Friday, October 4, 2019

Real Characters Episode 26 The Petulance of Schiff

                California congressman Adam Schiff has been determined to impeach President Trump ever since he was elected.  When the Democrats won back the house in 2018, he felt like impeachment was in his grasp.  As a Democrat, he is used to having the mob like liberals and the Pravda style Mainstream media cover for him.  With this security blanket, he’s been boldly making predictions and accusations.  The results of which have let to catastrophic falling on his face and being humiliated to anyone that has been paying attention.  To those casually paying attention, however, they still don’t know who he is so every time the President speaks, he can be reborn to take on another crusade.  His latest one is a whistleblower coming forward concerned about President Trump’s phone call with new Ukrainian president Zelensky despite the whistleblower not actually have heard the call. 

                Adam Schiff is merely the head of the House Intelligence committee.  The highest member of congress is the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.  Pelosi has already told Adam that she’s not going to impeach the president if there’s no evidence.  Various members of the house have been extremely frustrated with Nancy for this as they just want it on the record.  Adam meets with Nancy for the umpteenth time and starts, “I really want to talk impeachment again”

                “Adam, we’ve been through this.  Come to me with solid evidence.  I’ve heard you in the media about the whistleblower complaint but you know and I know the ICIG changed the rule in order for the whistleblower to qualify.  He did it secretly and it violates a crucial essential part of our judicial system in that hearsay is not admissible and you need to be able to face your accusers.  If we take this to an impeachment hearing, it will be embarrassing for us.  Do you understand that impeachment is a constitutional process?”

                “I do understand that Ma’ame but the election is 13 months away.  We’re losing time.  I’m afraid if we don’t impeach, he will win re-election.”

                “Impeachment isn’t supposed to be a bull rush.  It’s designed to be taken seriously and be a long process.”

                “I’m not looking for impeachment per say”

                “What are you looking for?”

                “Talk about impeachment.  Make it seem like we’re impeaching when really we’re just going through the motions and doing nothing that can be or needs to be done in a trial of any kind.  We’ll call it an ‘impeachment inquiry.’”

                “So, you’re not really going to impeach?”

                “No, we’ll call people in but we won’t offer an official subpoena.  When they refuse, we’ll pretend that it’s obstruction.  We will do nothing official or binding even though we have the power.”

                “You just want to try this in the court of public opinion”

                “Right, have the media litigate it since they’re on our side.  The other side won’t be able to defend themselves because they are not protected legally like they would be in a court with an official subpoena.  With the one sided argument, we may convince voters to vote against Trump in 2020.”

                “Make sure that you have your interviews behind closed doors.  These open court sessions have hurt us because the President is making other Republicans bolder.  They don’t cower to name calling anymore.”

                “That’s fair”

                “I’m okay with that.  You’ll have my support and I’ll play along.  Also, no votes.”

                “Thank you Ma’ame.  It’ll look more legitimate if you endorse it.”

                For the next two weeks, Adam Schiff does exactly that.  He pounds his chest, gets the mainstream media and fellow Democrats to parrot the word ‘impeachment’ but he issues no subpoenas and never calls a vote.  The first action is to write a letter to Secretary of state Pompeo demanding him to come in and hand over a variety of documents that Schiff knows he can’t turn over.  When Pompeo receives the letter, he issues a response declining their request.  Adam then screams from the rooftops that this is obstruction of justice.


                While Schiff is putting on his show, Secretary to State Matt Pompeo is meeting with the White House legal team.  He asks, “Is it obstruction for me to refuse the requests in the letter?”

                “Not at all”

                “So what are they talking about?”

                “They are tricking the public.”

                “Do you think it’ll lead to a subpoena?”

                “No, if they issue a subpoena then it would be litigated in court and the media would have to cover it.  What would come out is that the Democrats made it up, which will make them look bad.”

                “Alright, so nothing to worry about?”

                “No, nothing to worry about.  The grounds for impeachment are bribery, treason and high crimes and misdemeanors.  Obstruction doesn’t qualify for any of those things.  They use obstruction because the definition is greyer than other terms so they grasp on to it for life.  It failed with the Russia collusion hoax and it will fail here.”

                “I’m not worried about impeachment.  I was worried about me.  I know we have treaties with China and Ukraine for anti-corruption so Trump is supposed to confer with them.  Not only is it not a campaign violation but it’s a violation of the treaty to not do it.”

                Now that Adam Schiff has pretended to subpoena by sending a strongly worded letter instead of a subpoena, he has to now pretend that he’s investigating.  He calls Kurt Volker to a closed hearing.  Volker is a special envoy to Ukraine and Schiff has touted that he can confirm Trump threatened to withhold military aid if they don’t investigate Biden.  Schiff leaks this story to ABC who tweets out that Volker is going to tell the house intelligence committee that there was a quid pro quo.  ABC begs Schiff to let them air the trial on their network but Schiff keeps his word to Pelosi that it’ll be behind closed doors so that he can control if the contents of the interview gets leaked to the world or suppressed.  The decision rests solely on if it hurts or helps president Trump.  If it hurts President Trump, it’ll be screamed from the rooftops.  If it’s exculpatory, they’ll pretend it never happened.  Schiff inquires, “Mr. Volker, did the president threaten to withhold military aid if they don’t look into the firing of former Prosecutor General Shokin?”

                “Sir, I asked the ambassador to the EU Gordan Sondland that exact question.  I expressed to him that if they withheld military aid that would be wrong.”

                “And his response?”

                “Sondland told me that I was incorrect about the President’s intentions.  Sondland told me that the president was crystal clear; there would be no quid pro quo.  He just wanted to make sure that President Zelensky adheres to the anti-corruption terms he already agreed to.”

                “Do you consider Ambassador Sondland credible in his assessment of the President’s word and actions?”

                “Yes sir.  The day after the phone call with President Trump, President Zelensky had a meeting with Ambassador Sondland and Bill Taylor.  He has firsthand knowledge of President Zelensky’s reaction to the phone call and what his understanding was.”

                Adam Schiff frowns.  He is happy that it’s a closed door hearing and knows that the conclusion is obvious.  This needs to be suppressed.  It completely exonerates the president so it must never see the light of day.  He returns to his office disheartened.  This week has seen documented evidence that he knew about the Whistleblower complaint before last week when it went public.  This was a problem because he was already on the record denying he had any knowledge of it before it went public. Even the New York Times picked up the story.  The mainstream media may be getting fed up with constantly having to cover for him.  He owed it to them to make their jobs easier by refraining from being so reactive.  One of Schiff’s staff members walks into his office.  She declares, “I have some good news about a new Ipsos poll”

                “What’s that?”

                “44% of people want the President to be impeached and 43% even want him removed from office.”

                Schiff smiles and he replies, “It’s working.  I knew if Nancy was involved we could change hearts and minds.  The tides are changing.  Send out a press release announcing these findings.  People are sheep, they’ll follow the crowd.  2020 is ours!”

                The staffer smiles and blushes as she is happy to have made her boss excited.  “I’ll get on it right away.”

                Schiff’s excitement is short lived as twitter and conservative media report that the poll was done in an online panel of Ipsos fans.  They interviewed 1,006 adults.  His opponents are quick to point out that adults could mean immigrant and doesn’t necessarily mean likely voters or even registered voters at all.  It’s not a very strong poll.  Schiff doesn’t think this is too big a deal as most people never look into the qualifying variables of a poll.  If you went into a Trump rally and asked 1,006 of the attendees the same question, would it mean anything that the percentage who wanted impeachment was so low?  Schiff takes a deep breath and reminds himself that this is a show.  There’s no factual basis for anything he’s doing so the poll is just one more thing. 

                Schiff goes to a meeting with the Democrat National Committee and strategists.  The lead strategist declares, “We need to talk about Joe Biden”

                Schiff responds, “With the Burisma stuff?  We’ve already pretended to impeach the president for it.  What more do you want?”

                “We need to actually put pressure on Biden”

                “I’m confused.  Pressure to do what?”

                “Go away.  Have you seen him lately defending himself with Ukraine?”

                “Yea, he seems strong.  He’s been yelling at Fox News and vehemently denying that he did anything untoward.”

                “You left out how he’s justifying it.”

                Adam gives him a perplexed look, “I don’t follow”

                “Biden is trying to take Obama down with him.  He says that the quid pro quo he’s on tape saying was official Obama policy.”

                “So, we say he’s lying”

                “He’s on tape saying that Obama is on board.  He tells the Ukrainians to call Obama to confirm.”

                Schiff puts his head down as he’s been humiliated enough lately.  A member of the meeting shrugs his shoulder, “I don’t see why that’s so damning.  We can just say he was bluffing.  Biden made that comment after the Ukrainians challenged his authority.  When Giuliani interviewed Shokin, he said that Shokin said he was fired because of Biden pressure.  He says Porchenko, at Biden’s request, told him to stop the investigation into Burisma.  No official word from Ukraine mentions anything about Obama telling them anything.  We can just spin it that Biden was bluffing and saying the president was on board when he really wasn’t”

                The strategist ponders this for a moment.  He turns his head and his eyes shoot upward as he processes the angles.  He nods and answers, “That can actually work.  Good thinking.  I just want us together on this.  We want Biden and Hillary to move aside and go away.  We need to find a way to do this without taking down president Obama in the process.  Our support is going to go behind Elizabeth Warren.”  The committee nods in agreement.  The strategist continues, “Our next order of business is Rasheeda Talib”

                Pelosi rolls her eyes, “We’ve tried to reel in her and her squad in.  They are petulant children who don’t listen to anything said by anyone born before 1980.”

                “I know but she was just caught on tape telling the Detroit police departments that non-African Americans can’t be analysts because they can’t tell black people apart and think they all look alike.”

                A series of people pound their hand to their faces and rub their eyes.  Schiff chimes in, “I can’t even count how many ways that’s racist.  On one hand, you’re racist against whites saying they can’t tell black people apart.  On the other hand, you’re implying that all black people do look alike because why else would you be saying that.  Furthermore, you’re admitting that it’s black people that commit all the crime because the analysts need to be able to distinguish between black people in order to do their jobs effectively.  That’s implying that blacks commit all the crime, which we try to rail against.”

                “Now you realize our concern.  She also told a group of people that she had discussed with Democrat colleagues that they need to arrest Trump but they don’t know who’s jurisdiction it is and where to take him.  Did any of you have this conversation with Talib?”

                Nobody admits to this and the strategist seems to believe that Talib made it up.  Schiff wants to point out the good things he’s been doing so he blurts out, “I have Maxine Waters saying she fears for her life to go to the grocery store and we’re ostracizing Trump supporters.  Just recently there was a charity flag football game scheduled for a police officer that died in the Thousand Oaks shooting.  We cancelled it when Trump supporters like Joy Villa and Scott Baio were going to attend.”

                Pelosi chastised, “And you don’t think that looks suspicious when Maxine Waters told people to harass conservatives in public?  I’m not sure if the rest of the country is going to feel too bad for her that she’s getting a taste of her own medicine.  As for cancelling a charity event for a fallen police officer, I’m not sure the rest of the country is going to think that’s a good story for us.  You guys need to realize that California isn’t indicative of the country.”

                “Hey! It’s because California is so securely in our favor that I’m able to have the freedom to talk the way I do without fear of losing an election”

                “The district where the charity game was scheduled was a district that went to Trump in 2016”

                “But the county went to Hillary”

                “I get that but you didn’t exactly decline a time to mourn to hardened leftists.  This can only hurt us.”

                Schiff left the meeting fuming.  How dare Pelosi call him out publicly like that?  He’s the one on the front lines leading the impeachment inquiry, which is really a fake impeachment show.  He went strongest against the president of the Russian collusion.  He’s the one that was the strongest decrier of obstruction.  Why does nobody give him credit for always being the tip of spear in all these failed impeachment attempts?  He has trouble sleeping as failure is heavy on his mind and he shutters what will happen if Trump wins in 2020 or, worse, the Republicans take back the house. 


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