Saturday, October 19, 2019

Real Characters Episode 28 Writing is forever

                It is January 2017, and Donald Trump has been sworn in as the new president of the United States.  Not many people realize what this moment will mean.  In fact, many will have different answers to the question of what it means.  An answer is that now Barack Obama cannot cover up for the large amounts of malfeasance committed by his IRS and DOJ, especially the FBI and CIA, during the election in hopes of ensuring that Donald Trump never becomes president of the United States.  The Democrats can still count on mainstream media to cover for them but Fox News and other media outlets that aren’t propagandists for the Democrat party are chopping at the bit as information constantly gets leaked out.  Just one source alone could lead to books on the topic.  It shouldn’t be too surprising that this is the case.  After all, Fusion GPS reprinted an article written in 2007 and just changed names to Donald Trump and put Christopher Steele’s name on it.  That document, known as the ‘Steele dossier,’ would lead to a multi-year hoax perpetuated by the mainstream media and Democrats in government positions.  This is by no means the first time.  A woman named Sarah wrote a book called Silent Spring that banned DDT.  She was not a scientist nor conducted or heard about any tests in which DDT kills birds but she just had a feeling.  Her feeling caused many developing nations around the world to suffer heavy casualties since they couldn’t afford alternative pesticides to DDT.  Given that they couldn’t use DDT, malaria carrying mosquitoes ran rampant killing humans at alarming rates.  Worldwide, mosquitoes kill more humans than any other animal including other humans.  Every single malaria death since the banning of DDT can be attributed to one source: the baseless book Silent Spring.  The current source that has truth-seeking individuals salivating is the copious amount of text messages between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok. 

                Although Barack Obama did a good job of shielding himself from what his underlings did while he was president, the Strzok-Page texts hint that he may not have been completely naïve to it.  It is September 2, 2016 and Page texts Strzok, “POTUS (Barack Obama) wants to know everything we’re doing.” 

                As Strzok reads the text message he puts his head down.  All the polls have Hillary Clinton winning in two months. Why is the President so worried about this insurance policy to make sure Trump never becomes president?  Their plan has been working but Obama is the president so he prepares to reveal what he, Page, McCabe among others have been working on.  The FBI should be commended for their work to derail president Trump’s presidency.  Nobody outside of the DOJ will know about this text that implicates Obama until Fox News runs an article entitled, “FBI lovers latest text messages: Obama wants to know everything” written on February 7, 2018. 

                Peter Strzok reads the Fox News article and is despondent.  With all the long hours he had put in to first try to stop Trump from being president and then undermine his presidency when he was, he felt more basal urges.  With FBI lawyer Lisa Page being the closest female to him, he couldn’t resist and Strzok violated his marriage vows and started fooling around with Page.  Now, the whole world knew it and their names were never not mentioned together usually with a moniker indicating his infidelity.  It had ruined his marriage with his wife Mary and his life had been completely destroyed for his lack of self-control and his obsession to destroy President Trump. 

                Lisa Page is also humiliated by the constant reminder to the American public that she was Peter Strzok’s mistress.  She looks back at her life and how she climbed the ranks to become a lawyer for the FBI, a very lucrative job.  Few, however, considered  her a former FBI lawyer.  All she was now was the slut that lured Peter Strzok away from his wife.  Luckily, they still had some friend at the DOJ that was able to redact certain parts of their text messages.  The new FBI director Christopher Wray has been a good friend to all the ousted FBI officials that took the fall for setting up President Trump.  Apparently, this wasn’t lost on the Republicans in congress either as Senator Grassley went after the DOJ for redacting innocuous things from the texts.  He correctly asserts that redactions such as buying a couch for $ 70,000 is not only not a matter of national security, but a cover up that some of the things they did redact were damning.  By mixing inconsequential redactions with embarrassing redactions, you can make people not believe that just because it’s redacted, it’s damning.  She sees an article in Fox News that covers this exact topic.  On May 23, 2018, the headline reads, “Grassley rips Strzok-Page redactions amid mystery text.” 

Page remembers the text from August 5, 2016 and nods her head.  Barack Obama was so focused on Hillary Clinton winning that he forced the FBI, CIA and NSA to work together with the White House acting as the coordinators delegating jobs to them.  She turns on to her friendly media sources and most are ignoring it.  The ones that aren’t laughably claim that they may be talking about something else.  As if, her 2016 wasn’t completely geared toward attacking Republican candidates.  Donald Trump is just the ones people know about because he won.  Really, they went after the entire field.  With all those people to dig dirt up on and come up with a narrative to force them to do the will of the deep state liberals, how were the American people to believe that she had time to do anything else?  Every single thing she talked about was about taking down some Republican candidate and after Donald Trump was the nominee, it was laser focused on him.  She would just have to hope that the American people were that gullible.  Given the traction of the Russian collusion hoax, it appears that they were.

As Lisa Page is moping about her life now, Peter Strzok watches one of the oldest political tricks in the book be executed on him and Page.  Around the same time as Lisa, Peter reads the article about the White House running it.  He smiles as this has been going on for months.  When a politician is handed a plethora of scandalous information about an opponent, there is an old trick in which you slowly leak out a little at a time.  The way it works best is if your opponent denies one claim hoping that you don’t know more and when you leak a little more proving that he lied, it’s even more effective.  Strzok has been smart enough not to fall for this trick.  Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler, however, have not been so fortunate and constantly get humiliated.  Every time something leaks, Strzok knows to keep his mouth shut.  Yes, they destroyed some texts and blackberries but he has no idea what they have so silence is the best way to combat this. Although it is a sick analogy, politics can, and often is, a dirty game.  The analogy used is if you know a dog’s tail needs to be removed, the best way to make it most excruciating is to cut off a little bit off the tip and then a little more.  Every time you cut, the dog suffers more and more.  This is in contrast to just cutting it off at the base.  The dog is hurt one time and then no more pain.  Releasing all the information you have at once is like only cutting the dog once and politicians couldn’t do that with their opponents.  They needed to be ruthless.

The Grassley article is just the latest cut.  Peter is having trouble remembering what was the first cut into the insinuation that President Obama was running this hoax or, as Peter called it, the insurance policy.  The earliest one he can recall was on March 22, 2018.  Luckily, he wasn’t implicated in this one as it was texts between Lisa Page and Andy McCabe, their boss.  McCabe was telling Lisa on October 14, 2016, right before the election, “Apparently Sally Yates (US Deputy Attorney General) wants to be there and WH (White House) wants DOJ to host.  We need to speak with one voice if that is in fact the case.”

                Peter remembered the time well.  Donald Trump had been gaining in the polls but there was still little chance he’d win.  Hillary Clinton wasn’t helping as she stopped campaigning in July but the intelligence department was used to working in the shadows to help the president.  He was almost proud that the CIA, FBI, NSA and DOJ were united in this cause.  They had a lot of pre-meetings to make sure they were all on the same page so as not to contradict each other when they spoke to the President.  Little did he know that CIA director Brennan wasn’t being too forthright.  Peter and Lisa always assumed that all this information about Russia colluding with Donald Trump was coming from multiple sources.  Instead, it was Christopher Steele telling the media and anyone who would listen and then asking them to tell the FBI.  The FBI is the only branch that has prosecutorial power so they are the most important people to find out.  Brennan kept talking about how he had a source but his source was the same as the FBI’s, they just used a different code name for him.  All that came out after the whole conspiracy came crashing down on them.  Since Peter and Lisa were the lowest on the totem pole, they received the brunt of it as they were fired from Mueller’s counsel and not immediately hired by other people.  Brennan and Comey may have been fired but mainstream media gave them a lifeline.  Not even MSNBC wanted to touch him and Lisa.  He thought that the White House meeting went so well.  He really saw no way for Donald Trump to win.  The most likely scenario, he’d lose the election.  Even if he won, however, the pressure he’d receive from their insurance policy with special counsel’s and made up accusations that the mainstream media would gaslight would bring him to his knees to either comply or resign.  That, however, isn’t what happened.  Maybe he should have listened when Donald Trump kept saying that he’s a winner.

                Unlike Peter and Lisa, John Brennan wasn’t going down without a fight.  When he was fired as CIA director, he went on every platform imaginable to attack President Trump.  As a CIA man, he knew how to mislead without lying.  He testified under oath that he hadn’t seen the Steele dossier till December 2016, which was after the election.  That was both true and misleading.  He didn’t need to see the dossier because he was talking regularly to Christopher Steele who put his name on Glenn Simpson’s work.  Fusion GPS and Steele told Brennan what they were saying so that Brennan could parrot it to make it seem like it came from many sources.  The FBI would fire Steele as a source when they realized he was leaking to the media.  They would be surprised when they found out he was leaking to the CIA and multiple other places too.  Brennan did, however, make one slip up.  In August 2016, he went to Capitol Hill to brief the gang of eight in congress.  The gang of eight consisted of Senators Harry Reid (D-Nev), Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Richard Burr (R-NC), and representatives, Paul Ryan (R-WI), Devin Nunes (R-Ca) and Adam Schiff (D-CA).  When he was testifying under oath, he forgot that when he briefed them, he purposely left out Nunes and Ryan as they were very skeptical of the whole thing.  Nunes especially was uncovering all their lies and was figuring out it was a hoax. 

                At the time that he was asked under Oath, all he could think was he wasn’t going to take the fall for Obama.  He was so focused on working in the White House angle.  In May 2017, Brennan wrote a letter under the penalty of perjury that he briefed each member of the Gang of Eight about Russian attempts to interfere in the election between August 11, 2016 and September 6, 2016.  He wanted to bolster this point home so he wrote, “Again, in consultation with the White House, I personally briefed the full details of our understanding of Russian attempts to interfere in the election to congressional leadership.  I provided the same briefing to each Gang of Eight member.”  At the time, Brennan thought his letter was a success as Harry Reid wrote a memo to the FBI demanding an investigation.  He thought nothing of it until a little over two years later, American Greatness wrote a piece entitled, “Did John Brennan lie to Congess about 2016 Gang of Eight briefing.”  Brennan thought back at what he wrote and kicked himself for insisting it was every member.  He knew he left out Ryan and Nunes and thought that he might of left out McConnell too.  They could derail his plan as they were skeptical.  Everyone else was eating up everything he had to say. 

                Oddly, the American Greatness piece came out on the same day that Donald Trump called the new president of Ukraine Zelensky.  This call would lead to another fake scandal that Trump threatened to withhold military aid if they didn’t investigate Joe Biden with regards to his son’s employment at Ukrainian energy company, Burisma.  The reality was the opposite.  Joe Biden threatened Ukraine that he would withhold a billion dollars in aid if they didn’t fire the prosecutor general Shokin who was investigating Joe’s son Hunter and his employment at Burisma.  Lisa Page spent this time laying low and it was finally paying off.  There hadn’t been much talk lately about her texts with Peter as the country was preoccupied with this new fake scandal.  Trump still proved to be unpredictable when he released the transcript of the call proving everyone was lying.  Laughably, Schiff was still sticking to his story.  Dean Cain was coming out with a TV show where he played Peter and read the texts between he and Lisa but it wasn’t getting much publicity.  The favorite text message she ever sent was on June 23, 2017, when she told Peter, “Please don’t even text me again.”

                Although she blamed Peter for humiliating her, the nail in the coffin was when she found out while being questioned under oath if she was aware that the CIA also used Christopher Steele as a source.  She was unable to hide her incredulity but thought she remained professional.  All this time she was trying to swindle the American public and, instead, she was swindled by the CIA.  Now, she was a home-wrecker.  Peter didn’t escape scot-free as his marriage was in shambles.  All Lisa wanted to do was make sure that Peter knew that if Peter and Mary got a divorce, he couldn’t come crawling to her.  On or about October 17, 2019, Donald Trump was having a rally in Dallas, Texas.  Trump rallies had been very successful for him as thousands of people flocked to them despite ANTIFA and, in the case of Minnesota, mayors trying to scare people from not showing up.  Since Trump was no longer an adversary of hers, she watched the speech calmly as she didn’t have skin in the game anymore.  Donald Trump proved to be a worthy adversary but now he had bigger fish to fry.  It was nice being a spectator.  His Minnesota speech may have been his best ever.  This was surprising since he did tell the crowd, ‘what’s wrong with you people’ in reference to their electing Ilhan Omar.  The problem is, the crowd seemed to agree with him.  Something told her that when Omar was up for re-election, the good people of Minnesota may correct that mistake.  During the speech, however, neither she nor Strzok’s name came up.  Finally, the country had moved on from Russia.  As she watched the Dallas speech, her disinterest turned to shock and awe.  She buried her head in her hands as President Donald Trump declared, “Just know that our country is looking into the corruption of the 2016 election.  It was a corrupt election, whether it was Comey or McCabe or Strzok or is lover, Lisa Page.  Two great lovers.  There was a lot of corruption.  Maybe it goes all the way to President Obama; I happen to think it does.  You look at Brennan and you look at Clapper (Director of National Intelligence under Obama), and you got some real beauties, I know that they are looking into the corruption.”  Lisa was wrong, Donald Trump had not forgotten about what they all did to him. 

Lisa opened her twitter account to see how people were reacting to the speech.  Jim Acosta of CNN was throwing a hissy fit about what President Trump said and adding that there was no evidence it went up to President Obama.  Lisa rolled her eyes.  She really wished that people would be more concise with their language.  All of 2017 was article after article about how her texts with McCabe and Strzok revealed that the White House and President Obama were heavily involved in the Russian collusion hoax.  You can argue that maybe texts between two people having an affair weren’t a reliable source but you can’t really claim that it isn’t evidence.  It probably wouldn’t hold up in a court of law to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, though it may even do that, but denying that it was evidence is just asinine.  Jim Acosta just can’t get out of his own way.  She supposed that she had to give him credit for trying but she was a little more vindictive now.  She wanted everyone to go down just like she and Peter did.  Biden may be doing a better job of that than Trump as he can’t help himself by utilizing Barack’s name to his dealing with Ukraine about Hunter and Burisma.

Lisa isn’t the only one watching the Trump rallies.  Barack Obama is also glued to the television.  He had fought the urge to call Biden personally to tell him to stop using his name but he can’t be sure that it won’t leak.  Biden is a cornered animal and cornered animals, by nature, are very unpredictable.  Biden may just go to the press about the phone call.  Obama tried to send a subtle hint by endorsing Canadian president Trudeau.  That way Biden knows that Obama isn’t just enjoying his vacation of no longer being in charge of the free world, he is still in the business of endorsing candidates.  He’s just not going to endorse Joe Biden.  He isn’t hopeful that Biden got the message but he’ll be watching the debates to see if Biden drops his name again.  He turns the channel to President Trump’s chief of staff Mulvaney.  Mulvaney is asked a question about why the transcript of the phone call was moved to the securest of locations.  Barack was president so he knows the reason.  There had been a massive leaking problem so everything needed to be treated with a high level of security.  This is especially true for Donald Trump because, unlike Obama, he can’t trust his intelligence department.  Mulvaney isn’t stupid; he realizes the question is a trap geared toward having him comment that the phone call was secured in the most highly protected server.  Instead, like his boss the president, Mulvaney holds nothing back and reveals everything.  First he declares, ‘I’m not going to answer your question the way you want but I will answer it.’ He then goes on to explain that if they were trying to cover it up, they wouldn’t have released the transcript to the public.  They also wouldn’t have given it to the DOJ immediately to take a look at the call.  Barack just shakes his head.

                As Barack changes the channel, he finds that Gordon Sondland is testifying on Capitol Hill.  He yells at the TV, “Oh come on! You know what he’s going to say!”

                Sure enough Sondland repeats what he’s been saying all along and all interested parties know because they have read the transcript.  There was no quid pro quo.  Sondland adds to the transcript by mentioning that Trump repeated several times there was no quid pro quo.  This isn’t news to Barack as he saw the texts between Sondland and Bill Taylor where Sondland told Taylor that he was wrong when he thought Trump threatened Ukrainian President Zelensky in any way.  Obama frustratingly articulates, “Everyone has the transcript.  Just read it.  You’re wrong, move on to a different angle.  This round goes to Trump.”

                Barack switches gears and looks into the topic he cares most about.  President Trump had sucked the life out of ObamaCare when he got rid of the individual mandate but luckily, Obama still had some loyalists in office that stopped him from repealing all of it.  He looks at polling and sees that the more extreme form of his program, Medicare for All, is losing popularity.  Instead, the terminology that Obama used, ‘public option’ is increasing in popularity.  Obama is encouraged by these findings for many reasons.  On one hand, if the American public is too dumb to realize that the public option is the same thing as Medicare for All, then maybe they will believe that even though the transcript directly contradicts what the media is reporting, they’ll believe that President Trump really did threaten Ukraine.  He voices this out loud and his 21-year-old daughter Malia asks, “How are they the same thing dad?”

                Barack hopes that Malia doesn’t think that he just called her dumb.  He explains, “The United States government has monopoly power.  No matter what, the American people have to give us money in the form of taxes”

                “That’s obvious”

                “Right, but that also means we don’t need to make money when we have policies.  It allows us to operate at a loss.”

                “Like a monopoly”

                “Correct.  The government constantly does things that are frowned upon in the private sector.  Look at social security.  It is the ultimate Ponzi Scheme but whereas private people like Bernie Madoff go to jail for it, the government continues to collect the money.  Monopolistic strategies and policy is another example of that.”

                “That makes sense.”

                “Given that we don’t need the money from premiums, if the government offers health insurance to people, what can we do that private insurance companies can’t?”

                “Charge premiums under the market value so we operate at a loss.”

                “Right, so now the American public has to choose between paying more for insurance or less.  What do you think they’re going to choose?”

                “Well, they’re going to pay less.”

                “With everyone leaving their insurance companies for the public option, what happens to private insurance companies?”

                “They go out of business.  Or, I guess they could lower their price to the public option, wait no, they can’t because then they’re losing money and will go out of business anyway.”

                “Then once all the private insurance companies are out of business?”   

                “We can jack up the prices because we’re the only game in town.  We, in a sense, own the medical industry because we’re the ones paying the doctors and hospitals so they have to do what we say.  We tell them who to treat and what to charge.”

                “And since there is only two ways to distribute resources; price and rationing, and they no longer can distribute them by price?”

                “We ration care.”

                “So, what do you have?”

                “The exact same problem as Medicare for All.  You have extremely high medical costs that we pay for by raising the prices, which in this case means increasing taxes on all Americans since that’s the only way the government makes money.  Everyone’s tax rates will double or maybe even triple because there’s no more private insurance.”

                “There you go.  That’s how the public option is the same as Medicare for All.  I knew you were smart enough to figure it out; you just didn’t think about it.”

                Malia is Harvard educated so if she didn’t figure it out without Barack walking her through it, then maybe the American public wouldn’t catch on either.  This was Barack’s plan all along and it seems to be working.  He just wished that he would get credit for it.  If Biden wins the nomination, Biden will take credit for his idea.  Right now, Biden was the front runner in the field of people putting forth the public option.  Maybe Obama should endorse him so that he can get some of the credit.  Then again, the thought of being in a position of weakness where he needs something from Biden sickens him.  After everything Biden has done dropping his name to try to get out of scandals and linking him to Biden’s mistakes, Obama doesn’t want to ever ask anything from him.  Maybe it would be better if Hillary or Mike Bloomberg jumped into the field to eliminate Biden.  Barack was unsure of the answers but he knew that Donald Trump being re-elected was devastating for him.  The question was: what was more devastating for him, a socialist winning or Donald Trump? 



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