Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Nouno the Vigilante Episode 43 Revenge of the '93


                Alfredo Guzman-Padilla is out on the streets again.  He has just been arrested for assault.  This wasn’t the first time the 24-year-old has been arrested. He had also been to jail for indecent exposure.  Being in Wood Village, Oregon has its perks as the very liberal government looked the other way on small crimes.  They vehemently rejected the idea that small crimes lead to big crimes, which provided little disincentive for people like Guzman-Padilla.  Wood Village is in downtown Portland and is right on the edge of the very scenic Mt. Hood national forest.  Having been processed twice, Alfredo doesn’t believe it to be that bad so he wants to up his game a little bit.  He walks around the city and decides exactly what he’s going to do. 

                Talaya Waliser is 26-years-old.  She is a thin brown haired girl with a pale face and petite features.  Her life is very busy as a young single mother of two.   She had given birth six months ago to a baby boy but you would never know it from looking at her.  As it is Sunday, she has spent the day at home relaxing and has just put her kids to bed.  Suddenly she hears her front door open.  At first, she thinks she’s just being paranoid but then a dark shadowy figure emerges.  She yells out, “Who are you?” repeatedly.

                Alfredo has been watching a woman and realized that there was no man in the house.  He smiles at this and waits for the cloud of nighttime.  When the lights are turned off in the house, Alfredo pounds on the door and easily break in.  As he enters, he looks around to get his bearings.  He’s not sure what room the girl is in but luckily, she’ll reveal it to him as he cries out, “Who are you?”

                Alfredo decides to answer the question by dropping his pants and turning the lights on so she can see him.  As Talaya stares into the mustached tanned skin Latino man, her eyes widen in fear as she realizes that the devilish smile can only mean one thing.  Alfredo grabs Talaya by her small throat in one hand and covers her mouth with the other and drives her into her room and shoves her on the bed.  His hand squeezes as he strangles her and the hand on her mouth is removed so he can gauge at her eyes managing to leave a deep scratch under her left eye.  Talaya has two nose rings in her left nostril but Alfredo ignores those.  Since Talaya’s mouth is no longer covered, she starts screaming and pleading with him that he doesn’t have to do this.  When that didn’t work, she attempts to punch him in the head and kick but Alfredo is much bigger than she is and he just laughs at her feeble attempt of defense.  Soon, Alfredo no longer has to cover her mouth because she is horse from screaming as his hands and lips explore her body.  Talaya’s body tenses as she realizes her resistance is futile.  She is completely helpless and thinks she’s going to die.  Her neighbors aren’t going to able to hear her scream and the only other male in the house can’t walk as he is only six months old.  It seems nothing can save her.

                Since Alfredo is busy sexually assaulting Talaya and Talaya is still begging and trying to scream with what little voice she has left, neither notice the sound of tiny feet running into the room.  A high pitch voice screams, “Don’t hurt my mommy”

                Talaya’s five year old daughter jumps on top of the man and starts punching and kicking and yelling at her to leave her mom alone.  This only makes Talaya more scared as she panics and her pleas now are to leave her family alone.  Alfredo laughs and grabs the five year old girl and tosses her off him like a rag doll.  He looks over at Talaya and back at the cute little girl and he begins removing her clothes and touching her inappropriately.  Just like her mother, the five-year-old’s kicks, screams and punches have little effect on Alfredo.  Talaya ignores her maternal instinct to help her daughter and does the only thing that can help both of them.  She grabs her phone and dials 911.  Unfortunately, what Alfredo is doing to her daughter isn’t distracting him enough and Alfredo notices.  He yanks the phone from her hand and throws it against the wall smashing it upon impact.  Talaya yelps and find herself back on her back with Alfredo on top of her.  To be honest, she would prefer this than where he was previously. 

                Then, just as suddenly as he appeared, Alfredo stopped.  He smiles once again at Talaya and got up.  For Alfredo realized that throwing the phone doesn’t change the fact that the call went through.  He figures out that the cops are on their way and immediately pulls his pants up and rushes out of the house.  Talaya is relieved as the whole ordeal was the worst hour of her life.  When the cops show up, she is all too eager to tell them everything she knows and describe him.  Despite the constant eye gouging, his face was imprinted on his retina because traumatic events trigger your brain to focus and memorize every last detail.  Talaya has done that and told the cops everything.  Later, she would tell the media everything because she reasons that if he randomly attacked her, then he had probably done it before and if they catch him, she wants him to go to jail for a very long time. 


                In Phoenix, Arizona, Abby and Nouno are watching sports.  As Abby is an avid baseball fan, and spring training has started, she is watching the Arizona Diamondbacks spring training while Nouno watches NBA basketball.  While Abby is watching, she is looking up news on her phone.  She calls out, “The New York Times is all over this stock market crash.  Every day they talk about how the Coronavirus took out the stock market.  This may be the end of Donald Trump.”

                “What does the front page of the paper say for March 3, 2020?”

                “Nothing about the market.”

                “Really?  They didn’t mention that the stock market went up over 1,000 points as it rebounded from the overreaction to the virus?  It was only one of the largest gains in history.  It commented on one of the largest drops in history but not the gain….hmm curious.”

                Abby sighs.  Her husband always finds a way to criticize the New York Times.  She still believes that there’s no way it could be as popular as it is and be as biased as he thinks but he picks up on things quickly.  Like she always does, she just writes it off as his bias.  Nouno doubles down and calls out, “I bet you the Washington Post has the same articles above the fold.”

                “What does that mean?”

                Nouno sometimes forgets that Abby, at 26, isn’t used to reading a printed newspaper.  She reads the articles on her phone so terms like ‘above the fold’ are lost on her.  He takes a deep breath and answers, “The top half so that if you were to fold the newspaper, you know if you were actually holding one, it would be seen while lying on the pile.”

                “Oh, yea, that makes sense.” Nouno shakes his head.  It’s amazing how their nine year age difference can seem so large.  She looks it up and responds, “Actually, they’re just talking about Ron Johnson and how he’s attacking Biden now that he won South Carolina.”

                “Yea, like that’s the only reason.” Nouno fires back sarcastically then continues, “Is this about the subpoena of Blue Star?”

                “Yes, who are they?”

                “They worked with Burisma as a lobbying firm to curry favor with the United States.  They were basically used to try to cover up all the money they laundered to Hunter Biden.  I’m not surprised the Washington Post is against exposing that.”

                “Hey Hey Hey, he’s actually got the facts to back it up.  Johnson sent the letter to the FBI on March 1, 2020 and the South Carolina primary was February 29, so it was the next day.”

                “Did you find the letter to verify?”

                Abby clicked a few buttons and pulled it up, “Yup, and he’s right, it says March 1.”

                “Now read the letter.”

                It doesn’t take long for Abby to find out a hole in his story.  The second paragraph but fourth line so it happens very early in the letter, Johnson talks about how he sent the subpoena on February 24; five days before the South Carolina primary.  She groans, “How do you do that?”

                “If it ever seems like facts and data are on the Democrats side, you need to investigate further.  If he didn’t lie about the date of the letter, then it’s probably something in the letter that disproves it.  They like burying the lead.”

                Abby goes back to watching her game and Nouno never stopped watching his.  As she scrolls through her phone, she calls out, “We got a case”

                Abby and Nouno are vigilantes that kill people that the justice system doesn’t take care of.  When the police chief is named ‘Outlaw’ like the Portland police chief is, it’s no wonder that violent criminals get away with crimes at alarming rates.  During a timeout, Nouno asks, “Where are we going?”


                “Do we get to kill Antifa?”

                “No, this guy’s Hispanic.”

                Nouno laughs as Abby realizes her slip.  Antifa is predominantly white yet they claim that all white people are racists.  The only thing that is diverse about them from a racial perspective is their victims.  After all, if someone is right of center, they are deemed sub-human and there is no mercy, no tolerance and no going too far with what they do.  That is the way of Antifa, just like their brown coat and black coat predecessors. 

                Soon, Abby and Nouno are on a plane heading to Portland.  Portland is an easy staging ground because Nouno’s brother lives in a suburb of Portland with his wife and three kids.  As his sister-in-law is in commercial real estate, they can use one of her properties to stage their work without worrying about a paper trail of hotel or Air BNB check ins.  While on the plane, Abby is looking at the Democrat primaries.  She announces, “Wow, Kloboucher and Buttigieg just dropped out.”

                “Only one woman left.”

                “I wonder why?  Buttigieg won Iowa and was doing pretty well.  Why give up now?”

                “He was going to get killed on Super Tuesday.  Right now, Democrats are united to take out Bernie Sanders so they’re going to drop out and endorse Biden.”

                Abby moaned, “Yea, that’s exactly what happened.  Did you read this before?”


                “You may have a point as former candidates are all coming out for Biden.  Beto O’Rourke just did a rally with him and Biden told the crowd he’s going to nominate Beto to confiscate people’s guns.”

                “I can’t believe people fall for this shit and think that Biden is a moderate.  He’s a far left liberal hack just like the rest of them.  Unlike the others, he just pretends to be a moderate.  Telling everyone he’s going to appoint O’Rourke is proof of his far-left tendencies.”

                “He has to be far-left because he has to appeal to the radicals in the party that are the most vocal.  For the general, he’ll come back to center.”

                “In this day and age, people can’t forget because social media is forever.”

                “Doesn’t mean he’s not going to try it.  Explain to me this whole delegates thing.  Remember, I’m a millennial so just the cliff notes.”

                “You need 1,991 delegates to win the nomination.”


                ‘That’s why Super Tuesday is so important and Biden’s in trouble.  California has 415 delegates and Bernie Sanders is very popular in California”

                “So, with one state, Bernie is 20% there.”

                “Correct, so Biden needs to get Texas but they only have 215 delegates.”

                “I know California is the most populous state but they really have like twice as many people as Texas?”

                “No, delegates work different than the electoral college.  It’s population multiplied by the percentage of people that vote Democrat.”

                “Oh, so California not only has the most people but they tend to vote in high percentages for Democrats whereas Texas does not so they get less.”


                “Who’s leading in Texas?”

                “Biden is but that may be a reason he brought in Beto because Beto almost beat Cruz in Texas so he wants to make sure that he secures the 215 to keep pace with Bernie.”

                They land in Portland and stare at the river that separates Oregon from Washington.  For reasons unknown, people in Portland love talking about how if you cross those bridges, you’re in Washington.  After that, they go out of their way to attack Seattle because they have an inferiority complex since Portland is considered the little brother city to Seattle. 

                Nouno’s family knows all about what he does and they don’t want it around their small children so Nouno and Abby have to pick up the key that’s hidden on the property for them and enter.  They quickly sound proof one of the rooms.  Nouno’s brother comes to visit as he has brought food.  He sits with them and Kosta, Nouno’s brother, after small talk states, “You worked for Bloomberg right?”

                Nouno looks down and replies, “Yes, unfortunately.”

                “The dude’s such a piece of shit.”

                “I thought you liked rich people.”

                “Not ones like that.  The rich people I know aren’t condescending. Did you see him at the town hall?  Some guy asked him how he can advocate banning guns when he walks around with armed security; do you know what he said?”

                “I’m intrigued if it shocked you. You don’t like guns.”

                “Well, no I don’t.  I would never have one in my house but I mean you can talk about how dangerous they are when you got little kids around.  Instead, the jackass talks about how he’s a target because he’s rich, he was mayor and he’s running for president.  You know, he needs protection because he’s important but nobody else does because they’re not as rich and have been in office like he is and was.  Give me a break!”

                “Let me guess; the whole multiple death threats a day?”

                “Yea, 40-50 he says.”

                “I’m sure field goal kickers or most athletes can compete.”

                “Forget that, what about people that live in shitty neighborhoods.”

                “Like East New York” Nouno had spent more years in New York than any other state and Kosta had lived there for a few years as well.

                “Yea, Bloomberg wouldn’t last two days in the ghetto.”

                “No, and when he was mayor, he endeared himself to the people by taking the subway.”

                “I’m sure it’s real dangerous around Gracie Mansion.  Then, he just keeps talking and justifies it because he uses his own money to pay for them.  Who cares?  I don’t really care that their ex-law enforcement either.  The dude’s a douche bag.”

                “And to think that I thought Portland had completely corrupted you to the liberal cause.”

                “He was a Republican when he was mayor.  I don’t think that changed.  I’m also not the one that worked for him,”

                “I was 21 years old; I was a dumb college student.”

                “You still worked for him.”

                “Yes, I did.” Nouno remarked timidly. 

                After dinner, Kosta leaves and Nouno inquires, “Wait, what did this guy do?  It’s bad that I didn’t ask.”

                “No it isn’t.  You trust me and you should because I’m your wife.”

                “Of course baby, but I’m still curious.”

                “Let’s just say, I’m going to need my gloves for this one.”

                Nouno rolled his eyes because he knew there was only one type of criminal that Abby used gloves for; pedophiles.  He rejoined, “I guess you’re too old for him.”

                “No, he also attacked a 26-year-old mother.  And now this 26-year-old is going to get revenge.”

                “Solidarity among those born in 1993?”

                “Sure, why not?”

                “Go Schindler’s List!”

                “That movie may have come out when I was born but I still saw it.”

                “It’s a great movie.”

                “Won best picture that year.”

                “Indeed it did.”

                “Anyway, the woman he attacked was skinny like me but I have more curves.”

                “Are you seriously comparing yourself to a rape victim as far as appearances?”

                Abby dropped her head in shame, “Wow that did come off really bad.”

                “But you are beautiful honey, don’t worry everyone knows it, you don’t have to flaunt it.  When you do that, it actually makes you less attractive.”

                Abby slapped Nouno in the chest playfully and he smiled.  “Anyway, standard procedure, I’m going to a bar he hangs out at.  I’ll catch his attention, flirt a little bit and lure him outside where you sedate him.”

                “There’s a reason why that’s the standard.  It works.  You are very good bait.”

                “Caught you didn’t I?”

                “Yes you did and I wanted to be single forever.”

                The next night, Abby takes a shower and spends hours in the mirror putting on makeup that would rival most artists.  She prepares an outfit to accentuate her curves and hides her imperfections, which Nouno feels more honored to have seen than the good features.  They head out and Nouno sits in the car while Abby goes in.  While at the bar, Abby notices Alfredo looking at her but he doesn’t approach her.  It dawns on her that Alfredo isn’t interested in playing the game; he’s a stalker and is in it for the hunt.  She texts Nouno, “I’m calling an Uber, I’ll meet you back at the place.”

                Nouno texts back “I’m not leaving you here alone.”

                Abby shakes her hands in frustration and groans.  Her fingers move rapidly as she responds, “Fine, wait till I’m in the Uber but don’t follow us because that’s what I want Alfredo to do.”

                Based on this, Nouno figures out the new plan.   In a way, he’s happy because it exposes his wife less to things going wrong.  Even though he knows that this part is unlikely, he also wants to believe that Abby just doesn’t have it anymore.  At 26, she finally may be at the age where she can’t compete with younger girls.  Most men love having a woman that’s the envy of other guys but Nouno wasn’t one of them.  He would rather just enjoy going out without people turning their heads and giving him weird looks automatically assuming that he must be rich to get a girl like Abby. 

                The plan works as Abby stands outside staring at her phone waiting for an Uber.  Nouno’s improper thoughts were eliminated as he watched boys entering the bar and turning their heads to look at Abby.  One car drove by and whistled at her.  Nouno did notice Alfredo come out of the bar and head straight for his.  He started it up and pulled out but parked it so he was near Abby but not close enough to make it obvious.  It looked like Abby’s plan was going to work.  The Uber arrived, and Abby got in and Nouno headed straight for the property.  He got there first but didn’t pull in as he parked on the side waiting for them.  Abby’s Uber arrived shortly after and Alfredo was right behind her and drove by when Abby’s driver pulled in.  Alfredo pulled over and watched the house.  At first, Nouno was planning to wait till Alfredo got out of the car but he was getting impatient.  He got out of his car and knocked on Alfredo’s window.  Alfredo rolled his down and inquired, “Can I help you?”

                Nouno lunged his hand in and jabbed a syringe in his neck knocking him out.  He then reached in and unlocked the door and shoved Alfredo to the passenger seat.  Nouno started the car and pulled into the driveway and then helped Alfredo inside as if he was drunk. 

                When Alfredo woke up, he found himself restrained by plastic.  He struggled and started screaming in Spanish.  Abby exclaimed back, “Just like Talaya, your screams won’t be heard.”


                Abby smacked him in the face, “The woman you raped.”

                “I didn’t rape her.  I never penetrated, I just toyed with her.”

                “You raped her five year old daughter!”

                “Oh come on.  I could barely fit my finger in there, you really thing I could fit my huge cock!  Untie me and I’ll show you what I mean bitch.”

                Abby lifted her leg straight in air and slammed it down heel first on his crotch.  Alfredo cried out in pain and then unleashed a barrage of ‘puta’ related Spanish obscenities.  Abby covered his mouth with one hand and strangled him with the other.  “Doesn’t feel too good does it?  This next one is really going to hurt worse than what you did because unlike you” Abby lifted her hand off his mouth and turned the back to him and flashed her fingers, “I got nails.”

                Abby gouged at Alfredo’s eyes as he squirmed, “Your resistance is futile just like your victim’s were.” She taunted

                “I’m sorry, okay, is that what you want to hear?  Did you know the girl?  I’m sorry, it was stupid.  I need help.”

                “I ‘m here to help you. You come to this country, you refuse to assimilate and you rape our women well not anymore dick!”

                “What do you mean?  I know what’s going on in the news.”

                “Tell me something besides Coronavirus, everyone knows about that especially because we’re so close to Washington and more people have died there than anywhere else.”

                “Evelyn Farkas is running for congress in California.”

                “A lot of people are running for office.  It’s a big election year.”

                “Yes, but she was one of the people that set up Trump.  She was involved in Burisma and the Atlantic Council.  I mean, I’m not faulting her for that because Trump is the worst but she was part of the Ukrainian collusion to take him down.”

                Abby looked at Nouno who uttered, “I know it’s normally safe to attack conservatives in Portland, but you ran into the biggest Trump supporter in this state.”

                “Hey man, I’m not judging.  I wouldn’t have brought it up if I didn’t think it was bullshit.  The bitch broke the law and she thinks she deserves a spot in congress for it.”

                Nouno replied, “I know! She defended Hunter Biden so vehemently but then failed to mention that she had heavy ties to Burisma.  When Republicans do that, like Mike Flynn and George Papadopoulos, they go to jail.”

                “I don’t even know why the Democrats like her because when she worked for the department of defense, she told MSNBC that they had all this information gathered about Trump and Russia around the election.  It was so important they just had to go to Capitol Hill as quick as they could.  Now that we know that Russian collusion was a hoax, you have to wonder where she got the information from.”

                “You got to admit, Burisma got their money’s worth.  She resurrected Burisma’s reputation internationally and Burisma paid her to go to Ukraine and speak to the Atlantic Council to allow them to help Burisma.  Later, the CEO of Burisma would find a seat on that Atlantic Council so job well done.”

                “Did you hear Senator Ron Johnson send a subpoena to Blue Star Strategy?”

                “Yes, I’m aware.”

                Abby interjected, “Who’s Blue Star?”

                “They lobby the United States on behalf of Burisma to stop investigating them.  They were very big on bringing up Hunter Biden as a message to the United States.”

                “What message would that be?” posed Alfredo

                “We helped the Vice President’s son.  We gave him a spot on the board and laundered millions of dollars to him.  This is what we paid for; to make things like this go away.”

                “Viktor Pinchuk is one of the largest donors of the Atlantic Council.  Do you know who he is?”

                “The Clintons’ largest single donor and he just happens to be Ukrainian too.”

                “Yea, very coincidental” Alfredo says facetiously.”

                “Anyway, I’ll give it to Ames Hockstein because he really pushed for this investigation despite the pressure from Blue Star and the deep state Democrats.  He stood his ground.  It didn’t do much but I’ll respect him for it anyway.”

                Abby pulled gloves out of her purse and put them on.  Nouno took a somber expression, “It’s time.”

                “For what?”

                “Revenge, let’s see that massive cock of yours shall we?”

                Abby cut open Alfredo’s pants and boxers.  She gripped his penis in her hand and laughed, “Wow, you were lying.  You must be a fisherman.”

                “You don’t have to do this.  I learned my lesson.  I’ll turn myself in.”

                “You were already arrested and, as you can see, you’re out.”  Abby took a knife and slapped it against his shaft and Alfredo screamed and pleaded.  Abby continued, “When you use this as a weapon, you lose your rights to it.”

                She continued to chop off his penis and scrotum.  She then picked them up and, as Alfredo cursed he, she stuck them in his mouth.  She declared, “The penis is for the mother and the nut sack is for the daughter.”

                Abby covered his mouth and plugged his nose.  She stared down at him, “Now, you’re going to die by choking on your own fucking tiny penis and nuts…bitch….puta”

                Soon, Alfredo stopped struggling and his eyes glazed over.  Abby and Nouno wrapped his body and took it to a crematorium.  Unlike most times, they didn’t have to break in because Nouno’s sister-in-law sold the crematorium the property, so she had the key.  They started the machine and then left to go get something to eat.  While eating, Abby articulates, “You may be getting your wish.  A Federal court just ordered Hillary to be deposed for Benghazi and her e-mail scandal.”

                “I’m not too hopeful.  She’s already been questioned and she’s a lawyer so she knows how to avoid answering a question.  Last time she was questioned, all she said was she didn’t remember.  Hours of testimony and she never answered a question.  You got to hand it to her; she’s an exceptionally good liar.”

                “What do you want then?”

                “For her to get arrested.”

                “Oh, right, the whole ‘lock her up’ but it’s hard when she’s such a good liar.”

                “She’s not the first criminal to never confess to the crime.  You don’t need to get a confession; you just need to convince 12 people.”

                “Yea, that’s true.”

                “But again, not getting my hopes up.  I’m a little more hopeful that ObamaCare is going to the Supreme Court again.”

                “What happened to double jeopardy?”

                “The 1st time, they deemed it unconstitutional because the individual mandate was a punishment and you can’t fine people for not participating in something.  Chief Justice Roberts, however, decided to call the individual mandate a tax needed to fund it so it was constitutional.”

                “Well, you are punished on your taxes, so that does make sense.”

                “Even Obama said it wasn’t a tax.  Roberts just decided to rewrite the law and legislate it, which is not his job.”

                “What’s this one about?”

                “Remember that President Trump got rid of the individual mandate.  That means the ‘tax’ that Roberts called it is zero and you can’t fund a program with a 0 tax.  Since there is no tax to pay for it, the whole thing should be wiped out.”

                “I don’t know.  ObamaCare is pretty popular; this may end up hurting your boy Trump in the election.”

                “The ruling isn’t going to be before the election so I don’t think it’ll have much effect.  To your point though, the RINOs (Republican in Name Only) are freaking out that we won’t survive if ObamaCare is repealed because poor people won’t get health insurance.”

                “Well, that is who’s on it.”

                “The poor got healthcare before ObamaCare and they’ll have it afterwards.  The free market works.”

                “Some aren’t as faithful in it as you are.”

                “Then they don’t understand it and they’re ignorant or misguided.”

                They finish dinner and head back to the crematorium to clean up.  After they finish, they head back and go to sleep.  The next day, they are on a plane again heading to Arizona.  Nouno expresses to Abby, “I was just thinking that with the Durham report, coming out, Anthony Ferrante will be relevant again.”

                “There are so many people on your list of the deep state people trying to get Trump that I lost track.  Who’s that?”

                “He’s the guy that was the cybersecurity expert that Comey sent to the White House to be on the NSC to spy on Trump and report back to the FBI.  He then resigned from the White House and now works for Buzzfeed where he has tried to authenticate the dossier ever since.”

                “Why do you think he’ll be relevant again?”

                “Durham will say that the only information or evidence the FBI had was the dossier.  Ferrante has been maintaining that it’s real for the last three years despite overwhelming information to the contrary.”

                “Oh, yea I remember.  He also spearheaded PPD 41, which was the first indication Obama gave that Russia could collude and meddle effectively in our elections.”

                “Very good.  They were getting the public ready for Spygate and just to be a cherry on top for himself, Ferrante specifically indicated cybersecurity since that was his field.”

                “Wait, if Ferrante was a point man to share information in the White House back to the FBI about Trump and his aides, then that means Comey was running a spying investigation on the President of the United States.”

                “Yes, he did.”

                “But he said he wasn’t investigating Trump.”

                “He told the president that privately but he never said it in public.  That was one of the reasons President Trump fired Comey.  He should have done it on day one.  He knew how corrupt Barack Obama was, he should have fired everyone from the last administration.”

                “That’s a little extreme”

                “Is it?  There were two US officials that came to Horowitz to beef up the report by providing evidence that Comey was running a counter-intelligence operation in January 2017 when he went to Trump tower to meet with Trump.  It was right before he was inaugurated, so it was a problem from the start.  That’s why it wouldn’t be false termination if he did it on day one.”

                “President Trump doesn’t like admitting when he’s wrong.  I doubt you’re going to get it.”

                ‘Me too, but if he makes America great and continues the growth and doing good things, then I’m okay with him not seeking my advice.  Either he had really good instincts or he’s got good people around him advising him.  Either way, I think he’s fair but I’m not going to say I hate President Trump because it’s just not true.”

                “No, I completely understand that.”

                “Alright then.”

                The plane lands in Arizona and Nouno and Abby plop on the couch to watch movies.  Although they’ve never been caught, certain places, like Portland, they felt better about because their local contacts made it almost impossible to get caught.  They enjoyed their time at home before work pulls them to some other location that you can’t see because you have to work.  There was no mention of Alfredo or Talaya on the news again. 


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