Saturday, June 8, 2019

Real Characters episode 10 A day in the life of a top FBI agent

                FBI agent McKensey is heading to Capitol Hill to meet with an oversight council headed up by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  He knows it’s going to be an interrogation and an attack so he has come prepared with various highlighted documents so he can easily reference things.  As he listens to the questions from Cortez, it becomes apparent that she is not as prepared as he is.  McKensey tries to be civil and not talk down to her but when she claims that Muslims are charged as domestic terrorists and hate crimes but white supremacists aren’t, he has to interrupt her and tell her she’s wrong.  He, of course, uses the terminology “not correct”

                Cortez replies, “Can you explain?”

                “Yes both the black church and Charlottesville were considered hate crimes and domestic terrorism”

                “I heard from the AMA that they weren’t charge, so there’s a discrepancy.”

                “There’s no discrepancy.  There is no charge on the books labeled, ‘domestic terrorism’ it’s an assessment put in a report later.”  McKensey then reads from the report of the two incidents she named and references how they were called ‘hate crimes’ and ‘domestic terrorism.’

                “So, Orlando and the Muslim attacks are charged then”

                “The word ‘charge’ is false.  US code 18C,D,E has a list of charges that can be levied against someone but ‘domestic terrorism’ isn’t one of them.  No one is charged for domestic terrorism, they are investigated and suspected of it but it’s not an official charge.”

                Cortez responds, “Okay, so it may be a problem on our part but they were treated differently”

                “Well, the home grown extremists have an additional charge on the books for foreign terrorist because they’re linked to global Jihad”

                “Do you think white supremacy is a global problem?”

                “Yes I do” Replies McKensey

                “Then why do home-grown Muslims get linked to international terrorist but White Supremacists aren’t?”

                McKensey thought when Cortez said it may be a problem on Congress’ part that she got it but apparently she didn’t.  He said, “There’s no equivalent of an organized global terrorist group like ISIS, Al-Quaeda and the like on the white supremacist side.”

                That was the end of Cortez’ time so they had to move to another congresswoman but McKensey is disappointed that elected officials or their staff don’t do basic research to ask informed questions. 

                After hours of answering questions, McKensey leaves Capitol Hill but his job isn’t done.  He meets with other FBI agents that are working with Inspector Harrowitz, John Durham and Bill Barr in investigating the origins of the spying campaign on President Trump.  These particular agents are looking at the Mueller report thinking that it’s a good source for what Trump is accused of.  He asks, “How’s the vetting of the Mueller Report coming?”

                An agent frowns and says, “Not good sir.”

                “Why’s that?”

                “There are glaring omissions in the report”

                “Like what?”

                -Well you see here how Mueller describes a transcript of the President’s Lawyer Dowd and Michael Flynn’s lawyer”


                “The Mueller report says that Dowd is wondering if he can get an idea what he’s going to say to Mueller so they can be on the same page.”

                “Alright, so it looks like they’re getting their story straight”

                “Yes, but the actual transcript says ‘without giving up any confidential information.’”

                “So, you’re saying Dowd specifically told Flynn’s lawyer not to give confidential information?”


                “And Mueller left that out?  Does he understand that when you give a transcript, it’s supposed to be a verbatim word for word quotation not paraphrased?”

                “We know, that’s why I said ‘not good sir’”

                “Is that the only one?”

                “No, when they talk about the Trump tower meeting, they leave out all the ties that the two Russians that show up have to Hillary Clinton.  The Russian woman, Veselnitskaya was actually a translator for the Clinton campaign.”

                “It seems he just made it 448 pages to make it seem like it’s thorough when it’s really not”

                “That is our assessment too”

“Well don’t make the same mistake as Mueller, don’t leave anything out.”

“Okay, I can’t really pronounce this guy’s name but the Georgian national, Rtskhiladze”

“Who’s he?”

“He’s the one that allegedly gave Cohen the Golden Shower prostitute tapes”

“Okay, and….”

“The Mueller Report says ‘stop flow of tapes from Russia but not sure there’s anything else just so you know”

“Let me guess, that’s not all of the quote?”

“What does that sound like to you?”

“That tapes are being sent from Russia but there may be more”

“Right, but the actual quote takes out the word ‘some’ so it says ‘That some tapes are being sent from Russia’

“Did he mention anything that was on the tapes?”


“So, it could be a tape of a Miss Universe girl practicing her speech”

“Yes, or millions of other things.”

“So, that remains to be the most ridiculous part of the report.”

“It gets worse sir.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well Rtskhiladze’s lawyer wrote a scathing review of the report and declares that’s it’s a fraud and completely ridiculous.  The lawyer denies the tapes had anything to do with Golden Shower and that there was nothing to the rumor.  His client didn’t even know if the tapes existed let alone if they were sent to America.  So, obviously, the Georgian never saw what was on the tapes because he’s unsure of their existence.”

“That might be something you should include in the report.” McKensey states sarcastically. “Any other sins of omission?”

“Well, you know how he talks about Manafort and his work with Konstantin Kilimnik, who Mueller alleges is linked to Putin and the Russians when he’s a Ukrainian?”

“Yes, he set up meetings with Eric Prince of Blackwater in the Seychelles.  That was suspicious because Prince’s sister is in the President’s Cabinet”

“Well it turns out that Kilminik is a US State department asset”

“You’re kidding me?  He’s one of ours?”

“Yes, he has been reporting back to us about Russia and Ukraine relations and offering ways to settle the conflict in Crimea peacefully.”

“Have we gotten anything from him?”

“Yes, and Mueller’s report does say this, he gave Manafort a report to give to then President-nominee Trump”

“Alright, so Mueller did include that.”

“He left out that Kilminik gave the same report to Obama in May 2016.”

“Without Manafort’s help?”

“Correct.  He didn’t need it because he’s a State department asset.”     

“Mueller basically wrote an opinion piece and left out anything that didn’t fit his position.  This is a disgrace.”

“It gets worse sir.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not just omissions, his witnesses have questionable credibility.”

“Alright, go on….”

“One of his main witnesses, George Nadar, was charged a year ago for child pornography.  He was just arrested and his cell phone seized.  They confirmed that he does indeed have child pornography on his phone.”

“Well that happened a couple weeks ago, so you can’t indict someone for not knowing about future information.”

“Like I said, Mueller knew a year ago because an arrest warrant was written.  Mueller kept it under wraps so that Nadar could testify.”

“What exactly did Kilimnik do?”

“He allegedly gave polling data to Cohen”

“You mean the polls you see on various new agencies and newspapers all over the country?”

                “Well, I’m sure anyone could’ve gotten that for Manafort so I don’t think it’s a big deal.  Mueller thought this was so juicy that he was willing to not prosecute a child pornography trafficker?  That’s a glaring indictment on his character and decision making.”

“That seems to be the only thing the Mueller report does.  Prove that he cannot put aside personal bias to do his job.”

“Good thing he resigned”

“Not really, we have to deal with the mess he left behind.”


McKensey’s leaves the office and goes to another agent who’s investigating the southern border.  He inquires, “What’s going on?”

“It’s a catastrophe!  We got Mexico threatening to send 250 thousand more if we don’t lift the tariffs.  We also confirmed that people are renting kids and going across the border so they can be released for the Florez Consent Decree.”

“What do you mean renting kids?”

“They have DNA tests now and most of them aren’t related to the kids they are with.”

“So, they’re child traffickers”

“Yes, but all they got to do is wait 20 days because you can’t hold a child for more than 20 days per the Bill Clinton Florez Consent Decree.  They just wait it out.”

“I know the Democrats hate the President but they hate him so much, they’re siding with child traffickers and kidnappers?”

“Yes sir.”
                “Wow, this is amazing, the Florez Consent Decree is incentivizing people to kidnap and traffic children.  Congress could change this tomorrow.  Funny, I just came from Capitol Hill where I had to deal with another dumb congressman that wanted to enforce something that isn’t even a law.  I told her to just make the law and she seemed confused.”

“The President had two years with a Republican house to do it. Instead, he trolled them to go on record that he was separating kids.  He let the media deny the existence of the Florez Consent Decree and then they acknowledged it but ignore it.”

“Yea, he should have just passed something when he had the chance.  Although I like what he’s done, his base was chanting ‘build the wall’ not anything else.  He should have gotten rid of this law when everyone was complaining about separating families.”

“Yea, well nothing you can do about it now.”

“Yea I know”

A couple days later, McKensey is on a plane to New York.  There have been a string of anti-Semitic attacks in Brooklyn and he wants to know what’s going on.  He meets with Mayor De Blasio and says, “Good day Mr. Mayor, how are you today?”

“I’m well yourself?”

“I can’t complain.”

How’s the campaign for president going?”

“Ha Ha” De Blasio said sarcastically

McKensey seemed confused and retorted, “I don’t know what you mean.  I haven’t really been following because of other stuff and it’s still a year and a half away so I’m not sure what’s happening”

“I’m polling at 0% and the approval rating is 8%”

McKensey didn’t know how to respond so he just said, “Well, you have a lot of time before the election and you only have one direction you can go in the poll” 

“Yea” De Blasio stated in a distant voice. 

“I need some information about what’s going on in Brooklyn”

“Well, I just gave a speech about this.  Anti-Semitism is a right wing ideology so we have to curb white nationalists as they’re tearing our city apart.”

“Part of the conservative definition is being pro-Israel.  The President moved the embassy and has been very friendly toward Israel so I wouldn’t say he’s anti-Semitic.  It just seems ridiculous to me”

“I can take you to the area in Brooklyn.  You can meet with the local representatives”

“I’d like that”

McKendry meets the Democrat councilmen Deautsche who represents the district that’s being attacked.  He says, “Good day sir, how are you?”

“Not very good”

“Yes, I know your community is being threatened by the latest string of violence against the Jews in your district.”

“It’s not just that but our mayor said it was right-wing white Supremacists”

“Are you saying it wasn’t?”

“No, it was black men.  I’ve never seen a white supremacist come into this neighborhood at all let alone committing these acts.  From a local standpoint, there is zero evidence of far right extremists committing these acts.    

McKensey got a description of the men and distributed it to the New York FBI agents.  He then went to a bar and had a drink.  The latest string of meetings just showed that every time they try to get back to truth another lie distracts them and provides one more shot on the credibility of the mainstream media.  He sees a young man walk in with a big smile on his face.  He greets some of his friends who were already at the bar.  He pronounces, “Drinks are on me, I just got a raise.”

His friends say, “Congratulations”

“Yes, I know I’m that damn good.  I work so much harder than everyone else, I’m glad it’s finally rewarded.”

McKendry got annoyed with this self-praise so he said, “You do know that wages across the country rose 3.1% from last month to this month?”

“Well the local taxes offset the tax cuts so it’s harder in New York”

“I agree but easier than to just complain and live off the government”


McKensey regretted speaking up.  Those kids weren’t interested in debate, they just wanted to drink.  It was something he would get over.  He had a few more drinks and returned to his hotel drunk.  Tomorrow was a new day and hopefully the corruption would finally reach a bottom.   

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