Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Real Characters Episode 27 Bringing it to the President

                The date is October 18, 2016.  The election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is heating up.  For the better part of the year, the DOJ has been working with President Obama on an insurance policy in the unlikely event that Donald Trump wins the election.  They know this isn’t going to happen but it is better to be safe than sorry.  Now that the election is heating up, Barack Obama calls a meeting at the White House with Italian Prime Minister Lorenzi.  Italy has been instrumental in this insurance policy because a Maltese professor who is heavily involved with Italy due to Malta’s proximity to the peninsula.  They have pretended that Mifsud is a Russian asset in order to make it scandalous when he met with a low level Trump campaign employee George Papadopoulos and told him that he had dirt on Hillary Clinton.  George didn’t take the bait but they left that part out when they decided to open an investigation.  They even arrested George hoping to find something that they tried to plant on him but he gave it away before they could.  Still, they were able to get him to plead guilty for lying and he was sentenced to two weeks in jail.  President Obama wants all hands on deck for this meeting so that everyone is on the same page and it’s a coordinated effort to take down Donald Trump if he wins.  He invited his National Intelligence Head Jim Clapper, FBI director James Comey and National Security Counsel staffer Eric Ciaramella.  Ciaramella is an expert on European and Russian affairs and was present at the meeting on behalf of the White House Executive Office of the Vice President, which is Joe Biden. 

                The calendar now reads February 2017.  A month ago, President Donald Trump was sworn in as President of the United States, which polarized America.  Due to this, it is of no surprise that the American government is just as polarized as its populace.  The biggest embodiment of this is the National Security Council (NSC).  The Anti-Trump members have been furiously leaking to Politico about how they are adamantly opposed to President Trump’s foreign policy and thinks he’s wrong in his ideas.  Abigail Grace goes into the President’s office and tenders her notice of resignation, which is accepted. 

                Shortly after leaving the NSC, Grace calls House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff for a job.  Schiff immediately agrees excited at the prospect of having an intelligence official that hates Donald Trump.  Only a month after Grace’s departure, Schiff calls Grace and starts, “Do you still have contacts with the NSC that are loyal to our cause to bring down the president?”


                “Can you contact them and have them call this number and tell them what their concerns are?”

                “Whose number is it?”

                “They work for Politico”

                “Alright, so you want me to leak it to the press?”

                “No, when we do It, they’re ‘whistleblowers,’ it’s only when Republicans do it is it ‘leaking.’”

                Grace smiles and agrees.  Shortly thereafter, Politico releases a piece highlighting the NSC concerns about President Trump.  The piece starts with accusing Trump supporters of talking to journalists in order to pull the attention away from them.  This is a common Democrat technique of hypocritically accused people of things they are guilty of.  It’s odd to leak to the media that other people are leaking and act like you’re innocent.  In the same month as this article comes out, Eric Ciaramella joins Abigail by resigning from the NSC complaining that he is receiving death threats since he is a vocal opponent of the new President. As President Trump is reviewing his letter of resignation, he comments, “You know everyone gets death threats right?  You can’t put yourself in a position of power without getting death threats.”

                “These seem credible”

                “What about all the ones the leftist mob gives to Fox News and all conservative leaners?”

                “This one is credible.  Those are just nonsense posturing by people who have no lives.”

                “It’s funny that when conservatives get death threats, they are accused of whining but when a Democrat gets them, then all of a sudden it’s serious.”

                “The right is more violent sir.”

                “That has not been true historically.  Conservative rallies rarely, if ever, have violence whereas when liberals protest, people frequently get raped, physically and verbally insulted and thousands if not millions of dollars, of property damage occurs.”

                “I’m not sure about all that sir.  I’m just saying that I don’t want to be a part of your executive branch anymore and would like to resign.”

                “I accept your letter of resignation, good luck to you” President Trump says as he stands and shakes his hand. 

                “Thank you sir.”

                Two years after Ciaramella resigns, a journalist named Molly Hemmingway is riding on a train.  It is shortly after the midterm elections and although the Republicans have maintained control of the Senate, the Democrats have taken back the House.  High ranking Democrat congressman Jerry Nadler, coincidentally, is on the train with Hemmingway.  As is a common occurrence for politicians, Jerry is on the phone.  Although he is an old man, he can’t help his excitement and starts yelling about how he’s going to impeach recently appointed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Donald Trump.  He knows that there is nothing that the Republicans can do about it because Democrats are block voters and they have the majority.  Impeachment happens solely in the house.  It is the Senate that decides whether or not to remove him.  Nadler is ecstatic that they can finally take down a duly elected president of the United States.  It is unclear if he knows Molly, a conservative journalist, is on the train with him.  Even if he did, however, he probably wouldn’t be too concerned.  After all, there isn’t much she could do. 

                It is now 2019 and Nadler has still not impeached Donald Trump or Brett Kavanaugh.  There was recently an election in Ukraine where a new president was named.  Nadler and the congressional Democrats use this as their opportunity to say that during the phone call with the new president, President Donald Trump threatened to withhold military aid from President Zelensky unless he gives them information on Joe Biden, who is the front runner to represent the Democrats in the 2020 presidential election.  What they hadn’t anticipated, however, was that Donald Trump was going to release the transcript in order to prove they were lying.  The media and Democrats scrambled to try to cover themselves and lie about what they had said.  As they changed their story, they knew the American populace was too dumb to see how utterly humiliatingly exposed they were that they completely lied. 

                While the Democrats are scrambling, President Donald Trump is in Minnesota at a rally.  There was a lot of controversy as the mayor or Minnesota tried to overcharge for security in order to discourage President Trump from coming.  That was an epic failure.  The Minnesota mayor figured that getting the president to cancel was a long shot but at least now, the people of Minnesota would be too scared to go to the rally so President Trump will be embarrassed by the low turnout.  Due to the jammed pack Target center, it appears that the people of Minnesota missed the message.  Anti-Trump liberals attack minority Trump supporters and even spray a journalist from the Blaze with pepper spray but, for the most part, the rally was peaceful.  Democrat hopeful Kamala Harris is one of many watching the Minnesota rally.  Donald Trump calmly and forcefully gives a near two hour speech and the crowd hangs on his every word as he talks about Minnesota issues such as the Somali crisis as illegal Somali’s were brought to Minnesota in droves to promote diversity.  What resulted was that American women were getting systematically raped and attacked because the Somali men do not have the same respect for women as American men do.  To make matter worse, the Minnesota government protected the Somali rapists so there was little to no consequences for their actions thus albeit guaranteeing it was going to happen again.  President Trump even went after their congresswoman Ilhan Omar who is openly Anti-Semitic and a far left liberal loon.  President Trump lost Minnesota in 2016 but given the reaction to his speech, it’s possible that he will turn it red.  The election, however, is 13 months away and a lot can happen by then.

                Kamala watches the reaction and is frustrated.  She yells at the TV, “He just said ‘what’s wrong with you people?’  Why did they not boo him off the stage?”

                One of Kamala’s staffer answers, “Trump talks vulgar.  Some are alienated by it but it endears him to others.  People are used to New Yorkers talking like that.  He’s been in the public realm for decades; nobody is surprised by it so he’s freer to speak than most people.”

                “Do you think it’s presidential to address a boy and declare, ‘You’re father was never that bright.  He was never a good Senator.  All he knew was how to kiss Barack Obama’s ass?’”

                “Personally, no I do not but he got a big reaction from the crowd. Hunter is also a grown adult and wasn’t present so it doesn’t look as bad.”

                “He doesn’t even care!  He’s got to be a sociopath to not have any reaction or qualms that he just said that on national television during a presidential rally.  He looks completely comfortable with it.”

                “He is definitely not afraid to be himself in public and is not afraid of public speaking.”

                “Well, I’m really going to get people on my side with my interview with Chris Cuomo.”

                “You have something planned?”

                “Yes, I have a pulse for the nation and what the people want.  I’ll give them a high ranking politician that has their back.”

                Kamala gets on stage and tells Chris Cuomo of CNN, “My name is Kamala Harris and my pronouns are ‘she,’ ‘her’ and ‘herself.’

                Cuomo nods and stutters a bit in surprise then blurts out, “Me too.”

                Harris is caught off guard.  Cuomo is a justice warrior who is very supportive of the trans-movement and he just mocked their demand that everyone change the English language and use different pronouns based on what people want them to be.  Harris contemplates scolding him but knows that she needs mainstream media.  She also isn’t sure if that’s what the leftist mob would want.  As she struggles, she knows she has to speak.  She replies with exasperation in her voice, “Alright.”

                Cuomo and Harris exchange looks and hopes that this will not end up with the leftist mob coming after them.  They decide to just move on but it was difficult to recover from this confusing and awkward moment that set a tone for the rest of the interview. 

                After the interview, nobody seems to have cared about what was said as social media is not set a buzz as Trump’s rally was. President Trump is in the white house and one of his staffers comes in.  President Trump inquires nonchalantly with a smile in a jovial manner, “So, did the Democrats finally let me have my constitutional right to face my accuser?”

                “There’s not too many people who fit all the criteria of what we know about the Whistleblower.”

                “Alright, so who’s the most likely on the list?”

                “Eric Ciaramella.”

                “Yea, he doesn’t like me too much.  Resigned from the NSC pretty early in my term and disagreed strongly with me.  What brought you to this conclusion?”

                “Well, Byron York reported that the Whistleblower worked for Joe Biden.”

                “Did Eric work for Joe Biden?”

                “Yes, we uncovered a dinner he attended at the White House.  The attendance sheet has him listed as there on behalf of the Executive Office of the Vice President.”

                “We also know that the Whistleblower used to work for the NSC, so Eric meets both criteria.”


                “Do we know what White House official the whistleblower called for his lie filled document.”

                “We have our suspicions.  Similar to a fingerprint, people have patterns of speech and writing.  Sometimes based on the words people use and what order they use them in, we can figure out who the author is even if it’s unspecified or a fake name is given.”

                “I’m with you.”

                “Well, Bill Taylor was communicating with Euro ambassador Songland.  Here are the relevant ones, ‘As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold military aid for political information.’  He also uses the word, ‘nightmare’ a lot.”

                “Where are you going with this?”

                “Well, the whistleblower wrote a memo and he describes the White House as being ‘crazy and frightening.’”

                “We can’t bring that to court.”

                “I’m aware of that but it gives us a place to look.  I think Bill Taylor is his source.”

                “Good work; keep digging and try to get more concrete evidence.”

                “Will do sir.”

                President Trump calls in another staffer who is an expert on impeachment.  He utters, “Be straight with me, how does this impeachment look?”

                “Well, we look good at 30,000 feet.  I mean this impeachment is based on a false description of a phone call that the public has a full transcript of.”

                “Alright, so the forest looks good; how about the trees?  The devil’s in the details.  Don’t be like the Democrats and refuse to talk about the nuances as that shows you either don’t understand it or you’re lying.”

                “Well, the trees are looking like sequoias too.  Wall Street Journal’s Kim Strossel….”

                “Love her, she’s great.  Nobody is a better writer at the Wall Street Journal than her.”

                The staffer smiles and continues, “She highlights three major lies told by Schiff and the Whistleblower about that call.  First, that you demanded that they locate and turn over their servers.  Next, that you praised current prosecutor general Lutsenko and requested him to be kept in his position.  Lastly, the big one, that you withheld military aid unless we got information about Biden.”

                “Just one more pre-planned hit using a hoax and passing it off as true.”

                “Yes sir, I’m sorry I don’t have better news.”

                President Trump grins, “No no, I love it.  It makes me stronger and it’s working because my approval rating is rising since they started this.  I’m more popular than Obama now.”

                “Yea, and Joe Biden isn’t helping himself by blaming Obama for Hunter getting the job on the board of Burisma.”

                “Interesting that you don’t see Obama backing it up.  Barack has been pretty quiet during this primary.  Wonder why. Biden also told the Ukrainian president that he wasn’t getting the billion dollars unless they fired Shokin.  When the Ukrainian president questioned it, Biden dared him to call Obama.  They never did though.  I wonder if Biden was bluffing.  Maybe Joe really does invoke Barak’s name after he gets into trouble he can’t get out of.”

                “So, you think that I have nothing to worry about?”

                “Well, Karl Rove of the Wall Street journal has an article about how to impeach a president.  There were three things that were true with Nixon and Bill Clinton. The first is to have a vote in the house, which you’ve commented on.  There’s also a unified staff of Democrats and Republicans not just a committee made up of the majority party.  Lastly, the previous president had their lawyers with them at all times.  None of those happened.”

                “Isn’t this like an indictment?”

                “No, that’s just fake news propaganda.”

                “I hope you’re right, I’d like to get back to work keeping America great.”

                “Me too Mr. President”

                The staffer leaves and another aide is led into the Oval Office.  President Trump states, “Do we know when the IG report is going to be released?”

                “Hopefully in a week sir?”

                “Excellent; any new developments?”

                “Well, the former Deputy Director of the FBI Andy McCabe gave a real forthcoming statement about the Steele dossier and origins of the Russia probe.”

                “I’m really getting sick of this dossier.”

                “Well, McCabe admitted that Steele told the FBI that Steele couldn’t back up his information.  Steele revealed that it shouldn’t be taken as ‘gospel’ and he couldn’t vouch for the accuracy of the material in the document.”

“That is pretty damning.  He must be worried about the report.  I’m not making any order but this is just a pronouncement; not a call to action.  I hope it gets released soon.”

“Me too sir.  The Democrats’ scrambling is getting ridiculous now and Giuliani may get arrested to cover up their corruption.”

“Alright, anything else?”

“That just about covers it.”

“Great, good work.  Thank you.”

President Trump goes back to work trying to run the country.  He needs to focus and put aside all the noise with the Democrats continuing to whine that he’s the president.  The next 13 months most likely will shape up to me the nastiest in American history.  Time will tell. 

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