Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Nouno the Vigilante Episode 20 Protecting a Rapist

                Victor is a 28-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico enjoying the sanctuary state that is California.  It’s easy for him to survive in California as most people speak Spanish fluently.  Like many illegal immigrants, he has a list of legal problems that the state covers up in order to support their narrative to bring in more dangerous criminals. All so the Democrats can get more voters.  Victor lives in San Luis Obispo County. Victor had been arrested for a small crime and is out on probation.  Contrary to what people in big cities believe, small crimes more often than not lead to big crimes if there’s no serious ramification for the crime. 

                Although the terms of Victor’s probation are clearly explained to him, he has violated his it.  His probation officer does his job and notifies ICE and ICE agents call the local authorities to deport him back to Mexico.  The police commissioner under pressure from the Democrat governors and other high ranking political offices forbid the local law enforcement from deporting Victor.  The ICE agents don’t want to have a confrontation with local law enforcement so they just hope that Victor leaves the safety of California so they can round him up.  Unfortunately, Victor knows this too.

                A month after ICE gave up on San Luis Obispo local law enforcement helping them, Victor sees a woman named Serena.  Serena is tall for a girl at 5’10” with smooth Latin skin, luscious lips, and large curves with wavy black hair falling midway down her back.  Victor is 6’2” with broad shoulders and short spiked black hair.  They are at a bar and Victor walks over to Serena and introduces himself.  Serena is a little annoyed but she’s used to being hit on and most of the time it goes well.  She decides that she’ll appease him a little bit and then if she doesn’t like what she hears, she’ll end it.  This was looking to be just a typical night at the bar.  There was a recent shooting that made national news and Victor brings it up, “Man, I can’t believe all of these shootings lately.  It’s a good thing we live in a state with Democrats who control guns.”

                “Most of the gun violence happens in places with the strictest gun controls.  Chicago, the nationwide leader in homicides, also happens to be the city that has gone the longest without a Republican mayor.  New York, which recently was the safest big city, most recently had a Republican mayor.  When they were the safest big city, Bloomberg, a Republican, was the mayor.”

                “You’re Hispanic aren’t you?”

                “Yes, I am.”

                “And you’re a Republican?” he said shockingly

                “Not going to go that far.  I just look at facts”

                “Well, Democrats are the ones that talk about gun control.”

                “I know, but we’ve always had guns, these mass shootings are very recent.  Liberals don’t make comments about gun control because they think it’ll work; they’re doing it for power.  They leverage the deaths of people to garner power.  It’s pretty disgusting if you ask me.”        

                Victor is taken a back from the comment.  He realizes the girl he’s talking to seems pretty intelligent.  Victor hates to be considered dumb and did a lot of reading in prison so he tried to just quote other people.  He states, “Well, congressman David Ciccilline of Rhode Island said that he thinks it makes sense for it to be harder to get an AR-15 than it is to get Sudafed”

                Serena’s tone turned condescending as she responded, “Everyone would agree with that and that’s why it is.  All you need for Sudafed is an ID.  To get an AR-15, you need to give them an ID, so right now we’re tied, then you have to fill out a huge form that takes like 5-10 minutes.  You sign the forms.  That is then sent to the FFL.  They, in turn, check you into NIX to see if you’re on the prohibitive list. Then, depending on the state, you have to wait a couple days as they review the background check.  Even the ones where you can get it the same day still check the databases.”

                “Do you have a gun?”

                “No, because this is California and it’s almost impossible to get a gun legally here.  It doesn’t stop the drug dealers and criminals, it only keeps it out of law abiding citizen’s hands.  That, is basically my point.  That Italian Rhode Island congressman is either a moron or a liar.  He either has never bought Sudafed or a gun or he’s just blatantly lying.”

                “Alright fine, nobody knows him anyway.  Joe Biden is going to be president.  He says that he wants to ban magazines that hold more than one round.  What do you think of that?”

                “All magazines hold more than one round.  He basically said he’s banning all magazines.  I’m definitely against that.”

                “You know what he means.  You can’t get caught up in semantics”

                “No, these people are going to be making the laws.  Cops are going to enforce these rules based on the language.  The words definitely matter.  Laws need to be clearly defined or else they’re going to be abused.” 

                “Well, I think he means all assault rifles”

                “How do you define an assault rifle?”

                “Easy, they have ‘AR’ in front of it.  Like the AR-15”

                “No, ‘AR’ means Arma Light, it’s a brand.  It’s a brand name for a gun like J Crew is a type of clothing.”

                “Alright, so how do you define it?”

                “I guess if there are three round bursts or if it’s fully automatic but most mass shootings don’t use that type of gun so it would do nothing for the mass shootings.”

                “Fine, so we’ll ban those types of guns”

                “Well, those types of guns need a separate tax stamp so it’s more regulated and even harder to get.  I’m okay with the regulations now especially since, like I said, these aren’t the guns the mass murderers are using.”

                Victor changed the topic as he felt this girl knew her guns.  After a little while, Serena wanted to leave and Victor offered, “I have my car here, I can give you a ride home.”

                “I’ll just take an Uber?”

                “Why waste your money?  I’ll take you home.  You don’t even have to tell me which house it is if you’re worried about that.  Tell me to drop you off like a block away or a couple houses down.  Wait for me to leave then actually go home.”

                Serena smiled, “It’s not that.  I’m a pretty good judge of character and you seem like a nice guy.”

                “So, let me take you home.”

                “Alright fine but I’m not inviting you in.”

                “I would never expect that”

                Serena smiled and Victor and she walked to his car.  While they were driving, Victor uttered, “You know, I have a real nice spot where we can see the stars.  Do you want to stop there for a bit?”

                Serena shrugged her shoulders, “Sure, why not?  It’s still kind of early”

                Victor drove to a remote spot and Serena just realized that this was a bad idea.  She was in the middle of nowhere with this guy she just met.  They got out of the car and Serena had to admit the sky looked really nice from there.  The city lights were far away so the stars were brightly lit.  After watching the stars for a couple minutes, Victor articulated, “You know, I really want to have sex with you.”

                Serena smiled and sternly replied, “Well, I don’t sleep with someone on the first date.  You got to work a little harder than that for me.  In fact, now I want to go home.”

                Victor shrugged and got up, “Alright, worth a shot.”

                “Nice try”

                Serena got up and she walked toward the car.  Suddenly, Victor grabbed her arm and turned her towards him.  She shot him a dirty insulted look but Victor’s right hand collided with her cheek dropping Serena easily.  Before she knew it, Victor was ripping her clothes off as she screamed for help knowing that nobody was around.  Victor lowered his own pants and raped Serena.  After he finished, he punched her again knocking her out.  When Serena woke up, her arms and legs were tied together and she was in the trunk of a car.  Victor brought her to a trailer and locked her in a small room with a bucket for a toilet. 

                Fortunately for Serena, Victor wasn’t very discreet.  He seemed edgy every time he opened the door of the trailer park and when drinking with friends always talked about how he had a girl that was always willing to do crazy things in bed.  Eventually people got suspicious that they never saw the girl and someone in his trailer park called the cops.  The police got a warrant and found Serena quickly.  Victor was sentenced for rape and threatening a crime with intention to terrorize.  Once again, California kept it quiet because they constantly try to argue that illegal immigrants rarely, if ever, commit crimes. 

                In Arizona, Nouno and his wife Abby are watching NetFlix.  Abby is on her phone while watching the show multi-tasking which annoyed and impressed Nouno.  At first, he thought she just didn’t like what they were watching but she could tell you what was going on better than Nouno could at times.  She was actually on social media talking about how good the show was with other people that enjoyed it.  Nouno never understood this.  Abby called out, “Hey, there’s some interesting news from your home town.”

                Nouno had spent most of his adult life in New York City.  He had fled because although he loved the New York of Giuliani and Bloomberg, De Blasio had ruined everything they had accomplished and New York took a down turn.  He responded with boredom in his voice, “What did the communist do now?”

                “Hey, you can’t really blame him.  He only spent seven total hours in Gracie Mansion in May.”

                “Yea, because he’s running for President but still, that’s why New York is being neglected.”

                “Well, he is still legislating.”

                “You obviously have something good.”

                Abby smiled her wide charming contagious smile and pronounced, “I do, he wants to get rid of gifted programs because they’re racist.”

                “Let me guess, too many of them are white and Asian”

                “That’s exactly right”

                “Yea, funny the two groups that they don’t lower standards for perform the best.”

                “Well, blacks had slavery and Hispanics have parents that don’t speak the language”

                “Eastern European and Asians have parents that don’t speak the language.  If you give the slavery argument then you have to believe in innate intelligence.”

                “Well, it’s more socio-economic”

                “Are you saying that no white people are poor?”

                “I’m white, I grew up poor” Abby rejoined with venom in her voice

                “You’re making my point.  Sane people would want to find out what the problem with Hispanic and Black majority schools that make them not achieve the standards of whites and Asians.  We don’t believe in lowering standards to keep people down.  We want to lift people up”     

                “What are you saying?” she asked still annoyed.

                “Liberals bring people down to the lowest levels whereas conservatives want to raise people up.  Liberals want the gifted to be held back by the people not good enough to be gifted.  Remember, the whole point of gifted programs is that kids that can handle being taught quicker move there so that the slower kids don’t hold them back.  Conservatives try to get the slower kids to speed up.  This may be with reading intervention programs and stuff like that.  We lift people up, liberals keep people down.”

                “Besides De Blasio, what’s your evidence of this?”

                “Charter Schools exploded in popularity from 0 to 7,000 in a very short amount of time.  Then big cities like Boston and New York stifled it and banned it because heaven forbid they embrace something that helps kids succeed in school.”

                “Why would liberals want to hurt kids?  You like talking about incentives, what is their incentive?”

                “Haven’t you ever wondered why liberals want to keep giving more and more money to failing schools but they don’t like giving money to healthcare, which works because the whole world wants to come here for healthcare?”

                “Don’t answer a question with a question”

                “I was, but fine, here we go.  When you give money to schools, it goes to teacher unions and education interest lobbyists.  Unions and education lobbyists are predominantly Democrat so the money circles right back to their campaigns and the children get fucked.  That’s why the cities that give the most money to schools have the worst schools.”

                “Why did you bring up healthcare?”

                “Healthcare money winds up in pharmaceutical companies, doctors and hospitals.  Yes, there are many Democrats in those fields but it’s not as homogenous as education.”

                “Whatever, we have a case”

                “Where are we going?”

                “California.  San Luis Obispo country”

                “That’s a long name for a county but alright, let’s go.”

                Abby books a flight and a week later they’re heading toward California.  On the plane, Nouno is looking at his phone and chuckles to himself.  Abby notices and inquires, “What’s so funny?”

                “I should be used to it by now but liberals are such hypocrites.”

                “Oh God, what now?”

                “Obama is earning more money than any previous president.”

                “Well yea, he and Michelle wrote very successful books.”

                “Yes, and good for them.  They made a program that people want and editors and publishers will give them millions of dollars to publish and edit their books.  The thing is he also is costing tax payers more money than any previous president.”

                “Wait, how?”

                “Pensions and stuff.”

                “Well, fine, that’s what the government decided.  Who am I to criticize it?”

                “I don’t know but Barack Obama criticized it.  What happened to ‘At a certain point, you’ve made enough money’?”

                “I think that’s true.  Like you always complain about Bill Gates having to get rid of $ 40 Billion when he had $80 Billion.  What can you do with $80 Billion that you can’t with $ 40 Billion?”

                “Well you know it’s the principle of it.  This is a bigger point.  See, you can give me a specific example with a specific amount.  Did anyone bother to ask Obama what is the point in which you’ve made too much money?  How much is too much?  Either of those questions nobody follows up with him on.”

                “Oh, the whole pass from the media thing”

                “Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.”

                “Well, aren’t those two the same question?”

                “No, the point could be an age.”

                “Oh, yea I guess it could be but I interpreted it as the point where you hit a certain number.”

                “See, we don’t know because nobody asked him to clarify.  They let Democrats be vague so Democrats can exploit power on vague legislation.  Obama just bought a 15 million dollar home on Martha’s Vinyard.  Apparently he’s not worried about rising ocean levels.  He’s making millions on his own and getting millions of more from the government.  Despite all this, he still has the audacity to tell other people that they reached a point where they made too much?  Trump waived his government salary, why doesn’t Obama do that?”

                “I don’t know.  I don’t waste my time thinking about other people’s wealth.  I don’t really care about money.  I married you didn’t I”

                “The son of a doctor who grew up in private schools his whole life?”

                “You left your family business to go out on your own.”

                “We’re not hurting”

                “I know but we’re not multi-millionaires either.  We can’t buy a mansion in Martha’s Vinyard”

                “Yea, that’s true.”

                Abby and Nouno land in California.  They check into the hotel and spend the next couple of days canvassing the area.  Abby hacks into Victor’s social media and finds out his habits and routine.  They find out that Victor is going to a movie.  As they’re driving there, Nouno voices, “Wait, did you ever tell me what he did?”

                “No, you just trust that I’m not going to do it for a stupid reason’

                “I do trust that but just out of curiosity….”

                “He raped a girl, kidnapped her and tortured her.”

                “Oh good.”

                “Strange reaction but I know what you mean” Abby replied as she turned away to look out the window. 

                Abby and Nouno go into the theater and Abby sits in front of Victor whereas Nouno sits behind him.  The point is to make it look like Abby is alone.  Abby is of average height with smooth white skin, short blond hair and an hourglass shape body that turns heads wherever she goes.  She is the perfect bait for rapists like Victor.  At the end of the movie, Abby gets up and walks up the aisle making eye contact with Victor and smiling.  Victor takes the bait and follows Abby , which causes Nouno to scurry behind them.  Abby turns to go around to the side of the theater so not too many people are there as they walk out to the parking lot, whereas Nouno parked on the side.  Victor calls out, “Hey wait up pretty girl”

                Abby turns around and gives a charming yet condescending smile and scolds, “I’d like to be able to walk from a theater to my car without being harassed please.”

                “Harassed?  What are you talking about?  I just can’t believe a girl that looks like you is seeing movies by herself.”

                Nouno removed a syringe from his pocket and stealthily crept behind Victor.  He lunged his arm forward to jam the syringe into his brainstem.  Surprisingly, Victor crouched and moved his head and Nouno missed.  He swung his arms around faster than Nouno would think given his size and slapped Nouno’s arms to the side.  He cried out, “There’s no reason a hot chic would choose to go down an ally.  You also hopped out of that row a little too quickly.  I’m going to fuck you up then I’m going to ravage your girl again and again.”

                “Babe, run”

                Victor darted forward throwing his hands down and swinging his legs around toward Nouno’s face.  Nouno dodged his legs still surprised that he was as agile as he was.  Victor was back on his feet and Nouno tried swinging the syringe toward his neck again but this time Victor grabbed his arm and punched Nouno in the stomach.  Nouno dropped the syringe and Victor tackled him to the ground.  Nouno frantically tried to lock up Victor’s hands but Nouno was 6’0” and 220 pounds.  Victor had to be at least 260 and having the bigger man on him made him seem like only a matter of time.  Victor got off a few punches to Nouno’s face.  Nouno could only hoped that Abby got away safe.  Victor was bigger and a better fighter.  Suddenly Victor collapsed on top of him.  Nouno shifted Victor over and saw Abby standing there still holding the syringe and having the thumb on the plunger. 

She was breathing heavily.  Nouno stuggled from under Victor’s dead weight but managed to roll him off him.  They both dragged him to the car and loaded him in the trunk.  When they got in the car, Nouno turned to Abby and yelled, “I told you to run!”

Abby gave him an incredulous look and snapped back, “Ummm, you’re welcome”

“Abby, what if the same thing that happened to me, happened to you?  What if he knocked the syringe out of your hands?  He already had me pinned, he could have easily manhandled you.”

“I trust that you would have a surge of adrenaline to distract him again.”

“How many times Abby?  Look, we take risks out here but if things go wrong, I need to know that you’re going to let me get my ass kicked so that you can be safe.”

“I let him tackle you, what more do you want?”

                “For you to be safe.”

                “I am safe”

                Nouno sighed.  He ended the argument knowing that it wasn’t going to go anywhere.  They got to the motel and strapped Victor down.  Abby got pictures of Serena and put them on a table so that Victor could see them.  When Victor woke up, he struggled with his constraints but Nouno drove his fist down onto his face.  Victor cried out, “You pussy, take off the tape and fight me like a man.”

                “I already did fight you mano y mano and you got knocked the fuck out.”

                “Funny, you came from behind so it wasn’t mano y mano and I still had you beat but you’re little bitch blindsided me.  How does it feel that you needed a girl to save you?  How does it feel that she succeeded where you failed?”

                “I’m pretty okay with it.”


                Nouno smiled, “Well, your punishment for what you did to Serena is death.  Do you have any last words?”

                “I’m not afraid to die.  Look around; global warming is destroying this world.”

                “Didn’t you get the memo that it’s called ‘climate change’ now?”

                “Whatever, the hurricanes are getting more severe”

                “No, they’re not.  We went 12 years without more than a category 3.  That’s the longest draught ever but it ended in 2017.”

                “Yea, well I saw a thing that the damage they cause is more expensive than ever.”

                “Well, that’s because countries grow.  As they do, people get more and more money.  With that more money, they buy more waterfront property so storms that used to hit deserted beaches are now hitting where there’s high rises, stores and houses.  Not to mention inflation so the same amount of damage has a higher number dollar wise now.”

                Victor grimaced.   He hated feeling stupid.  That’s why he raped Serena because she made him feel dumb.  He tried to rescue himself with, “Despite that 12 years period, overall, this century has seen more frequent storms.”

                “But that’s just because in the 1800s, ships would report on hurricanes.  If nobody was travelling by ship, the hurricane wasn’t spotted.  Now, we have satellites tracking them so it’s much more efficient.”

                “Okay, so that’s the 1800s”

                “But this decade, the amount of hurricanes to make landfall has gone down.”


                “Yea, you’re really not making any sense.”

                “Fuck you. You think you’re so smart because you went to a fancy college.  Tell me, when did Confucius live?”

                “I don’t know, it was definitely BC, I think he was before Plato.  Maybe like 400 BC?”

                “Try 551 BC”

                “I was close”

                “You were wrong.  Close only works in horseshoes and hand grenades”

                Abby chimed in, “He died in 479 BC so I’m not sure you were really wrong.”

                “400 is 79 years off.”

                “You really think knowing when Confucius was born makes you smart?”

                “Don’t make excuses because you got it wrong.”

                “Okay, fine, I was wrong.  You can die knowing you won that trivia game” as Nouno stabbed him with a three inch knife in the major artery in the torso. 

Victor died quickly and Nouno and Abby worked furiously to wrap the body and clean the room.  They broke into a local crematorium and disposed of the body.  They cleaned the hotel room and drove to a remote location to burn the plastic used to make clean up easier.  They then drove back to the motel and got some much needed sleep.  On the plane home, Abby remarked, “Man, there’s just a lot of news coming out of New York lately”

                “What happened now?”

                “Governor Cuomo is investigating National Grid for why Long Island isn’t getting natural gas.”

                “He doesn’t think it has something to do with banning the Williams pipeline?”

                “What’s that?”

                “National grid wanted to build a pipeline to get natural gas to Long Island and other parts of New York.  Environmentalists protested and De Blasio and Cuomo gave in to the pressure and wouldn’t allow it.”

                “Well, then the investigation should be easy.”

                “No, it’s a show.  This is how new communism works.  You regulate and tax businesses to death making it impossible for them to conduct their business and then when they fail, you blame the company.  Lay people believe the narrative because it’s reinforced by the complicit media and people are gullible.  Cuomo will never admit the mistake; they’re just going to blame National Grid.”

                “Well yea, nobody ever likes taking responsibility”

                “I wish people could just use some common sense so communist tactics like this don’t work.”

                “It’s not communism, it’s a couple bad people.”

                “Yea, and coincidentally, all the bad people are communists.”


                Abby and Nouno land back in Arizona and they scour the news in California to see if they were exposed.  The scuffle by the movie theater they think someone has to have gotten a video of.  After a week, there’s still nothing and they think that once again they’ve skated free.  Abby is less worried than Nouno but Nouno believes that if that fear isn’t there, then they’re going to get sloppy.  They sleep well knowing one less violent rapist is in the world.


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