Monday, June 24, 2019

Theo the Trump Employee Episode 16 Socialist invasion

`               Working in the Trump White House is very stressful.  It’s not because of the person in charge of the household; it’s that that person is being constantly attacked on so many different fronts that it puts you in a battlefield mentality.  This, of course, is the whole point of the outside threats, to isolate and force people not to work for President Trump but those who work for him know he’s the best man for the country.  One such employee is a 35-year-old man named Theo.  Working for President Trump has made Theo question his economic education that he learned at a very reputable university.  Having gone to a reputable university, his faith in the American education system was severely decimated but in the 13 years since he graduated, the faith was completely gone.  He remembered in many economic formulas that expectations were absolutely vital in understanding how markets and the economy work.  The analogy they gave was if everyone thought the price of gas would rise by a dollar a gallon tomorrow, then everyone would go and fill their car with gas today regardless of how full their tank was knowing that those gallons would be far cheaper than they would be the next day so they will save money.  If enough people did this, that would increase the demand for gas without affecting the supply.  When demand rises, and supply stays the same, then the price goes up.  With enough people, you can make that expectation a self-fulfilling prophesy and make the price raise by a dollar a gallon the next day.  Everyone would think the prediction was right but in reality, if there was no prediction, the price of gas would have probably stayed the same the next day. Theo was doubting this because mainstream media and the general public were constantly told and convinced that the economy would collapse under Donald Trump.  Instead, the economy soared.  Maybe these expectations weren’t as important as he was taught; or maybe, just maybe, not enough people actually believed what society and the mainstream media were telling them.  Could that many people be capable of not being sheep and thinking for themselves?  Theo had his ideas but the answer isn’t very obvious.

                Due to the stress of constant attack, bombardment and hatred he experienced for working for President Trump, Theo often found himself at a bar after work to take the edge off.  That is where he was now.  He was meeting up with his friend Tatiana but she was running late at work so that meant he’d have to drink alone until she got there.  Since this depressed Theo, he would often pick a discussion with people at the bar realizing that he didn’t care who he offended.  Oddly, people weren’t as against it as he originally thought they would be.  There was a couple that Theo could tell was not romantically involved debating and the woman said, “Just Google it”

                Theo rolled his eyes.  He hated when people looked at the internet as a bastion of truth that is incapable of stating a lie.  Literally anyone can make a website and can write whatever they want so how do you really know the website that came up is the truth?  The boy, obviously, agreed as that was social convention.  The argument ended based on what the first website on Google said.  Theo wanted to watch drama unfold so he came up to them and said, “How do you know the website you looked at is fact?”

                The woman said, “Well, I mean…”

                “You mean what?  Everything on the internet is true?”

                “Well no, obviously not, but…”

                “But what?  If you know that everything on the internet isn’t true then why do people look to it to resolve all disputes?  Discuss it, rationalize, think for yourself not what Google wants you to think.”

                “What do you mean what Google wants us to think?  It’s just a platform where people can put things up and we can see what other people are saying about it”

                “Oh no, Google isn’t a platform anymore.”

                The boy said, “What do you mean?”

                “There was just a project Veritas video where they interviewed a Google executive in charge of the AI algorithms and after 2016, she changed the algorithms to discriminate against conservatives in an elaborate campaign to make sure Trump doesn’t get elected in 2020.”

                “How are they doing that?”

                “Do you remember the Hillary e-mail scandal?”

                “Yea, but the FBI closed it.”

                “Yea after a couple days allegedly looking through 30,000 e-mails and analyzing them.  But, it took over 600 days to look at Trump.  Anyway, that’s a different discussion.  What do you know about Donald Trump e-mails?”

                The couple looked at each other with a confused look on their face and the boy finally spoke up, “I don’t really remember a story about Trump’s e-mails”

                “Excellent, now type ‘Donald Trump e-mails’ in Google.”  The guy did and Google auto-filled a couple suggestions.  He looked up unimpressed.  Theo smiled and said, “Now type in ‘Hillary Clinton e-mails are’”          

                The boy did and looked up with a defeated look on his face.  Theo said, “No autofill right?  Trying to tell you that nobody wants to know about this and nobody ever looks for it.  People, though, are looking for Donald Trump e-mails Google claims”

                The woman said, “Well how do you know they aren’t” in a snobby voice.

                Theo nodded and said, “type’ it has a graph of how many people are searching”

                The boy did and the Donald Trump e-mail was a straight line at the bottom showing nobody was searching but the Hillary Clinton one showed a huge spike that went over 100 for Hillary in October 2016 but then was lower as it got to current.  The woman snottily retorted, “Well, that’s just an algorithm problem, it was like when Google used to autocorrect ‘white guy stole my car’ to ‘Black guy stole my car’”

                “No, that was the algorithm working correctly because more people searched ‘Black man stole my car.’  It wasn’t racist, it was facts.  But liberals are immune to facts because they’re morons”

                “We’re liberals”

                “Yea I figured as much”

                The woman had taken over the conversation, “Who was this Google executive anyway?”

                “Jen Gennai”

                “I don’t know her”

               “How many Google executives do you know?”

                The woman opened her mouth to speak but then closed it as she realized she had nothing to say, “So, what she just randomly said she’s making algorithms to stop Trump?”

                “Yes, she specifically said that a couple times.  Which is odd because Elizabeth Warren is the one that wants to break up Google.”

                “Did your video say anything about that?  Did they bother to ask?”

                “They did and although Genai said that she loves Warren, she is misguided because if she breaks up Google then the smaller companies wouldn’t have the resources that Google has to stop Trump”

                “She specifically said to stop Trump?”


                “Wow, this bitch really thinks she’s God doesn’t she?”

                “Well, when everyone goes to their sites for truth without doubting anything and using it to settle debates, she may not be completely off.”

                “Well, I don’t know, so you want to break them up?  Then you’re on the side of the Democrats and you want government interference.”

                “I didn’t say I agreed with Warren.  I don’t want government intervention. I want government to stop protecting them.  They should not have the protection of the security and decency act 230”

                “What’s that?”

                “Platforms can’t be sued”

                “Well, then everyone wouldn’t be able to post what they want.  It kind of ruins the whole purpose of the internet and social media”

                “I’m not quite sure that’s a bad thing but this isn’t supposed to be a nation of what I think.  A lot more people would be hurt by that than helped.”

                “So do you have a solution or you just like bitching?”

                “Just say that if they can’t explain in writing how someone violated their terms of service and how they can fix it, then they are exposed to being sued.”

                “So, you’re saying that this written explanation will expose them if they’re like ‘well you’re a conservative and we hate conservative speech’”

                “Exactly, now they just ban you with no explanation.  Or, just demonetize you.”

                “What do you mean ‘demonetize?’”

                “You’re not allowed to make money off the posting.  They block all ways to be paid for what you put up.”

                “I’m not sure how I feel about that”

                “It’s like 1984.  Except Big Brother isn’t the government, it’s Google”

                “I wouldn’t go that far.”

                “Suppressing any thought that disagrees with them.  Labeling everything they disagree with as ‘hate speech.’  Removing content they don’t approve of.  Kind of sounds like double speak, and book burning in the book.”

                “So, you’re anti-socialism too.”

                “Of course I am”

                “Well Bernie Sanders wants to eliminate student loan debt.  We have a lot of student loans so that’s good for us.”

                “You’re still going to pay it through his increase of taxes”

                “No, he said that only stock transactions would be taxed to pay for it.  Just don’t buy stocks”

                “Are you trying to say that only rich people buy stocks?  No Middle class people buy stocks?”

                “Well, no”

                “And the people that employee people, they buy stock right?”


                “So, if they’re paying all these taxes every time they buy a stock, that means they have less money to hire people and give them raises right?”

                “Well, I mean, I guess yea”

                “Also people don’t want to invest because it costs more, which hurts the economy right?  IPO’s can’t get buyers so smaller businesses suffer.”

                “Well, I mean, it’s the rich paying it, not us.”

                “I just explained how it affects you but do you really think the rich have enough to pay off over a trillion dollars?  Right now, the top 10% of income earners are taxed at 75%.  With that, the government brings in about $ 20 billion.  You think that taxing financial transactions is going to generate as much money as five times more than all the current taxes combined?  And you think that’s going to target only the rich and still generate that much?”

                “Well when you put it like that…..”

                “Finish the sentence”

                “Bernie Sanders is lying” the woman declares after slumping over as her eyes dart down.

                Theo ended the conversation and went back to get another drink.  As he did, a man came up to him and said, “So, are you trying to say that socialism can’t work?”

                “Socialism only works for an individual household.  Tiny scale, not big scale”

                “What do you mean?”

                “Well, in a house, the parents need to be the dictators.  It’s not a democracy with your younger children.  Their vote shouldn’t matter.  You make the decisions as the parents.  You control the means of production as you have all the money.  Policy is made literally because ‘I said so.”

                The man laughed and said, “So, no other context?”

                “No, as the group gets bigger to a community, town, state, country, you move closer and closer to capitalism.”

                “So why would something work at the small scale but not the large scale?  In science, experiments are always done in the small scale before ramping it up.”

                “Exactly they ramp it up to see if the large scale works like the small scale.  Also the small scale shows you the best way to do an experiment as far as materials or process without spending too much money.”

                “Often times it works in both”

                “Often yes, but not every time. Otherwise they wouldn’t spend the money on the large scale.”

                The man hesitated for a little bit and pronounces, “I guess that makes sense but why don’t you think socialism can work at the federal level if you get someone that loves their people as much as parents love their children?”

                “The fact that you’re asking that makes me hope you don’t have children.  It is impossible to reach that level.  Aside from that, it’s about subsidiaries”

                “What do you mean?”

                “There’s only two things that matter; knowledge and accountability.  In my home, since I live there, I know what goes on.  Since I live with the people in it and spend a lot of time with them, I know them very well.  That’s the knowledge part.  If they end up being assholes, people are going to hold me, the parents, accountable.  Also an individual vote holds more weight so you’re accountable more to the people.  The more people there are the less your vote counts, the less incentive you have to do right by them.  Despite all these spy devices like cell phones and Alexa’s and stuff, the federal government doesn’t have intimate knowledge of things that go on in everyone’s home.  Therefore they lack the knowledge.  Since there’s so many people, individual votes don’t matter so you can screw people over.  Better to give the power to the people so they can take care of themselves.  In communism, since you assume that everyone is equally qualified, you assign people with no experience to charge huge corporations and companies.  When incompetent people are in charge of tasks that need knowledge and experience, you get Chernobyl.”

                “I think if you have the right leader, it can work.”

                “You can’t force people to work for nothing.  It’s not fair that people who refuse to work get the same fruits as those who work.  Everyone is going to choose to be the one who doesn’t work and gets the same rewards.  But someone has to work so how do you get them to work if you can’t offer more money?”

                “I know what you’re getting at”

                “You have to hold a gun to their head or force them”

                Theo’s friend Tatiana came up and saw Theo talking and cried out, “Now now, Theo stop picking fights with people and let people drink in peace.”

                The man turned to Tatiana and said, “Better listen to your better half, she’ll keep you out of trouble”

                Tatiana smiled charmingly and announced, “Oh that’s impossible.”

                The man grinned and walked off.  Tatiana turned off the charm and uttered, “I really can’t leave you alone can I?”

                “Of course not” Theo replied with a smile

                “How was work?”

                “Crazy as always. A project Veritas video came out with Google executives admitting that they are colluding to stop Donald Trump by suppressing searches for conservative content and banning conservatives from youtube and demonetizing them.”

                “Oh poor Trump” Tatiana said sarcastically

                “Yea, it’s amazing his success when he gets attacked by everyone.”

                “I’ll give you that.  I mean he does get attacked from every direction.  Even conservatives because Ann Coulter and her followers hate him for fucking up the border.”

                “Yea, yet somehow I’m not entirely convinced he’ll lose in 2020”

                “Well, the Democrats have like a reverse auction as campaigns”

                Theo laughed and asked, “What do you mean by that?”

                “In an auction, you try to sell something to someone.  You want them to buy as much as they can.  What the Democrats do is try to sell you free stuff and give you more and more by spending other people’s money.  It’s like, ‘how much more of other people’s money can I spend?”

                “Without telling you that it’s actually your money that’s paying for it.  You just think it’s other people’s money.”

                “Yea, we steal something from you and give it away to other people.  We also steal things from them and give it to you.  But we keep asking you to donate more and more to make it possible to give you that stuff because heaven forbid you just make money and buy what you want yourself.”

                Theo burst out laughing.  Although Tatiana was generally left of center, since her parents were Ukrainian immigrants, she was very anti-communist and anti-socialism.  “How was your day?”

                Tatiana was 5’8” with brown hair and a slender body and pale skin.  She had shoulder length hair with bangs to make her look younger than her 36 years.  She had worked for a few years in her native Ukraine helping the pro-Ukraine faction ward of Russian influence.  What she found was a lot of corruption and dirty politics that really blurred the lines between good and evil.  She realized quickly that knowledge was an entrepreneurial activity and she survived by selling secrets.  With a wealth amassed, she came back to America to do what she actually enjoyed, nursing, without worrying about her finances.  She had known Theo since high school and randomly ended up in DC together even though they weren’t from there.  Despite her being out of Ukrainian politics, however, she still read Ukrainian news and vowed to stay in tune with what was going on.  She said, “Not too good.”

                “Why’s that?”

                “Do you remember a few years ago when that cargo plane got shot down over Ukraine?”

                “Vaguely but not really”

                “Well a Malaysian airliner was flying from Holland to Kuala Lumpur.  When it was over Ukraine, Russians mistook it for a military plane so they sent a Buk missile to take it out and killed 298 people.”

                “That sucks”

                “Yea, that’s one way to put it” she decried exasperatedly, “Anyway Dutch prosecutors are investigating it and they found the three Russians that did it.”

                “Well that’s good”

                “Not really, Ukraine and Russia don’t extradite their citizens.  I mean Holland has a law that people don’t have to be present to be prosecuted but being found guilty in Holland just means they can’t go to Holland.”

                “One less place”

                “Yea, but the mastermind behind it was this asshole named Vladislav Surkov”

                “Do you know him?”

                “Yea, he was Putin’s main contact for Ukraine.  He tormented Ukraine.  He’s a master manipulator and disinformation specialist.  He’s the one that helped Hillary Clinton by giving all the negative information about Manafort to Alexadra Chalupa of the DNC.  He got Ukraine to open an investigation into Manafort and other things to hurt Trump.  Shockingly, after the election, they closed the investigation because Surkov didn’t care about it anymore.”

                “Well, you must be happy he lost then.”

                “I’m not a big fan of Trump but I do enjoy that piece of shit Surkov losing so yea, I’ll thank Trump for that small satisfaction even though he didn’t do it for me.  Someone had to knock that arrogant piece of shit down a peg.”

                “You seem to know him personally with all this animosity.”

                “I do. When he found out I was American he told me that the only good thing that came out of America is Jackson Pollack.  I think he had two more but that’s the one I remember.”

                “Well you can’t expect Russians to like America”

                “I know it’s just that he would tell us that Russia controlled our thoughts and our consciousness and there’s nothing we can do about it.”

                “Well, I’ve actually heard the name too.”

                “In what way?”

                “He was one of Christopher Steele’s sources for the dossier.”

                “Oh God, then it really is bullshit.”

                “Well, we knew that anyway”

                “But it was on purpose.  It was a disinformation campaign.  Surkov would never betray Putin.”

                “That makes sense.”

                “That means that in his crazy arrogant prideful brain, he’ll spin it that he won even though Hillary lost the election.”

                “How so?”

                “Because he got our FISA court to issue a warrant and spy on an American president with his disinformation campaign.  He created chaos and forced us to have a two year investigation based on his fake information.  Like I said, he doesn’t care about America or Americans including Hillary Clinton.  He wanted to meddle and keep us in chaos.  He succeeded.  Fucking asshole.”

                “Well, don’t let him spin it.  He tried to influence the public so Hillary would win and she didn’t.  That’s all.  Who cares what he thinks.  He lost.”

                “Yea I guess” she rejoined unconvincingly. 

They talked about lighter things and then they went their separate ways.  As Theo was going home, his friend Luna called him.  Luna had big eyes, long straight hair and brown skin typical of her Syrian heritage.  She was a couple years younger than Theo but they knew each other from college through a mutual friend.  Luna didn’t like him at first because of his right wing views but she grew on him and was now a lawyer in DC.  She had emigrated to Long Island, NY when she was young so all her memories was from America . Theo met up with her and gave her a hug. They exchanged pleasantries and Luna inquired, “So anything upsetting you about ‘fake news’ lately” in a mocking tone.

Theo figured two people could play the ribbing game, he fired back, “Yea, the Starr Tribune ignored a story from 2016 of Ilhan Omar marrying her brother so he could stay in this country.  We call this fraud and is subject to deportation and huge fines but of course nothing will happen because she’s a Democrat”

“She’s married”

“Right, she had a religious marriage ceremony in 2007 with her current husband but it wasn’t legal. Then they broke up in 2011.  In 2012, she married another man that allegedly was her brother.  They broke up in 2014 but didn’t make it official until 2017.  A couple months later, she had a legal marriage with her first husband, whom she has three kids with.”

“You do know that divorce proceedings do take years right?”

“Well yea, but she conveniently got legally married a couple months later.”

“That happens”

“It’s a little suspicious:  Especially because she was filing jointly for taxes when they weren’t married.”

“I’ll give you suspicious but not conclusive.”

“Well, there was an investigation into the interim guy to see if it was her brother.”

“What was concluded?  Should be pretty easy to prove; a simple DNA test.”

“They concluded that it can’t be ruled out that it’s not her brother.”

“Yea, so that’s what we call not guilty.” Luna had a wide mouth and it was spread now staring back at Theo daring him to protest.

“Well, I can’t really disagree with you because you’ll call my hypocritical for yelling at the people who support Mueller when he concluded, ‘we can’t prove he didn’t collude with Russia.” Luna nodded maintaining her grin.  Theo continued, “Well if they do this DNA test and it is in fact her brother, I hope they deport him.”

“That’s because she’s Muslim and you’re racist against Muslims”

“We’re friends and you’re the one that didn’t like me for being a conservative so who’s the bigot here?”

“I took it back.”

“You still had that theory.  I never had a problem with you so there you go.  I’ve always known you were Muslims, I never thought less of you.  I also get along with your sister.  I went to grade school with Pakistanis so there you go.”

                “But you hate Ilhan Omar”

                “Right because she’s an anti-American socialist.  It has nothing to do with her religion.  She just hates America and Israel and I have Jewish friends too.”

                “Well you work for someone that banned Muslims from America”

                “What country has the most amounts of Muslims in the world?”

                “Saudi Arabia”

                “Was Saudi Arabia on the travel banned list?”

                “I’m guessing no”

                “No, they’re not.  Nicaragua was on that list, is that a country with a high population of Muslims?”

                “Not that I know of”

                “What percentage of the world Muslims live in all the countries on the travel ban?”

                “I’m not sure”


                “That low?”

                “Yup, so if it was a ‘Muslim ban’ it failed miserably!”

                “Back to Omar, let justice play out.  Don’t criticize until the facts of the case come out then you can judge.”

                “I will agree with you on that but defending AOC’s comments comparing the border to concentration camps was stupid”

                “Well, she’s staying loyal to a friend but objectively, yea there’s not much of a comparison.”

                “The people in the ice detention facilities can go to their home countries whenever they want.  The people in concentration camps couldn’t.  That alone makes the comparison asinine.”

                “Look, I’m not defending Omar I’m just saying that if you’re going to have a problem with ‘not not guilty statement’ you need to on both sides.”

                “And I did”

                “Alright then”

                A white male came up to them and queried Luna, “Is this man bothering you?”

                Luna shot him a look and responded, “No, we’re friends.  I’ve known him for years.”

                The man sized them both up and gave a disgusted look and walked off.  Theo opined, “See, now I’m the discriminated race.  He sees a white bald male with a brown girl and automatically I’m harassing you and you are in need of saving.”

                Luna signaled the guy over to them again and articulated, “Why did you think he was bothering me?”

                “Well, he was talking shit about Omar so he’s obviously a racist.  Especially doing it to a Middle Easterner like you.  He’s obviously a bigot.”

                “Why?  Because I’m bald and white.  Yolu’re white too jackass”  Theo fired back

                “Yes, but I’m tolerant”

                “Are you really?  Then why did you see something wrong with a white guy talking to a brown girl?”

                “I head what you were saying.  You attacked her people.”

                Luna rolled her eyes and Theo beamed, “Why do you think Omar is her people?”

                “Well, they’re both brown.”

                “My friend here is from Syria, Omar is from Somalia.  Yes they both begin with ‘S’ but they’re on different continents.”

                “Yea but they’re Muslims”

                “So, all Muslims need to get along?”

                “Well, yea, they stick together.”

                “Do you think the Sunni and Shi’ite stick together?”

                “Are they Muslim?”

                Theo rolled his eyes and Luna interjected, “Just walk away.  I appreciate you making sure I’m okay but now you’re making a fool of yourself.”

                “Man fuck you bitch.  You’re a race traitor hanging out with a right-wing Neo-Nazi.  You’re like a Muslim Uncle Tom”

                Luna slapped her right hand to her eyes and shook her head.  She sighed and cried out, “Gosh, I’m trying to be nice here.  Just walk away, please, just go away.”

                Theo chimed in, “Yea, because if you keep disrespecting my friend, then I’m going to take you outside and beat the living shit out of you.”

                The guy shook his head and retorted, “Whatever man, fuck you haters”

                Luna and Theo looked at each other and laughed as the guy walked away.  Theo finished his drink and Luna finished her cranberry juice as she didn’t drink alcohol.  They left the bar and the guy was waiting outside.  He sucker punched Theo, who merely snickered. Theo was six feet tall 220 pounds and he was looking at a 5’9” skinny guy.  He offered,  “You hit like a girl.”

                The guy wound up and punched Theo in the face again with little reaction from Theo.  Theo sneered and asked, “Is that the hardest you can hit?”

                The guy looked around confused and Theo grabbed him by the throat with his fingers jammed into his carotid arteries cutting off blood flow to the brain.  When you control the head, you control the body.  He pulled the guy forward and drove his knee into the guy’s midsection.  The guy knelt down gasping for breath as he grabbed his throat.  Theo lifted his right leg and nudged the kid in the side of the head knocking him to the ground.  Theo stepped on his chest and applied slight pressure.  He advised, “You really shouldn’t try getting into a street fight again.  It won’t end well for you.”

                Luna watched the whole thing and Theo walked her to her car.  They each went home and Theo looked forward to another day of fighting the good fight in the White House. 

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