Friday, June 28, 2019

Real Characters Episode 13 Democrat Debacle

                The Democratic debates are coming up and the 20 presidential nominee hopefuls are preparing with their focus groups on how to answer questions and preparing to debate.  Although Joe Biden is leading the polls, it’s early and a lot can happen.  He is emboldened because he shined when he had to debate Paul Ryan during the 2012 election and is looking to show his debate prowess once again as he is a seasoned politician.

                Bernie Sanders, however, is also an experienced politician.  He battled Hillary Clinton in 2016 and had his nomination stolen from him as Hillary Clinton bought the DNC.  He thinks that this time around he’ll get a fairer shot.  He meets with his advisers and they bring up his Medicare for All plan.  The campaign aid advises, “Now, when they bring up how to pay for the plan, focus on taxing the rich.”

                Bernie replies, “I don’t need to do that.  When people realize they don’t have to pay deductibles or co-pays they will be more than happy to pay more in taxes for a system like that.  The middle class is going to pay more in taxes and they’re going to like it.”

                “I don’t think that will sit well”

                “I don’t care.  I’m going to be honest. There will be massive tax increases and everyone is going to chip in to pay for the healthcare of everyone in America.  They will gladly pay the higher tax rates because what they get in return for their money.”

                “Okay, let’s move on to abortion.  Governor Northom’s abortion after the baby has already been born may come up.  I think you should focus on how you’re okay with third trimester but no mention about aborting a fetus after birth.”

                “It’s irrelevant.  My Medicare for All program will pay for abortions regardless of how far the pregnancy is.  That’s what free healthcare means, you get any procedure you want for free.  That includes abortion.”

                “That’s good.  So you’re plan is to just keep harping on the free health care and free tuition and that you’re going to massively raise taxes on everyone to pay for it and that people will love it?”



                Meanwhile, in Kamala Harris’ camp, her advisers are coaching her on what to say in the debate.  Unlike Sanders, she is not well seasoned.  The adviser offers, “You need to go after the person leading the polls.  You keep knocking off the leader until you are the leader.  That means going after Biden.”

                “Well yea he consorts with racists and is proud of it.”

                “We can get away with calling Republicans racist but it could backfire with Biden.  I would preface it by saying you don’t think he’s a racist.  That way the people hear that there’s an implication that he could be one.”

                “That’s a good idea, I will do that.  I’ll also talk about my personal story and how all black people are victims of racism and that I was bused to school so his being against busing is offensive to me.”

                “Personal stories are good.  People love personal stories.  Remember, this is the party that nominated a black candidate and the first black president.  If you can eliminate the white people, you are golden.”

                “I’ll take out the biggest white guy leaving room at the top for someone else.”

                “Also, if they ask, make sure you say that you’re in favor of abolishing private health insurance.  We don’t want Bernie Sanders getting all the credit for that one.”

                “Didn’t Obama say that if you like your plan you could keep it?”

                “Yes, but that was before people saw how great ObamaCare is.  Now, they hate their private health insurance.”

                While Harris is preparing to beat the identity politics and race card to a pulp, New York mayor Bill Deblasio is flying to Miami.  He speaks with his advisors and they propose, “Remember you represent a state that has more Puerto Ricans than there are in Puerto Rico.  There are a lot of Hispanics in New York so you need to be the Hispanic candidate.  Use a Spanish expression that will rile up the people. 

                “Can you give me one?”

                “Sure, just remember you’re the tallest candidate and people associate height with power.  Here’s a quote that talks about revolution.  Right now there is a strike with the employees at Miami airport. Show solidarity with them and use this quote.  It’s from Che Guevara.”

                “Yea, I see college students all over New York wearing Che shirts.  He’s a national hero for our base.  Thank you, that’s perfect.”

                While De Blasio thinks that Puerto Rican, Mexican and Dominicans, though abundant in his state of New York, are representative of how Cubans think, South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Bettigieg is sitting with his aides discussing the debate.  The aide pronounces, “Everyone is going to be talking about free healthcare and open borders so you have to differentiate yourself.”

                “How do you want me to do that?”

                “Well, remember that our side hates religion.  You should attack religion as that will rile up the Democrats of this country since they hate religion too.”

                “I’ll soften it by saying they want separation of church and state.”

                “Even better, link it to the border.  Say that Christians are hypocritical because there’s nothing Christian about ripping kids from their parents.”

                “I like your thinking.  Keep the prevalent talking point but add another twist to make me seem different.  It can work,”

                It is now time for the debates and the candidates gather on stage and they stick to their points that they spoke about in their debate preparation.  Only four candidates raised their hands to abolishing private health insurance.  They are Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Bill DeBlasio.  All ten members said they would give free healthcare to illegal immigrants.  That means that anyone that is in America gets access to the healthcare the Americans are taxed at high rates to get.  The Cuban community is in outrage over De Blasio’s Che Guevara comment as Che Guevara was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Cubans and imprisoned homosexuals and people for their religion.  De Blasio claims he didn’t know it was Che Guevara’s quote and backs away immensely.  As Puerto Rican Ozzie Guiillen found out when he was the manager for the Miami Marlins, there is no forgiveness if you side with the Cuban communists.  Cubans risked theirlives to flee it and anyone with anything nice to say about Castro or Guevara is not welcome in their community.  Guillen tried meeting with Cubans and apologized in both Spanish and English but in the end he was forced to resign as manager because he was no longer welcome in Miami.  Due to this, De Blasio’s simple apology is not going to curry him any favors. 

                Meanwhile, the person with the most to lose because he was leading the polls, Joe Biden, realized the hard way that this is not Paul Ryan in 2016.  When Harris came after him, he tried to talk about his record but even he wasn’t convinced as he cut himself off for being over the time limit.  He was so enraged that Harris would insinuate that he was a racist; he stopped himself before saying something he would regret. 

                All 20 candidates turn to the mainstream media as they are accustomed to having them back them up on everything and make them look good but all they get is criticism.  Nobody is confident that any of them can beat Donald Trump.  Two commentators on CNN say that Biden isn’t woke enough and doesn’t know the terminology of the time.  Buttiegieg is criticized because there is no record of a Christian saying that they are detaining children at the border for religious reasons so his comments are nonsense.  In a rare moment, he is criticized for not offering solutions to the border problem.  This is odd because nobody offered solutions.  In fact some, like Julian Castro, said that it shouldn’t be illegal to cross the border.  The conservative media was a little harsher as they pointed out that the kids that are accompanying the adults to the border for asylum are not their parents.  It seems Buttigieg inadvertently advocated to give kids back to child traffickers and pedophiles rather than detain them.  Just as how the Cubans are angry because they remember when they were persecuted by the communists for their religious beliefs, they know that it’s governments that attack people for their beliefs not Christians. 

                As Harris established her far left credentials, conservatives are quick to point out that the last time she said she’d abolish private insurance, she was heavily criticized and retracted it.  Now she’s back.  This makes her look like a flip flopper, which would hurt her in a general election. 

                Sitting in Kyoto, Japan, President Trump is watching the Democratic debate.  He is constantly laughing as he realizes that of the 20 candidates, none of them seem like a threat.  He tweets out one word, ‘boring’ and goes on with his duties preparing to meet with government heads like Xi of China and Putin.  While meeting with Putin a reporter yells out if Trump is going to tell Putin not to meddle hoping to put him on the spot.  President Trump turns to Putin and points his finger and says, “Hey, don’t meddle” in a off handed tone and turns back.  Putin chuckles in response embarrassing the reporter.

                As the various mainstream media outlets see the video of Trump they are relieved that they have a red herring from the disastrous Democratic debates.  President Trump called them all socialists and although the mainstream media knows he’s right, they are back to their primary focus; attacking Donald Trump.  They criticize him heavily for his lighthearted response to the question.  They have spent three years attacking him and they want to know that they’ve gotten under his skin but the president just won’t give them an inch.                              

                The mainstream media aren’t the only ones that are discouraged from the debate performance.  Far left social media company twitter is enraged and they feel they need to help.  Even though a project Veritas video had come out proving that big tech such as Google, YouTube and Twitter purposely ban conservative content in a goal to make sure President Trump doesn’t get reelected, Twitter decides not to lay low and announces that they will down rank tweets.  That means if someone tweets something of conservative content, people will have to click on it to see it.  They single out Donald Trump as someone they will do it to.  After all, twitter feels it’s their job to suppress any opposition to liberal talking points.  Knowing how weak all 20 candidates are, they need to really suppress it because all their arguments are so easy to debunk.  Big tech has a lot of work to do.  Meanwhile alternative posting sites like Parlor and GAP are growing in popularity but nobody at twitter is worried. 

                Just as how twitter is interested in the debates, Supreme Court justice John Roberts is intrigued as well.  As he watches, he talks to those close to him and utters, “I think I may have caused this.”

                The person he’s speaking to has known Justice Roberts for a long time and is not afraid to give him hard truths.  The response is, “Yes, I think your blocking the citizen question on the census made the candidates think that they need to pander to illegal immigrants in this country.”

                “That’s not what I intended”

                “I know but that’s what happened.”

                “But the Democrats always complain about how unfair we are now that it seems like we have five conservatives and four liberals.  I want to show them that we don’t vote on political lines, we take the facts.  There’s no such thing as Republican or Democrat judges, we’re all just Supreme Court justices”

                “Yes but the other eight do vote on party lines so you’re seen as a traitor”

                “If I vote with the conservatives, the social, media will attack me and my family.  I don’t want to subject my family to that.  They didn’t choose to go into politics.  I chose that and I don’t want them to suffer for my choice.”

                “So you want to be seen as a man that votes on the facts and his reason not his party?”


                “Well then how do you reconcile that in the Auer case, you defer to the executive branch to interpret the rules that may have a little grey area?  You basically give up judicial power to the executive branch but then you vote down citizenship saying that Department of Congress can’t be trusted.  You actually admitted that on a legal basis, their argument is sound but you don’t like the way they explained it.”

“The President said he would explain it in simpler terms.   What’s wrong with that if the president stands by me?”

“The President didn’t stand by you, he mocked you.”

“I just can’t win.”

                “No, I mean you just said that you only care about the law but then you voted against something that you yourself admitted is legally sound.”

                “It’ll blow over.”

                “Remember, the Republicans hold a majority in the Senate.  It’s not by one anymore, it’s by five so they can afford to lose a couple.  They are talking about impeaching you.”

                “For making a decision they don’t like? That’s not fair.”

                “Well, you’re not going to get support from the Democrats even though you voted with them because they hate Bush still.  They also don’t support Republicans.  You aren’t going to get support from Republicans for stabbing them in the back so many times.  I’m not quite sure where your friends are going to come from in this.”

                “You really think I’m going to be impeached?”

                “No, I don’t think so.  I’m not telling you to vote Republican all the time but don’t admit that something is sound rationally or legally and then vote against it.  Maybe when you vote against the Republicans, you refrain from writing the majority opinion.  Let one of the Democrat justices do that.”

                “We’re all justices, it’s not political affiliation”

                “I think you may be the only one to believe that.”

                Justice Roberts hangs his head.  He pours himself a drink and takes a long gulp to take the edge off. 

                The Democrat primary has officially begun.  After two days of debates, no candidate has risen to the top but there’s still time.  Big tech seems to be the most willing to do damage control as the mainstream media isn’t sure what they want to do.  They know they can’t support Trump but they are getting sick of trying to cover the Democrat’s gaffes.  They are thinking to just sit back and wait for the winner so they can put their full support behind them.  It’s not a bad idea because covering for 20 people is a very difficult task to do. 

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