Monday, February 17, 2020

Theo the Trump Employee Episode 47, Seeing the forest instead of the trees

                It is President’s Day Weekend and like most of the country, Theo is enjoying his weekend off work.  Although Theo is not a NASCAR fan, he gets a text from one of his friends to turn on the Daytona 500.  Truth be told, he didn’t even know it was that weekend but he turns it on and expects to see a horrific crash as that really is the only reason he can think of that someone would text someone who isn’t a fan of NASCAR to turn on the Daytona 500.  After a little while, Theo sees a familiar site and smiles.  Air Force 1 is flying low at Daytona as the president is arriving.  Theo texts back. “He sure knows how to make an entrance.”

                “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” Comes the response

                He continues to watch and sees the presidential limousine along with the suburbans filled with secret service agents following him as it does a lap around the track.  When it’s over, Theo has an idea how twitter is responding to this but just to confirm he logs on.  Sure enough, you have the standard polarization; conservatives too happy and liberal too mad.  It would be unfair to say that Theo was indifferent but a slight chuckle and a shake of his head was going to be the extent of his reaction.  Conservatives claiming it was a monumental event and liberals complaining at how unpresidential and sophomoric it was he believed to be an exaggeration on both fronts.  He swiped off twitter and rolled his eyes and declared aloud, “that’s President Trump.” As he texted, “Thanks for that, I needed a laugh after the DOJ dropped the charges against Andy McCabe.”

                Andrew McCabe was the Deputy Director of the FBI under Obama and was the second highest person in the DOJ during the Hillary e-mail investigation and the hoax Russian collusion case against President Trump.  When Theo went back to work after the long weekend, the mood was somber as people were pissed off about McCabe going free.  Theo was friends with a clerk that worked for Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani.  They had lunch together and Theo expressed, “There really isn’t going to  be any justice for the Democrats is there?”

                “You’ve been saying that for a while.”

                “Yea, I know but I hate getting reminders.  I wasn’t too hopeful but getting confirmation still hurts.”

                “It’s so common I don’t even know what you’re referring to.”

                “McCabe leaking the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation to the Wall Street Journal’s Devlin Barrett in October 2016.”

                “Oh right.  How he leaked the information through Lisa Page.”

                “Who was apparently fucking McCabe too.”

                “Yea she got around.  First it was Strzok but then she went after his boss.  Talk about sleeping your way up.”

                “Seriously, you got to laugh to stop yourself from being so mad.”

                “Did you ever stop to think on why McCabe would leak the Clinton investigation a month before the election?  I mean, didn’t Rosenstein want to fire Comey for doing precisely that?  Seems like McCabe was on our side.”

                “What are you talking about?  McCabe’s wife, Jill, was running for office and Hillary Clinton gave a shitload of money to her so she could run.  That alone should have made McCabe recues himself.”

                “Ah, so why would Andy McCabe go after the person that helped his wife so much?”

                “To make it seem like he wasn’t biased.”

                “I see so when you investigate Donald Trump, you’re a deep state partisan hack that should be fired but if you investigate Hillary Clinton, you’re just doing it to cover up the fact that you’re a deep state hack that should be fired.”

                “That’s not the issue, the issue was that he leaked the information to the Wall Street Journal and then when confronted about it in May 2017, he lied to the FBI.  George Papadopoulos and Mike Flynn were arrested and convicted for that.  Papadopoulos was sentenced and Flynn is about to be.  That wasn’t even the first time McCabe lied under oath because in July 2017, he lied to Inspector General Horowitz in an interview on the same topic.”

                “How do you know he’s lying about leaking it?

                “He admitted he leaked it in August 2017.  He claimed that it was just in passing and he was dealing with a lot of things so just perjured himself twice because it was no big deal and he had more important things to worry about.  You don’t sit down, swear in and give a statement in passing.  It’s just nonsense.”

                “I’m glad you’re not just mindlessly ranting like most people.  You actually are familiar with the facts of the case.”

                “You don’t seem to be on our side.”

                “Do you believe I’m not loyal to my direct boss, Mr. Giuliani or the president?”

                “I didn’t say that, I’m just confused at why you’re not as upset as I am.  You don’t seem to be offering any way of explanation.”

                “You like fighting with college liberals after work right?”

                “What does that have to do with it?”

                “You believe this to be an open and shut case right?”


                “Why don’t you see what they think about how open and shut it is?  They won’t even have a testimony from a defense attorney.  It’ll just be the general indoctrination from their college professors.  See how obvious this case is to them.  Which bar are you going to?”

                “One by Christian College but whatever, you know they are crazy liberals and nothing can convince them of anything that can be construed as positive for the President or negative toward any of his haters.”

                “I think you have your answer to the question you just asked me then.”

                With that, Jim ended lunch and walked away leaving Theo confused.  For the rest of the day, Theo thought about what Jim had told him but was unsure what to make of it.  He made some pile on comments with his other co-workers but it was never out of the back of his mind.  Theo decided to do what he was going to do all along; go to a college bar.  He takes the train to Christian University and sits at the bar and orders a drink still thinking about it.  Before he can think it through, a 5’7” skinny blond orders a drink.  She looks at Theo and states, “You look like you got the weight of the world on your shoulders.”

                “Yea, I have a lot on my mind.”

                “Care to share with me?”

                “I don’t know why Andy McCabe wasn’t prosecuted.  It can’t just be the usual cop out that Democrats are above the law.  I’m sick of using that excuse.”

                “Because it’s conspiratorial bullshit.”

                “What’s your name?”

                “Amy, yours?”


                They shook hands and had a similar conversation that Theo had with Jim except Amy had nothing to offer that caused Theo to ponder.  She clearly was not really familiar with the case; she just knew she hated President Trump.  Finally, she exclaimed, “Who cares?  Everyone lies.  This is the same bullshit that they impeached Clinton for.  It’s against the law to lie about cheating on your wife now?”

                “It is when you’re under oath.”

                “What harm was done?  Like you said, he did it by accident and just gave some quick response.”

                “Quick response?! The day after he leaked it, he called the supervisors at the FBI offices in DC and in New York and bitched then out because the Hillary investigation leaked.  How do you blame people for doing something that you know you did?  You’re the second highest member in the DOJ and you’re attacking your underlings for shit you did?  You see no problem with that?  Yelling at them to get their offices in order.  Their offices were in order; McCabe leaked it.”

                “If he wanted to prove he wasn’t biased, why would he cover it up?”

                “No intelligence official wants to admit to doing something illegal.  We already have the texts between Strzok and Page.  We know the whole plot.”

                “Like you said, it was between Strzok and Page.  Sure they claim that McCabe knew about it in the texts but they’re already liars so why would you believe them?”

                “McCabe was briefing Obama on this.  This wasn’t a rogue operation.  McCabe and Director Comey knew everything.  I hate using the term ‘trust me’ but there’s no way that Strzok and Page just pretended in their texts that McCabe and Comey knew.”

                Theo’s eyes lit up and Amy snapped back, “You’re right, I don’t trust you.”

                “Holy shit, that’s it” Theo revealed aloud but not really to Amy. 

                “What are you talking about?  What’s it?”

                “If McCabe got prosecuted then the pressure to drop the Hillary case would be exposed.  McCabe would take everyone down with him.  The DOJ isn’t going to prosecute because many of them have a lot to hide and they don’t want McCabe exposing them.”

                “Now you really sound like a conspiracy theorist.”

                “You mean to say that never happens?”

                “No, I’m sure it does but I don’t know if it happened here.  If you’re telling me the truth about his wife running for office and funded by Hillary, then wouldn’t it be the FBI’s responsibility to tell him to recues himself?”

                “Yes, the FBI allowing him to be a central figure in the Clinton investigation despite his wife taking money from Clinton would also be exposed if they prosecute McCabe.”

                “Looks like you have a new default explanation for everything.”

                Jim walked into the bar and saw Theo.  He stuck out because he was probably the only person in the bar over 25 and he had beaten that by a decade.  Jim sits down and introduces himself, “Hi pretty girl, I’m Jim, what’s your name?”

                “Umm, don’t molest me.  You’re going to treat me as an equal and I’m not a girl, I’m a woman.”

                “My mistake.”

                “Yea, it is your mistake now why don’t you get out of here before I press charges”

                “For what?  I haven’t touched you.  I extended my hand for you to shake and you opted not to so I haven’t even done that.”

                “Assault doesn’t have to be physical, it can be verbal.”

                “I would agree.  Tell you what, go down to the police station and file charges.  Let them know that I assaulted you by referring to you as a pretty girl.”

                Amy groaned and stomped away but stopped once she realized neither man was paying attention to her.  Jim turned to Theo, “How do you subject yourself to this every week?”

                “It’s entertaining.”

                “You have a strange definition of that word.  I’m just curious, did you figure out what I meant?”

                “Yes, McCabe has dirt on the very people that I want to prosecute him so they’re not going to let him talk and bring them all down with them.”

                “Very good.  You also forget that there was one Obama acolyte that was prosecuted.”

                “Obana’s lawyer Gregg Craig but he was acquitted.”

                “Why wasn’t that part of your little hissy fit about how Democrats are above the law?  He’s a Democrat why wasn’t he above the law?”

                “It’s not really Democrats; it’s anti-Trump people.  Craig worked with Manafort on the Ukraine issues so they figured that since he was linked to Manafort it would be okay.”

                “How did that work out?”

                “I already told you, Craig won.”

                “Are you suggesting that even though he was linked to Manafort, who got the harshest sentence out of everyone in the Trump orbit, he was still a protected class?”

                “Yes, because he was Obama’s lawyer and Obama is their messiah so him and all his apostles are beyond reproach.”

                “I wonder how that made the DOJ look.”

                Theo contemplated this as his eyes go up and to the right to think about it.  “I think you’re getting at the DOJ was humiliated that they lost the case with Craig.”

                “Why would that humiliate them?”

                “Although being linked to President Trump makes you automatically guilty, being linked to Manafort is probably third on the list next to your boss.  When you link someone to the third most hated man in DC and he still gets off, you’re not too good at your job.”’

                “Come on.  Justice is blind.  Craig was prosecuted and went to court as is his right to due process and after a trial by a jury of his peers, he was found not guilty.”

                “What happened to the president’s due process?”

                “Focus on this case.”

                “You said it yourself.  It was a jury of his peers.  DC is 90% Democrat and Craig was Obama’s lawyer.  He didn’t turn on Obama like Cohen did. There was no falling out.  When Obama was no longer the president, Craig was no longer the lawyer so he’s still loyal to Obama, which means he has that protective status and when 90% of the pool you’re picking from is loyal to Obama like he is, it’s almost impossible to convict someone that close to Obama.”

                “Even if you’re linked to the third most hated man in DC?”

                “Yes even then since you’re linked to the most beloved man.”

                “You know, your faith in people needs work.  I’m sure they’ll take the responsibility of being a juror very seriously and they will listen to all witnesses objectively and decide for themselves.”

                “What witnesses?  The DOJ is bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton.  We have sworn documents and testimony that McCabe lied under oath twice.”

                “Is that such a serious crime?”

                “Yes, Bill Clinton was impeached for it.”

                “How did the good people in the DC public react to that?”

                “They were pissed but like I said 90% of them are Democrats”

                “Let’s go back to the jury of their peers thing.  I believe in the justice system.”

                “They don’t care about perjury, we already established that.”

                “Well, maybe the witnesses could convince them if the documents don’t speak for themselves.”

                “The only real witness is Lisa Page because she’s the one that leaked it to the Wall Street Journal under McCabe’s direction.”     

                “That sounds pretty damning to me.”

                “Lisa Page isn’t going to testify against Andy McCabe!” Theo was shouting now.  Although he was able to stay calm with college kids because he believed them to be brainwashed, it angered him when he debated people that were actually knowledgeable and still came to the wrong conclusions.  The rant continued, “She was fucking him.  There are tweets of them toasting each other that he got off.  She is thoroughly and completely on his side.  She’s not turning on him.”

                “Who’s your star witness then?”

                “The FBI and DOJ agents that that interviewed….no because they’ll just make the same excuses McCabe did.  What about….”

                “You trailed off there.”

                “There’s no witnesses.”               

                Amy had come back and was listening in on their conversation once she realized it was getting contentious.  Jim was endearing himself to her because he was debating and getting a rise out of Theo.  Due to Theo’s silence, Jim turned to Amy and asked, “What do you think of McCabe’s guilt?”

                “He didn’t do anything wrong.”

                “See, you couldn’t even convince her and there was no defense lawyer here defending McCabe.  You basically failed to a get an indictment from a grand jury because there was no opposition; just very simple questions from me.  You know how hard it is to not get a grand jury to indict?  It probably happens like five times a year.”

                “Yea!” blurted out Amy

                Theo and Jimmy laughed.  Theo turned to Amy, “You do realize you’re proving his point right?  The jury is going to be made up of people like you so even though it’s obvious that McCabe leaked, people like you aren’t going to convict him so it’s a losing case.”

                “Don’t turn this on me just because you lost an argument.”

                Amy put her arm around Jim’s shoulder and gave a smug look towards Theo and uttered, “Good job putting that Trump-supporting cult-worshipping asshole in his place.”

                Jim turned towards her, “New age woman whom I have the highest respect for,” again Amy glared condescendingly at Theo and then Jim finished, “he’s absolutely right, that was my point.  McCabe admitted to lying under oath twice, which is what the charge was but you ignored it and found him not guilty anyway.  You ignored the facts because of your own personal bias now could you please take a couple steps back and stop raping me because I didn’t give you permission to touch me and you put your arm around my shoulder.”

                Amy pulled her arm off him and glared at him, “You’re patronizing me.”

                “I know”

                Amy looked back and forth at the two men with sly smiles on their faces as if they’re trying to hold back from laughing.  She put her head down and walked away and despite the loudness of the bar, she still heard Theo and Jim crack up.  When they recovered, Theo posed, “Isn’t this why people set up special counsels though; so that people aren’t trying their bosses?”

                “You mean what Bill Barr and John Durham are doing?”

                “No, that’s not a special counsel.  That’s an Attorney General investigation.”

                Jim shows Theo his phone and as he looks, he sees that DOJ is opening a new investigation into McCabe, Strzok and Comey.  Jim commands, “Swipe to the next screen shot.”

                Theo does and finds that Barr is setting up a special counsel to review the Mike Flynn case as to the topic of the new investigation.  “Flynn was convicted though.”

                “The case is over right?  So now it’s under the jurisdiction to be investigated.”

                “Doesn’t that contradict everything we just talked about?”

                “Does it?  I need to go home to my wife.  I’m glad you figured out the first part.  Now try that riddle.”

                Theo was 6’0” 230 pounds so was not a small man but the man that was approaching him dwarfed him.  Not only was he taller but he was broader too.  Whereas Theo had a belly and was mostly fat, this specimen was all muscle and looked to be a gym rat.  His baby face gave him away as someone that deserved to be in the bar.  He sat next to Theo and announced, “You’re the sensitive guy that thinks perjury is a big deal?”

                Theo smiled, “Yes, I do believe in the broken windows policy.  If you don’t prosecute small crimes, then people graduate to and get away with the big crimes too.”

                “That’s nonsense.”

                “You don’t think perjury should be illegal?”

                “It should be but it’s like speeding.  You know, a slap on the wrist.  There shouldn’t be jail time for it.”

                “What about Mike Flynn?”

                “He deserves to be in jail.”

                “For what?”

                “Well…..I don’t know what he was charged for but if he was convicted, it must be really bad.”

                “He was convicted for lying to the FBI.”

                The big man put his head down and opened his mouth to say something but then shut it.  He meekly replied, “Well, his lie must have been much worse. Some lies are worse than others.”

                “You can’t argue that Bill Clinton and Andrew McCabe didn’t do anything wrong by lying under oath and then condemn Mike Flynn for doing it.  That’s blatant hypocrisy.”

                “Whatever man”

                The big man didn’t notice but Theo had tensed up again as he made another epiphany, “Wait a minute, it works the other way too.”

                “Yea…wait what does?”

                “If they prosecuted McCabe, then it provides legitimacy to the Flynn case even though the FBI agents that interviewed Flynn wrote in their report that they didn’t think he was being deceptive.  Then again, the FBI is still loyal to McCabe so he could find agents to testify to the same thing; especially Lisa Page who is the closest person to this case.  With this new investigation into the Flynn investigation, you cast a doubt on Flynn’s conviction while targeting the three guys you wanted to get in the first place.  It makes sense.”

                “I’m not quite sure what you’re getting at but why was Flynn targeted?”

                “Three reasons.  First because he was outspoken against Obama’s Iran deal, which was supposed to be his legacy, secondly, he criticized and exposed the growth of Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Iraq, and lastly he called the DOJ corruption and exposed how Obama used it as his own personal revenge agency against his political opponents.”

                “Oh, so he’s just another member of Trump’s conspiracy cult.”

                “Actually Flynn was a Democrat.  Why do you think Obama hired him as his National Security Advisor?  Why do you think he knows so much?”

                “Right, so as soon as Obama was no longer in power, he just jumped ship.  He’s power hungry.”

                “No, he criticized Obama while he was still president.  He was actually fired by Barack Obama.  Then he came to congress to voice his concerns before Trump even was the Republican candidate.  His motivations were strictly what he saw while working for Obama.”

                “Seems like you have it all figured out.”

                “I do.  Thank you for letting me bounce the ideas off you in order for things to click.”

                “Ummm, no problem I guess.”

                “What’s your name?”


                “I’m Theo”

                Despite his size, Buck did not have a very firm handshake.  He walked away from Theo and went back to talk to Amy.  A girl with straight red hair standing at 5’5” and very petite walked over and ordered a drink.  Theo turned to her and smiled and she smiled back, “You’re causing quite the ruckus.” She opined

                “I’m not sure what you mean?”

                “Three people came to talk to you and they all walked away annoyed.”

                “Pretty sure the guy who actually left the bar wasn’t annoyed.”

                “Two of three then.”


                “Ah, okay.  Not bad.”

                “Thanks, are you going the make the tri-fecta?”

                “Not sure.  What did you say to scare them off?”

                “A lot of things but basically they found out I was a Trump supporter.”

                “Yea, that doesn’t go over very well in this town.”

                “No, it does not.”

                “So what happened?  You were talking and you let it slip and they ran off?”

                “Well, with the girl it was that I made fun of her for thinking that someone was not guilty even when they admitted in unofficial questioning that he perjured himself.   The guy; it was defending Mike Flynn and talking about how he was a target of the Obama campaign.”

                “Just to play Devil’s advocate, if Obama really hated Flynn, then why was the FISA on Carter Page and Crossfire Hurricane about Papadopoulos?”

                Theo sighed, “That is a little convoluted to answer.  How much time do you have?”

                “All night, honey.  I don’t have class tomorrow.”

                “Well then first I need to show you this excerpt from IG Horowitz report.”

                “The one that said the DOJ did nothing wrong.”

                “That’s not what it said.  Even when they interviewed Horowitz on Capitol Hill, he said it was a mischaracterization.”

                “I guess I’ll let the document do the talking.”

                “I’m Theo by the way.”


                Theo hands Becky the phone and she read through it.  It’s a footnote saying that on August 10, 2016, the FBI had a team investigating if Trump colluded with the Russians.  Based on this, they opened a case on Carter Page, George Papadopoulos and Paul Manafort.  August 16, they opened another investigation into Mike Flynn.  Becky shrugs her shoulders, “So what?”

                Theo takes back his phone and pulls up another screen shot.  He explains, “Remember, the FBI claims they didn’t get the dossier until September 19.  The problem is, the only allegation that Trump colluded with the Russians is the Steele dossier.

                “That’s not true.”

                “What other evidence or allegation was there?”

                Becky thinks about it then replies, “I don’t really know.  I haven’t really followed this too closely but I heard there were others.”

                “Yea, from Comey and Brennan; both admitted liars and completely unreliable.”

                “Says you.”

                “You think they’re credible?”

                “Well, I’m not sure about that but, I mean, I don’t know.”

                “Why was an operation open in August 10, if they hadn’t seen the dossier till a month later?”

                “I told you, I don’t know but I’m sure there’s something.”

                “What do you think of this then?  This is from the dossier.” As he hands her his phone

                Becky takes the phone and it reveals an August 10 memo in which Kremlin engaged with STEIN, PAGE (and on August 16 one on Michael Flynn) as they funded their recent visit to Moscow.”

                “I’ll give you it’s a little too coincidental that the same date of this memo in the dossier, is the same date they opened the investigation.  Maybe, wherever Steele got it from, the FBI did too.”

                “You’re on the right track but the wrong horse.  You admit that it’s too coincidental but why wouldn’t the FBI reveal how they came to open this investigation?”

                “The FBI is notorious for not revealing sources and methods.”

                “The dossier has been proven to be a hoax though?  The FBI, three years later, has never verified anything in it; including that August 10 memo.  If they got it from somewhere else, wouldn’t it be marked verified in their spreadsheet?”

                “Maybe, I don’t know, I guess it’s possible.”

                “That’s not even the reason I showed you that.”

                “Then what is?”

                Do you notice anything about the dossier and the names?”


                “All the names are in caps except Flynn’s.  Why do you think that is?”

                Becky starts scrolling through the dossier to see if that’s consistent in other sections.  With a cursory glance, she confirms that it is as the caps does stand out.  “That is a little weird.”

                “May I suggest that they threw it in at the last second because the FBI was asking Steele for some dirt on Flynn so they could prosecute him?  That’s why it’s not in the same format; it was just thrown in at the last second.”

                “Oh come on!  I get in trouble all the time for format and grammar issues in my essays.”

                “This is an official intelligence document.  Details are crucial because if you act on bad intelligence, bad things happen.”

                “Or if you dismiss good intelligence.”

                “Correct so attention to detail is crucial and Steele was MI6.”

                “The English are more sticklers for the language than we are.”

                “Seems like you’re coming to my side.”

                “But, the IG report says that Flynn’s investigation wasn’t open till August 16.  If he was a throw in at the last minute, wouldn’t they open the investigation into Flynn on August 10 too?”

                “Unless Papadopoulos and Page were just distractions from the real target; Flynn.”


                “Or, I’m right and that the memo was written on August 10 but after it was written, Steele had to throw in the Flynn stuff so that may or may not have been August 10 but six days later.”

                “Less far-fetched but still flimsy.  I mean this would be unprecedented.  What are we even talking about?”

                “It’s common enough that there is a name for it.  It’s called a ‘plug and play’ operation.”


                “You have an outline of a fabricated claim and you just plug in the names you want and then play your hand with the DOJ.”

                “If that’s true, it’s pretty scary.”

                “What’s even scarier is that it was a two way street between Steele and the FBI.  That’s what I was getting at earlier when I said right track, wrong horse.”

                “I still don’t know what that means.  I thought that was just an outdated reference.”

                “The FBI and Steele did get the August 10 information from the same place; the place is the FBI.  Steele provided his template, they told him to plug in Flynn’s name, he revised it to include Flynn and gave it back to them.  Same information from the same sources; them.”

                “I just can’t believe that something like that would happen in the United States.”

                “Unfortunately, it did.”

                “So, they tell Steele what to write and then he writes it and sends it back.”

                “He adds some color to it but if he adds something that the FBI or DOJ knows is false, they tell him to correct it.”

                “Now, I know why people leave you.  This is a bar.  Somewhere people go to just relax, have a couple drinks and engage in superficial conversations.  This is way too deep for a bar.”

                “It’s okay if you walk away.  I need to get going anyway; I actually do have work tomorrow.”

                Theo and Becky say goodbye and Theo closes his tab and heads for the train.  While on the train, a couple around Theo’s age is discussing politics.  The guy offers, “I have a feeling that Rome is very important in this case but nobody is talking about it.”

                The woman snaps back, “What are you talking about?  Everything is England and Russia.  Steele is former MI6, Halper worked at Cambridge; everything seems to happen in England.”

                Theo smiles and realized he can’t help himself.  He exclaims, “That’s not entirely accurate.  Think about how the FBI claims that Crossfire Hurricane started.”

                The woman mulls this over and shakes her head side to side, “Alright, fine Australia too because Downer claims Papadopoulos told him that the Russians had dirt on Hillary but Papadopoulos heard that in London with Mifsud.”

                “And where was Mifsud from?”


                “Where did he teach?”

                “He was in England a lot.  I think he taught at Cambridge….wait no, that was Trubnikov.  Oh yea, the Linq campus.”

                “Which is where?”

                Her eyes got wide and the guys answered for her, “Rome”

                Theo grinned and continued, “That’s why the main Italian newspaper, La Republicca is the one that exposed Mifsud as not being a Russian agent but tied to friendly governments like England and Italy.  Do you want to know what else happened in Rome?”

                The guy beamed, “Do tell.” As the woman gave him a dirty look.

                “An FBI agent named Gaeda gave classified information to Steele.”

                The woman retorted, “You mean, Steele gave the Russia information to Gaeda.”

                “No, that’s not what I mean.  It does make you wonder though what happened to Steele being the one with highly guarded secrets and giving them to the FBI.  Why would the FBI give Steele classified information?”

                “Maybe, they were just corroborating and exchanging notes.”

                “Bill Barr is having trouble interviewing Jim Comey because he has to show him classified documents but Comey won’t accept the reinstating of his security clearance.  We know Comey has seen these documents because he had clearance when they were produced but now that he doesn’t, we can’t show it to him.  If the rules are that strict, you really think the FBI can show them to a foreigner to compare notes?”

                “Steele was an FBI informant.”

                “Exactly and it’s supposed to be a one way street.  You don’t get information from the informant and then tell him where the holes are in his story.  You just tell him his information is wrong and you question him as a source.  If he does it enough, you label him as an unreliable source.  You don’t tell him that this, this and that is wrong and have him correct it and give it back to you.  In that case, it’s you giving information to him.”

                “First of all, how do you even know that Gaeda gave Steele classified information?”

                Theo pulls up IG Horrowitz report and shows the woman the footnote in which it says that Case Agent 2 did (give classified information to Steele).  The woman rejoins, “Yea but if you keep reading, it says why.”

                “You really think that just because his supervisor was present and things were so loose that he may have forgotten are good excuses?”

                “Well no, but it is an explanation.”

                “This isn’t even the only time it happened.”

                “When else did it?”

                “10 days before they got the FISA on Carter Page, Steel e met with Kathleen Kavalec of the state department.  The meeting happened on October 11, 2016.”

                “Are you showing off that you know the date?”

                “No, I want you to remember that date because it’s important.  October 11, 2016.”


                Theo shows her Kavalec’s two pages of hand written notes.  He points out, “See how it says that Cohen went to Prague to pay off the Russians for the information about Hillalry?”

                “Yes, and we found out later that Steele was wrong about that because Cohen had never even been to Prague much less met with Russians to pay them off.”

                “Very good.  If you look at the next shot, it’s Kavalec’s typed notes.  You can see it talks about the travel logs of Russians that he met with and mentions that there’s no Russian consulate in Miami so Steele’s claim that the Russians laundered money through there doesn’t make any sense.”

                “Fine, Kavalec knew that Steele was full of shit.”

                “Remember, 10 days later they opened a FISA anyway.”

                “They clearly didn’t listen to Kavelec.”

                “Or maybe they did” Theo takes back the phone and pulls up the dossier and announces, “Check the date of this memo from the dossier.  Remember the dossier is just a bunch of memos.”

                “October 19, 2016.”

                “When did we say the meeting with Kavelec was?”

                “October 11.”

                “So this is eight days after the Kavalec meeting.”

                “Yes, I know how numbers work.”

                “Now read it.”

                The memo is about Cohen meeting with the Russians to pay them off but it mentions that they are unsure of the exact date and location of the meeting between Cohen and the PA officials.  The guy is reading it as well and articulates, “Wait, he all of a sudden doesn’t know it’s in Prague anymore?”

                “He could have just forgotten the information or Kavalec told him that this was wrong so he had to write another memo and knew not to include Cohen and Prague anymore.”

                “But he did since that got leaked to the media.”

                “The media didn’t get the final copy that Kavalec had corrected.  Remember, that the David Corn of Mother Jones leak was in July, this is October.”

                “David Corn got a rough draft.”


                The woman pronounced, “So, wait, Steele’s sources weren’t just Surkov and Trubnikov like he told Kavelec, but it was the US State Department and the FBI too.  They were all in cahoots to try to make the best story possible.”

                “And it still failed.”

                There was a stunned silence among the couple and the guy broke it, “Maybe some of the dossier wasn’t written by Steele.  Maybe this part wasn’t and that’s why the information isn’t coordinated.”

                “That would be problematic too right?  Why wouldn’t the real author want credit for it?  Why put Steele’s name on it?”

                “Because the FBI trusted him.”

                “Yea, we call that ‘information laundering.’  I do think that happened since the dossier is awfully similar to an April 19, 2007 article in the Wall Street Journal by the guy who owns Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, whom Hillary paid through the law firm Perkins Coie to dig up oppositional research on Donald Trump.  The article is called ‘How Lobbyists help ex-soviets woo Washington.’ It was co-authored by Mary Jacoby, who is now Glenn Simpson’s wife.  Others claim that Halper wrote some of the dossier too.”

                “I may not be wrong then.”

                “Even if you’re right, you got to think that the three of them collaborated on what to put in it.  If Steele knew the meeting happened in Prague then Simpson or Halper or whoever wrote that memo would’ve asked the other two if they knew where it happened.”

                “Yea, shit, this is bad.”

                “I agree.”

                The train went back to the awkward silence and Theo got off at his stop.  He went home and rested after a very illuminating day. 

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