Friday, February 14, 2020

Larry the Billionaire Episode 46 The Red Seduction

                Larry Couchmanos is in the city where he grew up.  To his friends that he grew up with, they don’t like that he doesn’t call it his hometown.  To Larry though, it is neither the city he was born nor was it the city he has lived in the longest.  Due to all this, he had no qualms not referring to Cleveland, Ohio as his home.  Many people in Cleveland, however, have a staunch love of their city.  It’s almost like a mentality that only the tough can live there and those like Larry that left couldn’t handle it.  It is true that since Larry had left, the city had gotten a lot nicer but he still not only preferred the city he spent the most amount of time in, New York, but also his current resident state of Naples, Florida.  He was in town for a wedding and as was his custom, he was staying with a close friend whose kid he baptized named Effie.  Effie’s fiancée was someone that Larry had known even longer than Effie as he met Effie when he was 13 but Dean he had known since he was three.  Dean was a lawyer and a conservative like him so they enjoyed talking.  Effie was apolitical so just let them rant and stayed out of it.  Every now and then, she would try to get a rise out of them by proclaiming women like Cardi-B as highly intelligent and should hold office because they were courageous enough to admit they slept their way to the top.

                While at the house, Larry asks Dean, “What do you make of all this Mike Flynn stuff?”

                “I don’t really know enough about it.”

                “At first he pled guilty to lying to the FBI but the FBI agents that interviewed him wrote a report that they didn’t think he was being deceptive.  He got in trouble for not filling out a FARA form correctly and they went after his family to force him to sign a guilty plea.”

                “That is standard procedure.  The whole point of a prosecutor is to intimidate.  He’s kinda fucked if he signed the guilty plea.”

                “He’s got a new lawyer, Sidney Powell that found that the government withheld exculpatory information.  She is claiming that his previous lawyers misrepresented him and gave him bad legal advice.  She convinced him to withdraw his guilty plea.”

                “I mean, he can do that but it’s hard to make a case when you plead guilty.  Ineffective representation is extremely difficult to prove so she’s got her work cut out for her.  I wouldn’t have suggested it but like I said I don’t know the case.”

                “Covington helped Flynn fill out the FARA form that he was indicted for.”

                “Was Covington his former lawyers?”


                “That’s a highly reputable firm.  I seriously doubt the ineffective council thing will stick when you have a huge law firm like Covington as your previous lawyer.”

                “What if they worked with the prosecutor?  Powell is arguing that it was a conflict of interest because if it went to court then it would be exposed that Covington gave him bad advice on how to fill out the FARA form and it would hurt their reputation.”

                “What did he plead guilty to?”

                “Lying to the FBI”

                “So the FARA thing wasn’t part of it?”

                “Not that I’m aware of.”

                “Oh well yea, that’s possible.  Make the story about lying to the FBI so they don’t reveal that they messed up the form.  You have to be careful thought because if you claim ineffective council then you waive your attorney-client confidentiality so if he told Covington that he wasn’t going to cooperate with the FBI or something then it wouldn’t be protected and Covington could tell the government that.”

                “At this point, it would probably be a lie.”

                “Let’s hope they didn’t record it.”

                “It may not even be true.”

                “I agree, I’m just saying the possibilities.  Why was he in violation of FARA?”

                “They say he was working on behalf of the Turkish government because he was an advisor for a Turkish company.”

                “Was it a company that the Turkish Government owns?”

                “There is no evidence of that.  The prosecutors just claimed that the Turkish government has a hand in all companies so if you’re working for a Turkish company then you’re probably working for the Turkish government.”

                “That’s not how our justice system works.  He’s innocent until proven guilty.  The burden of proof is on the prosecutor.  They have to prove that Flynn was knowingly working for the Turkish government in violation of US law.  It’s not even a problem if you’re working for the Turkish government or else all ambassadors and diplomats who normally don’t sign FARA’s would be arrested.”

                “Right, so there’s no evidence that Flynn was working for the Turkish government.”

                “Well, if that’s true then there’s no case.  It doesn’t matter if he filled out a form incorrectly or the wrong form.  He didn’t need one to begin with.  Something is off.”

                “Powell thinks the same thing.  She thinks it’s a conflict of interest because they’re defending their own advice.”

                “I can see that point but that wasn’t the plea.  The plea was lying.  If they waived the other charge for that then fine.  He was indicted for the FARA so pleaded on a lesser charge.  I can see that but it doesn’t seem necessary but maybe Covington wanted to cover their ass.  I don’t really know but based on what you’re telling me; the correct advice would’ve been not to sign a FARA and that would be easily defended in court so no reason to advise them to sign a lesser charge.”

                “Does it mean anything that the government prosecutor worked for Covington and Burlington?”

                “Yes, that’s more of a conflict of interest than trying to say they didn’t want their advice on trial.”

                “Eric Holder was also helping Covington with the case.”

                “Who is that?”

                “He was on the Mueller probe and he was the Attorney General for Benghazi and Fast & Furious.”

                “He’s an Obama lawyer?”

                “Obama’s Attorney General.”

                “And Flynn was Trump’s National Security Advisor.”

                “He also was Obama’s until Obama fired him.  During the transition meeting between Trump and Obama, Obama told Trump not to hire Flynn because he was bad news.  Obama was mad at him for being an outspoken critic of the Iran deal.”

                “As you keep talking, you’re coming up with more and more conflicts of interest.  Like I said, if you have all your facts straight, then Powell has a case.”

                “I knew it”


                A few months before this conversation, a 35-year-old woman named Ryan was going to the Cleveland Clinic because she had some discomfort.  After various tests, it was determined that she had a malignant tumor on her colon.  As horrendous as the news was, more follow up visits had revealed that it was localized and could be cut out surgically.  Ryan went through the surgery and was in high spirits that the scare was over.  During a post-up around the time Dean and Larry were debating, she had her lymph nodes tested and the doctors were suspicious about what they found.  They told Ryan that they don’t see any cancer but they would like to do chemotherapy as a precautionary measure just in case so as not to risk it resurfacing.  Ryan wanted some time to think about it and she agreed.  During her visit, a doctor game in with a grim look on his face.  Ryan knew that it was bad news so prepared herself for the diagnosis that the cancer had returned.  The doctor was with a nurse practitioner and he stated matter-of-factly, “Ryan, we still recommend the chemo but unfortunately your insurance doesn’t believe it to be a necessary procedure.  We want to tell you now rather than after the fact so as not to surprise you with a huge bill.”

                “What?!  I mean, I appreciate you telling me before the procedure because I don’t want this to bankrupt me but what’s the point of having insurance if they’re not going to pay for my medical care?”

                “We agree but there’s not much we can do.  I can give you all the necessary information and write a recommendation on why we believe you need the chemo but you should also call the insurance company and complain.”

                The nurse practitioner spoke up, “You need to remember that the insurance company works for you.  I’d recommend threatening to drop them and go somewhere else.”

                “Who’s going to take someone that has a pre-existing condition of cancer?”

                “It will be tough I admit, but that’s really the only thing insurance companies respond to; losing business.  Talk about how you’re going to post it on social media and yelp and all that stuff.  You need them to think they’re going to be shamed.”

                “I mean, I’ll try but I think it’s easy for them to call the bluff.”

                “I know, it’s hard.”

                The doctor interjected, “I’m going to get your release papers because there’s not much more I can do for you until this is resolved.”

                “Thank you Doctor” Ryan muttered as she was still reeling from the shock.

                With the doctor gone, Effie, the nurse practitioner, took a deep breath.  “Ryan, I know this just happened but what I’m about to tell you is not from the hospital but coming from me personally.”

                Ryan was tentative and looked around the room before answering, “Okay.”

                “What if I could find someone who would fund the procedure?”

                “Umm, that would be amazing.” she declared with obvious skepticism in her voice knowing that there had to be a catch.

                “My shift is over.  Let me walk you out and let’s grab dinner; my treat.”

                “Alright.” She replied with the same hesitance in her voice

                They go to a German restaurant downtown and Effie looks across from the skinny redhead with freckled skin, medium sized breasts but not much of a butt.  She sighed, “So, I have a friend who has a thing for redheads.  He has a lot of money and I think I’d be able to convince him to front the money. The only catch is that you would have to sleep with him.”

                Ryan’s blue eyes widened and her mouth gaped over as she scoffed.  She shook her head from side to side and responded, “Whoa, umm, yea, wasn’t expecting that.”

                “I know, it’s a strange request but I figured I’d give you all your options.  I don’t know if there’s someone home waiting for you or what your relationship status is.”

                “Yes you do considering you know only my parents and my brother have visited me.  If I had a significant other, don’t you think they would have come?”

                “Some guys can’t handle their girlfriends, fiancées, wives, in the hospital so wait at home or pick them up when they get released.  They pretend to be so tough then we get sick and they panic like the world is ending.  Meanwhile, when they get sick, we take care of everything.”

                Ryan chuckled, “That is true.  Can we talk about something else?  I need to process this.”

                “Of course, it’s good to get your mind off it and come back to it.”

                “It seems the Roger Stone case is about to come to a verdict.”

                “I don’t know who that is?”

                “You don’t remember when the guy’s house got raided like a year ago at like six in the morning. Dude is 69 years old and they act like he’s some big drug dealer that’s going to be ready for war.”

                “What was he charged for?”

                “Basically for being a Trump ally but officially intimidating a witness and lying to investigators.”

                “You know, I’ve been hearing a lot about people being arrested for lying to law enforcement.  My fiancée and the friend I told you about were just talking about someone that got indicted for lying to the FBI but I thought his name was Flynn.”

                “That’s a different Trump associate that the DOJ went after.”

                “This has happened a lot I see.”

                “Yes, it has but Stone is the only one that they recommended nine years in jail.”

                “Whoa, for lying?  Jesus!  Oh wait, he also intimidated a juror.  Are we sure he’s not a drug lord or a mafia guy?”

                “The witness testified that he didn’t feel intimidated by Stone.”

                “And they still wanted nine years?”


                “Well, that’s just ridiculous.”

                “The Attorney General said the same thing.”

                “Barr right?”


                “Alright, some things my fiancée said has gotten through.”

                “After that, three prosecutors on the case resigned because they were so appalled that Barr didn’t want to give them nine years.”

                “You know, I have an eleven year old and a six year old at home, that’s something they would do too.”

                Ryan laughed, “Yea, Democrats have a way of acting like children but I think there is a more nefarious reason they did this than just a hissy fit.”

                “Oh yea?”

                “They did it so they could virtue signal and make Barr out to be the bad guy because he’s defending the president.  Then the public thinks that if Barr finds anything that favors Trump, he’s just biased.”

                “Well clearly it didn’t work because I don’t know about it and I’m the public.  If it’s going to work, It needs to get to people not paying attention like me.”

                “Do you vote?”


                “Then no, it doesn’t have to get to you.  I’m sorry that sounds harsh but I’m just telling you how the government thinks.”

                “It makes sense.”

                “Besides, it hasn’t happened yet.  Since they resigned, they’re going to accuse Barr of obstruction.  A Democrat congressman named Eric Swalwell already wants to impeach Barr for this.”

                “For disagreeing with a sentencing recommendation and they voluntarily resigned?  They weren’t fired?”


                “How is that obstruction?”

                “Beats me.  Ask Swalwell”

                “I’m afraid to call it ridiculous now because I might be arrested for obstruction.”

                Both women smiled at this.  “It’s a little more complicated.”

                “I would hope so.”

                “Apparently, they told Barr a lower sentence and then told the court the nine years so that Barr would react since it differed from what they told him.”

                “That doesn’t change my opinion at all.”

                “It shouldn’t.  Anyway the name of one of the prosecutors is Aaron Zelinsky who worked for Rod Rosenstein.  He’s the guy that recommended taping a conversation with the President and trying to invoke the 25th amendment to remove him from office.”

                “What’s the 25th Amendment?”

                “A president is removed from office if he’s mentally unfit to be president; for instance, if he’s in a coma.”

                “Pretty sure Trump isn’t in a coma.  He’s on TV and tweets like every day.”


                “Rosenstein also signed the FISA on Carter Page based on a hoax document.  He was also on the Mueller probe.”

                “That I have heard of.  They illegally spied on Trump’s campaign because some dude in England wrote a dossier that nothing has been proven true yet and it’s been like three years.”

                “Christopher Steele, right.”

                “Another prosecutor that resigned was Brandon Van Grack.  He was in the National Security Division (NSD) and helped Flynn fill out the FARA form. “

                “I heard about this too.  The Whistleblower was from the NSD.”

                “Yes, he was but this NSD was Obama’s and when it was headed by John Carlin, who was Bob Meller’s chief of staff.”

                “Yea, Larry, my friend that I told you about, says that Trump should just fire everyone that worked for Obama.”

                “I think he’s right.  Wait, he’s a Trump supporter?”


                “In the closet?”

                “Nope, he’s pretty fucking obnoxious about it.”

                “You know what; I think I’m willing to meet him.  I’m not promising that I’ll do it but I want to meet him first.”

                “That makes sense.”

                “Is he married?”

                “No, he’s single.”

                “And he’s rich.”

                “Yes, he’s also in town.  Are you free tomorrow?”

                “I am”

                “Alright then, I’ll arrange it for like 7:00.  You pick the place.”

                “Are you his secretary?”

                “No, just one of his best friends.  I call myself his wifey because I basically do all wife things that don’t involve sexual acts.”

                “I’m sure your fiancée likes that.”

                “My fiancée and him have known each other since they were three.  I kind of feel like the third wheel when they’re together.  I mean, not really because he baptized my kid so we’re forever linked more than my fiancée but technically, he’s known him longer.”

                Ryan smiled, “Thank you for this.  It was good to laugh and smile after the horrendous news I got from those insurance assholes.”

                “No problem.”


                The next day, Ryan was sitting across the table for Larry.  She started, “Did Effie tell you about our conversation about Roger Stone?”

                “No, but she did tell me you were a Trump supporter.”

                “Yea, that’s pretty much all she told me about you too.”

                “I think there’s more she told you.  Like the whole reason we’re here.”

                “Yes, that too.” She uttered timidly and then her voice got stronger, “What do you think of the Stone case.”

                “Well, he’s going to get convicted.  His lawyer did a shitty job choosing jurors considering the lead juror, Tomeka Hart, had run for congress as a Democrat in 2012.”

                “Really, I hadn’t heard about this.”

                “Oh yea, she frequently posted things on social media about how much she hated Donald Trump.”

                “Wow, that’s not biased at all” Ryan remarked sarcastically

                “I hope President Trump pardons him.  He seems to be indicating he will but I don’t know. “

                “Did you hear that Nunes thinks there’s something wrong with the Mueller probe?”

                “I think this is what he was referring to.”

                “What?  That the same people that were prosecuting Flynn and Stone were on the Mueller probe?”

                “Yea so they knew from the beginning that there was nothing to the Russian collusion hoax therefore Stone and Flynn can’t be guilty of colluding with Russia because there was no evidence of collusion at all.”       

                “Which is why they weren’t indicted for collusion but process crimes.”

                “Yea, and even Horowitz admitted that the investigation couldn’t have happened without Donald Trump.”

                “They’ve been trying to isolate him since day 1.  They punish anyone that associates with him.  It’s kind of amazing that the result was his supporters dig in deeper because they have an ‘us’ vs. ‘them’ mentality.”

                “When do you think Crossfire Hurricane really started?”

                “Sometime around spring 2016.”

                Ryan grinned, “I’m glad you didn’t say July 31.  Of course, if it started then, then when Mueller took it over, he was given an FBI file at the start of the special council in which it showed that after a year of investigating, they had found no evidence of collusion.”

                “Yet, somehow they spent 30 million dollars and took over three years to publicize that finding.”

                “Even if miraculously they didn’t know that, they knew when they read Strzok’s texts.”

                “Since you tested me, I’m going to test you now.  Why did they keep it open so long if they knew it was a hoax?”

                “That’s easy.  They needed to arrest people in President Trump’s orbit that were mentioned in the dossier to save the reputation of the FBI and shut them up since there’s a gag order when you’re under investigation.”

                “I agree, which is why none of his indictments on anyone had anything to do with President Trump or Russian collusion.”

                “Then he writes the report and it’s over 400 pages of nothing.  He just goes on and on about how Russian meddled in the elections in the past and the history of Russia’s conflicts with the United States and how they intervene in our affairs.  After all that, then they talk about President Trump and how he won the election.  They never make a link but they hope that after reading about Russia for 400 pages, when you see someone’s name, you automatically associate them with Russia even if that’s not what it says.”

                “You don’t have to convince me.  You’re preaching to the choir.”             

                “Did you see fake news MSNBC interview President Trump after the impeachment.”

                Larry smiled, “When he absolutely owned them?  I don’t know when the media will realize that their trap questions that work on other Republicans just don’t work on President Trump.  He sees right through them and turns it around on them.  What kind of question is, ‘Republicans hoped you learned your lesson on impeachment; did you?”

                “Yes, even if people realize it, the textbook answer is to just be like, “That’s a horrible question.  I answer questions not statements.”

                “Not for President Trump.  He answers it as a counter-attack and traps them.  He almost loves the question because he gets to tell them that he learned what every other Republicans and independent learned, that Democrats are horrible, crooked and bad people because they exposed the country to a fake impeachment over nothing.”

                “Then just for good measure he goes through the rankings of the worst fake news networks not calling them by their real names but as ‘MSDNC’ and the ‘Clinton News Network. ‘ He can’t even give CNN the small win that he thinks someone’s worse because after he says that MSDNC is worse than CNN he sticks in there ‘if that’s even possible.”

                “The best is when he catches himself and forgets his monker of ‘MSDNC” is MSNBC and he’s about to repeat himself.  He just goes, ‘MS or whatever the NBC guy is.”

                “Like they’re not important enough to remember.”

                “Or, what else starts with ‘MS’”

                Ryan’s eyes go wide as she realizes what he’s getting at, ‘MS-13’”

                “Yea, it’s like he compared them to one of the most vicious, bloodthirsty horrible gangs in the country but didn’t actually say it.”


                “I know.”

                Ryan took a deep breath, “Alright, I appreciate you indulging me up to this point.  Now, I need to answer your question.”

                “Technically Effie’s question.”

                “Yes, her question.  But also, Yes to the question.”

                Larry had no reaction.  He shrugs his shoulders and reaches into his jacket pocket and hands her a medical form, “This is so you know that I’m clean.”

                “Thank you, I’m clean too but is it okay if you still wear a condom?”

                “I’m okay with that.  I know you don’t have an IUD in.”

                “How do you know that?”

                “Effie and I have a binary system.  I don’t know anything about your medical history besides if you have STD’s or if you have an IUD.”

                “What about birth control?”

                “I have no way of knowing if you take it regularly.  I know that you no longer have to do it every day at the same time but trust is not something I’m good at.”

                “Then we’re in agreement.  I kind of want to get treatment as soon as I can so how soon can we do this?”

                “I can pay the check and you can come back to my hotel room.”

                “Yea, that works.  How did you know I’d say ‘yes’”

                “I didn’t but I need a place to sleep and I don’t want to burden my friends.”

                Larry pays the check and they head out and get into an Uber towards Larry’s hotel room.  Ryan’s heart is pumping fast as she is getting nervous and surprised this is actually happening.  The silence is killing her so she blurts out, “You know the education department is investigating Harvard and Yale for foreign money from countries that hate America.”

                “I do know that.  China, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iran.  I always knew that Harvard was corrupt.  The other ones not so much but everything I’ve ever heard a Harvard professor say has been absolutely retarded so that doesn’t surprise me.  I guess Yale doesn’t either because colleges are just brainwashing institutions for the most impressionable people on the planet; 18-22 years olds who are living away from their parents for the first time.”

                “Yea, those countries are paying to steal our technology and how most prestigious universities are aiding them.”

                “The worst is Skolkovo since they already got the hypersonic missiles.  There were telecommunications with Harvard and Yale with the Skolkovo foundation.”

                “Good old Hillary Clinton strikes again.”

                “Yup, that was her and Bill’s project when Hillary was Secretary of State.”

                They arrive at the hotel, and Larry and Ryan exit.  Larry goes into the hotel room first and immediately tears off his clothes.  Ryan scurried into the room as she removed her clothes as well and kissed Larry on the lips.  She backed him towards the bed and shoved him to a seated position.  She reached down and rubbed his penis enlarging it so she could put the condom on.  After the condom was on, she straddled him but wrapped her legs around the middle of his torso and squeezed throwing her body forward.  Larry put his arms behind him to steady himself as Ryan grinded her breasts against his face.  Larry sucked on her breasts and leaned forward caressing Ryan’s legs.  Ryan said, “I’m getting sick of this room, let’s go”

            She got up and pulled Larry’s arm.  Larry followed her to a stairwell where she sprawled across three stairs with her hands on the top most stair, her torso hovering above another stair, and her knees on the third stair.  Larry knelt down on the stair with her feet and jammed his penis into her from behind.  He reached around and caressed her breasts and kissed her neck as Ryan moved her hips from side to side.  Larry wrapped Ryan’s legs around his waist and pulled her midsection up.  Ryan reached back interlocking her hands behind his head and Larry carried her back to the room.  He unceremoniously dropped her onto her stomach on the bed and straddled her right leg.  He grabbed a shot glass and poured tequila into it.  He placed the shot glass into her butt and licked her right butt cheek.  He cleaned Ryan’s butt of salt with his tongue and then grabbed the shot glass in his mouth emptying the contents.  He repeated the steps with the left butt cheek and then repositioned his body to reenter Ryan.  Ryan hoisted herself up to all fours and Larry used one hand to massage her breasts while the other massaged her groin and entered working the G-spot.  Shortly thereafter, the encounter came to a halt as Larry finished. 

            When Larry pulled out of Ryan, Ryan turned around and lied on her back.  She immediately sat up, got dressed and walked out of the hotel room without a word.  Larry chuckled and nodded.  The truth is, that was preferred.  It was better not to pretend this wasn’t exactly what it was.  He called the Cleveland Clinic and let them know to bill him for Ryan’s chemotherapy. 

Soon after, Ryan started the intense treatment as she lost her red hair that was the thing that triggered Effie to make the offer in the first place.  As she was going through it, Effie kept in constant contact with her.  The only time Ryan brought up Larry was the first appointment when she confided in Effie that she was nervous that the way she left would anger Larry and he wouldn’t go through with it.  When Effie asked her why she did it, Effie responded that either Larry was a man of his word or he wasn’t.  She did her part.  Effie assured Ryan of the truth that Larry didn’t care but left out that Effie thought it was a little low.  She could have at least said ‘thank you’ or ‘bye’ but if Larry didn’t care than why should she? 

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