Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Nouno the Vigilante Episode 21 Lies and California laws


                Julio is a 23-year-old Honduran illegal immigrant living in Santa Clara, California.  While many people come to America looking for the American dream to work their way up the social ladder, Julio has given in to the very lax laws in California for people like him.  At first, he tried to stay in the shadows but soon he found that crime was preferable to work.  He got arrested and iCE came to deport him. It was at this point, however, that Julio found out that California hates Americans and prefers illegals.  California protected him from ICE and let him free just to spite ICE.  Since Julio realized he was above the law simply because he snuck into the country, he was arrested 10 times between February 2018 and January 2019.   Each time, the Santa Clara authorities stopped ICE from deporting him.

                While he was walking in the street, he saw a car that he wanted.  As rules didn’t apply to him, he smashed the window and stole the car.  Even the news article called him a “Santa Clara man” and refused to release his name so as not to shame him from people who may know him.  Point is, once a month, he was arrested so auto theft and burglary was just the crime this month. 

                In Arizona, Nouno and his wife Abby were watching baseball together.  While they were watching the game, Abby was upset because the team that her team was chasing for the wildcard was winning 17-2.  It appeared that no matter what happened, they wouldn’t be gaining ground on them today.  She furiously typed away on her phone complaining how the team with the best record in baseball was getting annihilated.  Nouno knew that Abby had been in a bad mood.  Abby grew up in Cleveland and was a huge fan of the Cleveland Indians.  Last month, the Indians had finally taken first place in the central after chasing down the Twins by making up 11.5 games in two months.  After they achieved that, however, they started losing frequently.  Even if the Twins remained in first, they still had a three game lead in the Wildcard but now the Twins re-established a five game lead and the Indians were a half game back in the Wildcard.  It looked like the Indians weren’t making the playoffs and Abby was furious.  She looked up and said, “I found a case.”

                Nouno and Abby went around the country as vigilantes killing convicts that the politically correct American system failed to adjudicate.  He figured that a case would be good to release some of her anger.  He asked, “Where at?”

                “Santa Clara”

                “Nice, beautiful over there.”

                “Yea, we’ll definitely be hitting up the beach.”

                “What did he do?”

                “You don’t normally ask that.  Don’t you trust me?”

                “I do, I was just curious but whatever.”

                “He stole a car”

                “That doesn’t really fit our profile”

                “Yes it does.  He’s been arrested 10 times in 11 months.  Santa Clara is a sanctuary city so they don’t let iCE deport him.  He’s averaging one crime a month and he won’t be incarcerated because undocumented workers have more rights in California than Americans.”

                “I’m just saying, we normally go after gang members, rapists and murderers”

                “Logically, this guy fits.  We go after the people the system won’t prosecute for political reasons.  That’s exactly what this is.”

                “Okay fine, I’m not going to argue with you.”

                “That’s right.  Because if you did, you’d be a hypocrite”

                “How so?”

                “You always preach about Giuliani’s broken window theory.  Small crimes leads to big crimes right? So if you don’t prosecute people for the lesser crimes, they graduate to the rapes and murders.”

                “That was proven by Giuliani’s tenure in New York, yes”

                “This guy has been arrested for 10 different lesser crimes.  Why wait for him to actually rape or murder someone?  We can stop the murderer and rapist before they become a rapist or murderer.”

                Nouno contemplated this for a moment.  It was actually making sense to him.  Once you realize you’re above the law and can do whatever you want, what’s to stop you from seeing one of the many beautiful girls in bikinis in California and assaulting them?  He responded, “You got me”

                Abby booked the flight to Santa Clara and they headed out there.  Abby remarked on the plane, “Looks like your president fucked up again”

                “How many times are you going to fall for that trick?”

                “What trick?”

                “Every time fake news says they have Trump or Ann Coulter now, they are always wrong.  Whatever it is, it’s going to be proven false in, at most, a day.”

                “No, CNN is reporting that he burned a spy that was close to Russia.  They were forced to extract him.”

                Nouno was familiar with the story.  “Read the last paragraph” he said bored

                Abby did and got confused, “Wait, it says that at the end of Obama’s administration they were worried about the asset being burned.  It also says they don’t know where he is right now so they may not have extracted him.  They’re kind of contradicting themselves.”

                “They’re covering their asses when it gets proven wrong.  They’ll be like ‘no we said that’ but most people just read the headline and not the article.”

                “No, it says here that Obama was worried because he was instrumental in the investigation into Trump.”

                “Which we now know is fake.”

                “We don’t know that for sure.”

                “There was a near three year investigation into it.  There was nothing.”

                “The Democrats disagree.”

                “You saw Mueller’s testimony.”

                “Well, yea, he’s old a senile”

                “Yet, he headed the special counsel”

                “Fine, so we were wrong.  It doesn’t change anything that this source may have known something.”

                “Yes it does.   If he knew anything, he would have told Obama.  Him being wrong means he fell for a Russian disinformation campaign.  Since the Russians know who they told the false information to, they know who the spy is.”

                “That’s a lot of assumptions and speculation.”

                “No, I just know the facts of this case that you refuse to see.”

                “Look, I trust CNN, NBC, ABC, Washington Post and NY Times, and you trust Fox News, Bongino, Levin, Sarah Carter, Judge Jeanine and Hannity.”

                “My side hasn’t had to change their story and hasn’t had anything debunked with actual facts rather than just virtue signaling about how racist it is or how they’re all conspiracy theorists.”
                “My side hasn’t wavered”

                “Oh please, first it was collusion, then obstruction, then back to collusion, then to obstruction and now to Trump is a racist since the first two there’s concrete evidence that they’re wrong.  Trying to prove you’re not a racist is impossible because they change the rules to make everything seem insensitive.”

                “I have to admit, that is getting ridiculous.  I mean, I saw a video where ‘guys’ is now considered a chauvinistic term.  If a chic is offended by ‘guys’ then that’s her problem.”

                Nouno laughed not missing that Abby used a condescending term for women.  His eyes opened wide and he exclaimed, “Wait, the narrative changed.  That CNN writer didn’t get the memo.  That means that I’m sure I can find fake news story to admit that she’s full of shit.”

                “You have strange logic.”

                Nouno went through his phone and found a New York Times article where it refuted the CNN story and offered that the media scrutiny of the FBI’s sources was the impetus for the extraction of the agent.  The New York Times admitted there was no evidence it was Trump’s fault.  He showed Abby the article and stated, “I told you so.”

                “That doesn’t mean your theory is right.  Like I said, CNN contradicted themselves in the same article so it’s hard to defend”

                “See, people who are right never have to make excuses”

                Abby shot Nouno a dirty look and he just stared back smiling.  “Okay, hot shot, you tell me what’s going on if you’re so smart” she remarked with heavy sarcasm. 

                “The Durham probe is wrapping up as is Inspector Horowitz.  Fake news needs to distract people and get ahead of it. 

                “Get ahead of what?”

                “The FBI knew they had no evidence of Trump collusion so they had to fabricate it.  They fabricated it by leaking it to the media so that when the media reported on it, they could be like ‘look we have someone corroborating our information’ but it came from the same place.”

                “I thought you said that Steele leaked the information and told the FBI but the FBI didn’t know Steele was the leaker.”

                “I did say that.”

                “So, then the FBI didn’t leak to validate their own information, Steele did.”

                “Alright, let’s go with the original theory.  Steele did it.  Steele got the information from Russian sources.  We know Trubnikov and Surkov.  Maybe this asset in Russia was also giving him disinformation.  Bottom line is, when the media reported on things that were false but was only told to our spy in Russia, it burned the spy while trying to take down President Trump.”

                “This sounds so conspiratorial and now you’re blaming the FBI for what you used to accuse Steele of.”

                “It doesn’t matter.  Steele worked with the FBI to take down Trump.  I don’t think they were duped.  I think they were complicit but when Trump won and they realized there was a paper trail, they had to distance themselves from Steele so they fired him only to still work with him through Bruce Ohr.”

                “Alright, so this is just another conspiracy for you”

                “It’s a logical conclusion.  I mean there’s all sorts of implications.  This guy’s information could have been used in the Golden File”

                “What’s that?”

                “The President daily brief that Nunes got so shocked after reading that he spearheaded this fight against the intelligence community and the Obama DOJ.  If it was disinformation, It gives more evidence that they didn’t bother to verify the information and it may be more Russian disinformation.”

                “So, Russia had a canary trap and found the mole.”

                While they were talking, Nouno was still reading and researching this.  He found something and declared, “I’m not so sure about that”


                “Look at this.  The first time the United States recommended him be removed from Russia, he refused”

                “Guess he didn’t think he was in danger.”

                “Doesn’t sound like he fell for a canary trap then.”

                “Yea, maybe you’re wrong.”

                “Or he’s a double agent.”

                “Stop making so many assumptions.  Ochman’s razor!”

                “It’s not another variable.  He wants to stay in the country because he helped the Russians so his life isn’t in danger.”

                “Trump didn’t collude with Russians and Democrats weren’t tricked by them.  Before 2016, we forgot the Russians were even a threat.  The Cold War ended before I was born”

                “Not before I was born”

                “You were six”

                “So, it was after I was born”

                ‘Yea, but it’s not like you remember being worried about the Cold War.”


                They land in Santa Clara and check into the Air Bnb.  Given that they used the room to kill people, they needed places without a concierge that would see them.  They canvassed the area and tried to find a good crematorium that was not too far but not in a highly populated area.  Abby hacked into Julio’s social media and figured out his habits.  They opted to spend a couple days on the beach and mix some pleasure with their business.  At night, they focused on wrapping the designated kill room with plastic and sound proofing it.  They found out where Julio would be and set forth a plan. 

                Nouno followed Julio from a restaurant.  He couldn’t believe his luck as Julio was trying to steal another car.  He picked the lock and opened the door.  Nouno came up from behind and jabbed a syringe into his neck unleashing a sedative.  Julio collapsed into the car and Nouno shoved him into the passenger seat and started the car.  He called Abby and told her to meet him in an isolated area.  They did and Nouno moved Julio to Abby’s car and left the stolen car abandoned.  The cops would probably find it eventually.  It would have been stupid to draw attention to the Air BNB by having a stolen car parked in front of it. 

                Julio woke up and started screaming obscenities in Spanish when he realized he was restrained.  Nouno was fluent in Spanish so responded back in Spanish, “I’m sorry but given that you keep committing crimes, we just can’t trust you on the street”

                “So, why not just arrest me?”

                “That doesn’t work.  The cops let you go because you’re an illegal”

                “I never understood why this country treats us better than the people who live here.”

                “We don’t either.”

                “What do you want from me?”

                “To kill you”

                “What? why?”

                “I told you, you’re a menace to society and the justice system won’t take care of it, so we have to.”

                “But everyone wants the American dream”

                “Oh, so you want to be an American?”


                “Who’s the President?”

                “Trump, he really scammed you guys.”

                “How did he do that?”

                “He has the secret service and his entourage staying at his hotels so he makes money.”

                “He waived his $ 500,000 salary as President.  People boycott his brand out of principle now.  He lost hundreds of millions of dollars being president.  He’s probably the only one to lose money as president.”

                “They just stopped in Scotland for no apparent reason”

                “Except, you know, to refuel”

                “Trump has a hotel in Scotland”

                “He’s got hotels all over the world but that is a common place for the President’s planes to land to refuel”

                “Well, I don’t know about that”

                “I do, here’s a video in Scotland on YouTube when they stopped there on July 10, 2016.” As he showed Julio on his phone

                Abby was researching it as well and blurted out, “In 2015, the President’s entourage landed in Preswick, the airport in Scotland, 95 times.  In 2016, it was 145 times.”

                “I’m wrong then”

                “Yea” Nouno replied

                “Any last words?”

                “You don’t got the balls”

                Nouno jammed a knife into Julio’s chest killing him.  They wrap the body in plastic and bring it to the car.  They drive to the crematorium and break in using the machine to cremate the body.  While waiting for only the bones to be left, Nouno and Abby wait in their car just so if anyone comes in, they’re not caught red handed.  Abby queried, “You know, we got a couple hours.  There’s no need to stay in the vicinity.  My cousin is in college here.  Let’s see if she wants to get lunch.  Nouno shrugged his shoulders and agreed.  They called Abby’s cousin Caitlin and met up with her for sushi.  Caitlin, like most college students, was a far left liberal.  Nouno felt like he was going to get double teamed but he wasn’t worried  The facts and data were on his side.  He gave Caitlin a hug when he saw her and they sat down talking about school.  Caitlin complained, “Governor Newsom is passing a bill to make Lyft and Uber file as employees.”

                Nouno asked, “You know that’s going to kill Uber right?”

                “I mean, I don’t really know the difference”

                “Uber and Lyft will now have to pay the health insurance and worker comp.  That raises their costs.  You know what that means right?”

                “More expensive for us”

                “That’s right, and fewer drivers since now it’s not worth it for Uber and Lyft to hire someone that’s only going to work like an hour a month.  They’re going to only hire drivers that will drive enough to make it worth it for them given all the extra costs.”

                “But, that means we’ll have to wait longer for an Uber because there’s going to be less of them.”

                “Not to mention, lower supply, what does that do to price?”

                “Raise it” She uttered despondently. “

                Abby posed, “Why would they do that?”

                Nouno threw up his hands, “Hey, don’t be so surprised.  This is what you support.  You want government intervention.  This is what happens when government gets involved in private companies.  This is your fault for supporting people that do this.” Pointing at Caitlin

                “I didn’t vote for Newsom”

                “Only because you’re registered in Ohio but you would have because he’s a Democrat.  By the way, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders support the bill.  How’s your Democratic Socialism looking now?”

                “If I can’t get an Uber anymore, then they’re going to lose my vote.”

                “Well, you may be able to, you’re just going to pay more and wait longer.”

                “Why the fuck would I want that?  Pay for an inferior product?!”

                “This is what you wanted.  Stop bitching.  This is what you support.  This is government intervention.”

                “It’s a Newsom problem not a socialist problem”

                “False, that’s why every time socialism is tried it fails even thought different people have been in charge.  It has only caused massive inefficiencies for a high price tag and death, destruction and poverty.” “ 

                “If you’re right, then Sanders and Warren will lose my vote.”

                “Well that’s good.  Hopefully more of your poor college students that will be harmed by having to spend more money on Uber will join you.”

                “They will.  People like you that can afford a couple extra bucks per ride won’t be too pissed but a couple dollars every time I get an Uber will hurt.”

                Abby inquired, “Again, why though?”

                “One, they know college kids are easy to brainwash so they probably won’t lose their vote.  I mean, I doubt many college kids will vote for Trump” glancing at Caitlin who’s look indicated he was probably right, “so they can do it without much ramifications”

                “Who does it help?”

                “Oh, the unions.  The teamsters and other unions are supporting this so that all Uber and Lyft drivers have to join the taxi and limousine union.  This gives them a lot more union dues so they make money.  Unions are powerful in California”

                That lowered the mood at the table.  The rest of the dinner went by uneventfully and they dropped Caitlin back at her dorm.  Abby and Nouno went back to the Crematorium to discard the bones in the proper way that Crematoriums do it.  After they were done, they went back to the Air BNB.  They spent a couple more days on the beach and headed home.  On the flight back, Abby challenged Nouno, “Okay, you keep talking about Fake news and how they lie.  I want examples that has nothing to do with Russian collusion because they may have just been tricked.  You have to admit that it was a huge conspiracy with a lot of people buying into it so I’ll give them a pass.”

                “I won’t”

                “You’re an economist.  You make ridiculous assumptions to simplify the world.  This is your ridiculous assumption; no Russian collusion”

                “Okay, Politifact said it was false when Trump stated at the North Carolina rally that Virginia Governor Northam said if a baby is born that was supposed to be aborted, he would have a discussion with the mother whether or not they should kill it.”

                “Well, that’s not what he said”

                “He said that after the baby is born, they’ll make the child comfortable and have a conversation with the mother on what should be done.”

                “Right, he didn’t say they would talk about killing it.”

                “What else could that possibly mean?”

                “Maybe whether she wanted it or put it up for adoption.”

                “Please, don’t be ridiculous.  At best, it’s not clear what he meant which means that Politifact can’t say it’s false.  They don’t know”

                “Well, I’ll give you that but it’s possible they weren’t talking about killing it”

                “I highly doubt it.  He never denied it when it was going on.”

                “Anything else?”

                “Brian Stelter was making fun of Trump because Trump tweeted that people were lining up to get into his rally and they were soaking wet.  Him and a CNN colleague talked about how it was 88 and sunny in North Carolina so called Trump a liar.”

                “They couldn’t figure out that if it’s 88 and sunny, people could be sweating?”

                “Nope, that never occurred to them.”

                “Man, CNN isn’t having a good week”

                “They never do, you’re just noticing it now”

                “Can you go for the trifecta?”

                “Vox says that nobody showed up at the Trump rally and showed a picture where there was room in the back”

                “What’s wrong with that?”

                “The picture was of the overflow room”


                “Are you going to try to tell me they didn’t know what room was which?  Hint, the room Trump is in is the main room. Any other room is an overflow room.”

                “Yea, there’s no deniability on that one.  It’s just a straight up lie.  That doesn’t mean the whole mainstream media or even Vox are liars, it’s just one guy.”

                “Keep believing that.  I just named three examples.  I can come up with them every day.  One day, you’ll see my light.”

                Abby smiled charmingly but guiltily.  When they got back to Arizona, Abby turned on the TV and Beto O’Rourke was speaking.  Abby cheered, “Oh look, Beto! See, we may have turned against Bernie and Warren but we still got our Beto”

                Beto O’Rourke was giving a speech and he told the audience, “We will force rich people to let poor people live in their neighborhoods.  That way, they can intermingle in the same public school.  No more only having wealthier people move to nice neighborhoods for the schools.  We’re going to let people who can’t afford those neighborhoods to move there so they can go to those schools too.”

                Abby squinted at the screen, “What?!”

                “Yea, we love Beto” Nouno exclaimed facetiously.”

                “I mean, I get what he means.  Poor people having to commute so long to work isn’t fair but not giving them just a home but a nice home?  This is getting a little ridiculous”

                “You’re guy not mine.  Liberals never realize that when you declare a right, you incur in obligation on someone else.”

                “Basically, if you’re middle class, you ain’t shit.  Rich people can afford to send their kids to private school so it doesn’t matter that the poor kids moving into their neighborhood are going to the public schools.  If you’re poor, you get to live in a nice house and a nice neighborhood due to Beto’s rule.  So, if you aren’t poor but don’t make enough to send your kids to private school, you get screwed.”

                “Hey, it’s your guy.  I’m still consistent.  There’s a safety net of food stamps and Medicaid.  We stop there.  You guys want the free housing, free tuition, now free housing in nice neighborhoods. “

                “Alright, no Beto.  I still got like 19 other ones.”

                “Just join my side so you don’t have to be disappointed”


                “We’ll see.  You’re realizing how some of the far leftists are retarded.  That’s a good start.  You’re on your way.”

                She rolled her eyes at him as he smirked back.  They went on to other topics and went about their daily routine waiting for the next case. 



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