Monday, September 16, 2019

Theo the Trump Employee Episode 27 Red-American Debate

                Theo is having Déjà vu.  11 months ago, the nation was highly emotional about the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.  Recently, there have been rumors that highly radical Ruth Bader Ginsberg is not going to make it to 2020.  If the rumors are true, then the Supreme Court will have six republican judges and three Democrat judges.  Last year, when Kavanaugh was elected, the mainstream media and liberals wrote constant op-eds and attacked Justice Roberts to vote the way they wanted and he obliged.  Sensing weakness, the liberals attacked vehemently on any hot button issue knowing that Roberts would cower so the Republicans no longer had a majority.  If Ginsberg vacated her seat, they need someone else they can intimidate so they start with their old attacks on Kavanaugh.  Unfortunately for them, they can’t go to their hero from last year, Christine Ford, because her lawyer has since admitted that they made up the story because they were worried about Roe v. Wade.  Ford’s father also came out and said publicly that he thinks his daughter was lying last year. 

                Theo has gotten out of work at the White House and heads to American University to drink.  Usually he drinks with Georgetown students because he enjoys schooling the Ivy League snobs.  After American brought in someone to train the professors that correct English grammar is racist, he decided he’d target their kids too.  Sure enough, a young redhead is talking about Kavanaugh.  Theo walks over and says, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation.  Why do you hate men so much?”

                The girl stepped back and gave a disgusted look, “I don’t hate men, I hate rapists.”

                “There is absolutely no evidence Kavanaugh sexually assaulted anyone.  Why don’t you get your facts straight?”

                “I’m sorry who are you?”

                Theo extended his hand and introduced himself.  The girl didn’t take it.  She snapped back, “There’s a book coming out that explains it.”
                “People have read it.  Her name is Debra Ramirez.  She claims that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her at Yale”

                “So there you go.”

                “No, there we don’t go.  Ramirez told the FBI that her friend Kenneth Appold was there.  They asked Appold.  At first, he said he was there but then they found out that he lied.  He then changed his story saying he heard from someone that Kavanaugh did that.  First off, hearsay isn’t admissible in court.”

                “We can’t let rapists get away because of a technicality”

                “Well, that is how our judicial system works but everything you said is wrong.  One, he’s not being accused of rape.  You’re using the word ‘rape’ because college girls call everything ‘rape.’  Every time they do that, however, if waters down the word so it’s a slap in the face to woman that have actually been raped.”

                “Fine, he indecently exposed himself”

                “But don’t girls like confidence?  Doesn’t that show confidence?  I mean every woman will tell you that they don’t want a guy to ask permission to kiss them but to have the confidence to make a move.  Would you agree?”

                “Well yea but….”

                “But if they make a move and you’re not interested it’s sexual assault?”

                “I’m not going to say that.  I guess it depends on the situation”

                “Alright, well all this is a hypothetical because they decided to ask the guy Appold said told him.  His ‘source’ claims that he has no recollection of the party or Kavanaugh ever doing this.  So, let me ask you something.  If I tell you something and tell you to ask someone to prove I’m not lying.  You then ask that person and he or she says that I am lying.  What do you think of my story?”

                “I’m a little skeptical but maybe he just didn’t remember.  It was a long time ago.”

                “How many parties have you been to where someone whipped it out?”

                The girl just smiled and after a brief pause responded, “No Comment”

                “Did you accuse all of those people of sexual assault?”

                “I didn’t say I’ve seen it”


                “There were other stories though”

                “The other one is even more ridiculous”

                “How does it get worse when nobody  backs up your story?”

                “I’m not even sure if what he’s claiming is even in the realm of possibility.  Like you said with what allegedly, though doubtfully, took place with Ramirez.  It seems plausible that something like that would happen at a college party right?”


                “Well, this allegation is that a guy was at a party and he saw someone grab Kavanaugh’s penis and push it onto a girl.  Have you seen that happen?”

                “I’m Jamie by the way”

                “Alright Jamie, have you seen that happen?”

                Jamie gave a confused look and shook her head, “No, that’s just weird.  I mean why would a guy grab another guy’s dick and shove it on a girl?  I mean, you’d have to be exposed and then someone else grab it.  I guess I’d be madder at the guy who grabbed it but I mean, who does that?  You’re a guy, you know if that happens more than I do.”

                “I’ve never heard of it happening”

                “Yea, me neither”

                “Just like that story though, Max Stier, the person who allegedly had Kavanaugh’s penis pushed into her, doesn’t remember this happening”

                “Again, long time ago.”

                “Again, you can’t make baseless claims and people tend to remember when they get sexually assaulted”

                “Don’t you believe where there’s smoke there’s fire?”

                “No, especially when it’s a famous person who is in high power.  People would love to own a Supreme Court justice and influence his decisions so they’ll keep accusing him of heinous things and be like “hey, if you want all these accusations to go away, you’ll do what we say.”

                “That’s a little conspiratorial”

                “No it’s not.  Especially when you know that the fake news will back you up and help you.”

                “Fake news ?  Oh God, you’re a Trump supporter”

                “Not just that, I work for him.”

                “All media people thoroughly check their sources”

                Theo laughed very loudly and actually bent over trying to catch his breath, “Wow, that’s hilarious.  The New York Times didn’t even include that Max Stier denied the story.  Don’t you think that’s an important part of the story?”

                “Alright, but it’s freedom of speech, what can you do?”

                “No, it’s libel.  Kavanaugh should sue them all just like Nick Sandmman did.”

                “A Supreme Court justice should be above that”

                “Mainstream media outlets are publishers not platforms.  They are open to be sued so why not take them up on it?  I hope Sandman wins. He’s already had some thrown out so I’m not so sure but everyone should try.”

                “It’s hard to prove libel when you’re a public figure”

                “Still should try.  Make them spend money defending themselves.  There needs to be consequences for doing this shit.  They’re already hurting for money, that’s why Carlos Slim, Mexican telecommunications tycoon, bought the New York Times.”

                “So, why won’t he?”

                “Republicans like taking the high road.  That’s why liberals are winning.  Republicans, except Trump, aren’t willing to get down in the gutter with libelous, scandalous, treacherous, liberals”

                “Clearly, you’re willing to get into the gutter.”

                “Yes, I am”

                “Well, I’m going to go.  I don’t talk to racists”

                Theo smiled, “Based solely on me liking President Trump”


                “That wasn’t a question but you’re proving that you guys are the judgmental ones not us.”

                Theo goes to the bar and orders another drink.  A man who looks older than a college student but younger than Theo’s 35 years sits down next to him.  He extends his hand, “Hey, I’m Trevor”


                “I listened in on your argument with that cute redhead”

                “Careful, nowadays you can get accused of sexual assault for saying something like that.”

                “You seem to be into our judicial system.  Any opinion on the IG report?”

                “Well, it’s not out yet.”

                “But, it’s coming out soon”

                “I don’t think it is.  It might be a couple weeks”

                “Why?  It’s done”

                “The FBI and Bill Barr are going to fight over what gets classified”

                “Well that is important don’t you think?”

                “No, Barr has the power to declassify given by the president.  FBI director Wray’s opinion on the subject is irrelevant.  This insubordination of the President of the United States is insulting and reprehensible.”

                “Interesting; I can’t really say I disagree.  Well, I guess unilateral power isn’t what I thought our constitution was about.”

                “The unilateral power to declassify is not unilateral monarchic power”

                “I can agree with that.  What about McCabe?”

                “What about him?  I hope he gets indicted”

                “Well his lawyer said that the grand jury said there wouldn’t be an indictment”

                “I find that very hard to believe.  I mean, I’m sure he said that but he’s just preying on people that don’t know how the Grand Jury works.”

                “Well, this is a college bar.  Why don’t you educate me?”

                “First off, grand jury proceedings are secret so McCabe’s lawyer couldn’t know how the grand jury voted.”

                “Things leak”

                “Secondly, there’s no defense representation in a Grand Jury.  They literally only hear one side of the story.  You don’t even need a unanimous decision. You need 12 of 23 to get a Grand Jury indictment.  Imagine how horrible of a lawyer you’d have to be to not convince a majority of people that there’s  case when there’s nobody arguing against you?  That’s why it almost never happens.  It’s very hard not to get an indictment in a grand jury.  Look at the Kavanaugh thing. When there’s no other side of the story, like me, people are convinced but the accusations are complete nonsense.  If you only heard Jamie and not me, would you think Kavanaugh was guilty?”

                “I see your point.”

                “Thirdly, let’s just say you are retarded enough to not get an indictment from a grand jury.  Double jeopardy doesn’t apply in grand jury cases, so you can try as many times as you want.”

                Trevor chuckled, “Yea, can’t say I knew any of this.  I guess they really do rely on people’s ignorance”

                “Grand Juries can also give sealed indictments so that’s another reason McCabe’s lawyer wouldn’t know”

-              “Wow, you’re really just throwing dirt and burying this six feet under”

                “This dead horse needs a beating!”

                Trevor burst out laughing and Theo joined him.  Trevor raised his glass and Theo clicked his against Trevor’s and they both took a sip.  Trevor got up and walked away and Theo closed his tab.  As he was leaving, Jamie approached him outside.  She looked guilty and expressed, “Hey, I’m sorry I called you a racist.”

                “It’s okay, I’m used to it from you liberals”

                “Can you not trigger me?”

                “No, I’m not sure I can.  You’re free to leave if you want.”

                “No, I don’t really get to meet many conservatives around here so I do want to get your opinion.”

                “I’m impressed.  That’s what college used to be about.”

                “Yea, well, what are you majoring in?”

                “I’m not in school.  I told you, I work at the White House”

                “Oh, alright”

                “You’re wondering why I’m here?”

                “Well, it’s a free country so I don’t mean to be disrespectful”

                “I like invading college student’s safe spaces and lying some truth down on them.  It’s bad to be in a bubble.  Being around people that agree with you sucks.  I don’t want an echo chamber.  Socrates said that the only way you learn is by debating people.  So, I debate people.”

                “Well, I’d like to follow Socrates too”

                “You want to get dinner?”

                “Dinner’s a big step”

                “Can you handle another drink?”

                “Oh please, I could probably drink you under the table” Jamie replied with a coy smile

                “Well that sucks for me; you’re not going to be a cheap date.  But, let’s go to another bar and talk”


                Theo and Jamie go to another bar in the area.  This one was quieter and a slightly older crowd.  Jamie started, “Okay, so sexual assault is a touchy subject for both of us so let’s talk about Red Flag laws”

                “For or against?”

                “Against.  Too easy to abuse it.  I mean look at San Francisco.  They just deemed the NRA an domestic terrorist organization.  When you can label someone anything you want without due process, it’s a problem”

                “I don’t know how one has to do with another.”

                “Let’s say you throw a red flag for all domestic terrorist organizations.  Someone’s going to be like, ‘yea that makes sense.’ Then they name the NRA a domestic terrorist organization so all NRA members have to give up their guns.”

                “Oh, yea, that is a little ridiculous”

                “You can do this for anyone too.  You can just say all conservatives are terrorist.  Just like you did with me that all Trump supporters are racists”

                “I get it” she rejoined sounding annoyed

                “They’re not even good about who they would red flag.  A republican tried to put an addendum to a bill that known gangs at this time, not future, would be unable to own a gun.”

                “Well, I would’ve agreed before what we just talked about.”

                “The Democrats turned it down”

                “But if it was gangs currently known, then why would that be a problem?”

                “Because it would prove President Trump right when he talked about most of the illegal immigrants in the caravan were gang members.  By accessing the gang database to see who can’t have a gun, we would find out how many gang members are illegal immigrants”

                Jamie leaned in to Theo and seductively smiled.  She retorted, “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.  Every time you speak, you say something ridiculously offensive.  It’s ‘undocumented worker’ not illegal”

                “They came into the country illegally, they are illegal.”

                “There you go again”

                Theo leaned in and uttered, “So shut me up”

                “You’re the one that told me what girls like”

                Theo kissed Jamie and she kissed back.  She then pulled back and devilishly smiled, “And that’s all you’re going to get” as she strutted out of the bar. 

Theo shrugged his shoulder.  It was amusing to him that Jamie thought she won.  He got a kiss, which was more than he expected.  It was time to go home so he closed the tab paying for Jamie’s drink as well.  He left the bar and got on the train to go home.  On the train, people were talking about Bernie Sanders.  Theo rolled his eyes and said to the group, “You guys need to travel more.  Socialism, no matter how you describe it, always leads to death, destruction and poverty for all.”

                One of the people in the group retorted, “I think Canada and Scandinavia are doing quite fine”

                “I’d agree, but those aren’t socialism.  Those are high individual tax capitalist governments”

                “Well, Bernie Sanders mentioned that”

                “When Castro and Maduro took power, Bernie Sanders supported them.  Now that the results are in, he pretends he didn’t but it’s all on the record.  Check it yourself.  The thing is, Canada, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, these are the countries you’re talking about right?”


                “They all have corporate tax rates lower than the United States.  Do you get anything from Bernie about how he wants to lower the corporate tax rate?”

                “No, he wants to raise the taxes on corporations”

                “Right, so that’s not what those countries have is it?  He’s lying to you”

                “So, why are they successful?”

                “Compared to us, they really aren’t.  The reason why they don’t collapse is because the people employing people, the corporations, are free to grow, which makes it easier for them to pay their employees more.  The employees are highly taxed so they have money for their public programs but it all stems from the fact that corporations are allowed to grow with few limits or red tape.  The freedom the corporations have is what fuels their government programs”

                “So why are we better?”

                “Because you only benefit if you own a corporation.  People who work for those businesses get screwed with high individual tax rates.  Then, in addition to that, they have VAT tax.”

                “What’s that?”

                “There’s no whole sale.  Taxes are built in to every level of production.  That’s why when you travel, you can actually declare to get the taxes back because everything you buy has been taxed at several layers driving up the price.”

                “Like sales tax”

                “Not really, because that’s just a tax on the final product.  I mean, when you were building it, I guess there was sales tax when you bought the material. I don’t really know how to explain it, which I guess means I don’t understand it as well.  I always look at it as the same thing as income tax as being progressive because wealthier people buy more things so they pay more taxes since the taxes were built into all the things they bought”

                “That makes sense.”

                “But economists say it’s regressive”

                “What’s their argument?”

                “Well, here we don’t have sales tax on food groceries.”

                “And in Europe they do?”

                “Yes, they do.  So the argument is that the additional money you have to shell out for the VAT tax on food is a higher percentage of a poor person’s income than the same amount for a rich person’s”

                “That also makes sense”

                “But rich people tend to buy more food than poor people”

                “Yea, but even if you factor that in, they’d have to be morbidly obese to equal the same proportion to their income”

                “I guess that’s the argument but overall, I still feel like rich people pay more since they buy more.”

                “Yea, I don’t know.  I can only go by what you’re telling me and you don’t seem to be an expert.  No offense”

                “None taken, I’m not explaining it well.”

                “Which do you like better?”

                “I used to say VAT tax because you don’t have a surprise at the checkout when the price goes up.  In Europe, if something costs $10, it costs $10 when you check out too.  Though, I do see the point that a higher percentage of a poor person’s income goes to food so they are being hurt by fulfilling their necessities more than a rich person.  Also, when you raise the price on anything, people consume less.  Individual consumption is the number one thing that drives an economy.  You don’t want the government doing all the spending. You want private citizens doing the majority of the spending and the higher the price, the less they spend.  But, a lot of European countries don’t have income tax.  Then again, the lower income brackets are net receivers of taxes as they get more than they give.  When people get their tax returns, they tend to spend more than they did before.  When you build it into the product, then you don’t have that spending effect.  I think I just convinced myself that our system is better.”

                “Glad we could help bounce your ideas off us”

                “I hope you learned about VAT tax too”

                “Well considering I didn’t know what it was before today, I did.  Why is it called ‘VAT’”

                “Valued Added Tax, it’s an acronym”

                “Ah, yea that wasn’t clear”

                “So how do you understand it?”

                “A really high sales tax that seeks to make up for the fact that they don’t steal income tax from our pay checks”

                “Right, they take other taxes though but yea, not income.”

                “So, if you don’t buy things you avoid it but you have to buy things”

                “Yea, and making food more expensive is bad.”

                “Definitely; it’s like you can’t save money by not eating out because you still get screwed by the tax, which you don’t when you go grocery shopping here”

                “It’s good to be an American”

                The group smiled.  Theo got to his stop and got off.  He went home and replayed the debates he had in his head.  He looked up and thought somewhere up there Socrates would be proud.  Since Theo was Greek, this meant a lot to him. 


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