Friday, February 14, 2020

Real Characters Episode 42 Surkov's greatest trick

                Vladislav Surkov walks outside his massive home in Moscow and picks up a copy of his New York Times.  As he scrolls through the paper, he removes an article by Adam Goldman entitled, “Justice Department is investigating CIA resistance to sharing Russia Secrets.”  He smiles and cuts out the article and puts it in a scrapbook next to another Adam Goldman article.  He knows that Carlos Slim owns the New York Times and the Mexican billionaire makes most of his money through remissions to Mexico so he doesn’t have America’s best interests at heart.  Still, Surkov is proud of himself that three years after he and his colleague Vyacheslav Trubnikov successfully convinced various British officials that Donald Trump and not Hillary Clinton was the Russian stooge, America was still in chaos from it.  At first, Surkov thought that they only had a handful of useful idiots but even he was surprised at how many people jumped on the bandwagon and now his group of useful idiots in America was massive.  He knew he couldn’t sit out of the 2020 election but given that his work from 2016 was still paying dividends four years later, he wondered how he could possibly do any better than he already had.  Before figuring out his future moves, he leaned back and reflected over his last four or five years.  As he reads the article, it is a synopsis of all his work but Surkov knows the whole story is much longer than this piece.  That is what he is reflecting on and these are the thoughts that went through his head.


                Barack Obama is the president of the United States and he opens an e-mail from his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  They have been e-mailing back and forth as Hillary is using her private e-mail so that other government officials won’t be able to read what they’re saying to each other.  Barack Obama did have to take the risk of alerting some people because his blackberry is so heavily guarded for various reasons that he doesn’t get a blacklist, or a list of e-mail addresses that will be blocked, he gets a white list in that only e-mails appearing on a pre-approved list will get through to the President.  The White House Communication Agency (WACA) is very diligent in maintaining that list and making sure that no e-mail gets through unless they pre-approve of the sender.  It’s because of this, that President Obama had to tell them about Hillary’s personal e-mail.  It wasn’t really a big deal because WACA wasn’t in the business of reading the e-mails; they merely determined who could e-mail the president and everyone else was banned. 

                Unfortunately for Obama and Hillary, an unsecured private e-mail is susceptible to having unauthorized people read them.  The CIA receives a credible hit that the Russians have hacked Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server and have dumped her e-mails to Wikileaks that they are threatening to release.  The CIA and the FBI ask Hillary to turn over her server and e-mails so they can assess the damage but she refuses and bleach bits her e-mails and destroys her blackberry with a hammer.  This prompts the CIA to look for the e-mails through the Russians as they are not going to be too protective over them.  When President Obama finds out that they are in possession of the e-mails, he calls the head of the FBI and tells him in no uncertain terms that he is not allowed to read any e-mails between him and Hillary Clinton and he is declaring executive privilege. 

                As the election nears, President Obama receives a daily briefing and he looks through it to see if there’s anything he needs to act on.  What he doesn’t see is anything about President Trump colluding with Russia.  This daily briefing is extremely well vetted to make sure that if the president is making a decision, it’s based on verified information.  After reading the briefing, his secretary buzzes and states, “Mr. President, John Brennan is here to see you.”

                “Send him in.”

                John Brennan walks into the Oval Office with a large manila envelope.  He hands it to President Obama and declares, “Mr. President, in this envelope is my assessment that I have it on good authority that Donald Trump is colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 election.”

                “How is that possible when we have 50 local elections that make up our election?  It’s impossible to steal.  In fact, I recently gave a speech in the Rose Garden saying precisely that.”

                “With today’s social media and internet sophistication, I’m afraid it is possible sir.”

                “Well, I don’t like the arrogance of that man so keep the information coming.  This may be a blessing because we have actionable intelligence to take down Donald Trump and make sure he’s never in this office.  Keep me posted.”

                “I will Mr. President.”

                Shortly after Brennan leaves, President Obama is giving a presser in which he is asked about Hillary Clinton e-mailing him on her private server.  President Obama replies, “Let me be clear, I had no idea that Hillary was sending e-mails on an unsecured private server.  I merely saw it was from her and I opened the e-mail and figured it was on a secure network.”

                President Obama knows he’s lying but only people intimately familiar with the inner workings of the White House will know.  The majority of Americans will just take him at his word.  Later, he will use the envelope given by Brennan to assert that 17 intelligence agencies all agree that Trump colluded with the Russians.  The truth is, the National Security Agency (NSA) is only moderately confident as its director Mike Rogers has found that 80% of the times that the NSA database was accessed was for fraudulent reasons.  This forced him to shut down access to it as that much information was proving to be too tempting for its users not to abuse it. 


                There was a lot that happened before John Brennan walked into the Oval Office that day to deliver a document he knew to be salacious and unverified.  The reason he purposely did it separately from the President’s Daily Briefing is that he knew the document fake so if it was vetted, like the information in the Daily Briefing is, then it would be exposed for the hoax that it is and it will never be used by the FBI to open an investigation, which is Brennan’s ultimate goal.  This is the basis of what Goldman would later call US Attorney John Durham of accusing Obama officials of hiding evidence or maintaining analysis of Moscow covert operation.  It is an attempt to discredit Durham’s report which is set to be released in a couple of months after the article prints.  All that, however, comes later.  Right now, it’s August 2016 and the FBI has been inundated with information from a former MI-6 agent named Christopher Steele.  Steele is an FBI confidential informant.  What they don’t know is that Steele has been leaking his information to the media and to David Kramer of Senator McCain’s office so that there is bipartisan support for the information that is being filtered into the FBI. What Steele doesn’t know is that his information is not only being leaked by him but Steele’s former boss, the head of MI6 in Britain, is a dear friend of Brennan’s.  His name is Richard Dearlove and Steele just happens to be in one of the most highly surveilled countries in the world.  There is no right to privacy in England and Brennan has full access to Steele’s e-mails so he is well aware of his correspondence with Glenn Simpson and Stefan Halper as he puts together a dossier alleging President Trump colluded with Russia.  Now, the question is how to use this information.

                As Brennan mulls this over, he mutters to himself, “I need to get the FBI to open a criminal investigation into Trump.  What I’m going to tell them is a lie so I can’t have it get back to me so I need to do it in a way that it won’t be traced back to me.”

                In August 2016, Brennan figures out the answer to his dilemma.  He goes to Capitol Hill where he briefs the gang of eight or a group of eight congressman that are in charge of the congressional intelligence committee.  He purposely doesn’t tell the Republican members like Devin Nunes what he knows because he knows Nunes will try to verify it.  What he needs is someone that hates Donald Trump so much that they won’t even bother to check if the information is true but will go right to the FBI. Goldman will later claim that Durham is hunting Brennan but right now Brennan is hunting Trump and like every good hunter knows; stealth is key.  Brennan briefs Harry Reid and informs him of everything he learned while spying on Christopher Steele. 

                Brennan’s plan worked as Harry Reid only waits 24 hours before writing a letter to the FBI demanding that they open a criminal investigation into Donald Trump and his collusion with Russia.  In the letter will be information that will never be found anywhere else besides the Steele dossier, which Brennan claims he never saw until December 2016.  When you’re reading the author’s e-mails, you don’t have to see the document to know its contents.  His work is complete as he got Congress to push his flimsy narrative without him being blamed for misleading the FBI.   With his plausible deniability in place, he rests very easily that night. 

                The next day, he calls Richard Dearlove and there’s jubilance in his voice, “Richard, it worked.  Congress has pushed the information into the FBI and they’re going to open an investigation.”

                “Good work but I’m a little confused on why you didn’t just tell the FBI yourself.  Why make this so difficult?”

                “I’m advancing a hoax.”

                “You Americans are so blunt.  You didn’t advance a hoax; you operated on the bias of a preconceived notion.”

                Although the New York Times would use that precise language four years later, Brennan answers, “That’s one way to put it.  I would say that I omitted any information that didn’t fit the narrative to make it a stronger case.  It’s not exactly lying; it’s just omitting and not giving the full picture.”

                “I believe the expression is ‘seeing what you want to see.’”

                “Yea, that works.”

                “In all seriousness, to answer your question, I know the information we got from Steele was all garbage.  Most of it was based on a Wall Street Journal article written in 2007 that talked about Bob Dole not Donald Trump.  Let congress be the ones dropping the ball on bad intelligence and information.”

                “Can’t have another 9/11 on your hands.”

                “Exactly.  There’s other reasons too.”

                “Do tell.”

                “Right now, the FBI thinks that Steele is only their source.  I’d like them to continue thinking that.”

                “Well I guess it’s irrelevant now.  The FBI has the information and now it’s up to them.”

                “I agree but this is a good day.  You should have a pint and celebrate.  I know I will.”’

                In 2020, when Durham and Barr see through Brennan’s lies and unravel how he lied to the FBI, Brennan will go on Hardball with Chris Matthews and laugh at the accusation saying that it’s silly to open a criminal investigation for an analytical judgment.  The reaction is split down party lines.  If you support President Trump, then you believe that the investigation does warrant that when you fall for a hoax and a Russian misinformation campaign.  If you disagree with Trump, all of a sudden the intelligence community is not to be questioned as they’re the experts and everyone is the unwashed masses.  It’s interesting how they didn’t hold that opinion 19 years ago after 9/11 happened.”

                Shortly after all of Brennan and other’s efforts had failed, and Donald Trump is the next president of the United States, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who was disgraced when her anti-Trump e-mails revealed her affair with lead investigator Peter Strzok and unraveled their plot to stop Trump from becoming president, is on Capitol Hill giving sworn testimony to congressman Mark Meadows.  Meadows asks her if she is aware that Steele was a CIA source.  Page seems legitimately confused and replies, “If the CIA as early as August, in fact, had those same reports, I’m not aware of that, nor do I believe they provided that to us, and that would be unusual.”  It is at this moment that Lisa Page realizes that John Brennan and the CIA set them up and lied to them. 

                The Brennan as the useful idiot portion of Surkov’s trip down memory lane has ended and he pivots to the FBI.  This is where his friend Trubnikov comes into play.  After feeding Steele information about Donald Trump that is false, Steele exposes him by naming him and Surkov as a source to Kathleen Kavalec of the state department.  The FBI goes to London and meets with Trubnikov and inquires, “These are the claims that our confidential source has told us you told him.  Can you verify these statement about Donald Trump?”

                Trubnikov reads through the bullet points of the claims and scoffs, “No, this is all fake.  A lot of this stuff I said while taking shots of vodka and I was joking.  Others are just a gross exaggeration.  I barely recognize this information.”

                That should have been the end of that but the FBI ran with the information anyway much to Surkov’s surprise.  Surkov questioned his colleague later about this and Trubnikov informed him that they would have been more suspicious if he agreed to it.  By denying it, it helps them think that Russia is helping Trump.  He explained, “By me denying the information, they can spin it in their heads that it’s proof that Russia is helping Donald Trump.”

                Surkov wasn’t so sure that was the case since it discredited everything Steele said but here the FBI was getting a FISA on Carter Page based on the information in the dossier.  This was especially exciting to Trubnikov and Surkov since it was Carter Page who was sent to Russia on behalf of the CIA in a sting operation against Russians.  Their revenge was sweet.  Later, the FBI even set up a special council even though they knew that Brennan lied to them and the source already confirmed that it was a hoax but they hired Bob Mueller anyway.  This caused Surkov to call Trubnikov and admit that he was wrong. 

                Now that the Russian collusion hoax has thoroughly been discredited and the Democrats impeached President Trump but failed to remove him from office, John Durham and Bill Barr were going on the offensive as their investigation was wrapping up.  You could tell they were getting close because the media started attacking Trump and posturing that how dare he question professional intelligence officials as they are above reproach.  Bill Barr knew what was coming next; the Democrats would not learn from their previous failures and impeach President Trump again because he attacked the intelligence community, which they will twist to be obstruction.  Right now, Attorney General Bill Barr is being interviewed by a journalist.  He is asked, “After Steele’s success with exposing the FIFA scandal and his good standing with the FBI, why would you think he was disingenuous now?”

                Barr keeps a stoic face at the ridiculousness.  He merely responds, “Past performance not indicative of future results.”

                “He seems credible.”

                “If he’s credible then you have to believe that he didn’t lie to the State Department when he admitted that Trubnikov was a source.”

                “I don’t think he did lie about that.”

                “And Trubnikov is the head of the SVR, which is like the CIA.”

                “I didn’t know that but okay.”

                “So, do you think it’s possible that Steele fell for a Russian disinformation campaign and the information that Trubnikov gave him was a lie intended to deceive and mislead Steele?”

                “Well, I heard that Trubnikov was a double agent and our asset.”

                “He’s still in Russia.  If you knew that, you don’t think Putin would know that?  Why hasn’t Putin punished him then?  Why isn’t he fleeing Russia?  If Trubnikov is an American spy in Russia, why did we not know about Russia’s activity in Crimea?  Why didn’t we know about them hacking Hillary Clinton’s e-mails unti;l after the fact?  Why didn’t we know how they were going to meddle in our elections?”

                The journalist was speechless as he couldn’t answer these questions.  He simply retorted, “I’m not the intelligence expert here.  Who am I to speculate on these things?”

                “You can use your common sense.  Do you also think it’s convenient that Stefan Halper, a known CIA spy, taught a course with Trubnikov and that Halper was paid a million dollars to write a paper in which he cites Trubnikov as a source?  He’s also the guy that invited various Trump satellite people to Britain so they could spy on him?  Did you think that was a coincidence?”

                “Thank you for your time Mr. Barr.”

                Barr relaxes and takes a deep breath.  He thinks that he did well in getting through to the young journalist that maybe everything he believes to be true isn’t.  Then he picks up the New York Times and the Washington Post the next day and reads claims that it’s confirmed that President Trump is using the DOJ to attack his political opponents.  They both also assert that it’s already been concluded that Barr and Trump’s comment about Stone’s sentence being too harsh is obstruction of justice.  Barr sighs.  There was just no getting through to these people.  The truth is that only the New York Times and Washington Post were professing those ideas and it not only hadn’t been concluded but nobody was asking the question.  Barr thought of the old advertizing tactic of saying that everyone is doing something so you should too.  He shakes his head and wonders how they can’t see the blatant hypocrisy in accusing the President of using the DOJ to attack his political opponents when the DOJ just convicted a Trump ally who was Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s political opponent.  As he voices his frustration, one of his staffers articulates, “Sir, I have an idea on how you can use this to our advantage.”

                “We aren’t in the political game.  We only seek the truth.”

                “I’m not asking you to lie or spin.  Well, maybe a little bit but hear me out.”

                “I’m listening”

                “Well, I watch a lot of professional wrestling”

                “Odd place to begin but okay”

                “So in WWE, there are ‘faces,’ which everyone loves and the crowd cheers and ‘heels’ that everyone hates and the crowd boos.”

                “I’m familiar”

                “Well, no matter how much of a heel someone is, they can always turn into a face by doing one thing.”

                “What’s that?”

                “Criticize and attack Vince McMahon.”

                Barr perks up and mulls this over, “That is actually a very good idea.”

                The staffer beams as he was very nervous to bring this up.  Bill Barr immediately schedules an interview.  During the interview he expresses that he wishes the President wouldn’t tweet about DOJ cases because it makes it nearly impossible to do his job.  He ends it with a defiant declaration that he will not be bullied by anyone whether it be Congress, the media, politicians or the president himself. 

                Almost immediately, social media is a buzz about how Barr has turned against Trump and will be their hero to take down Donald Trump.  News outlets are ecstatic that they finally got to Barr and Trump’s handpicked attorney general has just stabbed him in the back.  They rush to President Trump for a response not learning from all the times they have been really excited only to be disappointed with Trump’s response.  President Trump tells them that he has no problem with what Barr had said.  After all, all Barr said was that his only loyalty was to the truth and what he believed was the right thing to do.  It’s hard to find fault in that.  The journalists go back to their computers dejected that they didn’t get the sound they wanted of President Trump attacking Barr. 

                Meanwhile, Barr calls his staffer and inquires, “Did you see the news?”

                “Looks like you’ve turned face Mr. Barr.”

                Barr grins, “Yes, and magically nobody is taking about my investigating Brennan and Comey as being a political attack.”

                “the mob is fickle sir.  They’ll turn on you once you attack their golden calf.”

                “I know but to people paying attention, they’ll see that they contradicted themselves.  I know we say that a lot but we do pick up more people the more times they are hypocrites.”

                “I’m not so sure.  Nobody seemed to care that Obama claimed executive privilege so the FBI didn’t read his e-mails with Hillary Clinton that the Russian hacked.  Interesting that the Russians can read it but the FBI can’t.  It was separation of powers then but when Bolton says something to President Trump, then they demand that he testify and reveal everything.  Double standards don’t seem to bother them sir.”

                “The president’s popularity among black voters is between 34-42% depending on the poll.  It hasn’t been over 15 in decades.  I know the president claims it’s because of the black unemployment rate being at 50 year lows and his criminal justice reform but I believe it to be that rappers loved Donald Trump.  People wanted to go to Mar A Lago.  They loved the apprentice.  Now, all of a sudden he’s a racist, misogynistic, NAZI?  They had trouble with the switch so they left the Democrat party and followed him.”

                “I think Bernie Sanders, an admitted socialist, may have helped with Democrats leaving the party.”

                “That is true.  I still cringe to think that the man who gave that speech at the University of Vermont saying that he was very excited and impressed with the Cuban revolution and the poor people rising up is now the leading Democrat candidate for president of the United States.”

                “Yea, not many Democrats are that radical so they are walking away from the party.”

                “The same could be said about President Trump.”

                “He’s at 95% Republican approval.”

                “That may have to do with the alternative.  Then again, it may be because the people that opposed him left the Republican Party.”

                “That’s true.  Nine months to go before the election.  We’ll just see where the cards lie.  In the mean time, face or heel, our mission hasn’t changed.  We are trying to determine if Brennan lied to the FBI and the truth is the only thing we have loyalty to.”

                Hanging up that phone on Valentine’s Day, it is not known if the spring will reveal Durham’s report but Republicans are eagerly awaiting it.  Conservatives, on the other hand, have given up hope that Democrats will be prosecuted.  The deep state is too strong and they prove again and again that Democrats are above the law.  This is especially true for anyone that opposes Donald Trump. 



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