Friday, September 13, 2019

Real Charachters Episode 24 CIA tricks their own

                Lisa Page is a lawyer for the FBI.  The year is 2016, and Donald Trump is rising in popularity and looks to be the Republican candidate to challenge Hillary Clinton for the presidency.  Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have been running the DOJ as their own mob by constantly using them and the IRS to attack their political opponents.  If Trump is elected, it threatens to expose all the shady things that they have been doing.  Since they know no other way, they use the same tactics against Donald Trump.  Lisa Page is working closest with Peter Strzok who is the lead investigator in trying to take down Donald Trump with a fake Russian collusion narrative recycled from 2008 when they did it to McCain.  As Lisa and Peter have been working long hours on this, they have developed a relationship and have been having an affair with each other. 

                Lisa texts Peter that she’s worried about Trump becoming president.  Peter responds, “He won’t, we’re going to stop it.  But we need an insurance policy, like in the unlikely event you die before your 40”

                When Lisa meets with Peter, she asks him what he meant by the text knowing that it couldn’t be revealed over text.  Peter responds, “Well, our source Christopher Steele has written in his dossier some stuff that he got from a spy we have in Russia that’s really close to Putin.  We might have to burn him if Trump becomes president so that the full story of his Russian collusion that Steele has been telling us can come out.”

                “Have you talked to the CIA?”

                “Yes, Brennan has briefed me on some things.  We need a united front when we present this to POTUS (President of the United States Barack Obama). 

                “I agree”

                As Lisa and Peter strategize, CIA director John Brennan is on the phone with a CIA spy close to Putin.  For the purposes of simplicity, we will call him ‘Walter’ even though that may or may not be his real name.  John starts, “Hey Walter”

                “Hey John, what’s up?”

                “I should be asking you that question.  Did you find anything?”

                “Yes, Trump has been colluding with the Russians in order to meddle in the election”

                “I need details”

                Walter tells him the details and John is perplexed.  He knows he doesn’t have time to vet the information to see if it’s true because the election is coming up.  He needs this out now.  He contemplates what to do and quickly finds a solution, “Hey Walter, I need you to tell what you told me to a man named Christopher Steele.  He’s a former MI6 agent and he’s on our side to help us.  The FBI used him for the FIFA case so they trust him.  Tell him what you told me and he’ll tell the FBI and it will move through the highest levels of people in the FBI in no time.”

                “Will do, but won’t this burn me?”

                “Yes, but this is important enough.  We can’t have a Russian asset as President of the United States”


                Months later, the FBI and CIA’s plan was an epic failure.  Not only did Donald Trump become president but the insurance policy ended up being completely false and easily debunked.  Steele is completely discredited and now the GOP congressmen want answers.  They call in Lisa Page to give a testimony under oath.  As Lisa is a lawyer, she feels she is fully prepared to answer the questions.  When Rep Mark Meadows takes his turn to ask, Lisa is blindsided.  Meadows asks, “We have documents that would suggest that in that briefing the dossier was mentioned to Harry Reid and then, obviously, we’re going to have to have conversations.  Does that surprise you that Director Brennan would be aware of (the dossier)?”

                Lisa replies, “Yes, sir.  Because with all due honesty, if Director Brennan” Lisa looks down and seems confused for a second as her mind is racing, she continues “so we got that information from our source right?  The FBI got this information from our source.  If the CIA had another source of that information, I am neither aware of that nor did the CIA provide it to use if they did.  And that would be unusual”

                In her head she was thinking that she thought that Steele was an FBI source but it appeared that the CIA had the information from his dossier before the FBI shared it with them.  Lisa, Peter and John cross referenced all their sources to see if any of them overlapped and they hadn’t.  Or at least, she thought they hadn’t.  When she left the briefing, she immediately called Peter and asked. 

                Peter replied, “It appears that John Brennan is friends with Bob Hanigan, who was Christopher Steele’s boss since he ran MI6 when Steele worked there.”

                “So, Brennan knew Steele?”

                “Yes, they know each other and they were corresponding about the same information he was telling us” Peter sounded despondent for good reason

                “Damn, Chris (Steele) really screwed us on this.  He was leaking to the media and telling everybody what he knew.  We all thought it was coming from different sources.  That’s the only reason we believed it because the media and the CIA were giving us the same information.  Who knew that Steele talked to all of them?”

                “Well, that’s why we fired him to cover our tracks but then we kept taking out FISA’s even after we did that so who knows what’s going to happen.”

                “What about our insurance policy.  Maybe it’s time we burn Walter”

                “Walter is a CIA spy”

                “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

                “No, John (Brennan) burned him even before we were discussing it.”

                “Wait a minute.  If Walter’s boss is mentioned in the dossier and Walter is a CIA source.  And he’s the one relaying the information to Steele to write the dossier.  How could the Director of the CIA John Brennan not know about it?”

                “Brennan said he didn’t see the dossier till December.  Why do you need to see the dossier when you’re friends with the author and you can get it from the horse’s mouth?”

                “Holy shit, I should have figured that out.  I’m a lawyer for God’s sake.  We’re all about saying things where people imply something that isn’t explicitly said.  That way people think the wrong thing even though you didn’t actually say it.  You can’t get in trouble for lying that way.”

                “Apparently John knows this trick too”

                “Yea, and he’s quite good at it.  Hold on, I just thought of something else.”

                “I’m listening”

                “I’m not sure Walter was as good as we think he was.”

                “This isn’t time to be petty.  Don’t insult the man just because he was CIA and not one of ours”

                “I’m not being petty.  Think about it, if he was so close to Putin, how did we miss the Crimea invasion, the Facebook ads into the election, the aggression against Ukraine.  All these huge things Russia was doing and we had no idea.”

                “That is actually a good question”

                “The Russians knew he was an American asset so they fed him disinformation so he could get it to us.”
                “Well, that’s John’s fault.  He was supposed to vet it”

                “We were supposed to as well”

                “Yea, well Chris did some good work for us in the past so we trusted him”

                “I guess that’s a lesson to learn; don’t trust anybody.”

                “Too bad, it’s too late for us.  We’ve been fired, my marriage is probably over and everyone knows what we did because our texts are leaked.  We’re finished”

                “Fuck John Brennan, and Fuck Chris Steele”

                “Yea, seriously”

                A year later, the Democrats are ready to have their second debates.  The US Attorney General has been busy investigating the origins of the Trump Collusion probe and has decided that there is enough here and recommends McCabe to be indicted.  McCabe was the Deputy Director of the FBI and was instrumental in advising Lisa Page and Peter Strzok on taking down Donald Trump.  As times are getting tough for the FBI, they consistently try to distract the populace.  The FBI calls the media, which is actually the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.  They tell them to leak the information about Walter and blame President Trump for it.  Unfortunately for CNN that reported this, the ‘classified information’ they said that Trump told Russia in May 2017 was actually published in a CNN article a month before Trump met with Russia.  The information was that ISIS was planning to plant bombs in laptops and get them on planes.  Trump warned Russia of the information since ISIS is also their enemy.  The article still has the desired effect as the media is consumed for three days about CNN’s story and the Washington Post and New York Times attacked CNN for printing false information.  Even they knew the story was ridiculous.  The lay person, however, missed the story that McCabe had been recommended to be indicted.  CNN’s mission was complete. 

                Lisa Page sees the media circus that was leaking the source.  She calls an advisor and says, “Why is this coming out now?”

                “We are still trying to excuse why we believed the dossier.  The only way to do that is to accredit Walter”

                “But he was made right away.  Russia used him as a fool”

                “I know that, you know that but most people don’t”

                “If he was such a damaging source to Russia, we would have protected him.  How did the media find him in DC so quickly?  Don’t you think Russia would have killed him by now?  People know that Russia is ruthless with traitors”

                “I think you give people too much credit.  Trust me, people will believe this was a great spy”

                “I lose my job because that asshole was fooled by Russia”

                “Well, you should have vetted the information”

                “We had a trusted source”

                “Not trusted enough.  You need to take some responsibility too”

                “Fine, whatever, I’m not FBI anymore so what do I care?”

                While Lisa Page is still complaining about Walter, the second Democratic debate is set to begin.  Beto O’Rourke responds to a question about guns, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15”

                It didn’t take long for memes to come up of him on Texas radio where Beto O’Rourke, then Senate Candidate, saying that if you own an AR-15, you can keep it.”

                Now that moderate Americans just heard a candidate admit that he’s going to send cops to your house to forcibly take your guns, the front runner, Joe Biden informs everyone watching that he will stop incarcerating anyone for non-violent crime.  A Democratic strategist smacks his head and shakes it.  He exclaims at the TV, “You just told people that if someone robs you when you’re not home, they’re not going to jail.”

                His colleague responds, “It’s worse than that”

                “What do you mean?”

                “What about Paul Manafort and George Papadopoulos.  If he passes that, they can appeal their jail sentences and get them thrown out.  Now, we can’t use FARA violations and campaign finance violations to incarcerate people we don’t like.  We did it to Dinesh D’Souza, Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos etc. etc. etc.”

                “Okay, we need to get another candidate to replace him.  Biden is just not okay.  He continually gaffes”

                As if Biden was trying to prove them right, he gives an answer saying, “Kids need to turn on the radio and TV, excuse me, the record player needs to be on so they can hear words”

                The moderator says, “Thank you Senator Biden, time is up”

                “No, I’m going to keep going over like everyone else does twice over”

                The strategist blurts out, “No Joe, you should just shut up before you say something else that’s stupid”

                As the strategist are curious about who they should get behind, Elizabeth Warren responds to a question about how to pay for Medicare for All, “The top income bracket and the richest corporation and people will pay for it but the Middle Class will pay less.”

                Moderator presses, “Will you cancel private insurance? And can you confirm that the Middle Class will pay less?”

                “It is a cost to the family to pay insurance premiums and co-pays.  All that is a cost so if they spend more in taxes than their costs are going to go down.”

                The strategist comments, “Way to dodge the question about how you will cancel private health insurance.  That doesn’t poll well.”

                The other strategist replies, “It’s also a lie.  Even if you add the way she does, people will still pay more.  Our current system will cost about $24 Trillion over the next 10 years but Medicare for All will cost $60 Trillion over the same period.”

                “She also doesn’t realize that insurance is paid by the head of the household.  Taxes, on the other hand, effects every working member in the family including the teenager who may have a summer job at McDonalds.”

                On the other side, Republican strategists are watching the same debate.  They are much more upbeat as the Democrat strategists because the opposition doesn’t seem so formidable against Donald Trump.  They watch with a smile and just to have an encore presentation, they watch the post-debate interviews.  Bernie Sanders is in an interview and in his forceful voice he yells, “Healthcare premiums is a tax” as he repeats the line that the total cost they pay for healthcare will be less than the taxes they pay.”

                The Republican strategist states at the screen, “No, healthcare premiums are not a tax because they are voluntary. They were a tax with the individual mandate because that was forced but now it’s not.  A tax is a forced payment.  Premiums aren’t forced”

                His colleague chimes in, “You can cancel your healthcare. You can’t cancel Medicare for all”

                “They just lie all the time”

                “Yes they do, but most people are gullible. “

                In the Justice Department, John Durham has finished with his investigation into McCabe.  He calls Attorney General Bill Barr and after pleasantries utters, “I’ve come to a recommendation about Andy McCabe”

                “Keep in mind we need to convince a DC jury.  They aren’t very sympathetic to the president.  That’s why I couldn’t indict Comey.”

                “I know but juries can relate to being falsely accused by their bosses”

                “Please explain”

                “Well McCabe leaked information to the Wall Street Journal.  After the story ran, he called the FBI chiefs in New York and Washington and bitched them out for leaking to the media”

                “So he covered his tracks by blaming the New York and Washington field offices for something he did.”

                “That’s correct sir”   

                “What was leaked?”

                “The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton about the server and sending classified information over her private e-mail.”

                “This is good because since it’s not about Trump, it may stick.  Why did he leak it though?”

                “He wanted to squash the insinuation that he was protecting Clinton because his wife was running as a Democrat and it would help her campaign if he covered for Clinton”

                “Well, I still have to take the weekend to think about it but I think we may make our first indictment.  Good work Mr. Durham”
                “Thank You Sir”

                “I’ve been busy with this investigation, what’s going on with this impeachment proceeding with Jerry Nadler?”

                “It’s nothing.  Nadler is in a primary battle with a far leftist in New York.  He’s just virtue signaling to his base so that his primary opponent can’t attack him for not impeaching the president.”

                “Wasn’t there a 24-17 vote?”

                “Yes, to whether or not there should be an impeachment inquiry, which means nothing.  You are voting on if you should ask a question?  What does that even mean?  Nothing but the story is reported on and the liberals in New York are satisfied.”

                “Alright, so a whole lot about nothing”

                “Yea, don’t worry about it.”

                “I won’t, good night sir.”

                “Good night”

                Bill Barr calls a source he has in North Carolina.  He inquires, “What happened with the vote to override the governor’s budget?”

                “It was a disaster.  Representative Debbie Butler threw a hissy fit saying that the Republicans tricked them by having the vote when there was a 9/11 memorial.”

                “Any truth to that?”

                “No, it was one representative.  His name is Garland Pierce.  It was not a huge group of Democrats.  Turns out Pierce didn’t even know there was a vote.”

                “Was it a surprise vote?”

                “No, there is a recording of them announcing it a couple days ago.”

                “Alright, so just a hissy fit with no basis in fact”

                “Yea, typical Democrats being Democrats”

                Barr laughed, “Great, thank you for your time”

                As the election gets closer and closer, it appears that if President Trump doesn’t win re-election, the country would be in trouble.  With these far leftists, there would be a plummeting of the US economy and for the first time in recent history the winner of the presidency will change the life of the regular American in a direct and immediate way. 


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