should know that the waits to see a specialist are like nine months.  Here’s, it’s like a week or two.  You’re universal health care sucks.”

                “We still have more availability than you.”

                “Not really because you guys don’t have outpatient surgery centers like we do.  A lot of surgeries are done by outpatient centers that frees up patients from having to go to the hospitals.”

                “Yes, you offer substandard care to deal with the amount of people that need care.”

                “No, the outpatient centers are preferred to hospitals for surgery because there’s less of a chance they’ll catch an infection.”

                “Well, now you have Coronavirus so we’ll see just how prepared your price system of healthcare really is.”

                “America has the most ICU equipment per capita than any other country.  We realize the importance because of the staff-patient ratios and highly sophisticated equipment.  Our price system allowed us to have so many of them.”

                “Your citizens pay a lot for health insurance.”

                “So do yours except it’s in the form of higher taxes instead of deducted from your paycheck to pay a premium for an insurance company.  The thing is, here, health spending is contingent on increased quality of care whereas yours, they get the money anyway so there’s no incentive to have better quality of care.”

                “You didn’t bring me here to debate healthcare.”

                “No, I brought you here to kill you so you can never hurt a little kid.  I saw you on the beach checking them out.  You were thinking about it.  Fuck, for all I know, you have one kidnapped in your house right now.”

                “And she will starve if you don’t let me go.”

                “No, I can’t take that chance.”

                “You Americans always think you’re so much better than everyone else.  Even your network NBC is praising China for their handling of the Coronavirus.  An American went to China and was allowed to return so he knows and saw both systems.”

                “Yea, that kind of reminds me of when Walter Duranty and all those reporters went to Russia and kept talking about how they saw the future and how much better and more advanced they were then we were.  Spoiler alert; that didn’t end well for the Russians.”

                Nouno interjected, “And the dude was a music professor who got a tour from the Chinese.  Communist countries have a way of showing you only what they want you to see and not the way things are.”

                “That’s your own bias talking.  They blame you guys for this you know?”

                Abby answered, “I do know that but they are lying.  Make no mistake about it, this is a Chinese virus that they tried to cover up and that’s why it was allowed to spread.”

                “That’s not what your news says.”

                “I know.  It’s very sad that the mainstream media hates President Trump so much that they echo Chinese talking points and propaganda.”

                “Careful; you’re making them sound like a belligerent nation rather than a trading partner.”

                “I believe they are a belligerent nation.”

                “Oh, well then you’re right on message.  What do you intend to do with me though little lady?”

                “Well, I have a thing I do with child rapists.”

                “I didn’t rape a child.”

                “You were going to.”

                “Not the same thing”

                Abby started putting on gloves and rejoin,  “That convinced a judge to only give you 10 years but it’s not going to convince me.”

                “I see you’re worried I have Corona.  Good thing you’re taking precautions with the gloves.” Taunted Shuhel

                Abby beamed, “Oh, no.  My husband over there doesn’t like when I touch a man’s penis with my bare hands.”

                “You’re going to give me a hand job in front of your husband?” asked a perplexed Shuhel.

                “Nope” Abby undid Shuhel’s pants while Nouno looked away.  Abby then took a large knife she had and grabbed Shuhel’s scrotum and squeezed watching him squirm.  She then moved her hand to leave some room toward his pelvic bone and her hand.  Abby then chopped with the knife and tore into his skin. 

                Shuhel howled and cursed Abby.  Abby calmly explained, “You misused this so you have lost your privileges to it.”

                “Please don’t do this.  I didn’t do anything.”

                “You did nothing to the Florida sheriff’s daughter but you don’t just decide to fly across the world to rape a 13-year-old unless you have done it before.”

                Abby removed his penis and scrotum from his body and as Shuhel screamed, she shoved them in his mouth and commanded, “Stop screaming”

                Abby then taped his mouth shut with duck tape.  She grimaced and plugged his nose and stared down at him as he tried to squirm but his restraints made it ineffective.  He soon drifted off and his eyes closed for the last time.  Abby held on for another minute and then released his nostrils.  Nouno walked over and jammed a knife into his chest.  Abby gave him a quizzical look and he explained, “I told you, I had to kill something as catharsis for the police state America has become.”

                “You didn’t kill him though.”

                “Well, I know how you enjoy it so I waited till after the fact but I do feel better.”

                “Alright then.  Do you want to help me clean up this time?”

                They wrapped the body and Nouno ignored the not-so-subtle reference to the beach where she had to clean up but it’s not like Nouno wasn’t doing anything.  He was rendering Shuhel unconscious.  For the second time that day, they loaded Shuhel body into the car and drove to the crematorium and broke in.  They ran the machine and placed him inside and waited.  Abby commented, “We normally go to a diner to eat but I don’t think restaurants are open.”

                “They are here.”


                Abby and Nouno went to a diner and Abby posed, “Is it okay if we talk about Coronvirus?”

                “I’d rather not but if you really want to.”

                I just heard some shit and I wanted to know if you knew if it was true or false because you tend to debunk fake news.”

                “That is one of my favorite things to do.”

                “Did you hear about Trump with that company that was looking for the vaccine?  Apparently Trump told them he wanted exclusive rights to it for Americans and nobody else.”

                “No, that’s not what he said.  He didn’t want a monopoly on the Wuhan Virus vaccine.  What he told them was he wanted them to develop it in America using our state of the art facilities.  The company, CureVac, is in Germany.”

                “That sounds more like something he would say.”

                “One journalist actually decided to do their job and asked CureVac, who obviously told them that they had received no pressure from the United States and rejects all media reports.  Of course, Ukraine said the same thing about the phone call and they still impeached the president so who knows how the media portrayed that.”

                “I can see the confusion a little bit.”

                “I can’t but let’s just pretend it was an honest mistake.  I don’t think it was but let’s pretend.  Reuters then stealth edited the article”

                “What’s a ‘stealth edit’”

                “Normally when an article is edited, there’s an editor’s note that it was changed.  They didn’t do that.  The main edit to the article was they claimed a German official confirmed the story and that’s the part they removed.”

                “Ok, what’s your point?”

                “Why did they need to omit that?  Did they lie and just make it up?  Obviously nobody confirmed it because it was false.  The company claimed it was false so it couldn’t come from them.  Who confirmed it?”

                “Anonymous source”

                “Which means the writer of the article.”

                “Speaking of your favorite newspapers that love anonymous sources, the New York Times claims that President Trump told states that the federal government wouldn’t help them by giving them respirators and other equipment.”

                “That was a meeting with the governors.  This is the problem with your generation.  You only read social media and not the actual article.   The very next sentence is the president informing them that he will back them.  His only point was that it would be quicker if they could locate it themselves but if they can’t, they will provide it.  It was all hands on deck; don’t rely on the federal government for everything.  Try to do it yourself and only if there’s complication will they help out.  That is the conservative way.”

                “Well, it doesn’t sound so bad now.”

                “Just remember the people who lie to you so you don’t trust them again.  Julie Bosman is the New York Times reporter that lied so next time you see her name on social media, know that you are being lied to.”

                “That’s a little harsh”

                “No, it’s not.  it’s true.”

                “On the topic of conservatives and limited government, do you really think it was a good idea for Trump to disband the pandemic response office of the National Security Council?”

                “No, that would have been a bad idea to do that now, which is why it’s not what President Trump did.  There’s a guy named Tim Morrison who was on the council.  He’s the one that debunked this nonsense.  There used to be three different sections of the NSC.  There was the pandemic response office, the counter-proliferation division and the bio-defense directorate.  As the three of them are pretty similar and there’s a lot of overlap, he decided to combine all three into one division and have them work as a team rather than three separate ones.”

                “So, he just consolidated the branches of the NSC”

                “Yes.  They called a ‘reorganization,’ ‘dissolved.’  Remember, liberals make up meaning of words as it fits their needs.”

                “So, what do you think is going to happen?”

                “The markets will recover because they always do.”


                “Well, it may be a long time before it gets as high as it was but I do think it’s going to be more of a V shaped graph than a ‘U’ shaped one.”

                “So, it’ll drop sharply, not stick around and surge?”

                “That would be my guess and an accurate description of the last week in the stock market.”

                “Why do you say that but talk about all the layoffs and struggling small businesses?  You told me earlier the negative effects of unemployment on health.  Why won’t that hurt the recovery?”

                “A lot of economic activity is delayed not stopped.  Yes, some are not.  You’re not going to take multiple trips or eat multiple meals but you’re still going to be buying a house that you were looking for or a car.  Most industries can handle people delaying their purchases because they will still purchase it when the crisis blows over.  Now, instead of economic activity being spread over three months, it will all be consolidated into one month.”

                “Those industries are going to be bombarded with customers.”

                “And that just may lead to them hiring more people to deal with the increased demand.”


                “It still employs people that weren’t working or were laid off for a time.”

                “I hope you’re right.”

                “Me too.”

                Their burgers came and they ate them.  Abby then started on her French fries as those are her favorite food.  Abby looks up from her fries and announces, “Oh, I forgot to tell you.  I found a Republican that is into identity politics.”

                “Why do you try to upset me?”

                “David Frum”

                “He’s a Never Trumper”

                “Whatever, he tweeted out that nobody calls it the Spanish flu because it’s not productive so we shouldn’t call the Coronavirus, the ‘Chinese virus’ or ‘Wuhan Virus.”

                Nouno sighed, “I’ve explained this to you several times.  Look at the latest health scares; Ebola, West Nile, ZIka, etc. they’re all named after the places they originated.  That is how we name diseases.  Also, people do call it the Spanish Flu; what does David Frum say people call it?”

                “He didn’t say but you only get a certain amount of characters.”

                Abby’s face contorts as her lips purse in horror.  Nouno inquires, “What?”

                “Hold on, I need to check something.”

                Abby furiously swiped through her phone and made the same face.   She revealed, “There was a comment and someone found a tweet from him on October 31, 2016 where Frum was talking about an artist that died from the Spanish Flu.  Frum actually called it the Spanish Flu.”

                “Ah, so he’s a hypocrite.  How do people find tweets from that long ago?”

                “You can put key words and there are other little tricks that I won’t get into.”

                “Alright, anyway, it’s time to clean up at the place.”

                Nouno and Abby leave the diner and head back to the crematorium to get rid of the remains in the proper fashion for people who don’t keep them.  Afterward, they return back to the hotel and take a shower as they didn’t get a chance to when they left the beach.  The next day, they were back on a plane and heading to Arizona. 

                On the plane, Nouno sees a story about Mike Flynn’s case.  He shakes his head, “I’m getting sick of all these bombshell revelations.  Flynn needs to just be pardoned and get it over with.  This is just a disgrace.”

                “You have to be convicted to be pardoned.  The case is still ongoing.”

                “The appeal is but President Trump can pardon the initial case where he pled guilty.”

                “If it’s so obvious then the judge will see that and award in his favor.”

                “The judge is corrupt.”

                “You can’t say that every time you get a ruling that doesn’t go your way.”

                “Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell, told Judge Sullivan that since the whole case is that Flynn lied to the FBI, she wanted to see the 302.”

                “That’s the summary of an interview the FBI makes.  They do one for every interview right?”


                “I would think that’s pertinent to the case.”

                “Yea, I would say it should be the most crucial document.  You want to know what the judge told her?”

                “He told her no?”

                “Worse, he informed her that the FBI lost the 302.  Then, before she could say anything, he offered that ‘things happen.’”

                “That’s bullshit. If they lose their main piece of evidence, the case should be thrown out.”

                “They dropped the Russian troll farm case but not this one?”

                “Well, maybe they can just call the FBI agent that interviewed him to see what he or she remembers.”

                “They did that.  His name is Joe Pienka and he told Comey that he didn’t think Flynn was being deceptive.”

                “Right, I think you told me that before.”

                “The weird thing is even Obama people voiced their concern about Flynn”

                “People you hate?”


                “This should be interesting.”

                “Sally Yates told Mueller that she was alarmed about the FBI’s treatment of Flynn in a letter she wrote.”

                “She was the attorney general under Obama?”


                “So, why was Flynn pursued?”

                “He was threatened and coerced to sign a guilty plea and Mueller accepted it even though the DOJ had informed him that they don’t think he was lying but he just had a faulty memory.  Given that he was on vacation in the Dominican Republic during the conversation under question, I think it’s safe to say he may have thrown back a couple.”

                “Even sober, I don’t remember conversations I’ve had from people word for word.  They had a transcript of the call right?”

                ‘Indeed they did.”

                “Any other nuggets?”

                “Yup, Yates told Muller that the Logan Act was a stretch.”

                “Of course it was, it hasn’t been utilized since 1789 and never successfully.”

                “Also, it’s illegal to set up an interview with someone and tell them they’re not in trouble.  This discourages him from getting a lawyer and is a set up.”

                “I’m pretty sure that’s a common police tactic.”

                “No, you have to tell the person when it’s an official conversation.”

                “I don’t think that’s true.”

                “Well, it is.  Anyway it doesn’t matter because all these claims by Yates, McCabe backed up.”

                “Who’s McCabe again?  I just know he’s a news commentator now.”

                “He was the Deputy Director of the FBI”

                “Comey’s boss.”

                “That’s the one.”

                “The one who supported the Mueller probe because he wanted revenge on Trump for firing Comey?”

                “Yes him”

                “What the fuck?  The highest ranking FBI agent and the Attorney General say he did nothing wrong and they still indict him and convict him?”

                “Fucked up right?”

                “Yes, it is.”

                The plane lands in Arizona and they go back home.  The hot desert air makes them confident that they won’t be contracting the virus that has causes worldwide hysteria.  Now, it was just a matter of weathering the storm as America panics. 



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